Barons War 2 0

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January 18th 1215,

King John is demanding more and more taxes, whilst he does whatever he wants and eats as
much as he pleases. Archbishop Hubert Walter recently passed away so there is no one to
keep King John in line and he is taking as much as he wants. I am struggling to feed my
family and it breaks my heart to know that my little girls go to bed hungry every night. We
cannot go on like this, and we all agree something needs to be done. So Stephen Langton,
our new archbishop, and some of us barons will be attending a meeting to write up a new
charter that limits him from all his freely spending, it might take a while but it seems as it
is our only option.

20th August 1215,

After months of delayed meetings with King John he finally agreed to meet up with us, and
he reluctantly signed the Magna Carta document. But now the rich, dirty, scoundrel has
gone and cried his poor little case to the pope, so it isnt declared as an official document
because he was forced to sign it. Not only that but all us barons who were involved have
been excommunicated and King John is confiscating our lands and properties. What a load
of turkeys gobble! The towns are in rebel and a letter has been sent to Prince Louis, the son
of the french king, saying that he can be king if he helps us eject King John from power. He
is our last hope.

17th May 1216,

King John has been burning down towns and villages in rebel. Luckily for us reinforcements
from France have been sent, and Prince Louis has arrived. So far we have taken over
places like Winchester and I have been on the battle field once. The days are long and tough
and tiring, people are either on our side or on King Johns, theyre the ones we have to worry
about. I guess people are just so fed up with King John not obeying the laws to create an
equal society in England.

30th September 1216,

Rejoice! Rejoice! King John is dead! Whether it was by pure chance or it was set up, this
is possibly the best thing that has happened to England in years. On his way back to his
castle his belongings got stuck in quicksand so he had to stay at Swineshead Abby for the
night and we dont know whether he was poisoned or if it is because he ate to much but he
went home feeling unwell and died! Thank you Lord for blessing our souls.

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