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School of Education

University of Wisconsin-Stout
P.O. Box 790
Menomonie, WI 5475-0790
!"7 #ome $conomics
UW Stout E-Learning Practicum
Intern Performance Assessment / Professional Development Plan
This document is to e completed ! the intern at the ver! eginning of their internship
placement" It #ill e revie#ed at midterm$ and due in a final form at the end of the
Directions for the Intern%
Enter &ooperating Instructor's name% Susan Manning
Enter !our name% Larry Murphy
Enter the official &ourse Title and &atalog numers of the course% EDUC 766 Instructional
Strategies and Assessment
Enter the class dates start to finish% June 3!August ""# "$%
Summary o& tas's(
Assist )ith lin' chec'# set up procedures# pre!course communications
*acilitate one discussion group per )ee'
+ro,ide e,aluati,e comments-scores &or the group &acilitated
Communicate )ith late posters# lost students# and those )ho need e.tra support/
+articipate in synchronous e,ent and possi0ly pro,ide leadership &or one session
1ee'ly phone chec's )ith instructor/
(nline )*oice+
Intern provided a welcoming, friendly personal introduction during course opening.
Intern provides appropriate, helpful feedback to students.
Interns communication with cooperating instructor and students is polite, supportive and
Words are sincere and open, coming from a place of mutual learning versus a place of
Interns self-assessment comments (upon completion).
*or me# ha,ing 0een in the same place that the students )ere currently in# I &elt it )as critical
to pro,ide outstanding customer ser,ice/ 2his customer ser,ice re3uires pro&essionalism#
integrity# patience# and timely responses to any and all 3uestions regarding the course/ I )as
also learning# so my approach and standpoint )as 4)e can all learn &rom each other/5 I &elt
that I ,alued and respected e,ery student6s comment and discussion posting
ooperating Instructor comments (upon completion).
!he ultimate proof and how well received "arry was by students is that they asked him #uestions
instead of approaching me$ We established on %intern forum% that was busy all term. &ot only did
"arry answer #uestions there, but he shared resources he felt the students needed, as well. !here
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age +
were several occasions when I asked him to reach out to student to give a second look, review
portfolio, etc. ,e was always very happy to engage and kept me informed every step of the way.
Discussion interaction
!hroughout the course, intern will facilitate one discussion group per week.
(n active discussion participant, posting at least - times per week.
(nswers student #uestions with patience, confidence and resourcefulness.
"ooks for .stranded posts ('rimary posts that have not gotten a response within a
reasonable period of time.) and responds as needed.
Intern promotes student understanding of the connection between course work and
professional work outside of the online classroom.
Interns discussion additions e/pand the learning and stimulate additional research,
#uestions and)or discussion.
0ollowing the close of the module, the intern will review student participation and
recommend to the cooperating instructor a preliminary score and comment for student
performance using the course grade scale. 1cores and comments will be reviewed by
instructor before posting.
Interns self-assessment comments (upon completion). *or my internship# I )as responsi0le &or
t)o groups each )ee'/ I re,ie)ed each post care&ully chec'ing &or understanding o& module
concepts/ I posed 3uestions that engaged critical thin'ing and re&lection to ena0le the students
to ha,e a deeper understanding and desire to learn more/ 2he posts )ith no responses )ere my
0iggest concern/ I understand the research that goes into contri0uting to the con,ersation/ I
ha,e also &elt the disappointment o& no one responding to my posts/ I )anted to let those
uni3ue learners 'no) their participation )as 0eing noticed and their input )as ,alued/ I also
had the responsi0ility o& pro,iding &eed0ac' to my groups each )ee'/ Under the care&ul
guidance o& my mentor# I )as a0le to gi,e &eed0ac' that )as clear and 0ene&icial to the
indi,idual recei,ing it/ I might ha,e 0een a little too acti,e in the discussions/ I had to 0e
reminded that the students should 0e the dri,ers o& the discussion/ My role )as to ensure they
)ere dri,ing in the right direction/
ooperating Instructor comments (upon completion).
It always takes a little while to find the balance of how much to respond in discussion. (t first
"arry might2ve been too responsive (if you can imagine) but he easily found the balance within a
couple weeks. ,e was e/ceptional at pulling out themes for students and directing discussion to a
deeper level. In fact, one of the students openly praised him for his ability to e/tract their ideas
and show the focus by way of font and color. I appreciate his attentiveness to those who had no
3ecause he facilitated two groups per week, he had about 45 students to give feedback to. ,e got
very good at customi6ing the feedback for personali6ation, while being efficient in how he
approached the overall process. 3y the end of the term he was standing on his own 4 feet$
Professional &ommunication
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age 4
Interns communication with cooperating instructor is polite, supportive and timely.
7mail communication with cooperating instructor is brief and to the point.
1hould special circumstances arise the intern keeps the cooperating instructor informed
as soon as possible.
Intern respects a chain of command by always consulting the cooperating instructor first
about any elements of student performance.
Intern understands the need for strict confidentiality when working online. !his means
that specific student information and performance data is only to be discussed with the
cooperating instructor (first) and practicum supervisor.
'articipates in a routine phone conference with cooperating instructor (every week at
first, then tapering to every 4 weeks)
Intern is proactive, providing the re#uired communications and reports without being
repeatedly prompted by the cooperating instructor.
Interns self-assessment comments (upon completion). 2his aspect o& my internship )as ,ery
easy to comply )ith/ 1e communicated each )ee' 0y phone and email/ All o& my interactions
)ith the students )ere directly coordinated through Dr/ Manning &or her re,ie) and guidance
prior to me sending this in&ormation out/ 7eing mind&ul o& her 0usy schedule# I only sent
detailed and 0rie& notes &or re,ie) and guidance/ Student concerns )ere only discussed )ith
Dr/ Manning/
ooperating Instructor comments (upon completion).
I don2t think I2ve ever worked with a more fle/ible intern$ We were very good about
communicating by way of email, and we had our weekly chats, but the schedule seemed to
change almost every week because of my own commitments. I greatly appreciate "arry2s
willingness to work with that.
!here were several times when I reached out to "arry and asked him to follow up with the student
because I felt he could add a uni#ue perspective. ,e copied me on all of that correspondence and
I was impressed at the combination of warmth8business. !he students definitely appreciated his
Administrative/Teaching tas,s -Pre-course and ongoing.
+. 9eviews all links and course readings and links to be sure all are updated and available.
4. 9eviews all course materials closely for needed te/t edits.
-. 'rovides feedback on course design, technical tools and dynamics.
:. 1hould a broken link or editing problem arise, the intern facilitates content revision with
specific and detailed feedback on where and what the problem is.
Interns self-assessment comments (upon completion). 'rior to the start of the course, I reviewed
all sections and provided *r. ;anning with suggestions for corrections and review.
ooperating Instructor comments (upon completion).
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age -
!his is the dullest part of interning$ "arry did fine.

S!nchronous sessions/(utreach
+. 'articipate in synchronous sessions.
4. Possibly coordinate one session in which intern is leader, possibly interviewing former
-. (ctively post to intern discussion forum to encourage #uestions from students about our
:. 'rovide informal tech assistance, especially on portfolio development.
Interns self-assessment comments (upon completion). I ha,e participated in each synchronous
session that )e ha,e o&&ered this semester/ I success&ully conducted an inter,ie) )ith a
graduate o& the Instructional Design course/ 2his too' care&ul planning and communication
)ith the inter,ie)ee/ 1e conducted email and phone planning sessions to create a nature &lo)
o& communication prior to the session/ 2his turned out ,ery )ell/ I didn6t ha,e to use all o& my
prepared 3uestions/ 2he students )ere ,ery interacti,e# as'ing rele,ant 3uestions related to
Instructional Design/ I ha,e o&&ered ad,ice on port&olio design 0ased on my e.periences )ith
creating my e+ort&olio/
ooperating Instructor comments (upon completion).
!he synchronous session that "arry facilitated was very well done. I introduced him to the
interviewee a couple weeks in advance. ,e took it away and developed the agenda for the
evening. It was a remarkable session, and I had students write to me afterwards commenting on
how helpful his #uestions were. ,e also did a nice <ob of getting the audience involved during the
synchronous session.

/This list ma! e revised ! the &ooperating Instructor to etter fit the circumstances of the
=&ot all criteria need be applied.
=ooperating Instructor and Intern will share this document.
=Intern #rites mid!term self evaluation using this document and shares it #ith cooperating
instructor" &ooperating Instructor offers informal feedac,"
&ooperating Instructor assessment of intern s,ills and characteristics
Intern skills and characteristics 7/emplary 'roficient *eveloping
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age :
(ttention to detail
?nline ooperating Instructor skills
(dditional comments by ooperating Instructor.
0! summer has een cra1!$ and having Larr! part of this e2perience made it so much more
earale" 3e has the ma,ings of a great facilitator" I'd sa! the top strengths #ere his #arm
communication st!le$ his fle2iilit!$ and his ailit! to dig deep in #hat someone #rites and
find the most important theme to address" Larr!$ good luc, as !ou move for#ard and ,eep
in touch4
Intern self-assessment
Intern skills and characteristics 7/emplary 'roficient *eveloping
(ttention to detail
?nline ooperating Instructor skills
(dditional comments by intern.
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age @
!his has been a very rewarding and eye opening e/perience. I feel that I have gained some
very valuable insights from the e"earning facilitation stand point. I really appreciate the time and
effort involved with working with an ";1, creating, and editing content. I have much to learn.
1igned by ooperating Instructor *ate
1usan ;anning A-+A-45+:
1igned by intern *ate
"arry ;urphy, Br A-45-45+:
Intern 'erformance (ssessment ) 'rofessional *evelopment 'lan 'age C

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