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Part 1

1. Installation of JDK
2. Installation of Eclipse
3. Setting the classpath
4. Hello world program
5. Printing different types of Literals
6. Local Variable Management
7. Unary Operators
8. Methods
9. Methods with Unary Operators
10. Data types
11. Static Global Variables
12. Static Initialization Block (SIB)
13. Illegal Forward Reference
14. Developing multiple classes in
Same Java File
15. Using one class static members in another class
16. Object Creation
17. Pass by value
18. Pass by Reference
19. Return by Reference
20. Swapping Data between two Objects
21. Constructor basics
22. Default Constructor
23. Constructor Overloading
24. this() of using Constructors
25. Using of this(), constructor overloading & SIB
26. Instance Initialization Block (IIB)
27. IIB and this()
28. IIB and this(), SIB & Constructor Overloading
29. Inheritance
30. Constructor Chain & super
31. this(), super()
32. Packages
33. Access Levels
34. Abstract Classes
35. Interfaces
36. Method overloading
37. Method Overriding
38. Auto Widening
39. Explicit Narrowing
40. Auto up casting
41. Explicit down casting
42. Instance of operator
43. Polymorphism
44. final keyword
45. swapping a number between two

Part 2

46. Singleton Design pattern
47. Immutable class
48. Inner classes
49. Enhanced for loop
50. Scanner class
51. Exception Handling
52. Assertions
53. Threads
I. Threads Basics
II. Synchronization
III. Deadlock
IV. Thread Group
V. Thread Local
VI. Thread Life cycle
54. Object class
I. toString()
II. hashCode()
III. equals()
IV. clone
V. Reflection API
55. Strings
I. Strings Basics
II. String Methods
III. StringBuffer
IV. StringBuilder
V. Patterns & Matchers
VI. Date & Calendar
56. Arrays
I. One Dimensional Array
II. Multi Dimensional Array
III. Java.util.Arrays
IV. Array Methods
V. Comparable
VI. Comparator
57. Collection API
I. Types of collections
II. List
III. Set
IV. Map
V. Vector
VI. Collection class
VII. Treeset
VIII. Queue Stream
IX. PriorityQueue
58. File Handling
I. File
II. Reader & Writer
III. Serialization
IV. Externalization

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