2014 06 26 Statewide Fireworks Safety

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Maryland State Fire Marshal

News Release
Martin OMalley Brian S. Geraci
Governor State Fire Marshal

Statewide (June 26, 2014) With the arrival of summer, State Fire Marshal Brian S. era!i is
su""estin" that Mar#lan$ers atten$ %u&li! fire'or(s $is%la#s. I would highly suggest the safest way
to enjoy fireworks is to attend one of the many public fireworks displays throughout the state. state$
era!i. )o hel% Mar#lan$ers en*o# a safer summer season, the State Fire Marshal offers several 'a#s
to en*o# fire'or(s 'hile avoi$in" in*ur#+
,onsi$er atten$in" one of the numerous %u&li! fire'or(s $is%la#s s!he$ule$ throu"hout
Mar#lan$ ever# #ear. -eave fire'or(s to the %rofessionals. ,he!( the Mar#lan$ State Fire
Marshal 'e&site at+ '''.m$s%.or".firemarshal for liste$ %u&li! fire'or(s $is%la#s throu"hout
the state.
For those in$ivi$uals 'ho insist on the use of !onsumer fire'or(s+
/ur!hase the fire'or(s in the lo!ation 'here #ou inten$ to $is!har"e them. ,he!( 'ith the lo!al
muni!i%alit# to $etermine 'hat fire'or(s are !onsi$ere$ le"al for use in that area.
0ea$ an$ follo' la&el 'arnin"s an$ instru!tions.
1o not allo' small !hil$ren to use fire'or(s.
1o not !onsume al!oholi! &evera"es 'hile usin" fire'or(s.
2ave a &u!(et of 'ater or hose availa&le
Full# e3tin"uish remains of fire'or(s in 'ater &efore $is%osal.
Firewor! "a#e $ee% a &o%' traditio% o( t"e )
o( *+&, "o&ida, -e&e$ratio%!. P&ea!e /ae !a(et,
,o+r %+/$er o%e 0riorit, !o e#er,o%e -a% e%1o, t"e "o&ida, !ea!o%.2 a$$s the State Fire
1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208
Marshal. B, a-ti%' re!0o%!i$&,3 we -a% "e&0 e&i/i%ate (irewor! i%1+rie! i% Mar,&a%d.2
Me$ia !onta!t+ Bru!e 1. Bou!h, 1e%ut# State Fire Marshal4 445652466786
)he 9ffi!e of the State Fire Marshal is an a"en!# of the 1e%artment of State /oli!e $e$i!ate$ to hel%in" %rote!t
!iti:ens from fire an$ e3%losion throu"h a !om%rehensive %ro"ram of e$u!ation, ins%e!tion, investi"ation an$
fire %rote!tion en"ineerin". For more information on fire safet# !all 167006;2;65124, lo" onto our 'e&site
at+ '''.m$s%.or".firemarshal an$.or htt%+..fa!e&oo(.!om.Mar#lan$StateFireMarshal.
1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

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