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ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements

Two Marks
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME 54 Engineering Metrology & Measurements
1. What is Range of measurement?:
The physical aria!les that are measure" !et#een t#o alues. $ne is the
higher cali!ration alue % & an" the other is 'o#er alue '& The "i(erence
!et#een %& an" '& is calle" range.
). What is Resolution?
The minimum alue of the input signal is re*uire" to cause an apprecia!le
change in the output +no#n as resolution.
,. De-ne: Measuran".
Measuran" is the physical *uantity or property li+e length& "iameter& an"
angle to !e measure".
4. .ie any four metho"s of measurement
1. Direct metho".
). /n"irect metho".
,. 0omparison metho".
4. 0oinci"ence metho".
5. De-ne 1ctual si2e
1ctual si2e 3 4i2e o!taine" through measurement #ith permissi!le error.
5. Di(erentiate accuracy an" 6ncertainty #ith e7ample.
1ccuracy 8 0loseness to the true alue.
E7ample: Measuring accuracy is 9 :.:)mm for "iameter )5mm.
%ere the measurement true alues lie !et#een )4.;< to)5.:) mm
6ncertanity a!out the true alue 3 9 :.:)mm
=. Di(erentiate !et#een precision an" accuracy.
1ccuracy 8 The ma7imum amount !y #hich the result "i(er from true alue.
>recision 8 Degree of repetitieness. /f an instrument is not precise it #ill gie
"i(erent results for the same "imension for the repeate" rea"ings.
<. De-ne Repeata!ility:
The a!ility of the measuring instrument to repeat the same results g the act
measurements for the same *uantity is +no#n as repeata!ility.
;. 0lassify the 1!solute error.
The a!solute error is classi-e" into 1. True a!solute error ). 1pparent
a!solute error
1:.What is Relatie error.
Relatie error is "e-ne" as the results of the a!solute error an" the& alue of
comparison use" for calculation of that a!solute error. The comparison may
!e true alue or conentional true alue or arithmetic rnean for series of
11.0lassify the errors
The errors can !e classi-e" into
1. 4tatic errors 8 Rea"ing errors
8 0haracteristic errors&
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
8 Enironmental errors
). 'oa"ing errors ,. Dynamic error
1).What is the !asic >rinciple of measurement:
/t is the physical phenomenon utili2e" in the measurement. /f energy +in" of
*uantity measure"& there must !e a unit to measure it. 4o this #ill gie the
*uantity to !e measure" in num!er of that unit.
1,.What are the important elements of measurements?
The important elements of a measurement is
/ . Measuran" ). Reference ,. 0omparator
14.What is 'E.1' METR$'$.?
'egal metrology is part of Metrology an" it is "irecte" !y a @ational
$rganisation #hich is calle" A@otional serice of 'egal MetrologyA. The main
o!Bectie is to& maintain uniformity of measurement in a particular country.
15.De-ne True si2e:
True si2e is Theoretical si2e of a "imension
15.Di(erentiate !et#een sensitiity an" range #ith suita!le e7ample.
E7ample: 1 /nstrument hae a scale rea"ing of :.:1mm to 1::mm.
%ere& the sensitiity of the instrument is :.:lmm i.e. the minimum
alue in the scale !y #hich the instrument can rea". The range is :.:1 to
1::mm i.e. the minimum to ma7imum alue !y #hich the instrument can
1=.DeCne system error an" correction.
Error: The "eiation !et#een the results of measure" alue to the actual
0orrection: The numerical alue #hich shoul" !e a""e" to the measure"
alue to get the correct result.
1< classi-cation of measuring instruments.
1. 1ngle measuring /nstruments.
). 'ength measuring /nstruments.
,. /nstruments for surface -nish.
4. /nstruments for "eiations.
1;.De-ne 4pan:
The alge!raic "i(erence !et#een higher cali!ration alues to lo#er
cali!ration alue.
E7ample: /n a measurement of temperature higher alue is )::D0 an" lo#er
alue is 15:E0
means span 3 ):: 8 15: 3 5:E0
):.What is Response time:
The time at #hich the instrument !egins its response for a change measure"
1. What are the consi"erations #hile manufacturing the slip gauges?
The follo#ing a""itional operations are carrie" out to o!tain the
necessary *ualities in slip gauges "uring manufacture.
1. First the appro7imate si2e of slip gauges is "one !y preliminary operations.
). The !loc+s are har"ene" an" #ear resistant !y a special heat treatment
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
,. To sta!ili2e the #hole life of !loc+s& seasoning process is "one.
4. The appro7imate re*uire" "imension is "one !y a -nal grin"ing process.
). What are the arious types of linear measuring instruments?
The arious "eices use" for measuring the linear measurements are
i.Gernier calipers ii. Micrometers iii. 4lip gauge or gauge !loc+s i. 0omparator
,. 'ist out any four angular measuring instrument use" in metrology
HiI 1ngle gauges HiiI Dii"e" scales HiiiI 4ine !ar #ith slip gauges HiI
1utocollimator HI 1ngle
4. What is comparator?
0omparators are one form of linear measurement "eice #hich is *uic+ an"
more conenient for chec+ing large num!er of i"entical "imensions.
5. 0lassify the comparator accor"ing to the principles use" for o!taining
The common types are: HiI Mechanical comparators. HiiI Electrical
comparators. HiiiI $ptical
comparators. HiI >neumatic comparators.
5. %o# the mechanical comparator #or+s?
The metho" of magnifying small moement of the in"icator in all mechanical
comparators are e(ecte" !y means of leers& gear trains or a com!ination of
these elements.
=. 4tate the !est e7ample of a mechanical comparator.
1 "ial in"icator or "ial gauge is use" as a mechanical comparator.
<. De-ne least count an" mention the least count of a mechanical comparator.
'east count. 8 The least alue that can !e measure" !y using any measuring
instrument +no#n as least count. 'east count of a mechanical comparator is
:.: 1 mm.
;. 4tate any four a"antages of ree" type mechanical comparator.
HiI /t is usually ro!ust& compact an" easy to han"le.
HiiI There is no e7ternal supply such as electricity& air re*uire".
HiiiI /t has ery simple mechanism an" is cheaper #hen compare" to other
HiI /t is suita!le for or"inary #or+shop an" also easily porta!le.
1:.Mention any t#o "isa"antages of ree" type mechanical comparator.
HiI 1ccurac of the comparator mainly "epen"s on the accuracy of the rac+
an" pinion arrangement. 1ny slac+ness #ill re"uce accuracy.
HiiI /t has more moing parts an" hence friction is more an" accuracy is less.
11.$n #hat !asis the trans"ucer #or+s?
1n iron armature is proi"e" in !et#een t#o coils hel" !y a leaf spring at one
en". The other en" is supporte" against a plunger. The t#o coils act as t#o
arms of an 1.0. #heat stone !ri"ge circuit
1).%o# is the accuracy of an electrical comparator chec+e"?
To chec+ the accuracy of a gien specimen or #or+& -rst a stan"ar" specimen
is place" un"er the plunger. 1fter this& the resistance of #heat stone !ri"ge is
a"Buste" that the scale rea"ing sho#s 2ero.
Then the specimen is remoe". @o#& the #or+ is intro"uce" un"er the
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
1,.4tate the #or+ing principle of an electronic comparator.
/n electronic comparator& trans"ucer in"uction or the principle of application
of fre*uency mo"ulation or ra"io oscillation is follo#e".
14.4tate the principle of interferometry.
Mutual interference occurs #hen t#o rays #ith same #aelength meet at
same point. The nature of interference #ill "epen" upon the phases of the
t#o #aes at their meeting point.
15.De-ne plug gauges.
>lug gauges are limit gauges #hich hae t#o en"s namely .$ en" an"
@$.$ en". Joth these en"s are har"ene" an" groun" to perfect si2e. .o en"
#ill !e e*ual to the lo#er limit si2e of the hole an" @$.$ en" #ill !e e*ual to
the upper
15.4tate TaylorKs principle.
TaylorKs principle states that .$ gauge shoul" chec+ all relate"
"imensions simultaneously& #hereas @$.$ gauges shoul" chec+ only one
"imension at a time.
1=.What "o you mean !y autocollimator?
1utocollimator is an optical instrument use" for the measurement of
small angular "i(erences& changes or "eCection& plane surface inspection an"
so on.
1<.4tate the types of pneumatic comparator.
>neumatic comparator has !een classi-e" into t#o types. They are: 1.
Flo# type an" ).Jac+ pressure type.
1;.What "o you mean !y snap gauges?
These gauges are also calle" as gap gauges an" are use" to chec+ the
e7ternal "imensions. There are "i(erent types are snap gauges aaila!le 1.
>rogressie type an" ). Dou!le en"e" type.
):.De-ne #ringing of slip gauges.
Wringing is the property of measuring faces of a gauge !loc+ of
a"hering !y sli"ing or pressing the gauge against the measuring faces of
other gauge !loc+ or the reference faces or "atum surfaces.
1. @ame the arious types of pitch errors foun" in scre#?
HiI >rogressie error HiiI Drun+en error HiiiI >erio"ic error HiI /rregular errors.
). @ame the arious metho"s of measuring the minor "iameter of the threa".
HiI 6sing taper parallels. HiiI 6sing rollers an" slip gauges.
,. @ame the arious metho"s for measuring e(ectie "iameter.
HiI $ne #ire metho" HiiI T#o #ire metho" HiiiI Three #ire metho".
4. What is !est si2e of #ire?
Jest si2e of #ire is a #ire of such "iameter that it ma+es contact #ith
the Can+s of the threa" on the pitch line.
5. De-ne. Drun+en threa"
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
This is one& haing erratic pitch& in #hich the a"ance $f the heli7 is
irregular in one complete reolution of threa".
5. What is the e(ect of Can+ angle error?
Errors in the Can+ cause a irtual increase in the e(ectie "iameter of
a !olt an" "ecrease in that& of nut.
=. What are the applications of toolma+erLs microscope?
HiI 'inear measurement HiiI Measurement of pitch of the scre# HiiiI
MeasurementLof threa" angle.
<. De-ne: >erio"ic error.
The perio"ic error repeats itself at e*ual interals along the threa".
;. De-ne: Mo"ule
Mo"ule3 pitch circle "iameterM num!er of teeth
1:.De-ne: 'ea" angle
/t is the angle !et#een the tangent to the heli7 an" plane perpen"icular to
the a7is of cylin"er.
11.@ame four gear errors.
HiI >itch error HiiiI 1lignment error HiiI 0omposite error HiI Thic+ness error
1).De-ne : constant chor"
0onstant chor" is the chor" Boining those points& or opposite 1aces of
the tooth.
1,.De-ne fullness an" emptiness in form factor.
Degree of fullness HNI3 area of metal M1rea of eneloping rectangle
Degree of emptiness 3 1 8 N
14.What are the stylus pro!e instruments?
aI >ro-lo meter !I Taylor %o!son Talysurf cI Tomlinson surface meter
15.De-ne: 4traightness of a line in t#o planes.
1 line is sai" to !e straight oer a gien length& of the ariation of the
"istance of its points from t#o planes perpen"icular to each other an"
parallel to the "irection of a line remaining #ithin the speci-e" tolerance
15.De-ne: Roun"ness. @ame the four measurement of roun"ness.
/t is a surface of reolution #here all the surfaces intersecte" L!y any plane
perpen"icular to a common a7is in case of& cylin"er an" cone. a. %eart
s*uare circle. !. Minimum ra"ial separation circle. c. Ma7imum inscri!e"
circle. ". Minimum circumscri!e" circle.
1=.De-ne : lay
'ay: 8Direction of the Lpre"ominate surface patternL
1<.What is runout?
Run out. 8Total range of rea"ing of a -7e" in"icate $r #ith the contact points
applie" to a 4urface rotate"& #ithout a7ial moement& a!out , -7e" a7is.
1;.What are the t#o metho"s use" in measuring ra"ius of concae surface.
aI E"ges are #ell "e-ne". !I E"ges are roun"e" up.
):.What are the metho"s use" for ealuating the surface -nish?
aI >ea+ to alley height metho". !IThe aerage roughness metho". cI Form
factor metho".
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
1. What is interferometer?
/nterferometer is optical instruments use" for measuring Catness an"
"etermining the lengths of slip gauges !y "irect reference to the #aelength
of light.
). @ame the "i(erent types of interferometer?
1I @>' Catness interferometer )IMichelson interferometer ,I 'aser
interferometer 4I Oesis gauge !loc+ interferometer.
,. What is crest an" trough?
The light is a form of energy !eing propagate" !y electromagnetic #aes&
#hich is a sine cure. The high point of the #ae is calle" crust an" the lo#
>oint is calle" is trough.
4. What is meant !y alignment test on machine tools?
The alignment test is carrie" out to chec+ the gra"e of manufacturing
accuracy of the machine tool.
5. Distinguish !et#een geometrical test an" practical test on a machine tool
The alignment test is carrie" out to chec+ the gra"e of manufacturing
accuracy of the machine tool. >erformance test consist of chec+ing the
accuracy of the -nishe" component. 1lignment test consist of chec+ing the
relationship !et#een arious machine elements #hen the machine tool is
i"le. >erformance test consists of preparing the actual test Bo!s on the
machine an" chec+ing the accuracy of the Bo!s pro"uce".
5. Write the arious tests con"ucte" on any machine tools
1.Test for leel of installation of machine tool in hori2ontal an" ertical planes.
).Test for Catness of machine !e" an" for straightness an" parallelism of !e"
#ays on !earing
,.Test for perpen"icularity of gui"e #ays to other gui"e #ays.
4.Test for true running of the main spin"le an" its a7ial moements.
=. Why the laser is use" in alignment testing?
The alignment tests can !e carrie" out oer greater "istances an" to a
greater "egree of accuracy using laser e*uipment. 'aser e*uipment pro"uces
real straight line& #hereas an alignment telescope proi"es a& imaginary line
that cannot !e seen in space.
<. 0lassify the machine tool test.
/t can !e classi-e" into 1. 4tatic tests ). Dynamic tests.
;. What are the "i(erent types of geometrical tests con"ucte" on machine
1. 4traightness. & ). Flatness. &,. >arallelism& e*ui8"istance an" coinci"ence.
1:.What is 0MM?
/t is a three "imensional measurements for arious components. These
machines hae precise moement is 7&y&2 coor"inates #hich can !e easily
controlle" an" measure". Each sli"e in three "irections is e*uippe" #ith a
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
precision linear measurment trans"ucer #hich gies "igital "isplay an"
senses positie an" negatie "irection.
11.De-ne a7ial length measuring accuracy
/t is "e-ne" as "i(erence !et#een the reference length of gauges aligne"
#ith a machine a7is an" the correspon"ing measurement results from the
1).Write the types of coor"inate measuring machines
1. Jri"ge type
). %ori2ontal !ore mill
,. Gertical !ore mill
4. 4pherical coor"inate measuring machine
1,.Write some features of 0MM soft#are.
Measurement of "iameter& center "istance can !e measure" as follo#s:
1. Measurement of plane an" spatial cures
). Minimise 0@0 programme.P
,. Data communications.
4. Digital input an" output comman"
5. /nterface to 01D soft#are
14.De-ne machine ision.
Machine ision can !e "e-ne" as a means of simulating the image
recognition an" analysis capa!ilities of the human system #ith electronic an"
electromechanical techni*ues.
15.What are thefour !asic types of machine& ision system?
HiI /mage formation.
HiiI >rocessing of image.
H iiiI 1naly2ing the image
HiI /nterpretation of image.
15.Write the a"antages of machine ision system.
HiI Re"uction of tooling an" -7ture cash.
HiiI Elimination of nee" for precise part location.
HiiiI /ntegrate" automation of "imensional eri-cation HiI Defect "etection.
1=.De-ne grayscale analysis.
/n these techni*ues& "iscrete areas or #in"o#s are forme" aroun" only the
portions of the image to !e inspecte". For "etermining if !rac+ets are
present& high intensity lighting is positione". This type of "iscrete area
analysis is a po#erful tool an" can !e use" for inspection of a!sence& correct
part assem!ly& orientation& part& integrity& etc.
1<.Mention the a"antages of 0MM.
HiI The inspection rate is increase".
HiiI 1ccuracy is re"uce".
HiiiI $peratorLs error can !e minimi2e". 4+ill of the operator is re"uce".
HiI Re"uction in calculating& recor"ing an" set up time.
HiI @o nee" of .$M@$.$ gauges.
HiI Re"uction of scrap an" goo" part reBection.
1;.Descri!e the features of a Ce7i!le inspection system.
HiI 1 po#erful computer seres as a real time processor to han"le part
"imensional "ata an" as a multi Lprogramming system to perform such tas+s
as manufacturing process control.
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
HiiI The terminal proi"es interactie communication #ith personnel
0omputer #here the programmes are store".
HiiiI /nput "eices microprocessor !ase" gauges an" other inspection "eices
are use" in 0MM.
):.E7plain !rieCy the three important -el"s of machine ision system
/nspection: t is the a!ility of an automate" ision system to recogni2e #ell8
"e-ne" pattern an" if these pattern match these store" in the system ma+es
machine ision i"eal for inspection of ra# materials& parts& assem!lies etc.
>art i"enti-cation: /t is the a!ility of part recognition proi"es positie
i"enti-cations of an o!Bect for "ecision8ma+ing purposes.
.ui"ance an" 0ontrol. Machine ision systems are use" to proi"e sensor
fee"!ac+ for real time gui"ance.
1. What are loa" cells?
1re "eices for the measurement of force through in"irect metho"s.
). .ie the principle of hot #ire anemometer
When a Cui" Co#s oer a heate" surface heat is transferre" from the surface
an" so the temperature re"uces. The rate of re"uction of temperature is
relate" to Co# rate.
,. 4tate any four inferential type of Co#meters
Genturi meter& ori-cemeter& rotameter& pitot tu!e.
4. What is the principle inole" in Cui" e7pansion thermometer?
0hange in pressure in the !ul! is ta+en as an in"ication of the temperature.
5. Mention the principle inole" in !imetallic strip.
/s !ase" on change in "imension
5. What is thermocouple?
When t#o metals are Boine" together it #ill create an emf an" it is primarily a
function of the Bunction temperature.
=. What is thermopile?
When thermocouples are connecte" in series it is calle" thermopile
<. 4tate the principle of proing ring.
When a steel ring is su!Becte" to a force across its "iameter& it "eCects.
This "eCection is proportional to the applie" force #hen cali!rate".
;. E7plain the principle of optical torsion meter.
Due to tor*ue& an angular t#ist occurs on the shaft !et#een its en"s.
This angle of t#ist is measure" !y using optical means #here in the angular
"efection of light rays is proportional to t#ist an" hence the tor*ue. the classi-cation of "ynamometers.
Dynamometers are classi-e" into the follo#ing types: 1. 1!sorption
"ynamomters& ). Driing "ynamometers an" ,. Transmission "ynamometers.
11.4tate the !asic principle of o!struction meters.
When a -7e" area Co# restriction of some +in" is place" in a pipe
carrying the Cui" #hose rate of Co# is to !e measure"& the Co# restriction
ME 54 Engg Metrology & Measurements
Two Marks
causes a pressure "rop #hich aries #ith the Co# rate. The pressure "rop is
measure" using a "i(erential pressure sensor an" #hen cali!rate" this
pressure "rop !ecomes a measure of Co# rate.
1).Mention the applications of Genturimeter.
a. /t is use" #here high pressure recoery is re*uire".
!. /t can !e use" for measuring Co# rates of #ater& #astes& gases an"
suspen"e" soli"s.
c. /t can !e use" to measure high Co# rates in pipes haing "iameters
in a fe# meters.
1, the main parts of Rotameter.
a. 1 tapere" transparent glass tu!e gra"uate" to rea" Co# rate "irectly.
!. 1 Coat #hose "ensity is greater than that of the Co#ing Cui". The
Coat "iameter is such that it completely !loc+s the inlet of the
tapere" transparent glass tu!e.
14.4tate the principle of Jimetallic strip.
1ll metals change in "imension& that is& e7pan" or contract #hen there is
a change in temperature. The rate at #hich the change in "imension "epen"s
on the temperature coeQcient of e7pansion of the metal an" this
temperature coeQcient of e7pansion is "i(erent for "i(erent metals.
15.Mention the materials employe" in !imetallic strip.
1. @ic+el8iron alloys #ith chromium an" manganese.
). /nar.
15.E7plain the principle of RTD.
When an electric con"uctor is su!Bect to a temperature change& the
resistance of the con"uctor changes. This change in resistance of the con"uctor
!ecomes a measure of the change in temperature #hen cali!rate".
1=.Mention the application of RTD.
a. /t is usually use" #hen temperature measurement is to !e "one from
!. 6se in continuous monitoring situations.
1<.What "o you mean !y thermistors?
Thermistors are non8metallic resistors of ceramic material haing
negatie coeQcient of resistance& use" to measure temperature.
1;.Mention the type of thermistors.
a. Jea" type.
!. Disc type.
c. Washer type
". Ro" type.
e. Wafer type.
) the materials use" in thermocouples.
a. 0hromel alumel.
!. /ron8constantan.
c. Rho"ium8/ri"ium.
". Tungsten8Rhenium.

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