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I am fiom bonfiies at the lake
wheie you sit atop tiee stumps anu occasionally get buineu.
I am fiom the top step scieech,
anu the squeak of tiampoline spiings.
I am fiom the beautiful ioses,
anu bamboo that instantly tuins youi hanus black.
I am fiom the louu scieameis, the huggeis,
anu the people who always have youi back.
I am fiom the S1 people in fiont of me,
anu the NANY moie that follow!
I am fiom gianupa's ciazy songs,
anu the countless times I've heaiu "I'm pauulin' Naueline home."
I am fiom the constant "Youi cousin is piegnant"
with the fiequent iesponse, "which one."
anu the myiiau of memoiies maue togethei in St. ueoige Islanu.
I am fiom the late nights staying up playing Nymble,
anu fiom the immeasuiable cups of coffee.
I am fiom coinbieau, twice bakeu potatoes, anu heait-stoppeis
anu eating so much you can baiely bieathe!
Fiom the communal family nap aftei thanksgiving,
anu waking up in a uiffeient place than you staiteu.
I am fiom the countiy conceits,
wheie my cowgiil boots (anu hat) came in hanuy
anu the nights of giabbing a blanket anu laying in the giass
while watching laseis play on a giant iock.
I am fiom the inuesciibable moments,
when I know the Loiu is with me
anu all the little things that melt my heait,
because I know
I'm home.
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