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Period 8:00-8:46
Why does English matter?
Why do students have to take an English class every year? Why is reading and writing now incorporated
across the curriculum? The answer is simple: English is the starting point for hundreds of roads to
success. Whether you want to be a salesman, businessman, teacher, politician, artist, athlete, or rock
star, good communication skills are a must. I am here to support students as they prepare for life after
high school. Please dont hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Introduction to course
Eleventh grade English is a course dedicated to enriching students understanding of American
literature. Throughout the year, we will study historical documents, poems, short stories, and novels
from pre-colonization to modern times. During this course of study, students will complete activities and
projects to further their reading, writing, and communication skills. A major project will also be required
each semester.
Supply List
1 composition notebook
1 package of paper
1 package of #2 pencils
1 package of black ink pens
1 package 4-color highlighters
1 package note cards
1 USB thumb drive (optional)
1 1 inch 3-ring binder
1 package of dividers
I will try my best to make this English class a fun, fair learning environment. For this to be achieved, we
must all work together toward the common goal of student success. The classroom should be a safe
place where everyone respects and is, in turn, respected. This means that students should support each
other, complete their assignments in a timely manner, and do their best to contribute to the lessons. I
do not expect students to sit quietly and listen to me talk the entire time. All relevant questions and
comments are welcome and highly encouraged.
Late Work
Work is to be turned in on the day it is due unless you are absent. You will be given one day for
each absence. After the allowed make-up time, the work is considered late. 10% will be deducted
for each day the assignment is late.
Extended projects (research papers, etc.) will have a set due date that is not subject to change. If
you are absent the day before the paper is due, you do NOT get an extra day to complete the
assignment. If you are absent the day a big project is due, you must turn it in BEFORE first period
the next day you attend school. **Deduction for late project = 10% per day
**For further information, please see page pp15-16 of the handbook.
The consequences for cheating and/or plagiarism are as follows:
offenseAll students involved will receive a zero on the assignment/test and the parents will
be notified.
offenseAll students involved will receive a zero on the assignment/test and the parents will
be notified.
offenseIn any course may result in loss of credit. Parents will be notified and all students
involved will receive a zero on the assignment.

(Student /Parent Handbook, page 16)

**A note about paraphrasing Be careful. If you paraphrase, site your source. If you read the
information somewhere, site your source.

Class Rules
I want this classroom to be a safe learning environment for my students. In order for that to happen, I
believe I must give the students input and accountability. Therefore, we will decide some basic
classroom rules together, as a whole. After the class expectations are in place, students will receive a
separate handout. For specific guidelines regarding school policies already in place, refer to Section 9 of
the handbook (pp31-39).

Grading Scale
As defined by the handbook:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 and below

Calculation of Grades
A minimum of nine numerical scores-averaging at least one per week- will be recorder for each student
during each nine week grading period for each subject. (Student/Parent Handbook, 14)
The points per semester will be distributed as follows:
Tests 40%
There will be a test at the end of each unit, making a total of 7 unit exams. These exams will total
half of the total exam points possible. The semester test will make up the other half.
Projects 20%
This category includes larger writing assignments, research projects, etc.
Quizzes 10%
Quizzes will be given after most reading assignments, at a minimum of once per week.
Homework 10%
Journal entriesone per week, writing assignments, worksheets
Class Work 15%
This includes daily language activities, worksheets, small writing activities, etc.
Participation 5%

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