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Match each verb to the set of phrases it can be used with.

promote advertise export apply

negotiate produce distribute compete employ
appoint train manage import retire
compete against other companies for customers; for
a contract; with other applicants for a job
export products all over the world; goods to many
different countries
apply for a job; for a place on a training programme;
for leave of absence; in writing
advertise job vacancies in a newspaper; new products
on television; a training course on the notice board
import goods from aboard; cars from Japan 9
retire from a company after 30 years of service; from
your job; on a pension; at the age of 65
employ temporary staff during busy periods;
hundreds of workers in a factory
distribute goods by road and rail; products to shops;
catalogues to customers; free to local businesses
promote an employee to a position with more
responsibility; a product with an advertising campaign
negotiate a pay rise with your boss; a contract; a
better price for your goods; a sale; a discount; a deal
appoint a new director; someone to a post; someone
to the board of directors; a successor
manage a company; the staff effectively; a
department; a family business
produce electrical appliances in a factory; a quarter of
the nation's gas; goods for export
Words - Business vocabulary (1)
Printed from Road to IELTS Work and Business.
train staff in computer skills; employees to use new
equipment; to be a manager; as a teacher
Words - Business vocabulary (1)
Printed from Road to IELTS Work and Business.

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