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Transparency Market

Curved Televisions Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size,
Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2!" - 2!#
Global Curved Televisions Market $%&ected to 'each (S) *+,"
-illion by 2!# . Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Transparency Market Research
State Tower,
#, State Street, Suite /+
Albany, 01 !22/
(nited States
54 Page Report
Published Date
01- August -2014
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Press Release
Curved Televisions Market
According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research "Curved Televisions Market
(By Screen Sie ! "arge!sied Curved Televisions# Mid!sied Curved Televisions and Small!sied Curved
Televisions$ ! %lobal &ndustry Analysis# Sie# Share# %rowth# Trends and 'orecast# ()*+ ! ()*,"# the market
was valued at -S. )/*0 billion in ()*+ and is e1pected to reach -S. 2/0 billion by ()*,# growing at a
CA%R o3 ,4/56 3rom ()*+ to ()*,/ 7orth America was the largest contributor to the global curved
televisions market in ()*+# which accounted 3or around 8+6 revenue share/ The rest o3 the world region is
e1pected to be the 3astest growing market 3or curved televisions during the 3orecast period 3rom ()*+ to
()*, 3ollowed by Asia!9aci:c with CA%Rs o3 *05/46 and ***/+6 respective/ The enhanced 3eatures and
reducing prices o3 ";. televisions across the globe are the ma<or 3actors driving the market growth/
Browse 9ress Release o3 %lobal Curved Televisions Market at =
The advanced 3eatures o@ered by curved televisions such as innovative designs ultra high de:nition (-A.$
resolution# +. compatibility# high contrast and less reBection# auto depth enhancer and uni3orm viewing
distance encourage customers to purchase curved televisions# thus driving the market growth/
Additionally# the ";. and C";. technology used in curved televisions o@er high energy eDciency#
environment 3riendliness and durability# and thus reEuire less operational cost/ As a result# several
commercial organiations are opting 3or curved televisions/
At present# the market 3or curved televisions is only limited to high class shopping malls# commercial trade
centers and people with high disposable income/ As a result# the market penetration remained low in ()*+
and ()*0/ Fith the current market penetration being low in residential sector# curved television 3oresees
strong growth opportunity in upcoming 3ew years/ Manu3acturing cost can be reduced by reducing the
standard sie o3 display used in curved televisions/ Technologies such as ";. and C";. that are used in
manu3acturing curved television displays plays a vital role in deciding the operational cost o3 the end
Cn the basis o3 screen sie# the curved television market is segmented into three ma<or categories#
namely# large!sied curved televisions# mid!sied curved televisions and small!sied curved televisions/ &n
()*+# mid!sied curved televisions dominated the market in terms o3 revenue and are e1pected to
continue dominating over the 3orecast period 3rom ()*+ to ()*,/
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
R!P"R# D!S$R%P#%"N
Curved Televisions Market
7orth America led the global curved televisions market in ()*+# in terms o3 revenue share# 3ollowed by
;urope/ This was mainly due to the high demand 3or customied solutions 3or television screens in these
regions/ 7orth American market 3or curved televisions is mainly driven by the use o3 these televisions in
retails shops and commercial buildings/ The Asia!9aci:c curved television market is e1pected to show high
revenue growth over the 3orecast period due to increasing adoption o3 curved televisions in countries such
as &ndia and China/ Additionally# companies in the Asia!9aci:c region such as Samsung and "% are global
leaders in television manu3acturing and are e1pected to develop solutions that enhance the viewersG
The global market 3or curved television is dominated by ma<or players such as Samsung ;lectronics Co/
"td/# "% ;lectronics# &nc/# Aaier %roup# Sony Corporation and Sichuan Changhong ;lectronics Co/ "td/ The
competitive rivalry among these companies is e1pected to remain high over the 3orecast period/
The report studies the global curved televisions market# and provides market sie estimates in terms o3
revenue (-S. Million$ 3rom ()*+ to ()*,/ Market estimates are provided on the basis o3 screen sie and
The market has been segmented as 3ollows>
$ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et* by S+ree' Si,e
"arge!sied Curved Televisions
Mid!sied Curved Televisions
Small!sied Curved Televisions
$ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et* by -eography
7orth America
Rest o3 the Forld (RoF$
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Curved Televisions Market
Browse the 3ull H-lobal $ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et - %'dustry A'alysis* Si,e* Share* -rowth*
#re'ds a'd .ore+ast* 201/ - 2010I Report at http>??www/transparencymarketresearch/com?curved!
$hapter 1 Pre1a+e
*/* Report .escription
*/( Market Segmentation
*/+ Research Methodology
*/+/* Sources
*/+/*/* Secondary Research
*/+/*/( 9rimary Research
$hapter 2 !2e+uti&e Suary
(/* Market Snapshot> %lobal Curved Televisions Market (()*+ J ()*,$
(/( %lobal Curved Television Market# ()*+ K ()*,# Revenue (-S. Million$ and L!o!L %rowth (6$
$hapter / -lobal $ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et "&er&iew
+/* &ntroduction
+/( Market .ynamics
+/(/* .rivers
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
#AB3! ". $"N#!N#
Curved Televisions Market
+/(/*/* .emand 3or ;nriched Misual ;@ects or ;nhanced &mage Nuality
+/(/*/( &mproved 'eatures
+/(/*/+ &mpact Analysis o3 .rivers
+/(/( Restraints
+/(/(/* Aigh Cost o3 9roduct
+/(/(/( Technological Barriers
+/(/(/+ &mpact Analysis o3 Restraints
+/(/+ Cpportunities
+/(/+/* 9enetration into Residential Market
+/+ Malue Chain Analysis> %lobal Curved Televisions Market
+/* 9orterOs 'ive 'orces Analysis> %lobal Curved Televisions Market
+/*/* Bargaining 9ower o3 Suppliers
+/*/( Bargaining 9ower o3 Buyers
+/*/+ Threat o3 7ew ;ntrants
+/*/0 Threat o3 Substitutes
+/*/8 .egree o3 Competition
+/( Competitive "andscape
+/(/* Summary
+/(/( Market Share Analysis# by Pey 9layers# ()*+ (Malue 6$
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Curved Televisions Market
$hapter 4 -lobal $ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et Re&e'ue* by S+ree' Si,e
0/* Cverview
0/*/* %lobal Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by Screen Sie# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
0/*/( Comparative Analysis> %lobal Curved Televisions Market Shares# by Screen Sie# ()*+ J ()*,
(Malue 6$
0/( "arge!sied Curved Televisions
0/(/* %lobal "arge!sied Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
0/+ Mid!sied Curved Televisions
0/+/* %lobal Mid!sied Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
0/0 Small!sied Curved Televisions
0/0/* %lobal Small!sied Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
Related 4 Re+e'tly Published Reports by #ra'spare'+y (ar)et Resear+h
Physi+al Se+urity (ar)et5 http>??www/transparencymarketresearch/com?physical!security!market/html
(a'aged Se+urity Ser&i+es (ar)et5 http>??www/transparencymarketresearch/com?managed!security!
(edi+al De&i+e $o''e+ti&ity (ar)et5 http>??www/transparencymarketresearch/com?managed!security!
$hapter 5 -lobal $ur&ed #ele&isio's (ar)et Re&e'ue* by -eography
8/* Cverview
8/*/* %lobal Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by %eography# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Curved Televisions Market
8/*/( Comparative Analysis> %lobal Curved Televisions Market Shares# by %eography# ()*+ J ()*,
(Malue 6$
8/( 7orth America
8/(/* 7orth America Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/(/( 7orth America Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by Screen Sie# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/+ ;urope
8/+/* ;urope Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/+/( ;urope Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by Screen Sie# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/0 Asia 9aci:c
8/0/* Asia 9aci:c Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/0/( Asia 9aci:c Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by Screen Sie# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/8 Rest o3 the Forld
8/8/* Rest o3 the Forld Curved Televisions Market Revenue# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
8/8/( Rest o3 the Forld Curved Televisions Market Revenue# by Screen Sie# ()*+ K ()*, (-S. Million$
$hapter 6 $opa'y Pro7les
4/* Aaier ;lectronics %roup Co/ "td/
4/*/* Company Cverview
4/*/( 'inancial Cverview
4/*/+ Business Strategies
4/*/0 Recent .evelopments
4/( "% ;lectronics &nc/
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Curved Televisions Market
4/(/* Company Cverview
4/(/( 'inancial Cverview
4/(/+ Business Strategies
4/(/0 Recent .evelopments
4/+ Samsung ;lectronics Co/ "td/
4/+/* Company Cverview
4/+/( 'inancial Cverview
4/+/+ Business Strategies
4/+/0 Recent .evelopments
4/0 Sichuan Changhong ;lectronics Co/ "td/
4/0/* Company Cverview
4/0/( 'inancial Cverview
4/0/+ Business Strategies
4/0/0 Recent .evelopments
4/8 Sony Corp/
4/8/* Company Cverview
4/8/( 'inancial Cverview
4/8/+ Business Strategies
4/8/0 Recent .evelopments
Browse All #e+h'ology 4 (edia (ar)et Research Reports =
Trans&arency Market 'esearch
Curved Televisions Market
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looking insight 3or thousands o3 decision makers/
Fe are privileged with highly e1perienced team o3 Analysts# Researchers and Consultants# who use
proprietary data sources and various tools and techniEues to gather# and analye in3ormation/ Cur
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sustain a competitive edge/
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