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All About Mrs.

Spouse: Geoffrey Ireland Daughter: Leslie Ireland
Years of Experience: 32 years Grand Pets: Emmy and Max
I knew from a very early age I wanted to become a teacher. My educational path
started in Vevay, Indiana where I attended elementary, jr. high (back in the day), and high
school. My mentor and inspiration was my first grade teacher, Lillian Bosaw, who lived
across the road from my family farm. After high school I continued my education at
Hanover College where I received a BA in elementary education in 1975. My masters
degree was earned at Indiana University in 1978. I entered the teaching profession at
Southwestern Elementary where I taught nine years before moving to Evansville, Indiana.
I taught at Oakdale Elementary for nine years before my spouses career relocated the
family to North Andover, MA.
Our daughter, Leslie, was born in 1992, a year and a half prior to the family moving to
Massachusetts. I decided to take a break from teaching and further explore my
motherhood and realtor skills. (I was licensed as a broker in Indiana and Massachusetts
and taught licensing classes for F.C. Tucker Real Estate. After arriving in New England,
I worked for three years in a fast paced real estate market that was very stimulating and
exciting. The money was very good, but I was not whole in the real estate world.
After four years in New England, Geoffs professional career brought us to Georgia.
Leslie was five and would be entering first grade at Norton Elementary. I found myself
volunteering as many as 20 hours a week. Her first grade teacher, Ginny Fox, suggested I
go back to teaching and get paid for what I was doing. A new chapter opened. I
returned to teaching in a first grade position at Shiloh Elementary fifteen years ago.
Since arriving at Shiloh Elementary I have taught first, second, third, Gifted K-5, and
Accelerated Math grades 3 & 5. I love what I do and where I am.
I live close to Shiloh Elementary and share the family residence with Geoff and our
cat, Emmy. (He got left behind when Leslie went off to Kennesaw University. Shiloh is
my second home and second family. Community and family ties are my roots. My
wonderful husband is semi-retired and graciously gives his talents and time to supporting
my Shiloh Family.
Parents, Thanks for sharing your children as you enable me to mold minds of the future
and prepare the students to be ready, responsible, and respectful citizens.

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