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Heatherley, Mullings, Rogers and Smith (2012) states mental alertness does not
improve when consuming a numer o! ca!!einated products.
2. "athercole and #lloway (200$) discusses that in learning, a mental wor%space is
created y a person&s memory, where all important memory !unctions !or learning are
estalished. # short!all in memory results in low levels o! academic progress and
hardship in learning among students.
'. Heatherley, Mullings, Rogers and Smith (2012) !ound that (he an)iety or *itteriness
that ca!!eine generates results in ca!!eine&s !ailure to enhance mental per!ormance in
non+low consumers, which neutrali,es its e!!ect to reduce sleepiness o! a person.
.. #ddicott and /aurenti (2000) oserves that when ca!!eine inta%e is astained, it has a
greater e!!ect on mood and reaction time than in the normal ca!!einated state, thus
ma%ing ca!!eine astinence have a greater stimulant e!!ect than the ca!!einated state.
1 and ') Heatherley, S., Mullings, 2., Rogers, 3., 4 Smith, 5. (2012). 6aster ut not
smarter7 e!!ects o! ca!!eine and ca!!eine withdrawal on alertness and per!ormance.
Springer Science & Business Media B.V., 226, 220+2-0.
2) "athercole, S.2. 4 #lloway, (.3. (200$). Working memory and learning: A practical
guide for teacers. London: Sage Publications.
5) #ddicott, M., 4 /aurienti, 3. (2000). # comparison o! the e!!ects o! ca!!eine !ollowing
astinence and normal ca!!eine use. !sycoparmacology, 2"#, -2'+-'1.
-) #lloway, (.3. 4 #lloway, R. ". (2010). 8nvestigating the predictive roles o! wor%ing
memory and 89 in academic attainment. 5ournal o! 2)perimental :hild 3sychology
;<87 http7==10.1011=*.*ecp.2000.11.00'
1) 5ones, R.:. (200$). (he e!!ects o! depressed mood on academic outcomes in
adolescents and young adults. >niversity o! 6lorida Scholar :ommons. Retrieved !rom7!.edu=etd='22

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