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Weekly Report

Date: 11 August 2014 - 15 August 2014

Week: 5
Conduct the hall eect !easure!ent "ith using testing
sa!ple that "as provide #y la#oratory sta$ %or eyes on the
sky& prepare the slide to present to our pro'essor$
Discussion ( Co!!ents:
%or hall eect& de!o "as sho"ed #y la#oratory sta and
a'ter that conduct it #y oursel'$ )*peri!ent using !anual
hall eect !easure!ent also "as conduct to sho" the
dierence #et"een the !anual and auto!atic hall eect
!easure!ent$ +he sa!ple also has a lot such as silicon "ith
dierence nu!#er o' orientation$
Auto!atic hall eect is !ore easier to conduct co!pare to
the !anual hall eect #ecause the !agnetic ,eld and
current !ust suita#le "ith the e-uip!ent$ Another than
that& the sa!ple !ust #e thin to ensure it can touch the
sur'ace sa!ple$
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