Listening Exercise Goanimate

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Listening Exercise

Liz is a teacher at Saint Mary High School. She is going on a trip for two
months. Liz is showing John (the substitute teacher) her classroom, so that
John feels comfortable at his new job.

Liz: Hi John, how is it going?

John: I am great.

Liz: Follow me please, I will show you my classroom.

John: All right, lets go.

Liz: Ok here it is.

John: Oh, it is a big classroom.

Liz: Well, this is my desk. In the drawer, you will find the eraser and the chalk.

John: Where are your books?

Liz: They are on the shelf behind the door.

John: What are those in the bookcase?

Liz: Oh, those are the students notebooks, and their lockers are next to the

John: Ok, is there anything else I need to know?

Liz: Yes, the clock is not working.

John: I will keep it in mind. Thanks for your help and have a nice trip.

Liz: Bye! See you later.

John: Bye!

True or false. Listen to the video and decide if the following statements are
true or false.

1. T / F John is going on a trip.

2. T / F John is a substitute teacher.

3. T / F The classroom is big.

4. T / F The eraser is in the bookcase.

5. T / F The books are on the shelf.

6. T / F The lockers are next to the window.

7. T / F The notebooks are on the desk.

8. T / F The clock is working.

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