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Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C.

or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible
by J.C. Grumbine
Published in 1919
" !ill utter thin"s !hich h#$e been ke%t secret from the found#tion of the !orld".
M#tthe! 1&' &(

/ecture 1 0ho is Melchizedek1 Biblic#l 2istory. 2is )ffice #nd 2is )rder
/ecture 3
+he Secret Doctrines of the )rder. ts Myths4 Mysteries4
Symbolisms4 C#nons4 Philoso%hy
/ecture &
+he Secret Doctrine on 5our Pl#nes of ,6%ression #nd
/ecture 7 +he Christ Psycholo"y #nd Christi#n Mysticism
/ecture ( +he 8ey 9 2o! :%%lied. Di$ine -e#liz#tion #nd llumin#tion
P#"e 1
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
+he Bible h#s been re"#rded #s # se#led book4 its mysteries im%enetr#ble4 its kno!led"e unf#thom#ble4
its key lost. ,$en its mir#cles h#$e been so e6cluded from scientific rese#rch #s to be in$ested !ith #
su%ern#tur#lism !hich fore$er se%#r#ted them from the %ossibility of hum#n underst#ndin" #nd r#tion#l
n the midst of these re$olution#ry times4 it is not str#n"e th#t theolo"y #nd institution#l Christi#nity
should feel the found#tions of their #uthority sli%%in" from them4 #nd # ne!4 bro#der #nd more s%iritu#l
thou"ht of m#n #nd God t#kin" their %l#ces. :ll this is # %#rt of the "ener#l #!#kenin" of m#nkind #nd
h#s not come #bout in # d#y or # ye#r. t "re!. t is still "ro!in"4 bec#use the soul is etern#l #nd ;ustifies
#nd $indic#tes its o!n unfoldment.
Some see in this ne! birth of m#n th#t #nnihil#tion of church #nd st#te4 but others !ho #re more
informed #nd illumined4 re#lized th#t the ch#ff #nd dross of error #re bein" se%#r#ted from the !he#t #nd
"old of truth #nd th#t only the best4 #nd th#t !hich is for the hi"hest "ood of m#nkind !ill rem#in.
t is # %ity th#t the church must continu#lly %erish th#t the truth sh#ll shine in %erfect #nd etern#l
s%lendour. 0ould th#t the church could the li"ht of the Di$ine +ruth so shine th#t creeds4 theolo"ies #nd
ritu#l mi"ht be re$ised to meet the %resent #nd %ro"ressi$e needs of the hum#n soul.
-eli"ion does not de%end for is e6istence u%on the church4 but the church de%ends u%on reli"ion.
+he mor#l #nd s%iritu#l te#chin"s of the Bible #re re$el#tions only in so f#r #s they #"ree !ith truth4 #nd
truth #lone determines the s%iritu#l subst#nce of re$el#tion.
+he church !ill not !holly %#ss #!#y. 0h#t !ill #nd must die in #ll ecclesi#stic#l institutions is th#t !hich
limits m#n<s freedom to kno! the truth.
+he Bible4 no less th#n other books on reli"ion #nd science must st#nd the tests of time. ts su%reme
im%ort#nce to m#n is not its liter#ture or history buts its re$el#tion. :ll re$el#tion is from !ithin the soul. t
is mi6ed #nd fused !ith e6tr#neous #nd #lien m#tter. t o%ens one %#"e !hile it closes #nother. *o
Simon %ure re$el#tion of truth h#s e$er been "i$en to the !orld. t must touch the s%here of hum#n
intelli"ence to be %ercei$ed #nd recei$ed4 #nd throu"h the %urest ch#nnel it is tinctured by %erson#lity. t
must be #d#%ted to the needs of the "ener#tions to !hich it is sent. t is %resented in symbols4
#lle"ories4%#r#bles #nd myths. ts doctrines #re com%#r#ti$e #s !ell #s #bsolute. n the one4 the letter
killeth4 in the other4 the s%irit "i$eth life. Jesus #%%ro$ed of #nd confirmed !h#t is here s#id !hen he told
his disci%les th#t "the s%irit of truth !ill le#d you into #ll truth4 until you sh#ll kno! the truth #nd the truth
sh#ll m#ke you free". But "!h#t is truth1" #sked Pil#te #nd the =uestion re%e#ts itself to e$ery honest
soul. t is ne$er sim%le4 bec#use it is m#ny sided. ts f#cets #re infinite. :t best4 !e c#n s%e#k of the truth
#bout this or th#t doctrine of reli"ion4 %hiloso%hy #nd science4but the truth like m#them#tics is self
cont#ined #nd sust#ined4 infinite #nd etern#l.
P#"e 3
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
5#cts #re #%%e#r#nces of the !orkin" of the l#! of n#tur#l #nd s%iritu#l c#us#lity. -eli"ion #nd the
church4 in the uni$ers#l sense4 de#l !ith these s%iritu#l f#cts4 !hich #re their credenti#ls #nd on !hich
they build their techni=ue #nd te#chin" of hum#n #nd di$ine ser$ice. 0ithout them4 reli"ion #s !ell #s the
church !ould be !ithout the "!itness". +he su%reme %ur%ose #nd #im of the "!itness"4 is not to e6tr#ct it
out of #ll rel#tionshi% !ith the other credenti#ls #nd m#teri#l f#cts of life4 but to re$e#l the s%irit of life4
!hich h#s no other me#ns #t h#nd to %ro$e its tr#nscendent #nd inde%endent re#lity4 e6ce%t to sho! th#t
!here#s the m#teri#l %henomen# of life #%%e#r to s%rin" u% from %otenti#l m#tter #s # f#ct of life4 both
#re tr#ced b#ck to #nd !ithin S%irit. +his is the su%reme re$el#tion of Jesus4 !hen he #ffirmed4 " #m the
resurrection #nd the life".
+he Bible #s !ell #s the soul re$e#l cle#rly four s%ecific str#t# or s%heres of hum#n unfoldment. 5irst4 the
historic#l4 second the occult4 third4 the #stro theolo"ic#l >the /#!? #nd fourth4 the mystic#l. +he l#tter is
demonstr#ted by the st#tement of Jesus. " #nd the 5#ther #re one" #nd " #m in the 5#ther #nd the
5#ther is in me".
+he first or historic#l is %l#in to e$eryone. +he occult is th#t !hich is in$ol$ed in mysteries4 such #s "the
hidden !isdom"4 conce#led in %#r#bles4 myths4 symbols4 #lle"ories4 dre#ms4 $isions4 %ro%hesies4 si"ns4
mir#cles the "nosis4lost !ord4 c#non4 c#b#l#4 !ith !hich the Bible #bounds4 but !hich must be
%enetr#ted before the ob;ect of the Bible #s # re$el#tion is understood. +his4 the "thus s#ith the /ord"4 or
the !orkin" of the /#! #s ty%ified by the #stro theolo"ic#l s%here m#kes cle#r. "God "eometrizes"4 !rote
-#l%h 0#ldo ,merson4 #nd Pyth#"or#s4 #nd #ncient Greek %hiloso%her4 h#d inscribed on the %ort#l of
his tem%le4 "/et no enter here !ho is i"nor#nt of "eometry". "+here is"4 s#id the #uthor of Pro$erbs4 "#
time #nd # %l#ce for e$erythin" under the sun"4 #nd Jesus em%h#sized the s#me truth !hen he #dded
"e$ery h#ir of your he#d is numbered". +his4 briefly4 si"nifies th#t /#! "o$erns life #nd th#t th#t /#! is of
s%irit4 th#t "#ction #nd re#ction #re e=u#l4 th#t !h#tsoe$er # m#n so!s4 th#t !ill he #lso re#%"4 #nd th#t
underne#th the o%er#tions of n#tur#l %henomen# >effects #nd results? is the /#! of the S%irit4 re$e#lin"
its #bsolute #nd etern#l M#;estic #nd So$erei"nty in e#ch form of cell4 cor%uscle #nd or"#nism.
!i"tory m#nife"t" $h#t the %#$ occultly re&e#l"
+he ob;ect of this book is to hint #nd re$e#l4 so f#r #s it is %r#ctic#l4 the Secret Doctrine of the Bible4 th#t
!e m#y no lon"er "ro%e in d#rkness or blindness #nd th#t the se#mless robe of Christ m#y be our
P#"e &
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
'ho i" Melchizedek( Biblic#l !i"tory. !i" Office #nd !i" Order
:ll th#t is kno!n historic#lly of Melchizedek is cont#ined in the bible4 in Genesis 7' 1@A Ps#lms 11B #nd
2ebre!s (' C4D. +he incident !hich connects him !ith history is the story of ho! :br#h#m 4 returnin" to
his o!n country !ith the s%oils c#%tured from Chedorl#omer !ho !#s b#ttlin" /ot4 his sons #nd tribe #nd
!hom4 :br#h#m sou"ht to rescue4 "#$e tithes to this su%erior function#ry4 Melchizedek4 hi"h %riest of
ri"hteousness #nd kin" of S#lem4 city of %e#ce. t rel#tes ho! this distin"uished %riest of the most hi"h
God refreshed :br#h#m !ith bre#d #nd !ine #nd besto!ed u%on him his blessin"4 m#kin" him # %riest
of his o!n order.
0ho Melchizedek !#s is not m#de cle#r. *umerous s%ecul#tions #rise #s to his identity. 2e is s#id to be
!ithout birth #nd de#th4 f#ther4 mother #nd descent. :s such4 his e6istence is in$ol$ed in mystery. 2e is
in$ested !ith f#nciful #nd mytholo"ic#l conceits. Some4 ho!e$er4 tr#ce him b#ck to # f#ther of one
br#nch of the hum#n r#ce4 to Shem #nd others to *o#h. +he #stro mytholo"ic#l connection is e$en more
obscure. 2e is re"#rded by cert#in #uthorities >Bry#nt in :n#lysis of :ncient Mytholo"y ? #s S#dik or Sy
>Eedek?4 !ho is #lso identified !ith Cronus >5#ther +ime? or S#turn4 %ersonific#tions of %l#net#ry
%rinci%les or "ods. n f#ct4 such %ersonific#tions !ere not the e6ce%tion4 !hen the mystery of the
rel#tionshi%4 bet!een he#$enly %rinci%les or #strolo"ic#l n#mes #nd e#rly historic#l ch#r#cters #s C#in4
:bel4 *o#h4 :br#h#m4 Moses4 #re considered. 5or inst#nce4 :b9-#m or :b9-# >h?#m could e#sily be
tr#nsl#ted in the t!o deri$#ti$es 9 :b #nd -.:.M. or :9Br#m me#nin" Ffrom -i"ht4 :scension4 Meridi#nF
:b referrin" to f#ther #s :bb# is f#ther9 #nd Br#m or Br#>h?m# me#nin" God4 the n#me of the 2indu deity
in the trinity of !hich Si$# #nd Gishnu #re the other t!o4 Br#hm# bein" the God #bo$e e$ery other God4
the :bsolute4 ,tern#l4 .nch#n"in" )ne. Ger#ld M#ssey in F+he Book of Be"innin"s4H F*#tur#l GenesisH4
#nd FAncient Egypt: the Light of the WorldH4 el#bor#tes the source #nd connection of ,"y%ti#n Mytholo"y
#nd ritu#listic mysteries !ith Christol#try4 so th#t Biblic#l history #nd *e! +est#ment f#cts c#n be
threshed from the m#ss of the fictitious4 #%ocry%h#l4 symbolo"ic#l liter#ture !hich the Bible cont#ins4
cle#rin" the !#y for #n ide#l4 met#%hysic#l #nd s%iritu#l inter%ret#tion of such #ssumed historic#l %ersons
#s Melchizedek.
+hus4 !hen Melchizedek is likened to the he#d of the hum#n r#ce4 #n #n"el4 the son of God in hum#n
form4 the Messi#h4 the %otenti#l re%resent#ti$e on e#rth of the Christ #nd fin#lly4 the 2oly Ghost4 the
student of the Secret Doctrine must not be s!e%t off his feet by these cl#ims4 but must dili"ently #nd
%#tiently in=uire ho! #nd !hy such cl#ims h#$e been m#de4 #nd !hy the n#me Melchizedek h#s l#in like
"old in the ri$er bed of Biblic#l liter#ture o$er !hich the ri$er of life itself h#s lon" since ce#sed to flo!.
t is true th#t historic#l %ersons h#$e fre=uently been first c#nonized #nd then deified4 #s it is #lso true
th#t mytholo"ic#l %ersonific#tions of n#tur#l forces4 l#!s #nd %henomen# h#$e been reduced to hum#n
bein"s. )sirus #nd sis4 once ,"y%ti#n %rince #nd %rincess4 some thous#nds of ye#rs #"o4 bec#me in
due course of time kin" #nd =ueen4 #nd #fter the l#%se of #"es4 # sun God #nd # moon God th#t !ere
#ctu#lly !orshi%%ed in tem%les dedic#ted to them. : simil#r met#mor%hic ch#n"e #nd # deific#tion of this
sort is e6%ected to be m#de of the l#te M#ry B#ker ,ddy4 founder of the Christi#n Science Church. :
secret enmity h#s #lre#dy #risen #mon" the -om#n C#tholics #"#inst Christi#n Scientists bec#use they
see modern tendencies in th#t direction #nd fe#r th#t the throne of the Christi#n4 Di$ine motherhood no!
occu%ied by M#ry m#y be usur%ed by !h#t m#y be c#lled4 in the terms of the sho%4 # s%iritu#l com%etitor.
#ll his sounds str#n"e #nd unc#nny to e#rs un9#ccustomed to the !ild #nd #ud#cious cl#ims of su%er
P#"e 7
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
n#tur#lists4 #nd Christi#n Science met#%hysici#ns4 but history often re%e#ts itself.
+hus the l#n"u#"e !hich in$ests Melchizedek !ith historic#l #uthenticity dis"uises his re#l self or
Di$inity. t c#n be s#id !ith much #ssur#nce #nd cert#inty th#t Melchizedek symbolic#lly #nd mystic#lly
ty%ifies the %ersonific#tion #s !ell #s im%erson#tion of the 2oly Ghost !hich4 in Genesis for the first time
!#s mentioned in hum#n history #nd m#de the re%resent#ti$e emblem of m#nIs di$ine heredity #nd
Pro$idence. +hus the )rder !#s formed in the S%iritu#l S%heres4 in the mystic#l sense #nd tr#nsferred to
the sublime consciousness of # m#n4 !ho !#s the #lle"ed first enli"htened God f#ther of the Je!s4
:br#h#m. 5rom him s%run" the %ro%hetic c#%#city4 !hich is most $irile #nd #cti$e #mon" those !ho #re
of the )rder of Melchizedek.
+he sense of e6#lted4 di"nified4 e6clusi$eness4 se%#r#teness4 #nd #u"ust di$inity !hich clothed th#t
%erson#lity of the #ncient Je!ish %ro%hets4 !#s founded u%on s%iritu#l rel#tionshi% !hich connected
:br#h#m mystic#lly !ith Melchizedek. 0orthiness of body #nd mind4 heroic #nd true in their consecr#tion
to truth4 they bec#me the hi"h %riests #fter the )rder of Melchizedek4 throu"h !hom !#s %reser$ed the
s%irit4 of the ori"in#l hum#n $ision #nd s%iritu#l ide#l of di$ine %erfection4 !hich in %rocess of time4 !hen
the old school of m#;or #nd minor %ro%hets h#d closed their books of %ro%hecy4 the hum#n re#liz#tion
#nd di$ine inc#rn#tion should come #mon" m#nkind #s the Messi#h or Christ.
t !#s not im%rob#ble th#t this di$ine %erfection should lod"e %otenti#lly #nd in#cti$ely in the soul of m#n4
until kindled into # conscious $ision by # di$ine $isit#tion #s th#t of #n #n"el4 #n #$#t#r4 #n e%i%h#ny4 #nd
then enter u%on its e#rthly tr#$#il in the !omb of !om#n #nd the mind of m#n to celebr#te its n#ti$ity4 first
in %ro%hetic $ision #nd #fter!#rd !hen cosmic #nd e#rthly conditions #re ri%e4 to m#nifest in its %erfect
hum#n inc#rn#tion. :ll this is hinted #t in Genesis in the mysterious meetin" of Melchizedek #nd
P#"e (
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
The Secret Doctrine" of the Order.
It" Myth") My"terie") Symboli"m") C#non") *hilo"o+hy
t is # !ell kno! f#ct th#t there !#s #nd still is # FSecret DoctrineH kno!n to the #ncient #nd i"nored by
the modern !orld4 #lthou"h "lim%sed by cert#in God conscious #nd illumined souls #s %ro%hets or seers4
#nd "re#t r#ci#l te#chers4 #nd th#t this doctrine !#s hinted #t by P#ul in his references in the 2ebre!s to
the )rder Melchizedek. n # uni=ue book %rinted in /ondon 1@9D #nd entitled F+he C#non4H !ith #n
introduction by -.B.C.Gr#h#m4 much is !ritten #bout the %#"#n mystery %er%etu#ted in the C#b#l# #s
the rule of #ll the #rts. +he su%ern#l :d#m >of the s%irit or he#$enly !orld? bec#me the e#rthly :d#m4
since Fthe e#rthH to =uote the C#non4 F!#s %hiloso%hic#lly considered to be the mother or rece%ti$e
%o!er in the %l#net#ry system4 she !#s fi"ur#ti$ely s#id to h#$e concei$ed #nd brou"ht forth the
%rime$#l m#n4 the e#rth born :d#m4 the son of the su%ern#l :d#m. +hus4 #ccordin" to the 2ebre!s4 the
r#ce of mort#ls !#s %roducedA #nd the s%irit of life h#$in" been im%l#nted in the body of the first m#n he
tr#nsmitted it throu"h ,$e to #ll subse=uent "ener#tionsH. +his sounds $#"ue4 indefinite4 unscientific4 #s it
is to #n e$olutionist !ho does not #cce%t #s sim%le #nd #lle"oric#l #n e6%l#n#tion of the ori"in of life or
m#n on this %l#net. Such # solution4 ho!e$er4 is by the tr#dition#lists4 #nimists4 c#b#lists #nd #d$oc#tes
of the Secret Doctrine tre#ted #s # myth4 not #s #n historic#l f#ct4 the secret of hum#n ori"in #nd birth4
bein" !ithheld from #nd conce#led in the %#r#bolic#l l#n"u#"e. *or h#s modern science so f#r furnished
the key4 either to unlock the mystery or to e6%l#in the myth.
+he !ord Fin$olutionH !ill hel% the student to underst#nd the n#tur#l %ro"ress kno!n #s e$olution4 the
#scendin" #rc of life4 !hich !ord in$olution %sychic#l in$esti"#tors #re no! thro!in" li"ht u%on #s
cle#rin" u% the f#lse cl#ims4 first4 of theolo"i#ns #s to # su%ern#tur#l hum#n ori"in4 r#ther th#n #
su%ernorm#l or di$ine4 #nd secondly4 of %hysic#l scientists !ho deny th#t m#n is # hum#n soul #nd his
ori"in or heredity is from GodA thus by the deni#l4 outl#!in" #ll other #nd s%iritu#l e$idences4 !hich is
included in #nd #ffirmed #nd confirmed by the s%iritu#l hy%othesis.
Ber"son in FM#tter #nd MemoryH boldly cl#ims th#t s%irit h#s #n e6istence of its o!n4 Fth#t there is in
m#tter somethin" more th#n4 but somethin" different from4 th#t !hich is usu#lly "i$en. +he truth is th#t
there is one #nd only one4 method of refutin" m#teri#lism4 it is to sho! th#t m#tter is %recisely th#t !hich
it #%%e#rs to be. +hereby4 !e elimin#te #ll $irtu#lity4 #ll hidden %o!er4 from m#tter #nd est#blish the
%henomen# of s%irit #s #n inde%endent re#lity. But to do this4 !e must le#$e to m#tter those =u#lities
!hich m#teri#lists #nd s%iritu#lists #like stri% from itA the l#tter th#t they m#y m#ke of them
re%resent#tions of the s%irit4 the former th#t they m#y re"#rd them only #s the #ccident#l "#rb of s%#ce.H
+hus Ber"son defends the soul or s%irit #s #n entity =uite #%#rt from m#tter #nd the m#teri#l !orld4 !ith
!hich it is #ssoci#ted.
2o!e$er4 in the mysterious l#n"u#"e of Pl#to4 the soul in its n#tur#l %il"rim#"e throu"h life4 e6ists in
three distinct forms under di$erse conditions. +he hum#n "erm first e6ists in the body of m#n4 !ho is the
f#ther. n the #ct of coition4 it is tr#nsferred to the !om#n !ho is the mother4 #nd in the third form4 it is
born into the !orld #n inde%endent hum#n body4 #nd #s m#n or !om#n4 it so rem#ins until de#th. +he
first residence of the %sychic "erm is referred to in 2ebre!s D' 991B F/e$i #lso4 !ho recei$ed tithes4
%#yed tithes in :br#h#m. 5or he !#s yet in the loins of his f#ther !hen Melchizedek met him.H +he
P#"e C
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
tr#nsition from the first residence to the second m#rks the soulIs first de#th #nd birth. +his is symbolized
by the Phoeni64 risin" #"#in #fter disinte"r#tion #nd dissolution. +he Phoeni6 !#s # s#cred ,"y%ti#n #nd
Greek mytholo"ic#l bird like #n e#"le4 f#bled #s comin" out of :r#bi# e$ery fi$e hundred ye#rs to
2elio%olis4 ,"y%t4 the city of the sun4 !here it burnt itself on the #lt#r #nd rose #"#in from its #shes4
youn" #nd be#utiful. t bec#me # %er%etu#l ty%e of immort#lity #nd the resurrection. )f course4 the bird
#nd the story is # myth4 cont#inin" the #ncient secret doctrine of the immort#lity of soul #s m#nifest in
hum#n e6istence4 "ro!th #nd e$olution.
+he second st#"e of the soulIs e6istence4 is !hen it re#ches #s "erm the !omb of the !om#n4 the #bode
of d#rkness >Sheol or h#des of the Je!s #nd Greeks?4 #nd in the third st#"e4 #s it issues from the !omb4
it h#s # subst#nti#l %hysic#l body #nd so be"ins its life #s # m#n.
n this body4 the soul !#s by the #ncient te#chers concei$ed #s # s%#rk of the di$ine essence of God4
#nd so4 thus endo!ed !ith Di$inity4 !#s c#%#ble of tr#nsmittin" # %ortion of the soul !ithin him4 #nd
bein" essenti#lly immort#l4 #dded # Fne! link in the continuous ch#in of life4 !hose be"innin" !#s in
he#$enH9 S#lem4 the city of %e#ce.
+his briefly !#s4 !h#t is kno!n #s the Gnosis4 or Secret Doctrine of the soulIs birth4 e6istence #nd
destiny #s t#u"ht in the Scri%tures #nd im%#rted to initi#tes #t the celebr#tion of the mysteries. )ri"en
!rote4 F0e ho%e4 #fter the troubles #nd stru""les !hich !e suffer here4 to re#ch the hi"hest he#$ens4
#nd recei$in"4 #"ree#bly to the te#chin" of Jesus4 the fount#ins of !#ter th#t s%rin" u% into etern#l life
#nd bein"4 >See John 7? filled !ith the ri$ers of kno!led"e4 sh#ll be united !ith those !#ters th#t #re s#id
to be #bo$e the he#$ens4 #nd !hich %r#ise 2is n#me. :s m#ny of us #s %r#ise 2im sh#ll not be c#rried
#bout by the re$olution of the he#$en >reinc#rn#tion1? but sh#ll e$er be en"#"ed in the contem%l#tion of
the in$isible thin"s". >:"#inst Celsus4 Book C4 Ch#%ter 3B. +his !#s the me#nin" of the ,"y%ti#n4 Je!ish
#nd Greek mysteries4 tr#cin" #ll souls b#ck4 thre#d by thre#d4 from son to f#ther4 culmin#tin" in the e#rth
born :d#m4 #nd fin#lly in the u%!#rd s!in" of the #rc4 #fter the do!n!#rd s!in" of the #rc of the circle
h#d been com%leted4 they ho%ed #nd belie$ed th#t !hen de#th c#me4 they !ould #scend >by the se$en
s%irits or #n"els 9 the %l#nets? into the firm#ment to ;oin the choir of the st#rs4 !hence they issued.
+he f#ll of m#n !e kno! c#n no! be s#tisf#ctorily e6%l#ined not by the intent or #ccident of # theolo"ic#l
f#ll or by # doctrine of tot#l de%r#$ity4 but by # mystic#l Gnosis4 scientific#lly #nd %hiloso%hic#lly
e6%l#ined by the in$olution of the soul in m#tter4 or by the four $erities JBuddh# t#u"ht th#t e6istence is
c#used by desire. 2is first $erity is "P#in e6ists". Second $erity4 "+he c#use of %#in is desire or
#tt#chment". +hird $erity4 "P#in c#n be ended by *ir$#n#". 5ourth $erity4 "+he !#y is sho!n to
*ir$#n#".K Kof Buddh# #s #%%lied to the soulIs hum#n descent4 #nd #scent #s ty%ified in the cre#tion #nd
"ener#tion of souls in the first :d#m4 #nd by the te#chin"s of Jesus. 5or it is mystic#lly st#ted by P#ul4
F:s in :d#m #ll die4 so in Christ sh#ll #ll be m#de #li$e.H +he Gnosis or Secret Doctrine is the s#me
essenti#lly in #ll ethnic reli"ions4 could !e but culti$#te the inner sense of the me#nin"s of %#r#bles4
symbols4 myths #nd c#b#l#.
+he c#non of this Gnosis or Secret Doctrine !#s "i$en by !ord of mouth by m#ster builders #nd
te#chers c#lled %riests from tem%les in !hich they offici#ted4 to the initi#ted4 !ho #ccordin" to the
customs of the times conce#led the te#chin"s #nd the mysteries often in contr#dictory4 "rotes=ue #nd
foolish symbolisms4 for !hich the !ise only held the key. :"#in4 the Gnosis !#s hidden #!#y in the
P#"e D
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
#rchitectur#l %l#ns of cert#in monuments #s the %yr#mid #nd s%hin6 #nd in tem%les #nd c#thedr#ls4 #s
SolomonIs tem%le #nd the c#thedr#l of Mil#n. 2omer !o$e it into his lli#d. D#nte4 incor%or#ted it in his
Di$ine Comedy4 Milton in his story of P#r#dise /ost. C#nonic#l theolo"y #nd %hiloso%hy buried it in their
s#cred %#lim%sests. +he e%ic story of the soul4 is retold in the fourth ch#%ter of JohnIs Gos%el4 !here
Jesus #ddresses the !om#n of S#m#ri#. +heolo"y !hich !#s once #strolo"y4 bec#me such to conce#l
the Secret Doctrine from the !orldly !ise #nd %rudent4 for the s#me re#son th#t #lchemy bec#me
chemistry #nd #strolo"y bec#me #stronomy4 #nd so the Secret Doctrine !#s tem%or#rily lost4 #t le#st4 to
those !ho %referred to recei$e orders fro # B#bel of confusion4 r#ther th#n from the %ill#r of fire by ni"ht
#nd the cloud of li"ht by d#y.
P#"e @
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
The Secret Doctrine on ,our *l#ne" of -.+re""ion #nd M#nife"t#tion
n the met#%hysic#l #n#lysis of ",hye :sher ,hyse"4 > #m th#t #m?4 the mystic#l source of the self
consciousness4 e"o or %erson? is contr#sted !ith the consciousness of the Self4 Di$inity or God 9 the
ob;ecti$e or ob;ectified4 !ith the sub;ecti$e or sub;ectified. +he former is conditioned by time4 s%#ce
#nd the necessity of e6%erience4the l#tter is unconditioned4 free. n the one4 the e"o is un#!#re #nd
unconscious of its di$inity4 in the other it is =uite #!#re #nd conscious of it.
n the Secret Doctrine of the Bible4 it is t#u"ht th#t there #re four elements #nd four %rinci%les4 #s !ell #s
four m#nifest#tions #nd e6%ressions of life. +he four elements #re fire >o6y"en?4 !#ter >hydro"en?4 #ir
>nitro"en?4 e#rth >c#rbon?4 necess#ry to or"#nism or m#nifest#tion4 #nd the four %rinci%les #re di$ine or
s%iritu#l4 %sychic4 ment#l #nd %hysic#l4 necess#ry to e6%ression.
Di$inity or s%irit4 soul4 mind4 body constitute the four corner stones of life #nd h#$e reference to the *orth4
,#st4 0est #nd South4 >*,0S?4 on !hich bro#dly s%e#kin"4 the found#tion of the .ni$erse >Solomon<s
+em%le? is built or est#blished. +his !#s im%lied in the %l#n of Solomon<s tem%le4 the outer court for the
Gentiles >%hysic#l?4 the inner court for the Je!s >ment#l?4 #nd the 2oly of 2olies for the hi"h %riest
>%sychic?4 !here the fourth or Di$ine is re#lized. +he %hysic#l4 ment#l4 %sychic de%end u%on the Di$ine
Bein"4 thus com%letin" the circle #round the s=u#re of e6istence.
5ire #mon" the #lchemists #nd mystics h#$e been symbolized by the sun4 #s !#ter by the moon4 the one
m#sculine4 >h#$in" the rose for its flor#l emblem? #nd the other feminine4 >h#$in" the lily for its flor#l
emblem?. 5ire is %ositi$e >m#"netic? #nd !#ter is electric or ne"#ti$e. :mon" the 2indus4 fire is s#cred to
Si$# #nd !#ter to Gishnu4 !hile the #ir >bre#th or s%irit? !ould be s#cred to Br#hm#4 the third in the triune
n#ture of the 2indu Godhe#d. :s fire destroys out!#rd form4 Si$# !#s c#lled the destroyer4 the f#ther4
#nd ruled o$er life #nd de#th4 #nd #s !#ter %reser$es4 Gishnu !#s c#lled the %reser$er4 #nd ruled o$er
motherhood #nd children.
5ire h#s its met#%hysic#l corres%ondent #nd symbolizes the #cti$e mind4 the senses4 the ob;ecti$e life4
!hile !#ter symbolizes the %#ssi$e mind4 the #ffections4 the sub;ecti$e life.
+he sun "ermin#tes #nd "ener#tes life from seed by tr#nsformin" the seed into its li$in" %otenti#l form.
+hus it is # destroyer. But the seed does not "ermin#te until moistened by !#ter. :nd so the moon4 rulin"
the !#ter4 the tides4 !om#n4 %reser$es the life in # form %eculi#r to its kind. +hus Si$# #nd Gishnu4 #cti$e
#nd %#ssi$e %rinci%les of deity >likened to li"ht #nd d#rkness4 he#t #nd cold4 e$il #nd "ood? rule o$er
s%rin" #nd summer4 #utumn #nd !inter res%ecti$ely.
M#nifest#tion is outer #nd %hysic#l >%henomenon?4 !hile e6%ression is inner #nd ment#l4 %sychic #nd
s%iritu#l >neumonon?. So th#t it c#n be s#id th#t the e6%ression of the soul is to the s%here !h#t the
m#nifest#tion is the %l#ne of life. +his must be ke%t continuously in mind if the student ho%es to m#ster
the Secret Doctrine of the Bible. 5or ho! !ill he underst#nd such mystic#l #nd occult s#yin"s #s this one
of 2ermes +ris Me"istus4 ":s it is #bo$e4 so is it belo!A #s it is !ithin4 so it is !ithout"4 #nd "!h#te$er
e6ists u%on the e#rth in #n e#rthly form4 e6ists in the he#$ens in # he#$enly form". :nd this %rofound
P#"e 9
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
s#yin" of #mblicus4 "the d#y time of the body is the ni"ht time of the soulA the ni"ht time of the body is
the d#y time of the soul". S%heres thus reflect their contents #nd subst#nce on corres%ondin" #nd
kindred %l#nes4 #ccordin" to the l#! of e6%ression #nd m#nifest#tion. Gerald Massey thou"ht th#t this
corres%ondence is com%rehended by the l#! of dissimilitude.
+he soul4 in f#ct4 #ll life4 essenti#lly s%irit4 functions on the four %l#nes #nd in the four s%heres4
desi"n#ted by the !ords4 %hysic#l4 ment#l4 %sychic#l #nd s%iritu#l #nd is of one essence in #ll forms of
e6%ression #nd m#nifest#tion.
+he soul or s%irit does not cre#te m#tter4 but uses it. t $it#lizes cells4 #ttr#cts #nd #rr#n"es #toms4
determines #nd dis%oses of the =u#lity of the %hysic#l subst#nce4 #nd by its thou"ht4 feelin" #nd
ch#r#cter builds #nd destroys forms #nd tr#nsforms its body into the im#"es >sub;ects #nd ob;ects? it
lo$es. +hus4 the %hysic#l body #nd the hum#n %erson#lity #re rel#ted inte"r#lly to the %sychic4 s%iritu#l
#nd Di$ine ,ntity./,ntity is here em%loyed to include one<s Di$inity0
t is # !ell kno! #nd est#blished te#chin" in the Secret Doctrine of the Bible4 th#t the l#dder on !hich
J#cob >the soul e6%ressin" itself? s#! #n"els #scendin" #nd descendin"4 is none other th#n the
e6%ression of the techni=ue or Secret Doctrine #%%lied to the soul<s o!n %o!ers or s%iritu#l f#culties4
!hich4 tr#nscendin" the s%here #nd limit#tions of the senses #nd f#culties of the n#tur#l m#n4 #fford #
me#ns of esc#%e from time #nd s%#ce #nd the obsessions of the hum#n br#in to b#sk in the infinitude of
eternity4!here time is no more4 #nd !here the soul itself is free to li$e untr#mmelled by the flesh.
:br#h#m on the %l#ins of M#mre re#lizes th#t the soul is ne$er born #nd ne$er dies. +his follo!ed his
initi#tion into the )rder of Melchizedek4 !ho honored him by %l#cin" u%on his shoulders the m#ntle of
#uthority4the symbol of his illumined consciousness #nd so m#de him # hi"h %riest of s%iritu#l re$el#tion.
J#cob4 symbolizes the soul in the #ct of e6%ressin" #s !ell #s unfoldin" itself4 !hile s##c4 is the symbol
of #ll %erson#l #nd %hysic#l s#crifices !hich e#ch one must #nd !ill m#ke4 !ho #s%ires to be # hi"h
%riest of the )rder of Melchizedek4 or4 !ho4 h#$in" obt#ined membershi%4 is no! ser$in" #t the #lt#r of
truth #nd hel%in" others to do the s#me.
*o! it is str#n"e th#t the me#nin" of the !ord mir#cle should h#$e been confused #nd mi6ed !ith the
!ord su%ern#tur#l4 for the t!o !ords become me#nin"less in hum#n %sycholo"y. 0h#t the soul c#nnot
do #nd God c#n4 m#ke the soul<s efforts seem hel%less #nd ho%eless. But !hen the soul<s di$inity is
in$ol$ed in God4 both bein" of one essence4!ill4 intelli"ence #nd life4 the !ord<s mir#cle #nd su%ern#tur#l
become intelli"ible in the su%reme4 di$ine results !hich #re #tt#ined by su%reme di$ine efforts4 the
di$inity of the soul e6%ressin" its di$ine #ttributes #s omni%resence4 omni%otence4 omniscience #nd
%erfect lo$e4 #ttributes !hich #re %otenti#l =u#lities of the soul #nd demonstr#ble on the four %l#nes of
e6%ression. f su%ern#tur#lism su""ests the ide# of deus e6 m#chin# > # deity outside the m#chine?4 #nd
the !ord mir#cle4 #nd #ct of such # deity4 then the ide# is unn#tur#l #nd erroneous. f4 on the other h#nd4
the soul c#n #nd does e6%ress its di$inity4 so th#t it sees4 he#rs #nd feels beyond the %o!er4 l#! #nd
limit#tion of the senses4 these results #re not to be #cce%ted #s su%ern#tur#l4 ho!e$er4 they #re to be
cl#ssified #s su%ernorm#l >#bo$e the norm#l?4 #nd #re not mir#cles / : mir#cle is #n #ct or result !hich
t#kes %l#ce by the sus%ension of n#tur#l l#! by the direct fi#t God 0 bec#use they occur under di$ine l#!.
+he Secret Doctrine of the Bible #ssures us th#t the inner sense of the Scri%ture de%ends u%on the use
!e m#ke of our %sychic #nd s%iritu#l %o!ers. :nd only the mystic !ho re#lizes th#t his di$inity #nd its
P#"e 1B
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
%o!ers #lone #re # l#m% to his feet #nd # li"ht to his intelli"ence h#s # ri"ht to ne"oti#te his %o!ers #nd
%erson#lity in this di$ine business. Does our coin be#r the su%erscri%tion of C#es#r or of God1
f the Secret Doctrine of the Bible m#kes dem#nds u%on us #nd these dem#nds !hen obeyed condition
results4 he !ould be foolish !ho e6%ected to st#nd on the outer court of the tem%le4 #nd ho%e to recei$e
results !hich belon" to those !ho h#$e %re%#red themsel$es to be !orthy of the 2oly of 2olies. ,$en
such #s #re #dmitted to the inner court m#y see the $ision cle#rer #nd he#r the $oice dee%er4 bec#use of
the de"ree of s%iritu#l #tt#inment4 but they must %re%#re themsel$es for !h#t is yet to come. Mere
intellectu#lity4culture or refinement4 ho!e$er4 or self lo$e4 e"otism #nd #mbition le#d to # fool<s %#r#diseA
#nd yet !ithout intellectu#lity4 culture #nd refinement # student c#nnot #tt#in nor m#ster the Secret
Doctrine. +ruth is not sim%le4 e6ce%t to one !ho kno!s e$erythin". +he more !e kno! the more !e
confess ho! little !e kno!. 2o! silly to think th#t truth c#n be kno! in one short life1 0h#t Sir s##c
*e!ton s#id is true of #ll le#rned men4 " seem to h#$e %icked u% but # fe! shells #lon" the se#shore 9
the "re#t oce#n of truth still lies infinite before me". So4 #s !e o$ercome hum#n n#ture on the %hysic#l
%l#ne4 h#$in" le#rned the folly or e$il of self indul"ence4 by self m#stery #nd the enli"htenment of our
senses4 !e %#ss from the outer court >e#rth %l#ne? of the Gentiles #nd the uniniti#ted4 to the inner court
of those !ho h#$e le#rned their first lessons. 2ere the ment#l >!#ter? #nd %sychic >#ir? %l#nes en"#"e
our e#rnest #nd %#tient #ttention.
Some study the connection4 rel#tion #nd corres%ondence bet!een the %sychic#l #nd ment#l %l#nes #
lon" time4 before they re#lize th#t in order to m#ke su%ernorm#lism # beneficent %o!er4 e#ch
su%ernorm#l f#culty #s !ell #s the !ill must be consciously under the control of one<s di$inity.
+o indul"e su%ernorm#lism for itself #lone is #s d#n"erous #nd re#ction#ry #s to indul"e one<s senses.
)bsessions must yield to self %ossession4 out!#rd #ttr#ctions to one<s %erson#l choice of di$ine freedom4
so$erei"nty4 #nd no one c#n be # m#ster4 !ho #llo!s self interest4 curiosity or self indul"ence to control
his thou"ht or #ction.
+he im%erson#l en;oyment of the s%iritu#l life !ill "u#rd #nd %rotect one from the blind #lleys #nd
tem%t#tions !hich le#d to d#rkness #nd misery. :mon" those !ho h#$e been dele"#ted the c#lled4 fe!
#re "chosen" to become the disci%les4 to s#y n#u"ht of becomin" the %er%etu#l hi"h %riests #fter the
)rder of Melchizedek. f the soul must be born of !#ter >mind?4 #nd fire >s%irit?4 the %hysic#l m#n
>"ener#tion9$it#lity? becomes tr#nsmuted into the di$ine m#n >re"ener#tion9life?. +he #cti$e %hysic#l no!
%#ssi$e becomes the %#ssi$e s%iritu#l4 so th#t the %hysic#l is tr#nsformed by the s%iritu#l no! #cti$e.
+his is the Secret Doctrine of the Bible concernin" the s%iritu#l birth4 !hich *icodemus #s # m#teri#list4
could not "r#s%. John4 the belo$ed disci%le4 understood4 bec#use in his "os%el4 he t#u"ht the Secret
Doctrine4 #nnouncin" the s#me to the initi#tes4 in the $ery first ch#%ter. t is the lo"os4 !hich !hen
recei$ed from the llumin#te4 =u#lified one to be of the )rder of Melchizedek.
P#"e 11
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
The Chri"t *"ycholo1y #nd Chri"ti#n My"tici"m
t m#y here be #sked4 !h#t !#s #nd is the %ur%ose of the Secret Doctrine4 !hich endured throu"h the
#"es4 %er%etu#ted by %ro%hets #nd is communic#ted to us in the silence / Pyth#"or#s it is s#id4en;oined
si6 ye#rs of silence on his disci%les. +o be # mystic one must le#rn ho! to se#l eyes4 e#rs #nd li%s to
!h#t is seen4 he#rd #nd s%oken. 0hen such silence is #tt#ined4 one le#rns ho! to commune !ith God 0
#nd by the s%iritu#l )rder of Melchizedek1 +he 2oly S%irit4 indefin#ble to $ul"#r intelli"ences4 is #n e$er
%resent s%irit of truth4 ind!ellin" in #ll s%iritu#lly minded #nd illumin#ted souls by !hich truth is re$e#led
concernin" s%iritu#l re#lities. +he #u"ust %resence of God could not #%%ro#ch ne#rer to us th#n does the
2oly S%irit of truth.
+here is ho!e$er # di$ine techni=ue !hich is conce#led #nd re$e#led in the Bible4 c#lled the Christ
%sycholo"y4 !hich Jesus t#u"ht in the %#r#bles of the 5i$e +#lents #nd the 5i$e 0ise Gir"ins4 #nd !hich
P#ul hinted #t in Corinthi#ns 11'1(. )bscure #nd $eiled #s their te6tu#l me#nin"s #re4 the Secret
Doctrine e6%ounds their hidden me#nin" in unmist#k#ble cle#rness.
Di$inity4 centr#l in the soul4 c#n illumin#te the mind #nd life4 enli"hten the senses4 #dd # di$ine r#n"e to
si"ht #nd he#rin" #nd so %erme#te the soul4 !ith its r#di#nt #nd %ure li"ht #s to tr#nsform ecce home
>/o4 the hum#nL? #t once into ecce deus >/o4 the GodL?. +his is to be #cce%ted4 not only theoretic#lly4 but
c#n be s%iritu#lly demonstr#ted. Biblic#l #nd secul#r credenti#ls c#n be cited in %roof of this.
-eli"ions4 #mon" #ll the n#tions of the !orld #rticul#te one centr#l f#ct th#t life is essenti#lly s%irit #nd
di$ine. t is not born of m#tter #lthou"h #ssoci#ted !ith it. t is etern#l4 #nd therefore4 the soul is immort#l.
+his is the e$er recurrin" theme of %ure Christi#nity4 " #m the resurrection #nd the life".
+o %ro$e one<s Di$inity #nd m#ke it # conscious4 hel%ful %rinci%le of one<s life4 is the su%reme end of
reli"ion. :ll of its %ro%hets decl#red this mess#"e. +he m#rtyrs died for it. :nd yet to d#y # f#lse
met#%hysics #nd theolo"y4 #d$oc#ted in %#rt by the Christi#n church4 h#s m#de the s%iritu#l f#ct of the
sur$i$#l of the %erson#lity #fter de#th #nd the inn#te %otenti#l di$inity of the soul # "ift of God to the fe!4
# mir#cle of s#l$#tion4 #nd not the "re#ter f#ct of uni$ers#l4 hum#n4 di$ine life !hich de#th c#nnot #ffect
nor destroy.
n Met#%hysics #nd Christi#n Science "God h#s been hitched to business"4 #s thou"h #ny kind of ill
be"otten %ros%erity is of 2is !ill #nd Pro$idence. :nd yet is is # !ell kno! f#ct th#t Jesus chose to be
%oor >in !orldly "oods?4 th#t he mi"ht de$ote his entire time to di$ine ser$ice #nd th#t he mi"ht be rich in
Godliness #nd to!#rd GodA in short4 th#t he mi"ht not be influenced or obsessed by riches #s mi"ht
follo!4 if !orldly #mbition or #tt#chment controlled him. :ny so%hist th#t m#kes God4 !ho is no res%ector
of %ersons4 f#$or one cl#ss !hom he blesses !ith !e#lth4 #nd disf#$or #nother cl#ss !hom he curses
!ith %o$erty4 h#s #n effete4 trib#l conce%tion of God. Money4 %ros%erity4 !e#lth #nd their o%%osites4 #re
l#r"ely m#tters of our desires4 l#bour #nd in"enuity #nd the scri%tur#l ;ustific#tion of the %ros%erity of the
ri"hteous is in the f#ct th#t they em%loy ri"hteous4 business methods to obt#in4 #ccumul#te #nd s%ent
riches. +he rich #re not rich or %ros%erous bec#use only of their ri"hteousness4 nor the %oor %oor
bec#use only of their !ickedness4 but bec#use the business of #c=uirin" !e#lth e$en #s # "ift4 dem#nds
of us cert#in soci#l #nd economic =u#lities4 !hich if !e obey or disobey %roduce cert#in results. +his is
P#"e 13
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
endorsed by Jesus !ho "#$e # luminous e6%osition of it in the %#r#ble of the fi$e t#lents4 !hen he
em%h#sized the l#! of thrift #nd !ork in the #ccumul#tion of money4fi$e t#lents em%loyed brin"in" fi$e
more4 #nd #ctu#lly condemned the m#n !ho his his one t#lent in # n#%kin in the e#rth #nd #s # result of
his indolence #nd stu%idity4 he h#d e$en th#t one t#ken from him. *o one denies th#t ;ustice4 kindness4
f#ir de#lin"4 ri"ht thinkin" #re # %#rt of the business of becomin" %ros%erous4 but one m#y be #ll this4 #nd
if trustin" only in God #nd seldom or ne$er !orkin" to be %ros%erous4 e6%ectin" %ros%erity to come
mir#culously #s # result of his trust4 he !ill rem#in !here he is the rest of his n#tur#l life.
*ot # fe! im#"ine th#t ri"hteousness is # sort of hocus %ocus or m#"ic by !hich one is f#$ored #nd
blessed #nd #nother dishonored #nd #fflicted. :s it is !ith # seed before #nd #fter it is %ut into the "ood
soil4 so is it !ith our ide#ls4 desires4 thou"hts. God hel%s us throu"h conditions. 2e hel%s those !ho hel%
themsel$es. :nd no so%histry is more heretic#l of truth4 more insidious #nd de#dly in our li$es th#n the
#ssum%tion th#t God is # res%ector of %ersons #nd not # res%ector of the Di$ine /#!4 th#t 2e c#n #nd
does f#$or one cl#ss !ho disobey the l#! in %r#ctice #nd disf#$ors #nother cl#ss !ho obey it in theory
Mere #ffirm#tions4 $#in re%etitions4 ecst#tic %hr#sin" of te6ts4 !hich #re not %ut into %r#ctice4 count for
+he Secret Doctrine first of #ll est#blishes the rei"n of /#! on #ll %l#nes of life #nd our #tt#inments #nd
obt#inments results from strict com%li#nce !ith s%iritu#l #nd scientific conditions4 / Cor. 3'17. "+he n#tur#l
m#n recei$eth not the thin"s !hich #re of the s%irit of God4 for they #re foolishness to himA neither c#n he
kno! them4 for they #re s%iritu#lly discerned". 0 est#blished by the /#!. ndeed such is the rel#tionshi%
bet!een c#uses #nd effects #nd their result#nt c#uses #nd effects4 th#t the /#! of Justice is not mocked4
e#ch soul re#%in" !h#te$er it so!s4 not in the sense of re!#rds or %unishments4 but only in the dee%er
sense of s%iritu#l #nd n#tur#l conse=uences.
+he Christ %sycholo"y be"ins !ith the di$ine #nd ends !ith the hum#n order of !ill4 intelli"ence4 feelin"
#nd life. God<s !ill is e6%ressed in the uni$erse #s /#!4 9 not c#%rice4 order 9 not ch#osA intelli"ence 9 not
ch#nce or #ccidentsA lo$e 9 not h#teA life 9 not de#th. :nd the use !e m#ke of our !illin"4 thinkin" #nd
feelin" #s e#ch one !ills4 thinks #nd feels4 is re"istered in the ch#r#cter of his life. +hus the /#! not only
"o$erns #nd finds its su%reme ;ustific#tion in one<s di$inity4 !hence it ori"in#tes4 but in hum#nity4 not only
in the s%iritu#l4 but the n#tur#l !orld. 5or our di$inity is in our hum#nity #nd the ch#r#cter of hum#nity is #
ne"#ti$e or %ositi$e results of the e6%ression of our di$inity. t is the s#me /#! "o$ernin" the di$ine #nd
n#tur#l m#n in the s%iritu#l #nd n#tur#l !orld. +he Christ %sycholo"y !hich differs in n#me only from the
*e! Psycholo"y hy%othec#tes Di$inity #s the fund#ment#l key to the solution of the %roblems of m#n<s
life. t builds its techni=ue on s%iritu#l f#cts #nd kno!led"e. t %ro$es its %ro%osition by su%ersensuous or
s%iritu#l e$idences.
+hese e$idences to the n#tur#l m#n4 !ho h#s not yet been enli"htened or initi#ted into s%iritu#l
mysteries4 #re foolishness. But f#cts #re stubborn thin"s #nd %ersist until %ro%erly t#bul#ted in the
c#te"ory of s%iritu#l re#lities.
+he mystic#l #nd scientific connection bet!een hum#nity #nd Di$inity is est#blished by the *e! #nd
P#"e 1&
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
Christ %sycholo"y. /Christ is the !ord em%loyed to e6%ress %sycholo"ic#l f#cts #nd %rocesses !hich
%ro$e the soul to be %otenti#lly immort#l #nd di$ine. 0
Su%ernorm#lism defines the scientific4 %sychic o%er#tions4 f#culties #nd results4 !hen one functions on
the sub;ecti$e or s%iritu#l side of his n#tureA but only !hen such functionin" is dedic#ted to di$ine #nd
unselfish ends c#n it be =u#lified #s the #%%lic#tion of the %hiloso%hy of the Christ %sycholo"y.
Su%ernorm#l %sycholo"y is fully #nd e6h#usti$ely e6%l#ined in the !ork by the #uthor on "+he *e!
Psycholo"y" #nd one should study #nd m#ster it4 to "et #n intelli"ent conce%tion of the sco%e of this
br#nch of the Christ %sycholo"y #s it e6%l#ins s%iritu#l f#cts4 !hich tr#nscend the %o!er of the norm#l
senses #nd f#culties to #%%rehend or e6%l#in. 0hile these f#cts c#n be det#ched from %hysic#l c#uses
#nd l#!s4 they #re none the less #ssoci#ted !ith them by c#uses !hich "o$ern #nd inter%enetr#te them4
#s the ether #nd fourth dimension inter%enetr#te m#tter #nd its three dimensions in time #nd s%#ce.
0h#t is needed by the soul is the mystic#l $ision4 !hich centr#lized !ithin the soul4 !here the s%irit of
God #nd our s%irit become4 #s it !ere4 fused into one #nd the s#me life #nd consciousness4 re$e#ls the
unmist#k#ble difference bet!een the ob;ecti$e %o!er #nd life of m#n #nd the s#me %o!er #nd life !hen
"o$erned by #nd %roceedin" from his di$inity.
+he Secret Doctrine #ffords # ne#r $ision #nd re#liz#tion of the essenti#l self4 one<s di$inity4 mystic#lly
unitin" the soul to God4 the su%reme #nd :bsolute ntelli"ence4 !here !h#t is l#!fully fi6ed >#s m#tter? in
time #nd s%#ce4 but l#!fully free in s%irit4 c#n be tr#nsformed #nd m#de to m#nifest the hi"her4 more
sublime uses of the di$ine !ill #nd %o!er4 coordin#tin" !ith the lo!er ment#l f#culties #nd %o!ers4 to
re$e#l the occult #nd di$ine ends4 !hich the %hysic#l #nd chemic#l l#!s of m#tter subser$e. +his
e6%l#ins ho! the #lle"ed mir#cles #nd su%ern#tur#lism of the Bible #re not sus%ensions of n#tur#l l#!4
nor $iol#tions of Di$ine %rinci%les4 but the cle#r #nd undeni#ble e$idences of l#!4 under the soul<s o!n
di$ine so$erei"nty.
Such mystic#l communion bet!een one<s hi"her self / ,"o is the %erson#l "". Di$inity is the Di$ine or
self uni$ers#l #s #n entity indi$idu#lized #nd %otenti#l in #ll souls. +he %erson#lity is the e"o ob;ectified in
the n#tur#l m#n or sub;ectified in the s%iritu#l m#n. +he %erson#l e"o de%ends u%on the Di$ine for its
e6istence. 0 or Di$inity #nd God4 concerns the e"o or self in the di$ine life4 in the the su%er
consciousness4 r#ther th#n in one<s use of su%ernorm#l %o!ers on the norm#l or su%ernorm#l %l#ne.
Mystic#l e6%eriences must be #nd #re uni$ers#l #nd uni=ue. M#ny h#$e en;oyed them4 es%eci#lly
%ro%hets4 mystics4 %hiloso%hers4 %oets4 #$#t#rs4 "re#t te#chers. +hese e6%eriences #re c#lled reli"ious
bec#use they concern the di$ine life #nd God4 but they should ne$er be confused !ith merely
su%ernorm#l e6%eriencesA for !hile they #re most useful #nd ine$it#ble in the #tt#inment of s%iritu#l
re#liz#tions4they #re not directly #nd inte"r#lly of the im%erson#l s%irit or the God consciousness. Such
e6%eriences #re indi$idu#l4 #nd concrete4 in#smuch #s they rel#te both to Di$ine Guid#nce #nd hum#n
needs4 but they #re distinctly mystic#l #s !#s the $ision of the Christ to P#ul !hile he !#s on the ro#d to
D#m#scus. Sin"ul#r #s such e6%eriences #re4 they #re of the uni$ers#l S%irit4 #nd !hether in form of #
$ision or $oice4 they enter the soul only !hen the soul is either ecst#tic#lly in communion !ith God4 or #s
in the c#se of P#ul4 !hen the time h#s come for the soul to end its futile se#rch #fter truth4 #nd so to
re#ct its life from the st#nd%oint of di$ine con$iction #nd ment#l illumin#tion #s to enter ;oyfully4 freely into
the l#r"er4 Messi#nic #nd #%ostolic ser$ice. +he meteor #s !ell #s the sun roll on orbits concentric !ith
the elli%se4 !here the li"ht #nd d#rkness %#rt com%#ny fore$er. 2e !ho !ould find himself must mo$e
to!#rd the center !here God is #nd !here the t!o !ills4 hum#n #nd di$ine4 unite #nd fuse #t l#st into
P#"e 17
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
t is su%remely im%ort#nt th#t if one is of the )rder of Melchizedek th#t he think4 lo$e #nd !orkin" in the
outer court of the Gentiles #s he ser$es in the 2oly of 2olies. )ne li"ht4 th#t of Di$inity burns in sin"ul#r
%urity in !h#t e$er he does #nd !here$er he isL
t is not #stonishin"4 therefore th#t the !ord mystery #nd mysticism should be deri$ed from the s#me
root. 2e !ho incredulously #nd blindly %ermits the e"o to function on only the sensuous4 ob;ecti$e %l#ne
of consciousness4 i"nor#ntly inhibitin" the soul<s interior4 l#r"er #nd dee%er e6%ression of life #nd %o!er
in the s%here of its su%ersensuous4 tr#nscend#nt4 sub;ecti$e #nd sublimin#l consciousness4 of course4
!ill deny the re#lity of s%iritu#l #nd mystic#l e6%eriencesA but4 the moment the e"o is disenthr#lled from
the senses #nd liber#ted from the self im%osed obsessions of its desires4 #nd these $ery desires #re
destroyed4 then the e"o is free #s !#s P#ul to en;oy consciously the re$eries4 ecst#cies4 $isions4 $oices
of his soul4 of #n"els #nd ministerin" s%irits4 #s sent of God #nd #s # %#rt of the order of his di$inity #nd
+o se#l the li%s4 close the eyes4 #nd e#rs4 is the first condition in concentr#tion4 !hich concerns the
center of bein" #nd Di$inity4 #nd not #ny one %#rticul#r sub;ect or ob;ect of consciousness #nd life. Such
centr#liz#tion of thou"ht4 first4 #nd then of the e"o4 rele#ses the soul from bond#"e to sense
#tt#chments4 ment#l h#bits of re#ction #nd ner$o9%sychic #utom#tisms #nd fortifies it #"#inst simil#r4
sensuous tem%t#tions. : di$ine feelin" >di$ine lo$e? #nd thinkin" >truth? #nd bein" >God? tr#nsforms the
n#ture of the soul #nd so4 by its di$inity4 it is in the e#rth but not of it4 it is li$in" the norm#l life #s m#ster4
under the Christ %rinci%le4 #nd not #s the obsessed4 controlled sl#$e of the c#rn#l mind #nd life. +o this
end the Christ %sycholo"y le#ds #nd #s it le#ds the soul4 the mystic union bet!een m#n #nd God is
P#"e 1(
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
The 2ey 3 !o$ 4++lied. Di&ine Re#liz#tion #nd Illumin#tion.
Mysticism le#ds to di$ine re#liz#tion #nd illumin#tion. ts su%reme %ur%ose is to cle#r the consciousness
of #ll $eils4 sh#do!s4 mists4 obsessions4 inhibitions4 h#bits4 %re;udices4 ob;ecti$e #nd sub;ecti$e
obstructions !hich deflect4 but do not reflect Di$inity. : re#liz#tion of one<s o!n Di$inity is t#nt#mount to
the #tt#inment of God consciousness4 !hich is kno!n #nd defined by e#stern mystics #s the su%er
consciousness4 bec#use it is %#r#mount to #ll other forms of it.
+he Secret Doctrine !ould not be either secret or s#cred !ere it to di$ul"e kno!led"e !hich could #$#il
the ch#rl#t#n or the m#"ici#n. +herein lie its s#fe"u#rd #nd %eculi#rity. +he kno!led"e it re$e#ls is
su%ernorm#lism %lus mysticism. : free use of su%ernorm#l %o!ers em%loyed for %erson#l or selfish
%ur%oses is %ossible #nd %r#ctic#l4 but it le#ds to the blind #lleys of s%iritu#l occult#tion. Such use of our
%o!ers is discour#"ed4 if for no other re#son th#n th#t it fre=uently le#ds to dementi#. Persons4not
students4 !ho defy scientific #nd di$ine !#rnin"s of seers4 %sycholo"ic#l e6%erts #nd te#chers of
mysticism4 #nd refuse to obey conditions4 "rushin" in !here #n"els to tre#d"4 h#$e no one to bl#me but
themsel$es for the dis#sters !hich o$ert#ke them. +he Secret Doctrine is e6#ct #nd se$ere in dem#ndin"
the s%iritu#l life #s of %#r#mount im%ort#nce #mon" students of occult science4 e6%erimenters4
demonstr#tors. +his life is im%erson#l4 uni$ers#l4 cosmic4 #nd the found#tion on !hich is built the
conscious %erce%tion of s%iritu#l re$el#tion4 di$ine re#liz#tion #nd illumin#tion.
Su%ernorm#lism is not mediumshi%. t #ffirms self9%ossession4 freedom #nd conscious so$erei"nty
#"#inst obsession4 control #nd unconscious de%endency. +he %hr#se s%iritu#l "ifts4 em%loyed by P#ul
>Corinthi#ns 17? refers to su%ernorm#lism4 not mediumshi% or su%ern#tur#lism. Su%ern#tur#lism #s used
by theolo"i#ns im%lies #n #ccident#l or s%or#dic h#%%enin" im%ossible under n#tur#l #nd s%iritu#l l#!4
tr#ce#ble to #n #lle"ed fi#t of God4 to !hom s%ont#neity of #ction is # %ri$ile"e ine6%lic#ble to hum#n
re#son4 e$en in the #bsolute %erfection of the Di$ine 0ill. ,$olution4 in # di$ine sense4 im%lies in$olution4
but does not deny the inn#te4 %otenti#l4 ultim#te %erfection of the soul. Cre#tion su""ests recre#tion4 #s
"ener#tion4 re"ener#tion #nd de#th4 the resurrection. Su%ernorm#lism si"nifies no #ccident#l fi#t of God4
bec#use 2is etern#l %l#n f#iled or bec#use the soul from birth in m#tter could #nd !ould not s#$e itself
from i"nor#nce4 !e#kness4 sin #nd sickness #s does the !ord su%ern#tur#lism4 but #ffirms the enfolded4
in$ol$ed %otenti#lities of di$ine bein"4 !hich4 !hen e6%ressed4 %ro$e one<s di$inity #nd mystic#lly
#ssoci#tes m#n !ith God. +his is im%ort#nt to %ercei$e4 for !hen it is understood4 one c#n underst#nd
the difference bet!een mediumshi% !hich is l#r"ely #n or"#nic #nd %sychic %eculi#rity of hum#n n#ture4
th#n # s%iritu#l #tt#inment4 #s is illustr#ted by the com%#r#ti$e me#nin"s of the !ords medium #nd #do%t4
or m#"ici#n #nd necrom#ncer4 sorcery #nd hiero%h#nts4 %ro%het #nd Christ. +here c#n be no mist#ke in
either scientific or s%iritu#l definitions. +he im%erson#l4 di$ine use of %o!ers4 !hether norm#l or
su%ernorm#l4 m#kes the de"ree of difference bet!een the one set of !ords #nd the other4 !hich the
!ord4 su%ern#tur#lism does not con$ey e6ce%t to m#ke confusion more confounded.
Su%ern#tur#lism im%lies mir#cle4 !hile su%ernorm#lism im%lies mystery4 !hich science c#n e6%l#in. +o
see4 he#r4 fell s%iritu#lly4 so th#t one c#n function on the #str#l %l#ne4 see $isions4 he#r $oices4 commune
!ith s%iritu#l bein"s in the s%iritu#l !orld4 tele%#th4 recei$e ins%ir#tions #nd re$el#tions consciously4
%ro%hesy4 he#l4 inter%ret $isions4 kno! the dee% thin"s of God4 9 to do these thin"s m#y be mysterious4
but not mir#culous4 !hich # kno!led"e of su%ernorm#lism !ill re#dily e6%l#in. So th#t it is i"nor#nce
!hich m#kes su%ernorm#l #tt#inments seem mir#cles4 but it is kno!led"e !hich dissol$es the mystery.
P#"e 1C
Melchizedek or the Secret Doctrine of the Bible by J.C. Grumbine
+he connectin" link bet!een m#n #nd God4 mor#ls #nd re$el#tion4 the lost key4 the stone !hich the
builders re;ected4 met#%hysic#lly concei$ed4 the %sycholo"y !hich !#s the lost !ord #nd disco$ered
c#b#listic#lly mi6ed !ith chimer#4 f#nt#sy4 %#r#bles4 myths4 symbols4 conceits of #ll kinds4 is
su%ernorm#lism4 !hich furnishes the true found#tion on !hich mysticism or di$ine re#liz#tion #re
founded. +his the Secret Doctrine of the Bible reco$ers #nd rest#tes in intelli"ible l#n"u#"e4 so th#t no
one need "ro%e #ny more in d#rkness or i"nor#nce. / 5or full #nd det#iled instruction4 study the "System
of Philoso%hy Concernin" Di$inity"4 -e#d #lso books on "+he Philoso%hy Concernin" the Di$inity of
Cl#ir$oy#nce"4 #nd "+he Philoso%hy Concernin" the Di$inity of Cl#ir#udience"4 by the #uthor0
Melchizedek4 so lon" mysteriously #nd remotely connected !ith m#n<s e#rliest life4 thou"ht #nd destiny4
is no lon"er to be esteemed #n historic#l m#n !ithout birth #nd line#"e4 but Di$inity4 %erson#ted #s the
2oly S%irit or the S%irit of +ruth4 !hich is ind!ellin" !ithin e$ery hum#n soul4 #nd %re%#rin" hum#nity for
its hi"hest orders4 to be # %er%etu#l %riest #t the di$ine #lt#r4 !here4 #s in the 2oly of 2oliesA the %ure
!hite s%irit burns !ith #n ineff#ble #nd ine6tin"uish#ble "lory. +he l#m% m#y become useless4 the oil be
burnt u%4 the !ick die do!n to # mere bit of c#rbon4 but the soul !ith its r#di#nt4 etern#l li"ht !ill shine on
#nd on fore$er.
Su%ernorm#l %sycholo"y is # l#m% to m#n<s feet. t orders his mind to # cosmic scheme4 #nd keys his
he#rt to # celesti#l $ibr#tion. t re$e#ls his etern#lity #nd infinity in his Di$inity. t e6%l#ins the re#son of
/#! #nd the /#! of re#son. t %ro$es the Bible to be #s the fi" tree4 conce#lin" the fruit under the
sh#do! of is liter#ture4 or #s the coco#nut4 cont#inin" the !#ter of life !ithin its historic#l shell.
t sho!s th#t :d#m #nd ,$e4 !ere not the first f#ther #nd mother of the hum#n r#ce4 but the electro
m#"netic ty%e of the #cti$e #nd %#ssi$e %rinci%le of the uni$erse4 in !hich4 #s in the hum#n or"#nism4 the
soul short circuits God4 to find th#t he c#n cut himself tem%or#rily from his su%%ly #nd Di$inity4 only to be
forced by the ne"#ti$e #nd %ositi$e l#! of his bein"4 >#ction #nd re#ction? to find life #nd immort#lity4 unity
#nd oneness in the $ery God4 in !hom he i"nor#ntly li$es4 mo$es #nd h#s his bein". +his is the science
of etern#l life. Mere e6istence4 is nothin". Di$ine re#liz#tion is e$erythin". +he conscious kno!led"e th#t
in the so$erei"n %o!er of Di$ine lo$e4 the soul disco$ers God4 #s in the %#ssion of hum#n lo$e4 it loses
God4 is the sublime #nd %er%etu#l re$el#tion of reli"ion4 !hich occult %hysiolo"y e6%l#ins #s the m#cul#te
#nd imm#cul#te conce%tion of the inc#rn#tion of God4 in the hum#n r#ce4 #nd !hich occult %sycholo"y
re$e#ls #s the inhibition #nd e6hibition of the su%er consciousness4 the Christ life4 !herein our o!n
Di$inity denies or be#rs !itness to God.
M#n in the microcosm #nd God in the m#crocosm #re of one di$ine Bein". +he soul<s trium%h o$er the
flesh #nd c#rn#l mind demonstr#tes its celesti#l ori"in #nd destiny. Melchizedek4 !ithout birth or de#th4
f#mily or "ene#lo"y4 clothin"4 :br#h#m >historic#l m#n? !ith the m#ntle of his m#;estic #nd so$erei"n
Di$inity4 ty%ifies th#t our Di$inity 9 the Di$inity of m#n4 thus sheltered #nd %rotected throu"h the #"es4 9
like the lily in the mud4 !ill rise to e6%ress the Christ4 #nd #ffirm4 " #m the -esurrection #nd the /ife".
P#"e 1D

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