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The Americas, or America,[5] [6] [7] also known as the New World, are the

combinedcontinental landmasses of North America and South America,[8] [] in the Western !emis"here#
[$%] Alon& with their associated islands, the' co(er 8#)* of the +arth,s total surface area -.8#/* of its land
area0# The to"o&ra"h' is dominated b' the American 1ordillera, a lon& chain of mountains that run the
len&th of the west coast# The flatter eastern side of the Americas is dominated b' lar&e ri(er basins, such
as the Ama2on,3ississi""i, and 4a 5lata# Since the Americas e6tend $/,%%% km -8,7%% mi0 from north to
south, the climate and ecolo&' (ar' widel', from the arctic tundra of Northern 1anada,7reenland,
and Alaska, to the tro"ical rain forests in 1entral America and South America#

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