18 August 2014 What Is Your Writing Process

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18 August 2014

What is your writing process? How do you get started writing? How do you finish? What
do you have to do as you write? Do you need a specific soundtrack or T show on? Do
you need a specia! area in which to work in? How do you know when you are done
writing? Ta!k a"out your process#
$ %y process is to &ust sit down' find sources' and take notes fro( these sources# ) then
take the notes and separate the( to different (ain topics to use in specific sections of the
entire writing#
- ) get started "y opening (y !aptop and taking out a!! of (y notes for the sources#
$ ) finish "y c!osing (y !aptop and erasing the (e(ory of the task of writing fro( (y
$ ) do not have a specific thing that ) need to do as ) write' si(p!y "e co(forta"!e#
$ ) do not need any specifics "ut any (usic wi!! do for (e#
$ %y writing is finished when (y thoughts stop f!owing natura!!y and ) fee! as though )
a( forcing words to co(e out' "ut ) never finish without conc!uding (y thoughts and
"ringing the who!e idea of the paper to an end#

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