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Reference Request

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS

The person named in the email accompanying this request has named you as a
Please enter your details below and provide us with a reference on the
applicant's suitability to undertake the proposed programme of study.
Section 1 Your details
Telephone umber
"#mail !ddress
Section $ !pplicant details
Please include the following information in your reference&
'ength of time that you have known the applicant and in what capacity
The applicant's motivation and aptitude for postgraduate study
The applicant's intellectual and academic ability( including any distinct
strengths or weaknesses
The applicant's ability to work both independently and as a team
)etails of relevant work e*perience
+f the applicant's ,rst language is not "nglish( please indicate their
standard of written and spoken "nglish.
Please be aware that under the provisions of the )ata Protection !ct 1--.( we
may be required to make the contents of our applicant ,les /including any
references0 available for inspection by the individual concerned.
Section 1 2eference

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