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E i q th G r a d e r o
Gad u-a te
f I

ii'or the first time in the his j2'f:i
tory of the Chugiak School for- !;'!}.
mal graduation exercises will
be held for the eigth grade ::tf:\
Gr.adua tes
....... . ..
The exercises ui ll take place 't>:j'r
on :tednesday, I.ay 18!h at 8 pm
in the schools multi-purpose W',
1 1
t <
. '
'l'he students of the 7!11 grade
will decorate the room for the
ceremony and Lr. Cl-iff Hartman
principal of Crah Dee Jr
aigh School trill' be the guest
students are being sponsored
by their parents.
* *
Reese Tatro and oper
ator the the Peters Creek
Dari-Delite today announced
the sale of the popular drive-
in to Erso rarjorie Conroy of
Palmer. Conroy \/ill talte over
on I-.ay the 25
1> and for the
present, plans to conti'nue
operating in the same manner
as the Tatro's have since they
built the Dari-Deli te in 1954.
The Tatro's to)re6din
in the area until about the mid
dle of June, at tlhich time
they plan to return to their
farm in Texas.
* *
Durand II , six old Ger-
man Shepherd puppy last \'/eelc
made 1\viation History by be-
ing the first dog to fly over
the North :?ole.
iJurand l'las :mrchased in Ger-
many by krs. ;1ichard Burg of
Burg's BirchtTood Kennels in
Chugiak and uas shipped over
(cont page 5 col 2)
. r(see page 3 for' story)
LE/1GU3 PRi.C'riCE
Rde;et' Jonrot'le of Birch
vood suffered a serious
eye injury tthen a baseball
struclc her in the
f:rs. Joni'011e \'laS vatching
the Chugiak Little LQague
practice t-.han the accident
The youngster t'lho threw
the ball \las not ame of the
players, but a younger chilo
uho was playing near the
ball d:i.amond.,
t:rs. Jonrotte ttas rushed
to Providence Hospital,
emergency eye sur-
gery tias necessary. Her
glasses had broken from the
impact, and resulted in
a cut on the cornea of her
eye. The exact degree of
the injury was not knot-m
at the time.
* * *
i\ (t'J.IR TO

Plans for the JUaska State
Aviation Fair and Sportsman
Shou are progressing very
Netl program material con-
tracted for the Fair includ-
es four evenings of horse
racing by professional and
State licensed horse racing
(cont page 4 col 3)
CimGHJ{ -10
Annual Election
The Chugial{ Assoe-
will hold it's ann-
ual meeting to elect off-
icers to the Board of Dir-
ectors on." Monday, r.iay the
23rd at the Carnvial Hall
at 8 Pti.
Officers must be elected
to fill the vacancies by
those directors tthose terms
this year
to be replaced are: Robinson
Dale Briggs
Ray Tcdrott
Tom Slanlter
Ed \lhite (filling an unesw
pired vacancy caused by the
resignation of i.Jorothy st ..
One vacancy created by the
resignation of Lr.
Tp be eligible to vote in
the election, one must be a
resident of the Chugiak Area
and thirteen years and older.
All residents of the com-
munity are urged to turn out
and help elect the nett board.
Bruce Robinson, ?resident
of the current board, stated
the fbn the meet-
ing being held earlier this
year, uas to give the incom-
ing board time to plan a
of July Carnival, if they de-
* * *
PROGRi\l-1 UNDTI:a:1flY
Mrs. Russell (Zlsie) Oberg
announced that she is not'/
accepting registration for
the 4H program.
1\ny boys or girls uho t'li 11
have had their birthday
before the 1st of August are
1 Cberg cays that she
f is accepting registration
in all phases of 4H tJorl{;
farming and gard-
ening), cooking and seuing.
(cont page 4 col 2)
: c:::J::nzR
Hi.&tii!:T (.lU.:.TY)
and :-UBLISlmR
Fublis hed every tednesday in
, C "UGII.;, ALASKi:.
25 per quar ter ( 13) \'leeks
mai l ed to your address
FOR .l!E:!C L:: .. .::; CLLL:
liC- 2-5275
Ads or
1,1ay be ma iled to:

D.iitDLI N;.!; i.i'CR
J,.DS: Noon on Londays
G pm on r ondays
(Lasr minute neus i terns may bt
phoned in Qt any tir.:e.)
* ..
!e uisll to once more make men-
tion of a matter which t'le have
discussed in the
Z'c those of you ttho bring
ll9\1S i terns and announcements
... :- :"t.::> pont. office to be pl-
the che box, pl-
remember, they must be
placed i n an envelope with the
p:oqper amount of postage affix-
Llthough ::=aul .Suanson, our
l)OstmJster i s very happy to
acts beyond the call
::; duty f or the residents of
is he is prohibited
"ln:F t o pl a ce anything in
... ' os t office
boxes that
h.l:> not .;om,"Jlied t1i th the
. .
oi':f\ice regulations.
- .'e -real h :.e hhat most , persons
not atJar e of this and do
; ot r ee. lize that by merely
.. <>!:1 ng Paul to ";>ut this in
':he c:-0 :I:t1 box", that unless
t1ave led it properly
he is unabl e to do this.
' Infor mation for the Courie
may either be phoned in
EC-2-5275 or brought to the
office at mile 23.
But if you leave it
a\. t '!e J?Os t office, mail it

(letter to the editor) e
school, it uould seem to \
me should be brought out .. -"))G-:..!.0
;:::; : 'l' .;,._{+ """"
into the open. It is uell V 0 t
that an informed public . . ..
should express their opini . 7>
om; on colllr:luni ty rna t ters. l1 . 'S;J.I'&i!f!J
In matters of the school , l
this should include teach-
ers and \tho
have at least as much int-
erest as others. Zxact in-
formation, not hea rsay can
be .gained by including sch-
ool peopleo
The ruQ)ors, \/hich I have
heard, are there are
one or more petitions or le-
tters being ci r culated, so-
r.let-Tha t undercover, re la ti ve
to school affa irs. J ne sup-
posedly concerns the hiring
of bus drivers and t i!<!t the
shoul d be hi r ed from the
of the uner.1ployed; one
t hat the in the
school s hould be eliminated
t he s pace us ed to r.lchte
s everal class r ooms; anot-
her that r r. '3ttanson, becau-
se he is the s chool
has a mono) oly on renting
quons ets, and tha t the t ea-
chers are pr a ct ical ly r e qu-
ired to rent a partments or
- houses from him. There are
reportedly other rumors ,
some of t:rhic:'!. tJecr:t to have
a persona l
3umors are double edged,
often :::;rou in the telling,
a nd often on the
This t'leek lte will t a.::e time from
plugging other business in (;hu-
to give a feebl e toot on
our otm horn.
In adclition to t he
of a t1eekly neuspaper , t !1e :'nilt
Arm Courier is also
to help you wmth those special
printing jobs that you may need
from time to time .
\!i th our present ec:_ui pment
we can turn out form letters
or announcements , in additi on
to advertising hand- bills or
prices, like our adver-
tising rates, are louer than
average; but \1e do not stint
on effort .
In addition to the hand
art tiork llhich is familiar to
to thereaders of the CCURI3R,
tle can also turn out photo
duplication. .
your needs may ,pe,
tickets, noti ces., printed
forms , the
you to call us and let us !mow
your needs. ::e speciali _ e in
illustrated material , and can
either reproduce your O\JO
drqt'lings, or design something
original for you.
.11enever. you have any !>rint-
ing to be done, thinl: fibrst of
the cc u:n2..1.
Lay 18\l.!,
The Cook of the

:ere is one of :]thel' s favorite
This single crust
pie is easy to iiJalt.e and if very
for either company
of to serve tti th coffee
at a group.
cu._, sugar { burnt
2 tbs margerine
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
4 tbs
2 tbs brotm sugar
1 cup uhite sugar
:?inch of salt
2 cups mill{
cup sugar in saucepan
PLnCE over medium heat unti l
from heat
10') Y: cup tJater
CCd3IN3 in double boiler
r.lillt, sugar, eg3s, Galt
cornstarch and burnt sugar
REmOVZ from heat
L!XJ vanilla andmargerine
:?CUR in ba!{ed ;?ie shell
TCP ui th merangue or uhi pped.
T:1e next t-!ell baby clinic
be held at the Chugiak
r.:ethodish Church on t:ay 25tb
o.'ednesday, betveen 1 & 3 PZl.
* * *
For Summer Play
<=R/.DUt.TICN Dir!Nlli1
The dinner for the eighth
graduates tl'is
year be l1eld at ttto separ-
ate locations.
Cne 0roup of parents and
children tdll meet at the
LampoEit Inn at 6 Pi: and
have their dinner prior to
the graquation exercises at
the school, t'lhile a second
and hrger r;rotip t'li 11 go
to the Glacier Room at Ft.
at 10 pm follow-
ing the exercises.
This year the graduation
dinner tJas arranged by the
parents of the graduates
rather than by the PTh as
in the pasto
PCPU::-.. TO
Carol .' i tl!erel, teacher at
the Chue;iclt .:Jchool has an-
nounced her engagement to
Gerland Connell )f Birch-
The pair are planning
to be married on i:ay 28th
at the United r rotestant
Church in ?almer.
r:iss '.li therell, tfho has
been fifth
grad':) in for the
nast tt1o years calls
fleu Yor!c her home.
L;. . Connell for
the 'ih.l: .
The cou'l)le -,lan to mal:e
their in Birchuood.
The school neus uhich the
students had turned in to
be printed in this issue
of the c _U112R had to be
deleted in favor of the
onen letter' from kr. &un-
ert, which tte felt deserved
* *
:.'hen planning our return trip
we had made available to us
the services of the 1.uto Club
(A/.;.). i11l that ue needed to
do tras call and tell them our
destination. In t:1e follo::ling
mail ue received a :!_)&cket of
maps and information uhich
covered our entire route from
start to finish.
The special strip r.1aps had
the best route me.rlted cle:lrly
in blue pencil, and the book
form v1as much easier to hand-
le than the conventional road
Also listed ttere recommended
places to stop and eat or sleep.
!e found in QOSt cases
the accommodations uere excel-
lent, and also the booklet
listed the rates of all
and motels that it recommend-
Included tti th the road maps
uas a thumbnail commentary of
the country through ':lhich we
would be passingo
Only t1hen t'/e started up the
A1as!ca :Hghttay did ue find the
information of little value.
The standards uhich the i .Il.!.
required for accomodations in
the "south 48" applied to so
fetJ of the places along the
I:ight'lay that very fet: tfere
and hundreds
of miles ttould be as
having no place to stop.
It uas here that ue fell
bach: on the oild stand-by the
"t.:ilepost", tlhich lists all
accommodations and nervice
stations, regardleso of hotf
"" I
"fancy" they may be. ..or
as those of us who have driven
!mow' there arc
times when tte cannot afford to
be fussy. * * * *

c .. ::,...:; and GIFTS: ... .... C.t'J3:.ti.C
7EN &: ::-::!'l!CIL SETG BILLFOLDS for
r.;ay !3!ll' 1960
;Ji!:N # ], : Thurs . 4 to 5
r.;rs . Braendel
... Tues . 6: 30- 7:30 pm
Iirs. Fillmore
# 3 Once a month
!irs. Toune
(day camv)
in Cimgiak f.rea
has been for June
15lli and 16lli and for
June 21st, 22nd and 23rd.
The camp \:Ti 11 be located
at the Isaac . .'alton League
and ?icnic Grounds
in 3irchuood.
i' .. ll gir 1 scouts and brown-
ie in the Chugialt area are
eligible to
Those desiring to do so
must with their
indivi dual scout leaders
before the lst of June.

# 4 Thurs. 7-8 p:n
T-1rs , 3dtTards
1 ( 4:! cont )age 1 col 3)
1r f
Tues 7-8 pm
!irs. .'haley
6:3G-7:30 pm
r-:rs. Jones
.:'uc:::;c.luy 1 - t5 pm
I:rs l\sher
.. ... * -
There uas very little Den activ
i ty this !_)c:st 11ee:; due to the in-
in Leabue Baseball .
* * *
Cub .Scout Swimming - 'ednesday
1-:ay 1011! 6:30 r-m. Ileet at
, The deadline for registr-
' ation in is the 15C!
of June .
iirs. Cberg re<;_uests that
all interested boys and girl
sign up early.
r.:rs. .1\llen Davis, chairman
of the Civil )efense Blood
Typing Fro3ram report ed a
turnout on both nights.
li total of 82 persons
shotled up to have their blood
typed, the majority of \tho
,.,ere children.
Lrs. )avis requests once
again, that those ttho al-
-------------:----1 ready !:nou their blood type
felt it unnecessary to
CCOUT DAY .. CAMP come dom to tl1e school
There uill be a meeting of the
Cub Gcout G6ommttee at the
home of .!o .::Jtepi:ens on 1.ay
25u at C
' :::'LdJff..ID
should call either herself,
Summer Day Camp for al l Girl at or contact
,'ir ut {n..,xt col.) (ne"t col . )
.. GJ: 1
(blood: ty!Jing)
Civil :irector 2ay
:!enriches at the kcrle ]iv-
er narduare Ctore report
their blood ty!Je, in order
to help CD re-
The local ryost8acter, as
t-Jell as the ...:Oi!c Lrm Courier
ui 11 also malce record of
blood ty Jes if t:1is
prove nore
* *
(l,vi ation Fair, Cont )age 1
col 2)
associations. This evening
event promises so1ne real ex-
citement .
:1ave baen r.mde ..
for a display cont&ining the
latest transistor air-
craft and oarine electronic
ecuinment . One interesting
dis) lay uill be im-
plimented by i\ir-
craft Corporation, distrib-
utor of the netT Umbagh U -18
rotary uing aircraft.
Of real intereot to the
sportsman uill be the big
boat and accessory dis]lays.
The Midnight Jun 3oat Comp-
any t'li 11 have boat .:its on
display for the
do it your-
sel f". fan to augmer-t the man)'
other narine dis:>lays.
Satisfactory9rogress is. '
beinJ made for a open-
ing parade. Tile parade
eme is Seuards Folly to ..,t-
atehood. The flexible nature
of a parade calls for addit-
ional entries until Jar&de
time .. (cont 9 coll')
.... ,., --
1 : .

P L U J.i B 1 1'\ G
. E L E C T R I C A L B U I L D E R S S U P l) "L I E S_
.. H 0 U R E.S
3f.Li-:CN !l:GGS and r;rsc2LLJ:,'l20US :?.QUii?r.;:!lJT in the entire area.

t ...
J,;rs. Leon (:.1uth) Hartman, of
mile 22 and her three sons
ha-ge left for .Cordova where
they ui 11 join Er o r:artman
t1ho is t'lorldng there.
* * * * **
trs. .'alter Dahlman of Berlin
Germany arrived in Chugiak
on ;:i'riday i:ay 13lli after a
10 flight over the North
Pole via St.s. Y.:rs .. Dahlman
tti 11 S)end the next six month
visiting uith her daughter
r.;rs. Burg of BirchttOO
Jahlman also has a son
f'eter, living in Chugiak.
** * * * *
Archie ::utichson of mile
has e.nlisted in the Navy and
.is leaving for Jan Diego Cal-
if. uhere he uill undergo
.. "Boot
****** "

(dog makes flight cont page
1 col 1)
via S.i\S airlines \1hich flies
the north pole route.
This canine poineer was
named for vurand I, favor ite
of the Birchttood Iiennels tt1ho
passed last year.
* * * * *
c:u.r .:F C:LLBRCE TO
The Latanusl-ta Valley Cham-
ber of Commerce , through the
State Aviation Fair
Committee , is sponsor i ng an
award for the outstanding
light plane pilot of the
year 1959.
The FM .. has joined i n the
pormotion and have establi-
shed the criteria for the
selectiono They ttill also
act as "at least" a part of
the judging staff. The au-
ard ui 11 be on the ev-
ening of June 2<3!!! at a "Bush-
Pilot banquet" to be held in
This is planned as an an-
nual atrard; and besides the
specially designed trophy,
the )erson selected tt1ill re-
ceive gifts from v&rious man-
In order that complete
.Jtatetiide coverage be gained,
all chambers , neuspapers and
s Clubs are beincr aslt-
Pf,GE 5
(bush pilot cont)
program maximum publicity and
to fortrard their nominations
to this office, to arrive not
later than June lOlli, lS6o.
* * * * *
The school term ends
week, uith eigbh graders ex-
empt from attending school
1:1i th the exception of the
graduation exercises.
Grades l through 7 had reg-
ular school hours tri th the ex-
ception of Thursdc:y the 19!!!.
The annual school ?icnic
is to be held today ( .!ed-
This year the teachers :>f
each individual classroom
are conducting the picnics
for their oun grou)
* * * * *
The meeting of the Rriendly
Neighbor Club, scheduled for
.Jednesday Iay lG!ll has been
cancelled due to the illness
of hostess Dee Stallard.
The meeting has been ;ost-
poned to .'ednesday i-:ay 25!!:!
at which time Lrs . Jtc-.llard
will be able to act as host-
ess. It uill be an evening
meeting beginning at 7:30
Pr: .
, Jim and r.:arie !:cDotTell of ed to give us t:tleir fullest * * * * *
Hoi':ler uere in Cb.ugiak over coo:)eration in giving this
__ _;(ncxt col.)

T 0 M Is's 0 u R: s E R vIcE I pRIcEs
HO - 2 8
S t R VIC E - COAl
(I 'e\IS and uctivi tL :... f
the C .. LIDR.
By: Betsy i-.ickey
7or your convenience the
Library is beginning the -'-'
practice cf publishing names
of those tthose cards bave ex-
- ereafter, all cards paid
for betueen the lst and 15tl!
of the r.1onth are dated as of
t:1e 1st. Cards paid for be-
tueen the 15tl! and 30!1! t"li 11
be dated as of the lst of the
'i'he follO'.Jine; is a list of
current expirations:
BeHringer, :l:dt1ard
Cavness, .!:.C.
Cox, Albert
.&lmert, !.L.
Fretuell , Pf\ul
r::ellers (no first name )
Hutchison ( no f irst name)
Joines, Ruby
Laul::at, F .R.
Lee, F. s.
Libhardt , George
Pearce, /lllen
8t1anson, Paul
VanKampen, l'Ji'ck
i therall Carol

yatt, 1Reuben
The above are invited to
come to the library and re-
neu their c ards .
J'or a ret..inder, the librar
(n "::t -col . )
ttill be o;oen during the sum-
mer from 6:30 to 8 pm


The Chugiak Club
met at the home of Dottie Fet-
row last Thursday for a meet-
ing and pot-luclt:
The ladies each t1as to bring
her favorite dish, and surpris-
ingly a \:Tell bc-.lanced meal was
the result,
The club had been requested
to a:>pear on rJorma
TV program, and Barbara uarrlSO
and t,!ona Taylor t-1ere s tJlected
to represent the club.
It t-1as voted to but a Den r:o-
ther 's uniform for Nancy :.sher.
The current project of the
Club is ;na'::ing of children'
dresses for the llaska Native
Service tal. This pro-
jec+ is being shared t1ith the
Yakala :1omemal-:ers in the :?.agle
Ri ve.c i'..rea.
The next meetine; uill be n pi
nic pot-lubk at the Isaac !al-
ton lange and ?icnic Grounds in
Di rch\1ood, This 1:1ill be on
June 2nd at 11 a . m. In the
event of rain the uill
meet at the home of Cleda Gte-
* **
groups tmd t"li th the JeJ?art-
ment of .2ducation.
I tmuld like. to give just
one exam:lle as <o hou reli-
able information might cha-
nge the picture of anything
being discussed. This is re-
lative to the apar.tment for
the superintendent, If this
space to be used for a
classroom, it woul<l result
in not several, but one class
room that uould be about 176
square feet , smaller than the
other classrooms in the bui -
The superintendent
pays per month for the '
use of the apartment, and i n
addition, 1:eeps aGain--
st vandalism, the operation
of the ttater system, hec.ting
system and many other things .
LiEing in the school building
his office hours are anytime
any one uishes to cooe to the
school or to call.
To date, the Gtate
ment of Schools prm-
nciples or of
nearly all state operated sc-
-hools, regardless of sizt., to
live in the school as the most
economical uay of protecting
and caring for their build-
ings4 They at some
time change the policy, at
least for less sch-
_......_ _____ -------- ------1
,''.s far as t he :.:resent super-
intendent is concerned, it
t1ould be t1orth the extra cost
for house rental to be abl e to
set office ho2rs and to get
com.!,)letely auay from
affairs outside of ho-
urs, if the .3tate ::ept. of
felt it be
(letter to the ea.itor, cont
ilage 2 col 2)
the most t' ing.
rumored to circulating or at
least signing the letters or
petitions. i",ikeuise rumor in-
dicates that nome of these pe-
ople are :_JerRons uho have never
had, do not have, and r.robably
never t1ill tave children in
school, ana 3ome are veEy rec-
ent arri vals.
There has been a c;reat deal
of raisinformation accer)ted as
true , relative to other sch-
ool affairs. is certain-
ly an unnecessary situetion,
uhen a simple i at the
school office could obtnin ac-
curate inforr:w.tion - e11d this
could be further ui th
the 3tate Jepartn:.ent .
sTAr:n,.RD a:.ccr: c.1.J'Jl1
CCLJRW ?/.TIC .3T:r! .

i 18'h
I feel sure most 9eople
in our community notJ that any
school '}roblems :an be discus-
sed ui th me in a friendly
at any ti:r,e, and that I vel-
:ost of these arc not
eu ancl bett discussed
reviously .i tll ::iifferent
(n col . )
This sort of situation re-
(cont 8 col 3)
C ; . J GR;. CJ:1 J:NT G;li. Vl3L TCPSC IL
::?XCAVATICN D1 S . !31';.CI'T1LL
i .ILE 181/z UC- 2-5180
__ .....:,.. _____________ . .-
iJ Thurn b
By: 2d 3aldwin
?he transplanting of native
trees' is not difficult if cer-
tain !mown rules are follo\'led.
J.:ost any size birch or .spruce
can be successfully moved.
trees, heavy branched
trees, my 30 ftiet high, should
be root pruned the year before
being rr.oved to give the toots
a chance to heal and to give a
year for the forming of nett ro-
ots t!i thin the .:)runed ared.
.:maller trees, any tllat tuo
.. en cun hundle, can be moved
usually !Jrevious pre-
Generally the roots on sma-
ller trees shoul d be c ut
from the trunk at ground level
one foot for each inch of tru-
nk diameter, that is, a 4 inch
trunk 13hould bave the roots cut
Green Thumb) (teen dances)
inutes, the tree tli 11 likely the Chugiak .. rea. They are
ie. The tree sho..:. ld be set uell chaperoned and no alc-
li th all possible speed in a holic beverages are -;remit-
reviously prepared spot that ted. There is aft admission
as been thoroughly \oJed dot'in. of 50 stag or drag", and
Plant the tree shallou, no soft drinks are also sold to
deeper that it gretl in the \lil help defray the uplteep of the
Place one to five _ounds of clubhouse.
bone raeal under tree. tliss Short trishes to con-
sure that no hollmJ places are vey the thanks of the club
left under the roots. /, mound tor.:r. & Lrs. Dale
of dirt or dike should be pla- and to r..r. :1alph Gnad uho
ced over the ends of the roots have been acting as chep-
to hold uater and to hold the erones .
tree solid until it st- * * * * *
arted in its nev location.
or thirty foot
trees should be guyed three
\rays tTi th rope to prevent the
\lind sha.ldng them up. Spruce
trees can be moved anytime .

time up until the leaves are
gro\m. If lear:..:bearing tre
must be moved later than that
about * the leaves should be
strfpped of the branches ev-
enly over the tree.
T22rl3 f.OLD JE2ICLY

A meeting at tJhich the sub
ject of maintenance and imp-
rovement of "pioneer access
roads" be discussed has
been scheduled
those \IThich provide access
to main highuays and uhich
to date have not been main-
tained by the state.
in a circle 4 feet out fN>m t!Je " DctJ T TtlE D!.NC-
It has been suggested that
it uould be to the best in-
terests of Chugiak that rep-
resentatives of this area plaa
to attend this meeting to br-
ing local problems t o thei r
tree trunk. Since all.l treeiS 23'', says Jane Short, pub-
root shallQw, use a Sharp axe c tlicity chairtnan of the Chu-
cutting dmm in the soil arou- giak Teen Club.
nd the trees 6 inches deep. Theese dances tlill
':':1is ,.,ill cut off all the ro- be an part of the
ots and the tree can then be summer recreation program of
tipped out and loaded on the the club.
The meeting \ti 11 talte place
on the lOlli of June at the
Loussac Libtary beginning at
9 am.
* * *
:)ick-up. every eve-
.. 'ater should be on hand to ning from G to ID2 pm at :.tmu.u. CBA
uet doun the roots. If the the Teen Clubhouse these t:EETirJG & - r CNDI'.Y
little hair roots are dance's are open to all te- r:.\Y 23rd- Spm- c;4:U!IV1\L
__ ____
CiiUGIAI: CH!.?BL {i'. ..ssemblies of
Rev. Bernard Tettell Pastor
Sunday .3chool , l0:00 am
servu-: . 7 : 30 pm
Bible Gtudy pz:ayer meeting
:Jed , 7:30 pm
ChristJs i.mbassadors (Young
* * * * "'
CUUGIAlC :JT. !:JJT:-;cNY '3
VF'.I Ball; Sat ,all classes
:t e,, ... c lO:OO am

r.:cndays: l.3t commnnion &
primary 4 : 00 pm
Intermediate & confirmation

* * * * *
Ule it!: :iagle Rive.:-
E. C. Chron ilinistc1
Sunday School e:43 am
r.;onning ""forshi p ., .,11: 00 :1m
B.TuU , 6:30 pm
EYcning :rorship. ",. e < 7:30 pm
prayer meeting. , 7: 30 pm
The 4lli .!od. of each month the
f.ollowing groups meet at
,. , ,7:30 prn

'J i ;rs::ICI!i .. .1Y UNION
Nur.sery ope:1 during ...
Rev. i.i :!.ler Pastor
SunJay am
i vrning :.'orship.,.
11:00 am
3erv. Tues 7:30 prn
* ... * ** *
Sunday pm
CamHelight Inn i.:ile 221,2
.'alter I'ollocl:
John r'orterfield I.inisters
Chugiak VF;.r :1all i ile 2(Jh
.. 'ed. and Junday ..:o9m
* * * *
The lJ-:U clri ve fund "ther
rnometer" on )age S sholls
a slou but continued rise.
* * ** *
. J -C.Clfl.1UlnTY BAPTI3T C!lURCH
Re'\ Paul Hugh.:s Pastor
Sunday Schoolo lO:OO am
Norning :!orshi p. , ,, , , 11:00 am
Young Paoplc< 6:30 pm
Evening Jorship
'fed. Prayer meeting 7: 30 pm
s t'ITorltshop
Thursday . 2:00 pm
Crusaders, Thurs 4:30 pm
* * * * *
i1ayne Hull
S'Jnday Schc.') 1. 9: 45 a1r
tlorning ... c ., .11:00 am
Youth Fello\Jship, pm
Choir F.ahearsal,Thurs.8:00 pm
'.!SCS lst Thurs . 8: 00 pJ;i
Official ,Jrd Tues.
.;. * * *
.,.., (" ol-
.J{.:!l -t:.t.. Evangcli..;"'t
t.;. . ..
H.1ble Scr.oo l ,. . : ". ::co c..r.
lk l ' . ..
. I tl.u Lc rd ' s n
* * ... *
Rev Joseph vvery
Sunday Gchool lO:OO am
. 11:00 am
Evening .!orship. o,., 7:30 pn.
Tuesday morning prayer
meetingo > ll:OO a
Youth Fellow.::;hip .. c .. .,.7:30 prr
* * ... * *
changes in the
should be submit-
ted to the Courier not lat-
er than 6:00 pm on r.:onday of
each <
This to any
special notices or programs.
* * * ..
Q 0 D S
A reminder that June 6ili
is the opening 0ate for
Daily Vacation Bible uch-
ool at the Chugiai>: Cha1)el
(r.lile 201/z) Palmer ::h1ay.
The ti\l)e uill 1:00
to 4:00 in tho after-
noon, i :on day through Fre-
day, closing June
'i'here torill be Beginner,
Junior and Int-
ernediate de)artments
uith interesting c;.asces
of Gtudy and

June 6t! -1711!
* * * * *
(Letter to the 2ditor
cont page 6 col 3)
minds :ne of r:.y childhood c":ays ,
uhen three or four boys and
myself aade it a habit to vis-
it an adult c.uite of-
ten. There tras a ucy across an
open g.:-assy town but
ue invariably uoulcl th-
ere behind trees un-
To our ad3lescent
minds, this provided a g ..
thrilL I hope most of us
have outgro.m our childhood
If a1;yone is unable to come
and talk ui th a note 11
be courteously and
I shall try to give factual
information. I Jarticularly
beg of to of the per-
son not connectea trith the
school uho all of "the
facts and about the
school. Cne can certainly
evaluate the "teller" as
uell as the "tale".
Chugiak School
* * * "
tirs. Dove :uu of the Dept.
of. Health and '.Jclfare, 1Jisr1eG
to the peo!)le of Chu-
giak fol' their response to
the call fo: i:o:neo for
She that as a result
I of the article in
1 the CvURI.&1 several of the
boys have been placed
* * "' **


:.'3Di!2SDl.Y ;.:ay 18th, 1960
Ct,b -:!out StJimDing 6:30
i.ect at Center
TaU:-'.G:n.Y i :ay lSlli 1S60
I FCR 15 cu ft ZEraTH chest
I type freezer lr/quick freeze
1 - -
I Z. il. 3:.::LL..'UNG3R r:ile 23

. !clfare .rori:er at Chugiak
i Jthcdist Church, lOam to
1?. noon.,
1 Gerhard
s Baclthoe Service
Obergs Zagle (l\Jext to Dr ad ley
s )
Ghl .Scout Troop #54
I-:ay 1960
Dance i Clu::>house, e pm
Ce.rnival !:all, 8 pm.
r.::1;y 22nd, 1960
': . ..::.z:vrc2s
: i::ay 23rd, 1960
c_:' bi. Jill.,:-1:CT!Ct!, CLli'HV,\L
8 pD.
i 'LY 24lli 1960
!Enrg.::;Ji.Y, i.:ay 1960
CJJ3 :JCCUT C2i i i .i:B':'IHG
l!i pr.: Gte )hens
.. 'ell Baby Clinic,
i :,\';I!: 3.":IZS. !.lso re-
pairs and alterations.
i!:thel i:c/.llister H0-2-5341
J::::>B P:1If!TIIlG: 7orr.l Letters
Le;+flets, tickets? posters
hqndbilln, illustrated material
/ANTill>: Cara Coventry
Fashio:l Director, of Full
time \Jor!c; must have car, be
married or over 21 years.
Call o-2 .. 52C5 for intervieu,
1.-3 pm., ---------------- - -
l:i. Lrary Cpen 6: 30-8pm rlt!;LP .!i:IITB..7) : r 'ature tl'onan to
?1!:I::JDLY Stallard.c; care 2 small childr:n and
7; : 30 do light housc\Jorl= Five daye
per t-Tcck, .00 day.
--- --------------See i rs. Leon 3hook r.:ile 14 or
:i'v.; Fair, cont page 4
col 3)
SJ.y t:h ing acts t:Jhich have be-
: 1 for the Fair tJill
!"' . ;, sa'fety and the "real
a!'Pl' ach to ving.:.-tha t
uhile spectacul-
a!'., ... ttainly can do r.tuch to-
ctlucatina- the 1ublic in
b I
' - ' 1 t t . I .
. .;;r-:t.rp ee1cn a 1on 1s
...,: . .:>trin;s satisfactory progress
\ :mt col 3)
u K IVt
!Leave message at Bradley's r :kt.
Person or family to
live in Quom:et or in
otm trailer at Chugi ak Carn-
ival Grounds. Free rent and
ligtils in return for acting
as caretruter. No janitorial
services CAll:
r=o-2- 5282 after 6
Rli.L ZCT .. T3
FOR Sl:.LZ: 28' modern trailer &
lean-to. on 70
150' lot lf7cesspool $2400
See :1eese Ta tro r;i le 211,2
FeR .31.:::..3: .e:reage.

acre trac
Q/250 I agt.tay frontage . Beaut-
iful vietr oi i 't, r:cKinley and
Inlet. I:i.le For furthv.L'
informc:.tion .3ee at
mile or cnll Lill.
=c "2-5275.
(CL! .SJI:!'I2D
FCR .3<.LE: 48 ' x .uonsets
on 70
x 150' !ott.
T.1.ll;s See Rease Tatro
!:ile 211/2
FCR Gl.LE: 2J/? ncre tract 0::1
Ski at ui le 21
ially conpletcd basement
:!ill seil for or trade
for 1957 o::- '58 Jtt.tion ..
on in good condition. Bee
Brinson at mile 17/? or Call
J.RL c::u::nJ1.1 :.::e2e5275
FQill!D: Child3 grey :;arka
approxiQately size 12. Found
at Carnival Grounds. Call
Druce 3C-2-5282
F1lli::!: : The i.rm Co uri
will p::-int froe
a<ls for teen-agers see!dng
summer uori::, or for' anyon-1
desirin8 to hire teen-ager:;.
------------------' ..
P :.aT OR FULL time uanted
for summer,, Boy, 14
old. Jir.uny
% Steve Lund 7.C. Box 113

.!f.N'r.:!:D Full time summer job
17 year old boyo 3ave
ers license and truck
:?R2B: The rillik 1.rm Courier
tfill print free one classif-
ied ad per month to anyone
uho subscribes or renetts for
one year during the raonths
of r.:ay and Ju,er This offer
is good for the duration of
* * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
:1vaition fair cont col 1)
vith a large va:::-1ety of good
concessions, among which '.Jill
be a 4eal /.laslcan fish dinne!'
as served b;Y; the i atc:.nuslta Val-
ley Sportsmen's Club.
specific recent develop-
ment, the of display
areas to is
nou in full suing. J lt:ough
response of disple1yers and
concessionaires been good,
there is ahrays rooill for ot:1ers
* "'
z.:.GLE lt:IVZR .::; .. ,)F?ING CENTER
59/ #
HOUR3: llam t o 8 pm
SUND.WS llam to 6 pm
T i ./_TO;:s
39/ tube
2 bunches/19
? I DB
6 oz. I
L I B B Y 3
t ;Irt"..CLE :JI!IP

65/qt .
vi.1t:.I!G:J JUICE
4/ 89
BUNCH iltwl$I!?.S
7 flavors
G 0 C D S Z A S 0 NS
3AL1'.D Drt:!:s:i IrJG

1 & -2 # Cans
D U T C il M A I D
5 flavors
C!.I2 i.J:X

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