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Spring 2009
MGT502- Organizational Behaio!r "Se##ion - $%
Ti&e' (0 &in

)!e#tion No' * " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?
Psychological needs
Individual drives
Social roles and status
All of the given options

)!e#tion No' 2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used by an
organization to transform inputs into products or services?
Operational system
Information system

)!e#tion No' . " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is not one of the types of attitude?
ob satisfaction
ob Involvement
Organizational Behavior
Organizational commitment

*00/#!re )!e#tion No' $ " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is !OT included in the ways employees can e"press
0 Exit

)!e#tion No' 5 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

#alues li%e wor%ing hard& being creative and honest are the means which lead towards
achieving organizational goals' Which of the following term best described these values?
Terminal values
0 Instrumental values
Theoretical values
Social values

)!e#tion No' ( " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

The relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguishes one person from
another is called ((((((((((

)!e#tion No' 1 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

)ccording to the +ig ,ive model- people having personality dimension of openness to
e"perience are.
/aring and dependable
0 Flexible and ris taer
Outgoing and tal%ative
Tolerant and self*hearted

)!e#tion No' 2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Mr' )bad thin%s that his own actions and behaviors have an impact in determining what
happens to him' What do you thin% he has?
/ore locus of control
Personal $ocus of control
Internal !ocus of control
0"ternal $ocus of control

*00/#!re )!e#tion No' 9 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is the dimension of emotional intelligence that describes the
ability to manage your own emotions and impulses?
0 "elf#management

)!e#tion No' *0 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is !OT a factor in the individual perceiver?
0 !ocation

)!e#tion No' ** " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

) decision ma%ing model that describes how individuals should behave in order to
ma"imize some outcomes is.
$ational decision maing
+onded rational model
Intuitive decision ma%ing
/ontingent decision ma%ing

*00/#!re )!e#tion No' *2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

What is the first step in the 1ational 2ecision*Ma%ing Model?
0 %efining the problem
Weighing the decision criteria
Identifying the decision criteria
2eveloping alternatives

)!e#tion No' *. " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is !OT an assumption of the rational decision*ma%ing model?
The decision ma%er has complete information
The decision ma%er is aware of all conse3uences
The decision ma%er can identify all the relevant criteria
The decision maer is constrained by time and costs

)!e#tion No' *$ " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

If someone wishes to emphasize the importance of ma%ing decisions consistent with
fundamental liberties and privileges& the focus of his4her teaching will be on which of the
0 $ights

)!e#tion No' *5 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

)ccording to attribution theory& which of the following is an internally caused
&oring late in order to get a promotion
)rriving at wor% late because heavy traffic
Wor%ing wee%ends because of your employer6s orders
2epending on luc% for success

*00/ #!re )!e#tion No' *( " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one "-hap **%

)mna is an honest and straightforward person' She believes her employees are all
similarly honest and straightforward& ignoring signs that they may be
manipulating her' What perceptual shortcut is )mna most li%ely using?
/ontrast effect
7alo effect
0 Pro'ection

*00/#!re )!e#tion No' *1 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which level of Maslow6s hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one6s hunger& thirst&
and need for se"?
0 Physiological

)!e#tion No' *2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Sheraz wants to become a surgeon& not only because achieving this goal will give him
self*respect and autonomy& but also because he wants a 8ob with high status and
recognition from others' Which of Maslow6s needs is Sheraz trying to fill?
0 "elf#actualization

)!e#tion No' *9 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

7assan derives a great sense of belongingness& acceptance and friendship from his
relationships with his e"tended family' Which of Maslow6s needs is 7assan fulfilling
through these relationships?
0 "ocial

)!e#tion No' 20 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

What is the primary organizational factor that satisfies people6s physiological needs?
0 Pay

)!e#tion No' 2* " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of Maslow6s needs best appro"imates Mc/lelland6s need for achievement?

)!e#tion No' 22 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is (OT a comparison an employee can use in e3uity theory?

)!e#tion No' 2. " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

The degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will
generate a desired outcome is defined by e"pectancy theory as what %ind of relationship'
1eward*personal goal

)!e#tion No' 2$ " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following concepts is inconsistent with the e"pectancy theory of
Self*interest is pursued
Performance and rewards are related
)ttractive rewards will motivate
One)s inputs and outputs are compared to another)s

)!e#tion No' 25 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

What is the largest demographic change in the last few years in Pa%istani wor%force?
Increasing ethnic diversity
) fall in married wor%ers
Increasing age of wor%ers
*ore +omen in the +orforce

)!e#tion No' 2( " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

What is the name for an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity
determine the total amount of money that is allocated?
Piece rates
0mployee ownership

)!e#tion No' 21 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

In which of the following situation Synergy is most li%ely to occur?
The activities of all group members are fully dependent on one another
The performance of one member of a group affects what other members do
9roup members must perform specific behaviors in a predetermined order
,roup members acting together produce more or better output than alone

)!e#tion No' 22 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following type of teams would most li%ely empower its team members to
ma%e wor%*related decisions?
0 "elf#managed
/ross functional

*00/ #!re )!e#tion No' 29 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?
There is an absence of verbal cues
There is limited social conte"t
People collaborate online
All of the given options

)!e#tion No' .0 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

)ll of the following are problem solving techni3ues 0:/0PT.
!ominal 9roup Techni3ues

)!e#tion No' .* " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following statement best defines leadership?
Implementing the strategy provided by management
$east concerned in bringing organizational change
/oordinating and handling day*to*day problems
The ability to influence a group in goal achievement

)!e#tion No' .2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following leadership style gave the group members complete freedom?

)!e#tion No' .. " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?
0 Trait theory
,iedler model
Ohio State studies
03uity Theory

*00/#!re )!e#tion No' .$ " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

In the communication process& which of the following steps occurs first?
0 Encoding

)!e#tion No' .5 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is the product of a sender6s encoding?
0 *essage

)!e#tion No' .( " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

If )li is apprehensive regarding oral communication& which of the following behaviors is
he least li%ely to display?
0 -e prefers to tal on the phone
7e prefers to send emails
7e relies on memos or letters
7e avoids face*to*face communication

)!e#tion No' .1 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?
Written memo
0 Eye contact

)!e#tion No' .2 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

The ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic is called.
#erbal /omprehension
!umber aptitude
Perceptual "peed

)!e#tion No' .9 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

Which emotions are the emotions an individual actually is e"periencing& despite
what they might apparently show'

)!e#tion No' $0 " Mar+#' * % - ,lea#e -hoo#e one

) group composed of M+) mar%eting students similar in age& type of problem& and
personality characteristics can be called(((((((((((((((((((((
0 A homogeneous group
) heterogeneous group
) command group
) tas% group

)!e#tion No' $* " Mar+#' *0 %

;ahid is responsible for purchasing a new computer system for her offcie' 9iven the
significant financial investment& ;ahid has decided to use the rational decision*ma%ing
model' <ou are re3uired to identify si" steps of rational decision ma%ing model and
e"plain how ;ahid proceeds according to this model'
) decision*ma%ing model that describes how individuals should behave in order to ma"imize
some outcomes'
There are following Steps in the 1ational 2ecision* Ma%ing Model
=' 2efine the problem'
>' Identify the decision criteria'
?' )llocate weights to the criteria'
@' 2evelop the alternatives'
A' 0valuate the alternatives'
B' Select the best alternative
;ahid can use the following steps for selecting a good decision for buying a computer system'
Step ='
C Many poor decisions can be traced to the decision ma%er overloo%ing a problem or
defining the wrong problem'
Step >. Identify the decision criteria important to solving the problem'
C The decision ma%er determines what is relevant in ma%ing the decision' )ny factors not
identified in this step are considered irrelevant to the decision ma%er'
C This brings in the decision ma%er6s interests& values& and similar personal preferences
Step ?. Weight the previously identified criteria in order to give them the correct priority
in the decision'
Step @. 9enerate possible alternatives that could succeed in resolving the problem'
Step A. 1ating each alternative on each criterion'
C /ritically analyze and evaluate each alternative
C The strengths and wea%nesses of each alternative become evident as they are compared
with the criteria and weights established in the second and third steps'
Step B. The final step is to compute the optimal decision.
C 0valuating each alternative against the weighted criteria and selecting the alternative
with the highest total score'

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