Tracy Schneider

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Tracy Schneider

3440 West Sanborn Road

Lake City, Michigan 49651
Objective $o obtain teacher %osition
Education &ssociate o' &%%(ied Science
)nstr*ctiona( $echno(ogy S%ecia(ist"003
&ssociate o' &%%(ied Science
+ar(y Chi(dhood +d*cation" 009
,ache(or o' Science
+(e-entary $eacher .re%"+ar(y Chi(dhood +d*cation /ith 0S" .resent
Strengths +stab(ished e1ce((ent ra%%ort /ith the st*dents o' a(( ages

Teaching Experience Substitute Teacher Present
Lake City Area School, Lake City, ichigan
$a*ght grades 2e3e(o%-enta( 4indgarten"5 and 5igh Schoo(
)-%(e-ented (esson %(ans %ro3ided by the reg*(ar c(assroo-
6a3e s%e((ing test
) ha3e s*bbed in c(assroo-s (1
and 3
grade! /hen the st*dents
had to take the 7W+& test on the co-%*ters
) ha3e an *nderstanding o' the 2ibe(s and ha3e done the 2ibe(s on
a st*dent
Worked in S%ecia( +d*cation C(assroo-
Substitute Teacher Present
Cadillac Area Public Schools, Cadillac, ichigan
$a*ght grade (e3e(s 2e3e(o%-enta( 4indergarten "3 in 3ario*s
)-%(e-ented (esson %(ans %ro3ided by reg*(ar c(assroo- teacher
6a3e -ath 8*i99es
Worked in the Reading Reso*rce roo-
!ield "ork Experience Observation #$ hours Lake City, ichigan
6a3e s%e((ing test to one st*dent to he(% teacher o*t /hi(e she
ga3e s%e((ing test to the c(ass
2id reading assess-ent to he(% teacher o*t so she co*(d do centers
/ith her st*dents
"ork Experience Schneider%s &aycare, Lake City, ichigan '$$()'$*+
Worked e3ery day in -y o/n daycare

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