Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report: HUAWEI Confidential

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Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery

Summary Report
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page I, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
1 APPLICATIO SCOP!......................................................................................................................."
2 O#!R#I!$ OF CALL R!STA%LIS&!'!T F!AT(R!..........................................................."
2.1 Introdution.....................................................................................................................................3
2.2 !enefit"............................................................................................................................................3
2.3 #e"ri$tion.......................................................................................................................................4
" SOL(TIO FOR ACTI#ATI) CALL R!!STA%LIS&'!T F!AT(R!...............................*
3.1 Enable the switches that control the call reestablishment feature........................................7
3.2 Ti%er related $ara%eter" onfiguration for all ree"ta&li"'%ent....................................................(
+ TRIAL O LI#! !T$OR,..........................................................................................................12
4.1 )ri$t for Ati*ating t'e +eature...................................................................................................12
4.2 Effet E*aluate...............................................................................................................................12
4.3 ,PI" -onitoring............................................................................................................................13
- COCL(SIO...................................................................................................................................1+
. ATTAC&'!TS................................................................................................................................1+
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 2, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
1 Appli/ation S/ope
T'i" dou%ent de"ri&e" t'e feature Call Reestablishment 0eature for RA1", .'i' i"
u"ed to i%$ro*e u"er e/$eriene &0 inrea"ing t'e radio ae"" &earer 12A!3 "etu$ "ue"" rate
and reduing t'e all dro$ rate.
T'e trial of t'i" dou%ent .a" $erfor%ed in 444 5$erator for t'e "ole $ur$o"e of deli*ering
PIP61 feature $ro7et. Infor%ation ontained in t'i" dou%ent "'all not &e di"lo"ed to an0 $art0
unle"" it i" e/$re""l0 aut'ori8ed &0 Hua.ei.
T'e "olution of t'i" dou%ent i" "uit for 2A9 13 or later *er"ion, t'e *er"ion of trial net.or:
Pro1u/t #ersion
9ode! ;2002013C00)PC<21
29C !)C=(00 ;(002013C00)PH<<>
2 Overvie2 o0 Call Restablishement 0eature
2.1 Intro1u/tion
Call ree"ta&li"'%ent i" a funtion &0 .'i' radio lin:" 12?"3 are ree"ta&li"'ed .'en a "er*ie
interru$tion or an ae"" failure our" in te%$orar0 o*erage 'ole" and in tunnel", ele*ator", and
&uilding" t'at au"e "ignifiant "ignal @ualit0 flutuation.
Call ree"ta&li"'%ent an &e initiated &0 a UE or t'e 2A9.

Call ree"ta&li"'%ent initiated &0 a UEA T'e UE "end" a all ree"ta&li"'%ent re@ue"t to t'e
net.or: to re"tore "er*ie" u$on deteting a do.nlin: 2? failure or a "ignaling radio &earer 1)2!3

Call ree"ta&li"'%ent initiated &0 t'e 2A9A T'e 2A9 infor%" t'e UE to "tart all
ree"ta&li"'%ent u$on deteting a "er*ie interru$tion or an ae"" failure.
2.2 %ene0its
T'e 2A9 detet" a "er*ie interru$tion or an ae"" failure &efore a UE doe" and "to$"
do.nlin: $ tran"%i""ion to initiate all ree"ta&li"'%ent. Call ree"ta&li"'%ent i%$ro*e" u"er
e/$eriene &0 inrea"ing t'e radio ae"" &earer 12A!3 "etu$ "ue"" rate and reduing t'e all
dro$ rate
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 3, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
2." Des/ription
Call re-e"ta&li"'%ent funtion i" targeting dro$" "a*ing and %a:e furt'er i%$ro*e%ent on
u"er e/$eriene. Aording to 3BPP "$eifiation, an A- 2?C or a failure radio lin: on UE "ide
an &e re-e"ta&li"'ed &0 CE?? UP#ATE $roedure.
+igure 2-1 "'o." t'e all re-e"ta&li"'%ent "ignaling $roedure.
+igure 2-1 2e-e"ta&li"' "ignaling $roedureA all re-e"ta&li"' fro% 9ode! 1 to 9ode! 2
!elo. scenarios can trigger the call reestablishment.
13 2?C unreo*era&le error
If t'e UE detet" 2?C unreo*era&le error in an A- 2?C entit0 .it' 2!n 1nC43, UE
initiate ell u$date u"ing t'e au"e D2?C unreo*era&le errorE to re-e"ta&li"' a ne. 2?C
entit0 for orre"$onding 2!n.
If t'e CE?? UP#ATE %e""age indiate" t'at t'i" error ourred on 2!2, 2!3, or 2!4 in
t'e UE, t'e 29C diretl0 relea"e" t'e 22C onnetion of t'e UE.
23 2adio lin: failure
If t'e UE in CE??F#CH "tate detet" t'at t'e riteria for radio lin: do.nlin: failure are %et,
t'e UE $erfor%" ell u$date .it' t'e au"e Dradio lin: failureG to re-e"ta&li"'e" a ne. radio lin:.
+or e/a%$le,
UE detet" on"euti*e 9313 Dout of "0nD indiation" fro% ?1 and "tart" T313.
T313 e/$ire" .it'out on"euti*e
931< Din "0nD indiation" fro%
UE .ill re- "elet to a "uita&le ell
and "end CE?? UP#ATE to 29C
indiate" 2adio ?in: failure.
22C .ill &e re-e"ta&li"'ed .it' ell
u$date onfir%ed and radio lin:
"0n'roni8ation re"tored
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 4, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
+igure 2-2. E/a%$le of 2adio lin: failure
33 )2! on UE "ide
W'en Cell U$date of UE )2! 2e"et i" reei*ed 1e.g. fro% CE??F!3, 29C .ill re-
e"ta&li"'e" t'e 2? and "end ECell U$date Confir% G to UE in"tead of "ending EIu 2elea"e 2e@G to
+igure 2-3. )2! re"et on UE "ide
43 U? 2? +ailure
29C reei*e" U? radio
lin: failure indiation fro%
29C "tart" ti%er E2l2"trT%rG and .ait" for E2? 2e"tore IndiationG.
If no E2? 2e"tore IndiationG and t'e ti%er e/$ire", 29C .ill "end E2A#I5 ?I9,
ACTI;ATI59 C5--A9#G .it' IE Edeati*ateG to 9ode! in"tead of "ending EIu
2elea"e 2e@G to C9.
9ode! .ill "'ut do.n .'en t'e UE #? tran"%it" $
UE .ill detet E#? 2adio ?in: +ailureG and trigger Call 2e-e"ta&li"'%ent.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page <, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
2.+ S/ript 0or A/tivatin3
the Feature
HHH A)F,U-F29C01
)ET U22CT2?)WITCHA 2"*dPara1I2);#!IT1F!IT22-0J2);#!IT1F!IT23-
)ET UC599-5#ETI-E2A T302I#1400, 9302I3, T313I3, 9313I#<0, 931<I#20,
T314I#12, T31<I#30K
-5# UCE??A CellIdI////, 9In"0nIndI>, 95ut"0nIndI>, T2l+ailureI<0K
)ET UCACA?B5)WITCHA 2"*dPara2I1<000, 2"*dPara3I30000K
Figure 1. Procedure for active re-establishment
<3 )2! re"et on 29C
29C reei*e" E)2! 2e"etG fro% 2?C la0er, 29C .ill "end E2A#I5 ?I9,
ACTI;ATI59 C5--A9#G .it' IE Edeati*ateG to 9ode! in"tead of "ending EIu
2elea"e 2e@G to C9.
9ode! .ill "'ut do.n .'en t'e UE #? tran"%it" $
UE .ill detet E#? 2adio ?in: +ailureG and trigger Call 2e-e"ta&li"'%ent.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page =, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
Figure 2-5. Improvement for
R! "R# Reset
" Solution 0or A/tivatin3
Call Reestablishment Feature
3.1 Enable the switches that control the call reestablishment
Ena&le t'e ".it' to ontrol u"e .'i' "0n'roni8ation ti%er to initiate 2? e"ta&li"'%ent.
2un t'e )ET U22CT2?)WITCH o%%and to "et t'e 2);#!IT1F!IT2>.under 2e"er*ed
$ara%eter 1 to 0
Ena&le t'e ".it'e" t'at ontrol t'e all ree"ta&li"'%ent feature for C) and P) "er*ie"
2un t'e )ET U22CT2?)WITCH o%%and and "et 2);#!IT1F!IT24 and
2);#!IT1F!IT2< under 2e"er*ed $ara%eter 1 to 0.
Ena&le t'e ".it'e" t'at ontrol t'e all ree"ta&li"'%ent feature triggered &0 2? failure"
and )2! re"et"
2un t'e )ET U22CT2?)WITCH o%%and and "et 2);#!IT1F!IT22 and
2);#!IT1F!IT23 under 2e"er*ed $ara%eter 1 to 0.
Ena&le t'e ".it' t'at to $er%it 29C ree"ta&li"'e" radio lin:" for a UE if t'e UE re$ort"
to t'e 29C ell u$date au"ed &0 )2! re"et.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 7, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
2un t'e )ET U22CT2?)WITCH o%%and and "et 2);#!IT1F!IT2= under 2e"er*ed
$ara%eter 1 to 0.
#etail %eaning" for t'e"e ".it'e" "'o. a" &elo.,
"witch $eaning and impact
R"%&#I'1(#I'2) *hen the switch is turned on+ for ,Es using !" services+ the R! does not trigger cell update
with the cause value -R. Failure- reported b/ a ,E+ if the R! detects interrupted downlin0
transmission on "R#2+ or if the associated ode# reports to the R! that all radio lin0s for the
,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
*hen the switch is turned off+ for ,Es using !" services+ the R! triggers cell update with the
cause value -R. Failure- reported b/ a ,E and reestablishes radio lin0s+ if the R! detects
interrupted downlin0 transmission on "R#2+ or if the associated ode# reports to the R! that all
radio lin0s for the ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
R"%&#I'1(#I'25 *hen the switch is turned on+ for ,Es using P" services onl/+ the R! does not reestablish radio
lin0s for a ,E if the R! detects interrupted downlin0 transmission on "R#2+ or if the associated
ode# reports to the R! that all radio lin0s for the ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
*hen the switch is turned off+ for ,Es using P" services onl/+ the R! triggers cell update with
the cause value -R. Failure- reported b/ a ,E and reestablishes radio lin0+ if the R! detects
interrupted downlin0 transmission on "R#2+ or if the associated ode# reports to the R! that all
radio lin0s for the ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
R"%&#I'1(#I'22 *hen the switch is turned on+ the R! does not trigger cell update with the cause value -R.
Failure- if the R! detects interrupted downlin0 transmission on "R#2.
*hen the switch is turned off+ the R! triggers cell update with the cause value -R. Failure- and
reestablishes radio lin0s if the R! detects interrupted downlin0 transmission on "R#2.
R"%&#I'1(#I'23 *hen the switch is turned on+ the R! does not reestablish radio lin0s for a ,E if the ,E reports
to the R! cell update caused b/ "R# reset.
*hen the switch is turned off+ the R! reestablishes radio lin0s for a ,E if the ,E reports to the
R! cell update caused b/ "R# reset.
R"%&#I'1(#I'24 *hen the switch is turned on+ the R! does not trigger cell update with the cause value -R.
Failure- reported b/ a ,E if the associated ode# reports to the R! that all radio lin0s for the ,E
e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
*hen the switch is turned off+ the R! triggers cell update with the cause value -R. Failure-
reported b/ a ,E and reestablishes radio lin0s+ if the associated ode# reports to the R! that all
radio lin0s for the ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss.
R"%&#I'1(#I'25 *hen the switch is turned on+ for ,Es using !" services+ if a ode# reports to the R! that all
radio lin0s for a ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss+ the R! starts the R. Restore timer whose
duration is specified b/ the RlRstr'mr parameter in the "E' ,"'6'E'I$ER command. 6fter the
timer has e1pired+ the R! triggers cell update with the cause value -radio lin0 failure- and
reestablishes radio lin0s for the ,E.
*hen the switch is turned off+ for ,Es using !" services+ if a ode# reports to the R! that all
radio lin0s for a ,E e1perience s/nchroni2ation loss+ the R! starts the R. Restore timer whose
duration is specified b/ the '414 parameter in the "E' ,!7$7&E'I$ER command. 6fter the
timer has e1pired+ the R! triggers cell update with the cause value -radio lin0 failure- and
reestablishes radio lin0s for the ,E.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page >, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
".2 Timer relate1 parameters /on0i3uration 0or /all reestablishment
13 After t'e 9ode! "to$" do.nlin: $ tran"%i""ion for a UEL" 2?", t'e UE "tart" t'e
T"1" ti%er if t'e nu%&er of Dout-"0nD indiation" reei*ed on"euti*el0 fro% ?a0er 1 rea'e"
t'e *alue of t'e "1" $ara%eter. T'e 'ig'er t'e *alue of t'e 9313 $ara%eter, t'e 'arder it .ill &e
for t'e UE to detet an 2? failure and t'e longer t'e UE "ta0" on t'e *erge of 2? failure.
23 If t'e nu%&er of Din-"0nD indiation" reei*ed on"euti*el0 fro% ?a0er 1 doe" not rea'
t'e *alue of t'e 931< $ara%eter &efore t'e T313 ti%er e/$ire", t'e UE tran"%it" t'e Cell U$date
%e""age .it' t'e au"e *alue D2adio ?in: +ailureD to t'e 29C for all ree"ta&li"'%ent.
-ean.'ile, t'e UE "tart" t'e T302 ti%er a" .ell a" t'e T314 ti%er for C) "er*ie" or t'e T31<
ti%er for P) "er*ie".
33 If t'e UE doe" not reei*e t'e Cell U$date Confir% %e""age fro% t'e 2A9 "ide after t'e
T302 ti%er e/$ire", t'e UE retran"%it" t'e Cell U$date %e""age until t'e T314MT31< ti%er
e/$ire"A 1T'e nu%&er of retran"%i""ion" i" deter%ined &0 t'e *alue of t'e 9302 $ara%eter.3. If
fault0 2?" are re"tored &efore T314MT31< e/$ire", t'e all ree"ta&li"'%ent i" "ue""ful.
Interru$ted "er*ie" are re"tored or UE ae"" "ueed". If fault0 2?" are not re"tored &efore
T314MT31< e/$ire", t'e all ree"ta&li"'%ent fail". )er*ie" are relea"ed or UE ae"" fail".
)et t'e"e $ara%eter" a$$ro$riatel0 "o t'at UE" an @ui:l0 detet 2? failure" and t'en
$erfor% all ree"ta&li"'%ent $roedure. )ugge"t onfiguring t'e"e $ara%eter" follo. &elo.
e/$eriene *alue.
43 T'e 9ode! %onitor" u$lin: 2? @ualit0. If t'e nu%&er of Dout-"0nD indiation" reei*ed
&0 t'e 9ode! rea'e" t'e *alue of t'e 95UT)N9CI9# $ara%eter, t'e 9ode! "tart" t'e
T2l+ailure ti%er. T'e detetion $roe"" ontinue" aording to t'e "ituationA
If t'e nu%&er of Din-"0nD indiation" reei*ed &0 t'e 9ode! rea'e" t'e *alue of t'e
9I9)N9CI9# $ara%eter &efore t'e T2l+ailure ti%er e/$ire", t'e 9ode! "to$" and re"et" t'e
T2l+ailure ti%er.
If t'e nu%&er of Din-"0nD indiation" reei*ed &0 t'e 9ode! doe" not rea' t'e *alue of t'e
9I9)N9CI9# $ara%eter &efore t'e T2l+ailure ti%er e/$ire", t'e 9ode! on"ider" t'at an 2?
failure 'a" ourred and identifie" t'e 2? "et .'ere t'e failure i" loated. 1An 2? "et ontain" all
t'e 2?" of a UE under a 9ode!.3
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page (, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
T'e 'ig'er t'e *alue of t'e 95UT)N9CI9# $ara%eter, t'e 'arder it .ill &e for 2? failure"
to &e triggered. T'e 'ig'er t'e *alue of t'e 9I9)N9CI9# $ara%eter, t'e 'arder it .ill &e for 2?"
to &e "0n'roni8ed. If eit'er $ara%eter i" "et to a 'ig' *alue, 2?" .ill &e on t'e *erge of 2?
failure for a long ti%e, and u"er e/$eriene .ill &e $oor for &ot' C) and P) "er*ie".
)et 95UT)N9CI9# to a *alue le"" t'an t'e default and 9I9)N9CI9# to a *alue 'ig'er
t'an t'e default. T'i" .a0, 2? failure" are ea"il0 triggered for all ree"ta&li"'%ent to i%$ro*e u"er
e/$eriene. )ugge"t onfiguring t'e"e $ara%eter" follo. &elo. e/$eriene *alue.
<3 If t'e 9ode! doe" not detet u$lin: 2? "0n'roni8ation &efore t'e 2l2"trT%r or T313
ti%er e/$ire", t'e 29C "end" to t'e 9ode! t'e 2adio ?in: Ati*ation Co%%and %e""age
ontaining t'e infor%ation ele%ent 1IE3 Ddeati*ate.D U$on reei*ing t'e %e""age, t'e 9ode!
"to$" do.nlin: $ tran"%i""ion for t'e UEL" 2? "et". T'en, t'e 29C "tart" t'e ti%er for all
ree"ta&li"'%ent 12"*dPara2 ti%er for C) "er*ie" and 2"*dPara3 ti%er for P) "er*ie"3.
-eaning" for t'e"e $ara%eter" "'o. a" &elo. ta&le,
Parameter $eaning and impact
'4829ms: $eaning; '482 is started after the ,E transmits the !E.. ,P&6'E<,R6 ,P&6'E
message and stopped after the ,E receives the !E.. ,P&6'E !7FIR$<,R6 ,P&6'E
!7FIR$ message. !E.. ,P&6'E<,R6 ,P&6'E will be resent upon the e1pir/ of the
timer if %482 less than or e=ual to 482> otherwise+ the ,E will enter idle mode. Protocol
default value is )888.
482 $eaning; $a1imum number of retransmissions of !E.. ,P&6'E<,R6 ,P&6'E.Protocol
default value is 4.
'4149s: $eaning; '414 is started after the ,E detects consecutive 414 -out of s/nc- indications
from .1. '414 is stopped after the ,E detects consecutive 415 -in s/nc- indications from
.1. It indicates Radio .in0 9R.: failure upon e1pir/. Protocol default value is 4.
414 $eaning; $a1imum number of successive -out of s/nc- indications received from .1.
Protocol default value is 28.
415 $eaning; $a1imum number of successive -in s/nc- indications received from .1 when
'414 is activated. Protocol default value is 1.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 10, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
'41)9s: $eaning; '41) is started when the criteria for radio lin0 failure are fulfilled and onl/ radio
bearers 9R#s: associated with '41) e1ist.'41) is stopped after the !ell ,pdate
procedure has been completed. Protocol default value is 12.
In case of the R. failure when the ,E is in !E..(&!? state+ If the R. cannot be
successfull/ reconfigured b/ !E.. ,P&6'E !7FIR$ before the e1pir/ of the
corresponding '41) 9or '415:+ !E.. ,P&6'E will be resent for R. reconfiguration 9this
operation relates to '482 and 482:. It is recommended that '41) be set to greater than
'482@482. 'he smaller the value of '41) is+ the higher the call drop rate of the
corresponding service is. *hen '41) e1pires and the ,E is performing a !" service+ or
'415 e1pires and the ,E is performing a P" service+the R! releases the RR!
'4159s: $eaning; '415 is started when the criteria for radio lin0 failure are fulfilled+ and onl/ the
radio bearer associated with '415 e1ists.'415 is stopped after the !ell ,pdate procedure
has been completed. Protocol default value is 158.
In case of the R. failure when the ,E is in !E..(&!? state+ '415 9or '41): is started
and !E.. ,P&6'E is sent. If the R. cannot be successfull/ reconfigured b/ !E..
,P&6'E !7FIR$ before the e1pir/ of the corresponding '415 9or '41):+ !E..
,P&6'E will be resent for R. reconfiguration 9this operation relates to '482 and 482:. It
is recommended that '415 be set to greater than '482@482. 'he smaller the value of
'415 is+ the higher the call drop rate of the corresponding service is. *hen '41) e1pires
and the ,E is performing a !" service+ or '415 e1pires and the ,E is performing a P"
service+the R! releases the RR! connection.
outs/ncInd $eaning; 'his parameter defines the times of successive in-s/nc indications re=uired for
starting the radio lin0 failure timer. *hen the radio lin0 set is in the s/nchroni2ed state+ the
ode# starts the timer after it receives successive out-of-s/nc indications of the number
defined b/ 7uts/ncInd.'he ode# shall stop and reset the timer after receiving
successive in-s/nc indications of the number defined b/ Ins/ncInd.*hen the timer
e1pires+ the ode# triggers the radio lin0 failure process+ and indicates which radio lin0
set is out-of-s/nc.
Ins/ncInd $eaning; 'his parameter defines the times of successive in-s/nc indications re=uired for
the ode# to trigger the radio lin0 recover/ process.'he radio lin0 set remains in the initial
state until it has received a certain number 9the number is defined b/ Ins/ncInd: of
successive in-s/nc indications from .1+ and then the ode# triggers the radio lin0
recover/ process+ which indicates that the radio lin0 set has been s/nchroni2ed. 7nce the
radio lin0 recover/ process is triggered+ the radio lin0 set is considered to be in the
s/nchroni2ed state. In the radio lin0 maintenance process+ Ins/ncInd is used together
with the successive out-of-s/nc indication counter.
'RlFailure98.1s: $eaning; Radio lin0 failure timer duration. *hen the radio lin0 set is in the s/nchroni2ed
state+ the ode# starts the timer after it receives successive out-of-s/nc indications of the
number defined b/ 7uts/ncInd. 'he ode# shall stop and reset the timer after receiving
successive in-s/nc indications of the number defined b/ Ins/ncInd. *hen the timer
e1pires+ the ode# triggers the radio lin0 failure process+ and indicates which radio lin0
set is out-of-s/nc.
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 11, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
RsvdPara29ms: !" 'raffic+ timer for R! *aiting for ,E to select cell
RsvdPara49ms: P" 'raffic+ timer for R! *aiting for ,E to select cell
+ Trial on live net2or4
+.1 !00e/t !valuate
-ain ,PI" and ounter" for %onitoring t'e feature $erfor%ane "'o. a" &elo.,
,PI" J ounter" E/$eted 2e"ult
CS Call drop rate De/rease
PS DROP RATE( with PCH) De/rease
HSDPA Serice Drop rate( with PCH) De/rease
HS!PA Serice Drop rate( with PCH) De/rease
CS RA" set#p s#ccess rate Similar
PS RA" set#p s#ccess rate Similar
+.2 ,PIs 'onitorin3
I%$le%ented t'e feature in 29C A)F,U-F29C01, .e an "ee fro% &elo. ta&le and
$iture" t'at t'e C) C#2 derea"ed a&out 0.1>H, P) C#2 derea"ed a&out 0.3H, P) C#2 .it'
PCH derea"ed a&out 0.04H, H)#PA C#2 .it' PCH derea"ed a&out 0.03H, H)UPA C#2 .it'
PCH derea"ed a&out 0.03H, C) and P) 2A! ))2 derea"ed &eau"e "o%e ell" .ere not
a*aila&le on 0(M0=M2013,
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 12, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 13, Total 14
Call Reestablishment Feature Delivery Summary Report Internal
- Con/lusion
After i%$le%ented t'e feature in one 29C of /// o$erator, t'e C)MP) MH)PA C#2 all
derea"ed, and .e 'a*e "ugge"ted t'e u"to%er to i%$le%ent t'e feature in .'ole net.or:.
. Atta/hments
KPIs for Call
reestablishment parameters.xlsx
2013-12-17 HUAWEI Confidential Page 14, Total 14

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