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1. Types of micro sensors

2. Micro system application in Aerospace
3. Creep deformation
4. Thermal stress
5. Stress intensity factor
6. Interfacial fractre mechanism
!. Etchin" # its types
$. Mechanical properties of silicon
%. &art' Application
1(.)rincipal of C*+
12.Eptito,ial deposition methods a-aila.le
13.+e/ne +0IE
14.S.tract commonly sed silicon family
15.S1I2A process
16.Micro systems # micro electronics
1!.Essential desi"n re3irements # desi"n analysis
1$.Three le-el of Micro system pac4a"es
1%.Mechanical pro.lem associated 5ith srface micro machinin"
2(.Selection of pac4a"in" materials
21.+i6sion process
22.7lid 8o5 patterns
23.0esonance -i.ration
24.)olymers for mems
25.9eat con-ections
26.+e/ne mems
2!.2aliem arsenside
2$.Thin /lms
12 mar4s
1. Photo lithography
2. Actuators
4. Incompressible fuid fow
. Accelerometer and !" #esign theory
$. Page %o& 1'( and 1'' Problems

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