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APPENDIX 2 - Gantt Chart of Project Activities

Milestone Activity Duration Jan. Feb. Mac. Apr. Mei. Jun. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dis.
1 A 2 month
2 B month
! " 2 month
# D 1 month
$ 1 month
% F 1 month
Activity &
'A( Setup )or material* apparatus an+ all necessary e,uipment re,uire+ )or pro-ect an+ printer mo+el )or reverse engineering are
gathere+. .everse engineering processes /ill also be stu+ie+ +uring this perio+.
'B( Fabrication o) pie0oelement as actuator to in1-ethea+ an+ all o) its necessary component element to ma1e the in1-ethea+ /or1 /ill
be carrie+ out in laboratory. 2he in1-ethea+ is aim to )inish at this stage.
'"( Analytical /or1 an+ all necessary test to ensure its e))ectiveness an+ applicability /ill be carrie+ out +uring this stage.
'D( Data analysis collecte+ )rom analytical /or1 in milestone !
'$( Mechanism establishment an+ report +ocumente+
'F( .eport an+ prototype submitte+

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