Biology Syllabus 2014

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Biology Syllabus 2014-2015

Course Description:

Biology is the study of living things. In this class you will learn what defines a living thing, about cells and
their components, Genetics (what DNA is and how it works), what Evolution is, and what Ecology is.

Grading System:
A= 92-100
B = 83-91
C = 74-82
D = 65-73
F = 64 and below
I = An incomplete on a report card must be made up within 2 weeks.

Grading breakdown:
Everything is graded on a points earned basis. Tests and projects are worth more points than most daily
work assignments. Each semester grade will be an average of the quarter grades (first semester is of 1
plus of second quarter). Your year-end grade will be:
Semester - 42.5%
Semester - 42.5%
Final Test - 15%


All papers must have: students name/ Biology/Period #/ Date
If an assignment is late, 50% will automatically be deducted from the grade. If you are absent, you are accountable
for finding out what you missed and obtaining your assignments. It is not my job.

Classroom Rules:
1. Be seated when the bell rings
2. Bring all necessary materials to class EVERYDAY: Textbook, notebook, 3-ring binder pencil/pen
3. Be Respectful to yourself, others, your environment, and me. We will be working together, and there
is a lot of collaboration in this classroom. Respect is very important. Respect includes listening to me
and to each other without interrupting. Respect also means following instructions.
4. Dont touch other peoples stuff. Keep hands off the water faucets, gas valves, and plug-ins unless
instructed to do so. Do not touch my desk. If you break something in the lab, you will be paying for
the damage.
5. No gum, food, or drink allowed.
6. No backpacks allowed. Since there are no backpacks allowed in the classroom, it is important that
you leave valuables in your car, locker, or on your person. If you choose to carry a backpack and
leave it outside the classroom, you are responsible for any consequences of this decision.
7. You will Pay for anything ruined or broken in the room at any time.
8. No food.
9. You will not be allowed to go to your lockers for anything.

Miss Smith
Room 223
701 609 6991

No Backpacks allowed in the classroom!!
Bottom Lines: I have ZERO tolerance for:
1. Fighting
2. Swearing
3. Physical or sexual assault/harassment
4. Weapons
5. Alcohol/Drug/Tobacco possession
1. Warning
2. See Miss Smith after class
3. Detention
4. Parent Contact and choices
5. Referral to Administration

This class includes the use of the internet for instructional purposes. Sometimes your homework will
include writing online, watching short videos online, and taking notes on those videos. My website is This is part of your homework, and will be required to be completed outside of class.
For those of you who do not have internet at home, smart phones, or friends with internet at home, there is a
library on the third floor of the school which is open before school in the morning, during your study halls, and
during lunch. There is also a public library a few blocks from the school with computers and free internet access.
Sometimes you may need to use the internet to complete group work outside of class.

Lab Safety
1. Obey all safety rules while working in the lab. NO MESSING AROUND!
2. No Food or drinks.
3. Know where safety equipment is located
4. Read the procedure completely before starting the lab
5. Bring your notebook and a pencil.
6. Follow instructions the first time!
7. Read labels carefully
8. Wear apron and goggles when working with chemicals/flames.
9. Always treat every chemical as potentially dangerous, even if it isnt supposed to be
10. Make sure glassware is clean
11. Tie back long hair, floppy sleeves, etc. when working with chemicals and/or flame.
12. Labs are meant to be interesting and fun, but goofing-off only leads to accidents and will not be
tolerated. When in doubt, ask me!
This simple acronym will help you to succeed in my class, and any other class you ever take.
1. Sit up straight
2. Listen
3. Ask questions
4. Nod when you understand things, and to show you are
5. Track the speakers/teachers movements with your eyes

No Backpacks in
the classroom!!

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