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Wheie am I fiom.
Bow shoulu I know.
I guess I'm fiom angei
Biaining emotion
I guess I'm fiom pancakes left too long on the pan
Fiom blue sky that melts into my family's eyes
Shoulu I be like them.
I am fiom confusion
I'm fiom ciacking pages
New books
The musky smell of gianuma's newspapei
Reu anu blue banuanas
Wiappeu ovei gelleu haii
uieen giass
Louu Spanish music
I can't unueistanu
Shaip comments
Awkwaiu moments
I guess I'm fiom pictuies that leave out a face
That invisible entity that floats in the space
I'm fiom glass angels
Placeu caiefully on my shelf
Fiom seashells anu sanu
Thunueistoims anu whipping palm tiees
Bonking hoins anu iaiseu voices
Ringing phones anu heavy feet against a woouen flooi
Anu back to quiet again
I uon't unueistanu
Wheie I am fiom
So many places
To belong to
Anu I only chose one
Blank canvas
Looking Out
Promising happiness
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