Biology II Syllabus 2014

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Biology II

2014 2015
Mrs. Thomas
lthomas 78!8"5"
This class is an elective - so that means that you choose to be in this class. Do your best and you will succeed.
#$%&& #'(T)(T
*irst semester Mrs. Thomas
Review of CPBiology
Career "#$loration % &$ea'ers
&e+ond semester Mr. ,oung
(natomy and Physiology
Cat Dissection
#$%&&-''M -.$)& %(/ 0-'#)/.-)&
Be in class on time.
Bring all materials )$encil* notes* etc.+ to class.
Res$ect others and all school rules. Do not curse or use $rofanity.
(ttendance $olicy as stated in G,& &tudent ,andboo'.
Three classroom sign-outs $er mar'ing $eriod. Teacher must give $ermission.
ollow directions.
&it in assigned seat.
-f assignment not turned in when collected* it is considered late.
%ssignments 1ill 2e a++e3ted one day late 4or a redu+ed grade5 a4ter one day the assignment 1ill
not 2e a++e3ted )this is for all e#cused absences* including athletics and field tri$s+.
"ffort on all assignments.
.o wor'ing on other class assignments during class.
Best behavior is re/uired for substitute teachers* s$ea'ers* and guests.
Be /uiet and listen to P.(. announcements.
Clean u$ wor' area and return all materials to where they belong.
.o electronic devices )cell $hones* iPods* !P0 $layers* etc.+ may be used in the classroom.
.o food or drin's may be consumed in class* e#ce$tion water.
#$%&&-''M M%(%6)M)(T
Behavior will have both $ositive and negative conse/uences. Good behavior will result in $ositive comments and
learning atmos$here. .egative behavior will be dealt with in the following manner1
verbal warning
stay after class
lunch detention
referral to Princi$al and/or $arental contact
2ero hour detention or removal from class
#$%&& I(*'-M%TI'(
The Biology -- Class coordinates the Red Cross Blood Drive. (ll students are e#$ected to $artici$ate
in some way.
or e#tra credit* a student can arrange a guest s$ea'er. The student will set u$ the time* get any
e/ui$ment necessary* and write a than' you note to the s$ea'er. The to$ic should be science related
)ho$efully biology+ and should include career information.
&everal ty$ed $a$ers are re/uired for this course.
Presentations and grou$ wor' are em$hasi2ed.
Grades are determined by total $oints. "#tra credit is available $eriodically. 6rades 1ill not 2e rounded.
Grades will be u$dated at least once $er wee'. Percent of $oints earned can be calculated by1
T'T%$ 0'I(T& -)#)I7)/
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 0)-#)(T )%-()/
T'T%$ 0'I(T& 0'&&IB$)
".0 100 % 80.0 82. B! 97.0 9. /:
0.0 2. %! 77.0 7. #: 9".0 99. /
87.0 8. B: 7".0 79. # 90.0 92. /!
8".0 89. B 70.0 72. #! 2elo1 5. *
Citi2enshi$ is determined by classroom behavior and $artici$ation. Citi2enshi$ is scored on a 3 to 4 scale* with
3 being e#cellent. To receive a 3* a student must be on tas'* be coo$erative* $artici$ate in class* follow
classroom rules* and be res$ectful of teacher and others in class. ( 0 is considered average. &tudents not
following rules will not receive a 3 or 5* for e#am$le e#cessive tal'ing or cell $hone use. Disru$tive and
uncoo$erative students* as well as student caught cheating* will receive a 6 or 4.
&tudents not in their seats when the bell rings are considered tardy. "ach student gets three free tardies
$er mar'ing $eriod. (fter three tardies* students must serve 07 minutes tardy time before school or during
lunch. -f the student does not ma'e u$ the time* their grade will be reduced by 3 8 for each tardy over
three. Tardies must be made u$ by 9ednesday of the last wee' in the mar'ing $eriod.
Cheating includes the following1 $lagiarism )co$ying word for word without giving credit+* co$ying homewor'*
notes written on hand* boo's* tables* etc* loo'ing at someone:s test or /ui2* tal'ing during tests or /ui22es*
as'ing others for answers $rior to class* etc. Conse/uences may include some or all of the following1 2ero on
assignment* loss of $rivileges* $arents contacted* organi2ations notified ).,&* athletics* etc.+* office notified.
Points lost because of cheating cannot be made u$ by e#tra credit.
! ! ! 0lease sign and return 2y tomorro1 =>ednesday? 4or 5 e@tra #redit 3oints ! ! ! ! !
Bio II
&tudent;s name1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< &tudent;s &ignature <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Parent/Guardian .ames1 )Print+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Parent/Guardian "mail (ddress1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Parent/Guardian &ignature1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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