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UPSR BI Soalan Ramalan

Nama: ____________________________________Kelas :
______________Sekolah :
InggerisKertas 1Ramalan 1/20091 Jam
KERTAS 1Ujian PemahamanSatu jam

Arahan Am:1.

1.Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

2.Jawab semua soalan. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan
jawapan yangberhuruf
A, B, C dan D
Bagi tiap-tiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.

3.Fikir dengan teliti ketika memilih jawapan. Jika andahendak menukar
sesuatu jawapan, padamkan sehinggabersih tanda yang tidak
dikehendaki itu dan kemudianbulatkan pilihan anda yang baru

You may begin your Exam now. Good Luck!
Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible
answers.Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C
or A, B, C, and D Section A
Questions 1 4Choose the best word to fill in the blanks
1. We saw a few _____________ swimming in the river. A. Fish B.
Snakes C. Tortoises D. Crocodiles
2. He is writing a _________ to his father. A. Book B. Letter C. Paper
D. Novel
3. There are a few bars of chocolates in the ________________.
A. Oven B. Table C. Cupboard D. Refrigerator
4. A barber uses a pair of ________ to cut his customer's hair.
A. razor blade B. Spanner C. Sickle D. scissors
uestions 5
7Choose the
best phrase to
complete the
5. A. A troupe of mo
nkeysB. A troop of m
onkeysC. A school o
f monkeys6. A. a he
ap of coconutsB. a b
undle of coconutsC.
a cluster of coconuts
7. A. a bag of cocon
utsB. a box of cocon
utsC. a basket of co
Questions 8 -
Study the
carefully. Then
choose the best
8. A. Jamil is very ha
ppy to get good resu
lts.B. Jamil is very h
appy to show a mag
azine.C. Jamil is ver
y happy to sell news

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