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PTA Board Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2014
Raymore Elementary School Library
Call to order: 6:04pm - by Maria Goldsmith - A quorum was present and the secretary was present.
Minutes from May 13, 2014 were approved with changes
- Under treasurer report teacher grant balance will rollover was removed and under principal report PSE
training was corrected to PLC (Professional Learning Communities). Under new business last name was added
for Tim Hocker.
Treasurer report: Balance $13,732.17 end of fiscal year
Last fiscal year end report completed. Audit to be completed with Ali, Amy Benz, and Maria Goldsmith
New school year PTA memberships so far 50 family memberships and 21 individual memberships
Budget changes were made for this year Faculty Appreciation was increased $20, a $25 increase to each book
fair for supplies, and teacher grant changed to technology grant
Fundraiser changes this year no bingo for books, 2 book fairs instead of 3, no family dance this year, cookie
dough sale in October, 1 skating party instead of 2, family coed self-defense night scheduled
Principal report:
No MAP for this year interim assessments throughout the year
Staff participated in Violent Intruder Staff Training
Secured entrances completed Panther Pride entrance and front entrance to building
Old business:
Motion by Stacy Kudron to present budget changes and seconded by Sara vote will be taken at Meet the Teacher Night
PTA memberships need to be paid by board members, if havent paid, need to pay on Monday, August 11
, at Meet the
Teacher Night or on district website
New business:
Meet the teacher night August 11, 2014 4:00 7:00pm need volunteers for PTA table
o Popcorn and lemonade (cafeteria)
o 6:00pm vote on Budget/PTA unit meeting in cafeteria
o Watch D.O.G. table volunteers
o Spirit Wear Sales
Watch D.O.G.S Kickoff Mtg August 12, 2014 6:00 7:30pm need volunteers for check in, serve pizza and
watch children
School chocolate fundraiser for technology August 21 Sept 12
PTA Cookie Dough Fundraiser approved Mrs. Fields cookie dough fundraiser items
Committee reports:
Kate Zeysing (wellness coordinator w/ school district) she will be Paradise Park coordinator
Trash bag sales Stacy Kudron will contact Suzanne and schedule dates and get forms printed
Adjourn: 8:00pm

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