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Susie Queue

101 Main St.

Springfield, CA 90001
phone: (213) !123"
#ell: (310) !23"
'()S*+A, -ate of .irth: January 1, 1980
'la#e of .irth: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Citi/enship: Canadian
0isa Status: Permanent Resident
(M',*1M(+2 3irst Co&pan4, 5n#., ,os Angeles, CA
January 1, 2007 - present
Custo&er Ser6i#e Manager
Oversee Customer Service Department
Supervise Customer Service Representatives
Winner, irst Company !"ce##ence $%ard
Se#ond Corporation, San -iego, CA
January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006
Custo&er Ser6i#e )epresentati6e
Provide service to customers via te#ep&one and emai#
Respond to a## in'uiries %it&in () &ours
Success*u##y reor+ani,ed ca## esca#ation protoco#
2hird Co&pan4, ,,C, 3resno, CA
January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2002
Ad&inistrati6e Assistant
Route incomin+ te#ep&one ca##s
Type o**icia# correspondence
Distri-ute mai# and intero**ice memoranda
Responsi-#e *or administration and reconci#iation o* petty cas&
.e#ped imp#ement ne% te#ep&one system
(-7CA25*+ State 7ni6ersit4, ,os Angeles, CA
/0$ in /ar1etin+
June 2007
T&esis: T&is 2itt#e Pi++y Went To /ar1et
State College, San -iego, CA
0$ in .istory
June 2004
ocus on !#i,a-et&an !n+#and and its impact on t&e %or#d
S85,,S ,anguage 3 #uent in Spanis&, intermediate renc&
Co&puter S9ills 3 /icroso*t O**ice, severa# popu#ar accountin+ pac1a+es
'ersonal 5nterests 3 /em-er, Toastmasters 6nternationa#
5o#unteer, /emoria# .ospita# C&ap#aincy Pro+ram
'u:li#ations 3 Pu-#is&ed artic#e and revie% o* #iterature in Journa# o*
0usiness Practices 7January (0089

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