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1. Kliegman, R.M., Behrman, R.E., Jenson, H.B., and Stanton, B.F. Nelson Textbook o
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antibod+ idiot+(es in the ser&m o s+stemi" l&(&s er+thematos&s (atients and o thei -rthritis Rhe&m 1#5)1$54###E1%%*.
3. 0rmsk+ /.Kath+rnE!ediatri" S+stemi" /&(&s Ne(hritisE'&rrent Resear"h in Treatment
and 0&t"omes, Ma+ $%1$, Dashington State <ni.ersit+.
*. Mira Rina, MB1 Br&nner A Hermine, MB Ms"1 !ediatri" /&(&sE-re there dieren"es in
!resentation, 8eneti"s, Res(onses to Thera(+, Bamage -""r&al 'om(ared to -d&lt
/&(&sF, NAH !&bli" -""ess,$%%#.
5. Berden JHM 91##*: /&(&s ne(hritis. Kidne+ Ant )$4)756))5.
#. /i& Ghigang.,0&s& -ndre,, Dilliam Ri"hard, 8re,al Na.dee(, -"&te Renal Fail&re
Se"ondar+ To /&(&s Ne(hritis 'onirmed b+ Renal Bio(s+ ,ith an <n&s&all+ Normal
Amm&nologi"al !roile, Hol7,No1,3E# 9$%12:
1%. Asenberg B-, Shoeneld C, Dal(ort M, et al. Bete"tion o "rossErea"ti.e antiEBN-
antibod+ idiot+(es in the ser&m o s+stemi" l&(&s er+thematos&s (atients and o their -rthritis Rhe&m 1#5)1$54###E1%%*.

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