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Introduction to AI Robotics

Project #2
1 Description
The purpose of this project to illustrate the issues involved in designing and
implementing a reactive behavior on the Lego Mindstorms kits. The task for this
project is to design and implement a line-following behavior on the Mindstorms
kits. The details of the test environment and other requirements are in section
2 Requirements
Your robot will be required to follow a 3/4

thick black line (black electrical

tape). The line will not be straight, and may even cross over itself (gure eight).
There will be no turn more than 90

. A sample diagram of the course is seen

in gure 1.
The project demonstration will be graded on the following criteria:
1. The robot must traverse the line in less than ten minutes from when it
2. The robot is not to leave the line. If it does, it must start over from the
beginning, however the overall time will not restart.
Additionally, there will be a panel of famous (and some not so famous) judges
that will be evaluating the following criteria in order to award door prizes:
1. Creativity of design and function
2. Overall speed and eectiveness of design
3. Decorative style
3 Deliverables
You are required to show and turn in the following:
(~ 16")
( 5 to 30)
Figure 1: Sample track
1. A demo of your program
2. A written report that contains the following:
the software design of your robot (as discussed in class and is shown
on page 164 in the textbook)
problems that you encountered
solutions to those problems
ideas on how to solve this project
Each member of your group is also required to separately email me a list
of all of the group members and a grade from 0-10 based on the members
performance on the project.

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