Using The ETDR Word Template: Masters Theses and Reports

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Using the ETDR Word Template

Masters Theses and Reports

Information Technology Assistance Center
Kansas State University
214 Hale Library
7! !"2 7722
This $oc)ment is available at* htt#*++,,,(%'state(e$)+gra$+et$r+tem#late+
A)g)st 2--
U#$ate$ A)g)st 2--.
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Table of Contents
4etting Starte$(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("
2or$ versions(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("
4et the tem#late((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((4
Using the Tem#late((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!
Sam#le te6t(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!
Arrangement of yo)r /T01(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!
5asic formatting re7)irements((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!
Line s#acing(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9
:age ;)mbers(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9
Config)re 2or$ for ,or%ing ,ith styles(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Styles Use$ in the /T01 Tem#late(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1-
A##ly a $ifferent style((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1-
3o$ify a style((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1-
Section an$ #age brea%s(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((11
Table of Contents((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((12
A$$ a ne, cha#ter((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1"
A$$ a ne, s)b$ivision hea$ing ,ithin a cha#ter((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1"
8ig)res an$ Tables((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1"
:o,er:oint sli$es((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1"
Tables an$ s#rea$sheets((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((14
Insert fig)re an$ table ca#tions(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1!
List of 8ig)res an$ List of Tables(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((19
:age ;)mber Tro)bleshooting(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((17
Section brea%s(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((17
:reliminary #ages((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((17
Table of Contents((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1
Cha#ter 1(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1
A$$itional section brea%s((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1
Table an$ fig)re ca#tions ,ithin a##en$ices((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1.
A##ly the Tem#late to an /6isting 0oc)ment(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2-
Co#y an$ #aste the e6iting $oc)ment into the tem#late(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2-
Insert e6isting files into the tem#late(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2-
<)estions or :roblems((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((22
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Getting Started
The tem#late is a sam#le 2or$ $oc)ment that contains elements an$ formatting )sef)l
in ,riting yo)r electronic thesis> $issertation> or re#ort ?/T01@( The tem#late meets all
re7)irements of the 4ra$)ate School> b)t its #rimary #)r#ose is not to enforce a s#ecific
a##earance for yo)r /T01( 1ather> the tem#late ,as create$ to incor#orate 2or$ tools
an$ feat)res that ,ill ma%e ,riting yo)r /T01 easier(
The tem#late offers these benefits*
4enerates yo)r Table of Contents a)tomatically> com#lete ,ith #age n)mbers(
;)mbers yo)r fig)res an$ tables in se7)ence an$ a$A)sts the n)mbering if yo)
a$$ or $elete fig)res or tables(
:ro$)ces yo)r List of Tables an$ List of 8ig)res(
Uses BstylesC to create a str)ct)re$ $oc)ment(
Allo,s global formatting of elements in yo)r $oc)ment(
Do) are not re7)ire$ to )se the tem#late> b)t $oing so ,ill save time an$ ma%e
formatting yo)r /T01 easier( Some feat)res may be ne, to yo)> so rea$ these
instr)ctions caref)lly before yo) begin ,or%ing ,ith the tem#late(
5egin )sing the tem#late ,ith the earliest $rafts of yo)r #ro#osal( This is m)ch easier
than ,riting a #ortion of yo)r /T01 in another 2or$ $oc)ment> then trying to co#y an$
#aste it into the tem#late(
Word versions
These instr)ctions are base$ on the most #o#)lar version of 2or$> 2or$ for 2in$o,s
2--"( The tem#late ,ill ,or% ,ith the follo,ing versions of 2or$*
Windows* The tem#late has been teste$ ,ith 2or$ 2--2 thro)gh 2--7( 0)e to maAor
changes in 2or$ 2--7> most of the comman$s mentione$ in these instr)ctions ,ill be
$ifferent> altho)gh the basic #rinci#les are the same( These so)rces ,ill hel# translate
2or$ 2--" comman$s to 2or$ 2--7*
Interactive* 2or$ 2--" to 2or$ 2--7 comman$ reference g)i$e
1eference* Locations of 2or$ 2--" comman$s in 2or$ 2--7
Macintosh* The tem#late ,or%s ,ith 2or$ for 3ac 2--4> b)t has not been teste$ ,ith
2or$ for 3ac 2--(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Get the template
To $o,nloa$ the tem#late> follo, these ste#s*
1( 4o to the Templates #age ?htt#*++,,,(%'state(e$)+gra$+et$r+tem#late@(
2( Clic% the lin% for Masters thesesreports(
"( 2hen as%e$ B0o yo) ,ant to o#en or save this file>C clic% Save(

This ,ill save the file masters($oc to yo)r com#)ter( To begin )sing the tem#late> start
2or$ an$ o#en the file masters($oc( See the ne6t section for $etails on )sing the
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Using the Template
Sample te!t
Sam#le te6t is incl)$e$ in the tem#late to ill)strate vario)s feat)res an$ to #rovi$e basic
instr)ctions( Do) can a$$ yo)r content $irectly to the tem#late file an$ $elete the
sam#le te6t ,hen itEs no longer nee$e$(
5e caref)l not to $elete the Table of Contents( Similarly> $o not $elete the List of Tables
or List of 8ig)res if yo) have fig)res or tables in yo)r $oc)ment( 1ather> )#$ate these
lists as yo) a$$ yo)r content to the tem#late ?see Table of Contents an$ List of 8ig)res
an$ List of Tables belo,@(

"rrangement of #o$r ETDR
Do)r /T01 ,ill consist of several $ifferent elements or sections> an$ these are incl)$e$
in the tem#late( ;ot all sections are re7)ire$ in yo)r thesis or re#ort( If yo) choose not
to incl)$e an o#tional section> $elete that section from the tem#late( Sections of yo)r
/T01 nee$ to be in the follo,ing or$er*
Table %& Re'$ired(ptional ETDR Sections
ETDR Section Re'$ired)
Title #age Des
Co#yright F#tional
Abstract Des
Table of Contents Des
List of 8ig)res 1e7)ire$ if yo)r /T01 contains fig)res
List of Tables 1e7)ire$ if yo)r /T01 contains tables
Ac%no,le$gements F#tional
0e$ication F#tional
:reface F#tional
Cha#ters Des
1eferences+5ibliogra#hy 1e7)ire$ if yo)r /T01 contains references
A##en$ices F#tional
Basic formatting re'$irements
The 4ra$)ate School has the follo,ing formatting re7)irements for /T01s( See
B4)i$elines for /lectronic Theses> 0issertations> an$ 1e#orts ?/T01@C for f)ll $etails
Any stan$ar$ 1- or12 #oint font is allo,e$( ;on'stan$ar$ fonts may be )se$ as long as
they are legible an$ a##rove$ by yo)r committee an$ the 4ra$)ate School( Styles in
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
the tem#late are set to )se 12 #oint Times ;e, 1oman font( Use Modif# St#les ?#age
1-@ to change the font or font siHe(
Line spacing
Line s#acing in the tem#late is set to 1(!( 0o)ble s#acing is also acce#table( Long
7)otations> footnotes> m)lti'line ca#tions> an$ bibliogra#hic citations may be single
s#ace$( Use Modif# St#les ?#age 1-@ to change the line s#acing(
All margins sho)l$ be 1C( To allo, for bin$ing a #ersonal #a#er co#y> the left margin
may be set to 1(!C( 3argins in the tem#late are set to 1C( To change the left margin to
1(!C> follo, these ste#s*
1( Clic% any,here ,ithin the $oc)ment(
2( Fn the *ile men)> clic% +age Set$p(
"( Set the left margin to 1(!C
4( Un$er "ppl# to, select Whole doc$ment(
!( Clic% (-(
Use Arabic n)merals to in$icate a note in the te6t( ;otes may be n)mbere$
consec)tively thro)gho)t the entire man)scri#t or consec)tively ,ithin each cha#ter(
;otes can be #lace$ at the bottom of the #age ?footnotes@> at the en$ of a cha#ter> or at
the en$ of the $oc)ment ?en$notes@( ;)mbering an$ #lacement m)st be consistent
thro)gho)t the $oc)ment(
The tem#late is not config)re$ to )se a #artic)lar citation style ?A:A> 3LA> etc(@( Do)
,ill nee$ to enter yo)r citations man)ally in the correct style> or )se bibliogra#hic
management soft,are that ,ill integrate ,ith 2or$> s)ch as /n$;ote or 1ef2or%s(
Page Numbers
:age n)mbers m)st be $is#laye$ at the bottom of the #age> either centere$ or right
A)stifie$( The 4ra$)ate School has s#ecific re7)irements for ho, #ages are n)mbere$*
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Table .& +age n$mbering re'$irements
Doc$ment Section +age /$mber Displa#ed +age Co$nt
:reliminary #ages
?before the Table of
;o 5egins ,ith the first #age in
yo)r $oc)ment(
Table of Contents )# to
b)t not incl)$ing first
#age of Cha#ter 1(
Lo,ercase 1oman
n)merals ?i> ii> iii> etc(@(
Contin)es from :reliminary
Cha#ter 1 to the en$ of
the $oc)ment(
Arabic n)mbers ?1> 2> ">
5egins ,ith B1C on first #age
of Cha#ter 1
All re7)irements for #age n)mbering are incl)$e$ in the tem#late( As yo) ,or% ,ith
yo)r $oc)ment> itEs #ossible to $ist)rb the re7)ire$ formatting( If yo) notice #roblems
,ith yo)r #age n)mbering> see the B:age ;)mberingC section for s#ecific ste#s to
tro)bleshoot the #roblem(
The tem#late )ses a feat)re in 2or$ calle$ Bstyles(C A BstyleC is a set of formatting
characteristics that is a##lie$ to a #ortion of te6t( These characteristics can incl)$e any
elements that $efine the a##earance of te6t in yo)r $oc)ment* font> font siHe> font color>
bol$> )n$erline> line s#acing> in$entation> centering> n)mbering> etc( A s#ecific set of
characteristics can be save$ an$ given a name( 8or e6am#le> the style a##lie$ to this
#aragra#h is name$ B;ormal(C The style a##lie$ to the hea$ing at the beginning of this
cha#ter is BHea$ing 1(C
2ith a long $oc)ment li%e an /T01> itEs essential to )se styles to create a
str)ct)re$ $oc)ment( This can be $one by )sing the same style for similar
elements in yo)r $oc)ment( 8or e6am#le> )se the same style for all cha#ter
hea$ings( Use another style for all first level s)b$ivisions ,ithin a cha#ter( If yo)
nee$ to change the a##earance of yo)r $oc)ment> itEs easy to ma%e changes in
the a##earance of the style ,hich ,ill then be reflecte$ thro)gho)t yo)r
$oc)ment( 8or e6am#le> if yo) ,ante$ to change all cha#ter hea$ings from left
A)stifie$ to centere$> yo) ,o)l$ only have to ma%e one change to the style> rather
change each cha#ter hea$ing( 0etails on ho, to mo$ify styles are #rovi$e$ later
in these instr)ctions> or see the B3o$ifying Hea$ing StylesC section of BUsing
2or$ to Create Do)r Thesis> 0issertation> or 1e#ortC ?htt#*++,,,(%'
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Config$re Word for wor0ing with st#les
To ,or% ,ith Styles> itEs best to have 2or$ config)re$ ,ith these settings*
;ormal vie,
Style Area visible
Styles $is#laye$ in the Tas% :ane
Use :rint Layo)t to chec% yo)r #age n)mbering
0is#lay 8iel$ Sha$ing
0is#lay the :aste F#tions men)
Table "( 5asic Config)ration for 2or$ sho,s ho, to config)re these settings( Fnce yo)
have 2or$ config)re$ in this ,ay> yo)r ;ormal vie, sho)l$ loo% li%e this*
*ig$re %& St#le "rea and Tas0 +ane
The St#le "rea in$icates the style a##lie$ to a s#ecific #ortion of te6t( ;otice the
hea$ing B0o,nloa$ the Tem#lateC has style BHea$ing 1C a##lie$ to it( The #aragra#h
that begins B4o to the Tem#lateIC a##ears in the B;ormalC style( 5elo, that #aragra#h
is a blan% s#ace> ,hich also a##ears in the B;ormalC style( The style BHea$ing 2C is
a##lie$ to the hea$ing BF#en the Tem#late(C
The Tas0 +ane $is#lays a list of all available Styles an$ is )sef)l if yo) ,ant to a##ly a
$ifferent style to some te6t or to mo$ify the a##earance of a Style( In 2or$ 2--7> the
e7)ivalent of the Tas% :ane is sim#ly calle$ BStyles(C In 2or$ for 3ac 2--4> itEs calle$
the 8ormatting :allet(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Tas% :ane

Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Table 1& Basic Config$ration for Word
To ma0e this
Word version* *ollow this se'$ence of men$s,
/ormal 2iew
The Style Area is
visible only in
;ormal Jie,
2--2'2--" Jie, K ;ormal
2--7 Jie, K 0raft
3ac 2--4 Jie, K ;ormal
St#le "rea
0is#lays at the
left si$e of the
screen an$ sho,s
Styles a##lie$ to
each #ortion of
yo)r $oc)ment(
2--2'2--" Tools K F#tions K Jie, tab K Style Area 2i$th ?1C@
2--7 Fffice 5)tton K 2or$ F#tions K A$vance$ K 0is#lay K
Style Area 2i$th ?1C@
3ac 2--4 :references K Jie, K Style Area 2i$th ?1C@
Tas0 +ane
0is#lays at right
si$e of screen
an$ sho,s a list
of available
2--2'2--" 8ormat K Styles an$ 8ormatting K Sho,* Available
2--7 Home K Styles K Use L arro, to select Sho, Styles
3ac 2--4 Jie, K 8ormatting :alette K Styles
+rint 3a#o$t
0is#lays #age
n)mbers ?not
visible in ;ormal
2--2'2--" Jie, K :rint Layo)t
2--7 Jie, K :rint Layo)t
3ac 2--4 Jie, K :age Layo)t
*ield Shading
:laces a gray
bac%gro)n$ in
fiel$s a)to'
generate$ by
2or$> incl)$ing
Table of Contents>
List of Tables> etc(
2--2'2--" Tools K F#tions K Jie, tab K 8iel$ sha$ing bo6
2--7 Fffice 5)tton K 2or$ F#tions K A$vance$ K Sho,
$oc)ment content K 8iel$ sha$ing bo6 ?"lwa#s@
3ac 2--4 :references K Jie, K 8iel$ sha$ing bo6 ?"lwa#s@
+aste (ptions
0is#lays the
:aste F#tions
men) after yo)
#aste a selection
2--2'2--" Tools K F#tions K /$it tab K Sho, :aste F#tions
2--7 Fffice 5)tton K 2or$ F#tions K A$vance$ K C)t>
Co#y> :aste K Sho, :aste F#tions 5)tton
3ac 2--4 2or$ K :references K /$it K Sho, :aste F#tions
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
St#les Used in the ETDR Template
The chart belo, sho,s the style a##lie$ to each section of the /T01(
Table 4& ETDR St#les
ETDR Section St#le S$bheading St#les
Title #age te6t Title :age
Co#yright hea$ing :age Hea$ing
Abstract hea$ing :age Hea$ing
Table of Contents hea$ing :age Hea$ing
List of 8ig)res hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
List of Tables hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
Ac%no,le$gements hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
0e$ication hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
:reface hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
Cha#ter hea$ing Cha#ter 1' Hea$ing 1 Hea$ings 2> "> 4
1eferences+5ibliogra#hy hea$ing :age Hea$ing TFC
A##en$i6 hea$ing A##en$i6 A ' Hea$ing 9 Hea$ings 7> > .
Te6t ?abstract> cha#ters> a##en$i6@ ;ormal or 5o$y Te6t
"ppl# a different st#le
As yo) ,or% ,ith yo)r $oc)ment> yo) may nee$ to change the Style assigne$ to a
#artic)lar #ortion of te6t( 8ollo, these ste#s*
1( In the St#le "rea> clic% the style a##lie$ to te6t yo) ,ant to change( 8or
e6am#le> to change BF#en the Tem#lateC from BHea$ing 2C to BHea$ing 1>C start
by clic%ing BHea$ing 2C that a##ears to the left of BF#en the Tem#late(C Te6t
a##earing in that style ,ill be selecte$(
2( In the Tas0 +ane> clic% the style yo) ,ant to a##ly( In this case> clic% on Hea$ing
1 to a##ly the ne, style(
Modif# a st#le
Styles in the tem#late meet all formatting re7)irements of the 4ra$)ate School( If yo)
,ant to ma%e any changes in this formatting> itEs best to )se the 3o$ify Styles feat)re(
ItEs #ossible to ma%e e6tensive changes in the a##earance of a style> b)t the basic
ste#s are as follo,s*
1( In the Tas0 +ane> right'clic% the style yo) ,ant to mo$ify> an$ then clic% Modif#(
2( Select the attrib)te yo) ,ant to change(
"( To see more o#tions> clic% *ormat> an$ then clic% the attrib)te M s)ch as 8ont or
;)mbering M yo) ,ant to change(
4( Clic% (- after yo)Nve mo$ifie$ the attrib)te> an$ then re#eat for any a$$itional
attrib)tes yo) ,ant to change(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
If yo) are co#ying te6t from an e6isting 2or$ $oc)ment an$ #asting it into the tem#late>
be s)re not to incl)$e the formatting from the so)rce $oc)ment( Do) can $o this in one
of t,o ,ays*
Option 1
1( Co#y the $esire$ te6t
2( Clic% at the $esire$ location ,ithin the tem#late(
"( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste(
4( 1ight clic% on the +aste (ptions icon that a##ears at the bottom of #aste$ te6t(
!( Clic% Match Destination *ormatting(

Option 2
1( Co#y the $esire$ te6t
2( Clic% at the $esire$ location ,ithin the tem#late(
"( Fn the Edit men$> clic% +aste Special(
4( In the :aste S#ecial $ialog bo6> clic% Unformatted Te!t(
!( Clic% (-(
2ith both techni7)es> yo) may nee$ to a$A)st a style after #asting( 8or e6am#le> if the
te6t yo) #aste$ ,as all in the B;ormalC style> yo) may nee$ to change cha#ter
s)b$ivisions to style BHea$ing 2(C
Section and page brea0s
Page breaks
In cases ,here yo) nee$ to have te6t begin on a ne, #age> s)ch as the beginning of a
ne, cha#ter> #lace a :age 5rea% at the #oint ,here yo) ,ant the ne, #age to begin(
0onEt #ress the /nter %ey re#eate$ly )ntil a ne, #age begins(
To insert a #age brea%> follo, these ste#s*
1( Clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert the #age brea%(
2( Fn the 5nsert men$> clic% Brea0(
"( Clic% the ra$io b)tton to select +age Brea0(
4( Clic% (-(
Section breaks
2or$ )ses Section 5rea%s to $ivi$e the $oc)ment in sections( 2ithin sections> it is
#ossible to vary the layo)t of the $oc)ment( 8or e6am#le> one section can have #age
n)mbering in 1oman n)merals> ,hile another section can )se Arabic n)mbers(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
The tem#late contains t,o Section 5rea%s* A)st before the Table of Contents an$ at the
beginning of Cha#ter 1( :age #ro#erties> s)ch as margins> #age n)mbers> an$ n)mber
of col)mns are a##lie$ ,ithin a section of the $oc)ment( If yo) nee$ to mo$ify these
#ro#erties in a #ortion of yo)r $oc)ment> yo) ,ill nee$ to insert Section 5rea%s at the
beginning at en$ of that #ortion(
To insert a section brea%> follo, these ste#s*
1( Clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert the section brea%(
2( Fn the 5nsert men)> clic% Brea0(
"( Clic% the ra$io b)tton for Section brea0 t#pes, /e!t page( This ,ill insert the
section brea%> an$ te6t follo,ing the section brea% ,ill begin on a ne, #age( If
yo) ,ant the te6t to contin)e on the same #age> clic% the ra$io b)tton for
Section brea0 t#pes, Contin$o$s(
4( Clic% (-(
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is a)tomatically generate$( 2hen yo) first o#en the tem#late>
the Table of Contents reflects the content of sam#le #ages( As yo) a$$ yo)r content
ho,ever> yo) can )#$ate the Table of Contents to sho, yo)r ne, content(
8ollo, these ste#s to )#$ate the Table of Contents*
1( 1ight clic% any,here in the Table of Contents(
2( Clic% Update *ield(
"( Clic% the ra$io b)tton for Update Entire Table(
4( Clic% (-(
The Table of Contents sho)l$ no, sho, the c)rrent contents of yo)r $oc)ment(
The Table of Contents is config)re$ to $is#lay te6t formatte$ in the follo,ing Styles*
:age Hea$ing TFC
Cha#ter 1 O Hea$ing 1
Hea$ing 2
Hea$ing "
A##en$i6 A O Hea$ing 9
Hea$ing 7
0o not ma%e changes to the te6t or #age n)mbers $irectly in the Table of Contents( If
yo) nee$ to a$$ or $elete elements ,ithin the Table of Contents> contact the IT Hel#
0es% for assistance(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
"dd a new chapter
The tem#late contains " sam#le cha#ters( A$$ yo)r cha#ters by $eleting the sam#le
cha#ter hea$ing an$ entering the te6t for yo)r hea$ing( Fr> to create an a$$itional
cha#ter> follo, these ste#s*
1( Clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert the ne, cha#ter hea$ing(
2( In the Tas0 +ane> clic% Chapter %67eading % style( The Cha#ter n)mber ,ill
"( Clic% after the cha#ter n)mber an$ enter the te6t for the cha#ter hea$ing(
"dd a new s$bdivision heading within a chapter
1( /nter the te6t for the s)b$ivision hea$ing(
2( Clic% the style that a##ears in the Style Area ne6t to the s)b$ivision hea$ing(
"( In the Tas0 +ane> clic% the Style yo) ,ant to a##ly( Use Style BHea$ing 2C for a
level s)b$ivision> BHea$ing "C for a 2
level s)b$ivision> etc(

*ig$res and Tables
To insert an image into yo)r $oc)ment> clic% ,here yo) ,ant the image to a##ear> then
select 5nsert+ict$re*rom *ile an$ select the file yo) ,ant to insert( ItEs best to )se
these image formats*
G5** )se for images that are mostly te6t or sim#le sha#es
8+G or 8+EG* )se for #hotogra#hic images
+/G* :ortable ;et,or% 4ra#hic( Use for any ty#e of image
Avoi$ )sing the TI88 format for images( TI88 images are )se$ in #rint #)blications an$
for archival #)r#oses> b)t the files are e6tremely large an$ the e6tra resol)tion they offer
cannot be $is#laye$ on com#)ter monitors(
+ower+oint slides
If yo) nee$ to insert a :o,er:oint sli$e> follo, these ste#s*
1( In :o,er:oint> clic% Slide Sorter on the 2iew men)(
2( Clic% the sli$e yo) ,ant to insert(
"( Fn the Edit men)> clic% Cop#(
4( In yo)r 2or$ $oc)ment> clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert the sli$e(
!( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste Special(
9( In the :aste S#ecial $ialog bo6> ma%e s)re the B:asteC ra$io b)tton is selecte$(
7( Clic% Microsoft +ower+oint Slide (b9ect(
( Clic% (-(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Avoi$ co#ying an$ #asting in$ivi$)al images from :o,er:oint sli$es( If yo) nee$ to )se
an in$ivi$)al image from a sli$e> rather than the entire sli$e> )se the original image that
,as )se$ to create the sli$e an$ insert that image into 2or$( If yo) no longer have the
original image> it may be #ossible to co#y the image from the :o,er:oint sli$e( Contact
the IT Hel# 0es% for assistance(
Tables and spreadsheets
If yo) have a small amo)nt of $ata> itEs #robably best to organiHe the $ata in a 2or$
table( 0etails on creating tables are given in the 2or$ hel#> an$ online t)torials are
available thro)gh 3icrosoft ?htt#*++office(microsoft(com+en')s+training@(
Some tables may be better s)ite$ to $is#lay on #ages ,ith lan$sca#e orientation( To
change a single #age or gro)# of #ages to lan$sca#e orientation> follo, these ste#s*
1( Clic% at the #oint ,here yo) ,ant to begin lan$sca#e orientation(
2( Insert a Section Brea0, /e!t page ?see BSection 5rea%sC on #age 1!@(
"( Fn the *ile men)> clic% +age Set$p( The :age Set)# $ialog bo6 ,ill o#en(
4( 3a%e s)re the Margins tab is selecte$(
!( Un$er (rientation> clic% the 3andscape icon(
9( Un$er +review> #)ll $o,n the "ppl# to, men) an$ clic% This section onl#(
7( Clic% (- to close the :age Set)# $ialog bo6(
( If yo) havenEt $one so alrea$y> insert the table(
.( Clic% at the #oint ,ere yo) ,ant to en$ lan$sca#e orientation
1-( Insert another Section Brea0, /e!t page(
11( Clic% at #oint A)st beyon$ the section brea% yo) inserte$ in Ste# 1-(
12( Fn the *ile men)> clic% +age Set$p( The :age Set)# $ialog bo6 ,ill o#en(
1"( 3a%e s)re the Margins tab is selecte$(
14( Un$er (rientation> clic% the +ortrait icon(
1!( Un$er +review> #)ll $o,n the "ppl# to, men)( If there are no other lan$sca#e
#ages in yo)r $oc)ment> clic% This point forward( If there are s)bse7)ent
lan$sca#e #ages> clic% This section(
19( Clic% (- to close the :age Set)# $ialog bo6(
1e#eat these ste#s for each section of lan$sca#e #ages in yo)r $oc)ment(
If yo) have an e6tensive amo)nt of $ata> chances are yo) )se$ /6cel to create one or
more s#rea$sheets( 8ollo, these ste#s to insert yo)r /6cel s#rea$sheet in 2or$*
1( In /6cel> select an$ co#y the cells yo) ,ant to insert(
2( In 2or$> clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert the $ata(
At this #oint> there are several o#tions for ho, yo) can #aste the $ata*
Option 1* This ,ill format yo)r /6cel $ata ,ithin a 2or$ table(
1( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
2( Fn the +aste (ptions men)> select -eep So$rce *ormatting or Match
Destination *ormatting( Do) may nee$ to try both o#tions an$ select the one
that loo%s best(
Option 2* This ,ill retain yo)r /6cel formatting( To e$it $ata> $o)ble clic% on the
s#rea$sheet in 2or$( Changes yo) ma%e in 2or$ ,ill not be reflecte$ in yo)r /6cel
1( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste Special(
2( In the :aste S#ecial 0ialog bo6> ma%e s)re the +aste ra$io b)tton is selecte$(
"( Clic% Microsoft E!cel Wor0sheet (b9ect(
4( Clic% (-(
Option 3* This ,ill retain yo)r /6cel formatting( Changes yo) ma%e in /6cel ,ill
a)tomatically be reflecte$ in 2or$(
1( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste Special(
2( In the :aste S#ecial 0ialog bo6> ma%e s)re the 3in0 ra$io b)tton is selecte$(
"( Clic% Microsoft E!cel Wor0sheet (b9ect(
4( Clic% (-(
8or very large s#rea$sheets> consi$er s)bmitting the s#rea$sheet as a se#arate>
s)##lemental file rather than inserting it into yo)r 2or$ $oc)ment(
5nsert fig$re and table captions
The 4ra$)ate School re7)ires that yo) have a ca#tion for each table an$ fig)re in yo)r
/T01( 8ollo, these ste#s to insert ca#tions*
%& Clic% on the fig)re or table ,here yo) ,ant the ca#tion to a##ear(
.& Fn the 5nsert men)> #oint to Reference an$ then clic% Caption(
1& In the 3abel list> select *ig$re or Table> as a##ro#riate(
4& In the +osition men)> select ,here yo) ,ant the ca#tion to a##ear(
:& Clic% the /$mbering b)tton(
;& In the *ormat men)> select %<.<1=
>& If yo) ,ant to incl)$e the cha#ter n)mber in the table+fig)re ca#tion n)mber>
chec% the Incl)$e cha#ter n)mber bo6( If yo) select this o#tion> t,o more
o#tions ,ill a##ear*
a( In the 7eading starts with st#le, bo6> select 7eading %(
b( In the Use separator bo6> select the #)nct)ation yo) ,ant to a##ear
bet,een the cha#ter n)mber an$ the fig)re+table n)mber(
c( Clic% (-(
?& At this #oint yo) can ty#e the te6t of yo)r ca#tion in the Caption, bo6> or yo) can
a$$ it to the ca#tion label later(
@& Clic% (-( The ca#tion label ,ill a##ear above+belo, the table or fig)re( To a$$
the te6t of yo)r ca#tion> clic% behin$ the table+fig)re n)mber an$ enter yo)r te6t(
;otice that the fig)re+table n)mber a##ears ,ith a gray bac%gro)n$( This bac%gro)n$
is calle$ Bfiel$ sha$ingC an$ in$icates that a scri#t or co$e has generate$ the n)mber(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
ItEs im#ortant ;FT to e$it these n)mbersP The fig)re+table n)mber ,ill a)tomatically
)#$ate as yo) insert a$$itional ca#tions(
3ist of *ig$res and 3ist of Tables
Li%e the Table of Contents> the List of 8ig)res an$ List of Tables are a)tomatically
generate$ as yo) a$$ fig)res an$ tables to yo)r $oc)ment( To )#$ate the List of
8ig)res ?LF8@ or List of Tables ?LFT@> follo, these ste#s*
1( 1ight clic% any,here in the Table of Contents an$ clic% Update *ield(
2( Clic% the ra$io b)tton for Update Entire Table an$ clic% (-(
The LF8 an$ LFT sho)l$ no, $is#lay a c)rrent list of yo)r fig)res or tables com#lete
,ith ca#tions(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--

+age /$mber Tro$bleshooting
The #age co)nt begins ,ith the very first #age of yo)r /T01> the title #age( :age
n)mbers are not $is#laye$> ho,ever> on #ages #rece$ing the Table of Contents( Lo,er
case 1oman n)merals are $is#laye$ on the Table of Contents> List of 8ig)res> List of
Tables> Ac%no,le$gements> 0e$ication> an$ :reface #ages( Starting ,ith the first #age
of Cha#ter 1> the #age co)nt is reset to B1C an$ $is#laye$ in Arabic n)mbers( This
se7)ence contin)es thro)gh the remain$er of the $oc)ment(
This system of #age co)nting an$ $is#laying #age n)mbers is b)ilt into the tem#late
an$ sho)l$nEt re7)ire any attention( As yo) ,or% ,ith yo)r $oc)ment> ho,ever> itEs
#ossible that com#onents of the #age n)mbering scheme may be ina$vertently $elete$
or mo$ifie$( If #age n)mbers are not $is#laying #ro#erly> follo, the ste#s belo, to
correct the #roblem(
Section brea0s
1( F#en yo)r $oc)ment in 2or$( 8rom the 2iew men)> select /ormal(
2( Do) sho)l$ see a Section brea% A)st before the Table of Contents( If a Section
brea% is #resent> s%i# to Ste# 4( If the Section 5rea% is missing> #lace yo)r
c)rsor A)st in front of the BTC in BTable(C
"( 8rom the 5nsert men)> select Brea0( Un$er Section brea0 t#pes clic% the ra$io
b)tton for /e!t page( Clic% (-( If a :age brea% is #resent> select an$ $elete it(
4( Similarly> chec% for Section brea% A)st before the start of Cha#ter 1( If the
Section brea% is #resent> s%i# to Ste# 1 )n$er B:reliminary :agesC belo,( If the
Section brea% is missing> #lace yo)r c)rsor A)st in front of the first ,or$ in the title
of Cha#ter 1( 0o not #lace the c)rsor in front of the BCC in BCha#ter 1>C b)t rather
in front of the first letter of the first ,or$ follo,ing BCha#ter 1(C
!( 8rom the 5nsert men)> select Brea0( Un$er Section brea0 t#pes clic% the ra$io
b)tton for /e!t page( Clic% (-( If a :age brea% is #resent> select an$ $elete it(
+reliminar# pages
1( :lace the c)rsor any,here on the title #age( Select 2iew7eader and *ooter(
2( Scroll to the footer on the title #age( If yo) see a #age n)mber in the footer>
select the n)mber an$ #ress the Delete %ey( If yo) $o not see a #age n)mber in
the footer> go on to the ne6t ste#(
"( :lace the c)rsor ,ithin the 8ooter(
4( In the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar> clic% the icon for *ormat +age /$mber(
!( Set the ;)mber format* to i<ii<iii<= The Start at, ra$io b)tton sho)l$ be selecte$
an$ the n)mber set to Bi(C Clic% (-(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
Table of Contents
1( Scroll to the first #age of yo)r Table of Contents( If yo)Ere not in the Hea$er an$
8ooter vie,> select 7eader and *ooter on the 2iew men)(
2( Clic% in the footer on the first #age of the Table of Contents(
"( If BSame as :revio)sC is visible A)st above the footer> clic% the icon for Same as
+revio$s in the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar( This ,ill remove the BSame as
:revio)sC label from the footer( ;ote* This icon may also a##ear as 3in0 to
4( In the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar> clic% the icon for *ormat +age /$mber( Set
the ;)mber 8ormat to i<ii<iii<I The ra$io b)tton for Contin$e from previo$s
section sho)l$ be selecte$( Clic% (-(
!( Clic% the icon for 5nsert +age /$mber( Clic% the a##ro#riate icon in the 8ormat
toolbar at the to# of the screen to left A)stify> center> or right A)stify the #age
Chapter %
1( Scroll to the first #age of Cha#ter 1( If yo)Ere not in the Hea$er an$ 8ooter vie,>
select 7eader and *ooter on the 2iew men)(
2( Clic% in the footer on the first #age of Cha#ter 1(
"( If BSame as :revio)sC is visible A)st above the footer> clic% the icon for Same as
+revio$s in the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar( This ,ill remove the BSame as
:revio)sC label from the footer( ;ote* This icon may also a##ear as 3in0 to
4( In the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar> clic% the icon for *ormat +age /$mber( Set
the ;)mber 8ormat to %<.<1<I The ra$io b)tton for Start at, sho)l$ be selecte$
an$ the n)mber set to B1(C Clic% (-(
!( Clic% the icon for 5nsert +age /$mber( Clic% the a##ro#riate icon in the 8ormat
toolbar at the to# of the screen to left A)stify> center> or right A)stify the #age
9( Fn the Hea$er an$ 8ooter toolbar> clic% Close(
"dditional section brea0s
If yo)r $oc)ment contains Sections brea%s other than those A)st before the Table of
Contents an$ Cha#ter 1> yo) may nee$ to a$A)st yo)r #age n)mbering( If yo) see #age
n)mbers reverting bac% to B1C in the bo$y of yo)r $oc)ment> itEs li%ely this is occ)rring at
a Section brea%( 8ollo, these ste#s to correct the #roblem*
1( Clic% any,here on the #age ,here the n)mbering is starting over at B1(C
2( Fn the 2iew men)> select 7eader and *ooter(
"( Clic% in the 8ooter
4( Fn the 7eader and *ooter toolbar> clic% the *ormat +age /$mber icon
!( Clic% the ra$io b)tton for Contin$e from previo$s section(
9( Clic% (-(
1e#eat these ste#s at each occ)rrence of a Section brea%(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
A##en$ices sho)l$ be labele$ in al#habetical se7)ence> for e6am#le> A##en$i6 A>
A##en$i6 5> an$ so on( Use style Hea$ing 9 for the main hea$ing in a##en$ices an$
style Hea$ings 7> > an$ . for s)bhea$ings ,ithin a##en$ices(
Table and fig$re captions within appendices
If yo) a$$ tables of fig)res in an a##en$i6> 2or$ ,ill not n)mber them as A(1> A2> etc(>
b)t rather as a contin)ation of the cha#ter n)mbering scheme ?!(1> !(2> etc(@( To correct
the n)mbering> follo, these ste#s*
1( 2ithin yo)r a##en$i6> #lace yo)r c)rsor at the beginning of the fig)re or table
n)mber to be revise$(
2( If the fig)re or ca#tion n)mber is not containe$ ,ithin a gray bo6> follo, the ste#s
$escribe$ in the Table and Figure aptions section ?#age 1!@(
"( :ress "3T *@ ?hol$ $o,n the ALT %ey an$ #ress 8.@( Do) sho)l$ no, see the
fiel$ co$es )n$erlying the n)mber> for e6am#le*
8ig)re ASTDL/1/8 1 QsB(AS/< 8ig)re QR A1A5IC Qs 1B
4( 1e#lace B1C ,ith B9C for e6am#le*
8ig)re ASTDL/1/8 9 QsB(AS/< 8ig)re QR A1A5IC Qs 9B
!( This o#eration tells 2or$ to a##ly the style Hea$ing 9> ,hich is config)re$ to )se
the A##en$i6 letter ,hen n)mbering fig)res an$ tables(
9( 1ight clic% ,ithin each of the fiel$ co$es( Select Update *ield(
7( 1e#eat ste#s 4 thro)gh 9 for all fig)res an$ tables in all yo)r a##en$ices(
( :ress "3T *@(
.( After yo)Eve e$ite$ all ca#tions> )#$ate yo)r List of Tables an$+or List of 8ig)res(
1-( Save yo)r fileP
This o#eration is e6tremely sensitive to the or$er in ,hich the ste#s are com#lete$(
Start ,ith the first fig)re or table in A##en$i6 A an$ com#lete Ste#s 1 thro)gh 9( Then
go to the ne6t fig)re or table an$ com#lete ste#s 4 thro)gh 9( 1e#eat ste#s 4 thro)gh 9
for all tables an$ fig)res in all yo)r a##en$ices( Com#lete all ste#s in one o#eration>
i(e(> $onEt sto# )ntil yo)Eve e$ite$ all ca#tions an$ )#$ate$ the lists(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--

"ppl# the Template to an E!isting Doc$ment
Altho)gh itEs best to begin ,riting yo)r /T01 in the tem#late> yo) may fin$ yo)rself in a
sit)ation in ,hich yo)r thesis or $issertation ,as ,ritten o)tsi$e the tem#late( There
are many ,ays to a##ly the tem#late to an e6isting $oc)ment> an$ t,o #ossibilities are
$escribe$ belo,( /ach of these re7)ires some effort an$ a caref)l revie, of the
formatting of yo)r entire $oc)ment(
Cop# and paste the e!iting doc$ment into the template
Use this metho$ if*
Do)Ere comfortable ,ith the #rocess of co#ying an$ #asting(
Do)r e6isting $oc)ment $oes not have all the re7)ire$ sections ?Title #age>
abstract> Table of Contents> etc(@(
1( 5e s)re the :aste F#tions b)ttons are set to $is#lay ?See Table "( 5asic
Config)ration for 2or$@(
2( In yo)r so)rce $oc)ment> select the te6t yo) ,ant to co#y( 0onEt try to co#y an
entire cha#ter at one time( 1ather> co#y only a fe, #aragra#hs at a time(
"( In yo)r target $oc)ment> clic% ,here yo) ,ant to #aste the te6t(
4( Fn the Edit men)> clic% +aste(
!( The :aste F#tions icon ,ill a##ear at the en$ of the #aste$ te6t( :)ll $o,n the
men) on the icon an$ clic% to select the ra$io b)tton for Match Destination
9( 0e#en$ing on the style a##lie$ to the te6t in yo)r so)rce $oc)ment> yo) may
nee$ to change the style of the #aste$ te6t( 1efer to Table 4( /T01 Styles to
$etermine ,hich Style sho)l$ be a##lie$ to the te6t( To change a Style> follo,
these ste#s*
a( In the Style area> clic% on the Style for the te6t to ,hich yo) ,ant to a##ly
a ne, style(
b( In the Tas% :ane> clic% the Style yo) ,ant to a##ly(
If yo) are co#ying an$ #asting images> itEs best to co#y an$ #aste each image
se#arately( 2hen co#ying an$ #asting tables or s#rea$sheets> yo) ,ill li%ely nee$ to
select BKee# So)rce 8ormattingC on the :aste F#tions men) in or$er to maintain the
a##earance of yo)r table or s#rea$sheet
5nsert e!isting files into the template
Use this metho$ if*
Do) $onEt li%e co#ying+#asting(
Do) have se#arate files for in$ivi$)al cha#ters or sections of yo)r /T01(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
1( F#en the tem#late file(
2( Clic% ,here yo) ,ant to insert yo)r e6isting $oc)ment
"( Fn the 5nsert men)> clic% *ile(
4( 5ro,se to fin$ yo)r e6isting $oc)ment(
!( Clic% 5nsert(
This ,ill insert yo)r entire so)rce $oc)ment( Do) ,ill no, nee$ to go thro)gh the entire
$oc)ment an$ a##ly the correct Styles( To a##ly a Style> follo, these ste#s*
1( In the Style area> clic% on the Style for the te6t to ,hich yo) ,ant to a##ly a ne,
2( In the Tas% :ane> clic% the Style yo) ,ant to a##ly(
This a##roach is 7)ic%er an$ easier than co#ying+#asting> b)t may change the
formatting of tables( If yo)r $oc)ment has fe, tables> it may be easiest to insert the file>
then go bac% an$ co#y+#aste each table se#arately(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University
Using the /T01 2or$ Tem#late* 3asters Theses an$ 1e#orts A)g)st 2--
C$estions or +roblems
*or '$estions on these topics* Contact this office*
4ra$)ation #roce$)res
/T01 fees
1evie,ing an$ s)bmitting yo)r /T01
The Grad$ate School
1-" 8airchil$ Hall
7!'!"2'91.1 or 1'--'9!1'119
8a6* 7!'!"2'2."
8ormatting yo)r /T01
Creating s)##lemental files
Converting yo)r /T01 to :08
Logging in to K'1/6
5nformation Technolog# 7elp Des0
214 Hale Library
7!'!"2'7722 or 1'--'9!'914"
If yo) have s#ecific 7)estions or
#roblems ,ith )sing 2or$ to ,rite yo)r
/T01> call the IT Hel# 0es% to arrange
for an a##ointment ,ith an /T01
Cons)ltant( Allo, " $ays for yo)r
a##ointment to be sche$)le$(
Information Technology Assistance Center = Kansas State University

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