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M u l ti -com p ressor Adva ntage

Most ofthese ducted systems use more than one compressor Thi s gi ves them the advantage of hi gh
part l oad efhci enci es, si nce the enti re evaporator surface i s avai l abl e to the system even duri ng
part l oad condi ti ons.
Run- t i me Equa l i sat i on
The i ntel l i gent control l er ensures that al l compressors
(i n
mul ti compressor uni ts) run for equal
number of hours, thus ensuri ng equal wear
Hydr ophi l i c Coat i ng
The al umi ni um fi ns used on the evaporator coi l have a hydrophi l i c coati ng. Thi s coati ng hel ps retai n
the moi 5ture on the fi ns from where they drai n to the bottom by gravi ty. Thi s hel ps reduce the
moi sture carry-over wi th the suppl y ai r.
EPE I nsu l at i on
The evaporator secti on ofthe i ndoor uni t i s i nsul ated usi ng fi re-retardant EPE i nsul ati on.Thi s reduces
l oss ofcool i ng.
DIDW Bl ower Desi gn
These systems use advanced DIDW type centrifugal blowers with forward curved blades, which offer
hi gher ai r throw.
Effi ci ent Ai r Fi l ters
Ai r fi l ters made of non woven pol yester medi a encl osed i n HDPE mesh are provi ded. These are
effi ci ent and can be cl eaned easi l y.

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