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You have two weeks from now to answer this assignment.

Due date:04/13/2014.
Ethic Code: The solution of this assignment shall be your own work, doing by yourself without
the help of other person or solution manual, DO NOT COPY ANSWERS FROM SOLUTION
MANUALS. If you have questions, direct them to me.
Every answer must be suported by steps. Just an answer without process or back up is not valid.
The answer sheet must be a pdf file. You can handwriting it, but it must be organized, clear and
well presented. Present your answer steps in sequential or decending order. Mark every answer
with the respective problem number.
Assignment must be loaded to the UNAD portal or website at the respective slot. If technical
problems arise, submit the answer sheet as an atachment to my email:
Assignment not loaded at the due date will lose 25% of its value, every after day.
Name your assignment.
For statistical purposes give me your sitting time to resolve every problem. Estimated time to
resolve a problem in this assignment is in average five minutes per problem and 10 minutes per
application problem. This is a good opportunity to test your preparednes for this course.

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