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Chat Log C:\Users\User\Documents\ChatLog 5_25_14 to 6_15_14 Tuesdays_ Specia

inter!ie" preparation cass #or $er#ormance %ngineering &roup 'y (i)am *ahmood
2+14_+5_25 1+_5,-rt#
+./012_Seid 3mer 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: yes
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Yes
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: I joined late last week and misunderstood.
+./012_Seid 3mer 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Yes
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Shakeel is asking
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Mr. Majid you need to fx your resume, by
adding/deleting things you did and didn't do.
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: ijam !ai I'!e a "uestion
;2<:2(2 :2(9$ 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: #. $es%ribe your &re!ious &roje%t
'. (ell something about yoursel)
*. +hat ty&es o) issue you )ound in your &re!ious &roje%t
,. +hat do you mean by memory leak
-. +hat is the %a&a%ity &lanning
.. +hat is the di/eren%e between laod test /stresss test and anduran%e test .
0. 1ow to write &er)orman%e test &lan and test %ase
2. +hat ty&e o) monitoring tools you use in your &re!ious &roje%t .
+./012_Seid 3mer 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Yes
+./012_Seid 3mer 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: 3uestion
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: +hat is the di/eren%e between test &lan
and test %ase4
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: 5ust like we wrote in 3ualtiy 6enter.
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: +e wrote test %ases in Mr. 1ani&'s %lass.
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: yes but that is a job )or )un%tional tester
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: i'm trying to fgure it where we going to do
test %ase in 7(
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: what i) your s%ri&t has *88 itaration4
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: iteration9
rahee a)har 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: Iterations has nothng to do with it. Yoy mean *88 ste&s4
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: I ha!e one more "uestion be)ore you go
nijam !ai
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: what is ex%e&tion handeling in load runner4
5.64(7_*3:2**2D 9SL2* 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: i ha!e "s
5022(7_S289L *2:'U' 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: sure nijam !ai
+./012_Seid 3mer 4to 2 5 %ntire 2udience6: (haanks )or your hard work

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