Parent Volunteer Sign Up Slips 2015 Website

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Calling All Room C-6 Parents! Calling All Room C-6 Parents!

We are looking forward to meeting with you at Back to School Night on Tuesday, August
26th! Until then, here are some olunteer o!!ortunities to think a"out# We will "e
!osting the following sign$u!s for !arent olunteers and !arent teacher conference times
at "ack to school night % so !lease check your schedules for o!enings!
Small Group Time: We can only do this if e get to parents for each day!
Tuesday! Wednesday! Thursdays! and "ridays #$:#%-##:$$
&arents will work with a small grou! of students on "uilding arious 2
grade skills
with fun hands$on actiities# No e'!erience necessary!
&oo' Clu( : )ondays! Tuesdays! Wednesdays! Thursdays! and "ridays *:$$-
&arents will work with a small grou! of students during Book (lu" Time# )isten to
students read, retell their stories, monitor com!rehension, and much more# No
e'!erience necessary!
Art ,ocent:
A"out once a month, !arents will introduce artists and styles of !aintings to the
students using district materials# This is *UN and the kids loe it!
"riday "olders:
&arents can share this +o", "ut we always need to hae a "ack u! +ust in case# &arents
will organi,e and !ack student work and miscellaneous handouts eery *riday#
)iscellaneous Classroom Correcting and Prep Wor': Times T&,-
-el! !re! art !ro+ects, science !ro+ects, co!y, and work on other miscellaneous
classroom "usiness#

Room Parents:
&arents can share this +o" so no one gets "urnt out# This is fun and soooo hel!ful!
&arents organi,e !arties and hel! with communication of eents, etc#
&utter.y and/or 0egeta(le Garden 1elper: .et outside and hel! us learn a"out
!lants and the insects around us! We also need a few !eo!le to hel! !eriodically
!rune the !lants seasonally and clean$u! in the "utter/y garden#
Classroom Photographer:
Take !ictures of the students on all our s!ecial eents# 0 will need you to deelo! the
!hotos 10 will reim"urse you2 and e$mail some !hotos to me for the we"site#
Class Auction Parent Coordinator:
3ur &TA would like hel! with this item so that when the time comes, there is one
!erson from each class that can "e communicated with for our !ro+ect#
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
These will "e the week of Noem"er 45$24# We will hae four afternoon time slots
each day with the e'ce!tion of Noem"er 24st# We will do my "est to accommodate
your schedule#
W2W 3 425 ,2 A 62T! Than's for all your help!

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