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Technical Report

Workflow Automation for SAN LUN Migration

7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2
Pradeep Palukuri and Tim Kleingeld-MacKenzie, NetApp
J uly, 2014 | TR 4314
Version 1.1

The document describes the steps to transition LUNs from 7-Mode storage controllers to clustered Data
ONTAPstorage controllers for a successful SAN data migration from 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP


ii 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Workflow Automation for SAN LUN Migration.......................................................................................... i
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Audience .........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Features ..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.3. Supported Configurations ...............................................................................................................................2
2. LUN Migration Workflow Setup ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Install OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) 2.2 RC1 or Later ...............................................................3
2.2. Install OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package 5.2 for 7-Mode .............................................................3
2.3. Install OnCommand Unified Manager 6.1 RC1 for Clustered Data ONTAP ....................................................3
2.4. Configure 7-Mode and Clustered Data ONTAP Unified Managers as Data Sources in WFA .........................4
2.5. Configure Credentials for 7-Mode, Clustered Data ONTAP Controllers, and WFA Loopback in WFA ............5
2.6. Import LUN Migrate Workflows into WFA........................................................................................................6
2.7. Configure 7-Mode and Clustered Data ONTAP Direct Data Source ...............................................................7
2.8. Install NFShardlink Utility ................................................................................................................................8
2.9. Install and Configure Windows Services for UNIX Applications ......................................................................8
2.10. Configure Target Cluster for Transition ...........................................................................................................9
2.11. Configure Source Storage and Staging Storage .............................................................................................9
3. Overview of Migrations ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Offline Migration ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2. Online Migration ............................................................................................................................................ 11
4. LUN Migration WFA Workflows Overview ....................................................................................... 12
4.1. Online Migration WFA Workflows ................................................................................................................. 12
4.2. Offline Migration WFA Workflows ................................................................................................................. 13
4.3. SnapMirror Pair Offline Migration WFA Workflows ....................................................................................... 13
5. Offline Migration Using LUN Migrate Workflow .............................................................................. 15
6. Online Migration Using LUN Migrate Workflow ............................................................................... 18
7. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................. 29
7.1. Reference Manuals ....................................................................................................................................... 29
7.2. Triage and Data Collection............................................................................................................................ 30
iii 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Data Coll ection and AutoSupport ........................................................................................................... 30
WFA Log Files ........................................................................................................................................... 31
WFA Execution Logs ................................................................................................................................ 32
Viewing Logs Using Log Viewer ............................................................................................................. 32
7.3. Resume LUN Migrate Workflows .................................................................................................................. 33
7.4. Common LUN Migrate Errors ........................................................................................................................ 33
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................................... 64
Version History ...................................................................................................................................................... 64

Figure 1) Install NFS hardlink. ........................................................................................................................................8
Figure 2) Offline LUN migration based on SnapMirror. ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3) Online LUN migration based on SnapMirror. ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 4) SnapMirror pair offline LUN migration. .......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups: input. .................................................................... 15
Figure 6) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: input. ...................................................................... 16
Figure 7) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: execution details. ................................................... 17
Figure 8) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: command log details. ............................................. 17
Figure 9) Online migration state diagram. .................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 10) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups: input. .................................................................. 19
Figure 11) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline: input. ........................................................... 20
Figure 12) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline: execution. ................................................... 21
Figure 13) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline multivolume: input. ....................................... 22
Figure 14) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: job list. ............................................................ 23
Figure 15) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: update. ........................................................... 24
Figure 16) 7toC LUN Migrate Periodic Update. ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 17) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: rapid cutover. .................................................. 26
Figure 18) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: execution status. ............................................ 27
Figure 19) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: cleanup. .......................................................... 27
Figure 20) Workflow: reference manual........................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 21) WFA AutoSupport configuration. ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 22) WFA log files. .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 23) Download WFA execution logs. .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 24) Log viewer. .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 25) Resume workflow. ....................................................................................................................................... 33

1 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP SnapMirror based LUN Transition

1. Introduction
The LUN migration tool consists of a set of Workflow Automation (WFA) workflows and associated tools
that provide online and offline transition of LUNs from 7-Mode controllers to clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.
This tool is intended to be used instead of a DTA or host-based migration mechanisms.
LUN Transition Process
1. LUNs on the 7-Mode controller(s) are converted to files.
2. Files are mirrored with SnapMirrortechnology from the 7-Mode controller to the clustered Data
ONTAP controllers.
3. Files are converted back to LUNs on the clustered Data ONTAP controllers.
Online and Offline Transition
Online. This process requires a staging volume on a 7-Mode controller (which can be the same as
the source controller) to hold a copy of the source LUNs and performs LUN to file conversion using
NFS hardlinks. Cutover requires a client outage and generally complete in minutes, independently of
LUN size.
Offline. The offline transition process does not require a staging volume; it uses a FlexClone
volume of the source on which to perform conversion of the LUN into files. An extended offline
workflow manages the migration of a SnapMirror source and destination pair to clustered Data
ONTAP with no requirement to rebaseline between sites.
This document does not cover discovery, assessment, pre- and posttransition, and validation steps. Use
tools such as nSANity, the 7-Mode parser, and NetApp Data Center Planner (NDCP) for discovery and
assessment. For detailed pre- and postmigration steps, refer to the DTA migration plans.
1.1. Audience
This document is for customers of the NetApp homogeneous storage area network (HoSAN) migration
This document is for use by NetApp sales engineers (SEs), consulting sales engineers (CSEs),
Professional Services engineers (PSEs), Professional Services consultants (PSCs), and channel partner
engineers involved in a SAN data migration from 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP.
The document describes the steps necessary to transition LUNs from 7-Mode storage controllers to
clustered Data ONTAP storage controllers for a successful SAN data migration from 7-Mode to clustered
Data ONTAP storage.
1.2. Features
Supports offline LUN migration.
Supports online LUN migration (with minimal downtime).
Allows per-volume or per-LUN migration. Source data is left intact.
Preserves storage efficiency for offline migration. Snapshot history not copied.
Uses Windows PowerShellcmdlets to convert all LUN types to/from regular files verbatim.
Leverages hard links to convert LUNs to files.
Handles prefixed/suffixed LUNs and LUN resizes during migration.
2 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Preserves LUN type and optionally preserves LUN serial number and LUN geometry.
Creates igroups and remaps LUNs.
Groups multiple volumes and performs update/resync/cutover per group.
Option to offline source LUNs pretransition. Offlines LUNs by default.
Supports offline migration of a SnapMirror pair of volumes containing LUNs.
Supports creation of a secondary SnapMirror target volume for use by data protection SnapMirror or
Supports test cutover using cutover and resync workflows.
1.3. Supported Configurations
The following configurations are supported:
Source storage: 7.3.x, 8.x 7-Mode
Staging storage: 7.3.x, 8.x 7-Mode supported by clustered Data ONTAP Transition Data Protection
(TDP) SnapMirror
Destination storage: 8.2.x clustered Data ONTAP
3 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

2. LUN Migration Workflow Setup
This section provides an overview of the tools and setup required for a 7-Mode LUN transition.
Note: Direct data source types included with the LUN migration workflows may be used if OnCommand

Unified Manager is not installed in the environment.
2.1. Install OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) 2.2 RC1 or Later
OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) is a software solution that enables you to create storage
workflows and automate storage management tasks such as provisioning, migrating, decommissioning,
and cloning storage. WFA enables you to create simple and complex workflows in a short time for
virtualized and cloud environments.
You can use WFA to integrate storage workflows with your existing IT processes and align with NetApp
best practices.
Download and install OnCommand Workflow Automation 2.2 RC1.
Read the information provided in the description page and then proceed to the bottom of the page for the
software download instructions.
2.2. Install OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package 5.2 for 7-Mode
Note: This step is optional. An existing Unified Manager Core Package 5.x for 7-Mode or the WFA direct
data source included with the workflows may be used instead.
OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) software provides integrated policy-based data and storage
management for virtual and physical environments. It brings together multiple products, including
Operations Manager, protection capabilities, and provisioning capabilities, into a single integrated, policy-
based data and storage management solution for virtual and physical environments.
Download and install OCUM 5.2.
Note: All controllers added in OCUM must be configured with the correct credentials.
2.3. Install OnCommand Unified Manager 6.1 RC1 for Clustered Data ONTAP
Note: This step is optional. An existing Unified Manager Core Package 5.x for clustered Data ONTAP,
Unified Manager 6.0, or the WFA direct data source included with the workflows may be used instead.
Unified Manager 6.1 provides comprehensive monitoring and key management capabilities for clustered
Data ONTAP systems to help manage the availability, capacity, protection, and performance risks of your
storage systems.
Note: Unified Manager 6.1 is deployed only as a virtual instance. All controllers added in OCUM must be
configured with the correct credentials. Any OCUM supported with the respective clustered Data ONTAP
version can be used.
Download and install OnCommand Unified Manager 6.1 RC1.
Read the information provided in the description page and then proceed to the bottom of the page for the
software download instructions.
4 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

2.4. Configure 7-Mode and Clustered Data ONTAP Unified Managers as Data
Sources in WFA
Note: This step is only required if Unified Manager(s) are used as WFA data sources rather than the WFA
direct data sources.
1. Configure a database user on the OnCommand Unified Manager server by
downloading wf a_ocaset up. exe/ wf a_ocaset up. sh.
Refer to the OnCommand Workflow Automation Installation and Setup Guide for details on creating a
database user.
2. Log in to WFA as admi n.
3. Select Execution ->Data Sources.
4. Select Add New Data Sources.
5. Enter Data source type as follows:
7-Mode: Add OnCommand Unified Manager 5.2 7-Mode data source.

MYSQL for clustered Data ONTAP: Add OnCommand Unified Manager 6.1 clustered Data
ONTAP data source.

6. Enter Name and Host details.
5 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

2.5. Configure Credentials for 7-Mode, Clustered Data ONTAP Controllers, and
WFA Loopback in WFA
Add 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP credential s:
1. Log in to WFA as user admi n.
2. Select Execution ->Credentials.

3. Select New Credentials.
4. For Type, select ONTAP.
5. Enter host name/IP address and credentials.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for all 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP controllers.
Add WFA loopback credentials:
1. For WFA loopback, make the following selections: Select Type as Other.

2. Enter name as WFA-loopback and enter WFA login credentials.
6 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

2.6. Import LUN Migrate Workflows into WFA
1. Download the LUN migrate dar file.
2. Log in to WFA using user admi n.
3. Select Administration ->Import.
4. Select the dar file.
5. Select Import to import new definitions.

6. Verify new LUN migrate (l unMi gr at e) workflows are imported into WFA.

7 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

2.7. Configure 7-Mode and Clustered Data ONTAP Direct Data Source
Note: This step is only required if Unified Manager data sources have not already been configured.
Configure a direct data source for 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP:
1. Log in to WFA as admi n.
2. Select Execution ->Data Sources.
3. Select Add New Data Sources.
4. Enter the data source type for 7-Mode and/or clustered Data ONTAP:
7-Mode: Direct 7-Mode Data ONTAP

Clustered Data ONTAP: Direct Clustered Data ONTAP 1.0

8 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

5. Set the Host name field and use a comma-separated list of array or cluster administration addresses
(IP or resolved hostname).
6. Reduce the scheduler interval to 15 minutes (or tune as required). For larger environments, increase
Timeout (sec) as required.
2.8. Install NFShardlink Utility
Note: Use if the NFShardlink utility is optional. Alternatives are to use WindowsServices for UNIX
Applications (described later) or to use a Linuxor UNIX proxy through SSH.
1. Download NSFHardlink 1.1 to the WFA server.
2. Verify that Microsoft.NET 4.0 framework is installed (client profile is
sufficient). )
3. Click NFSHardlink_v1.1.msi and follow the wizard instructions to install.

Figure 1) Install NFS hardlink.
2.9. Install and Configure Windows Services for UNIX Applications
Note: Use of Windows SUA is optional. Alternatives are to use the NFShardlink utility (described earlier)
or a Linux or UNIX proxy using SSH.
1. Add the following required registry settings for Windows NFS client; run the commands from an
administrative command or Windows PowerShell window:
REG ADD HKLM\ SOFTWARE\ Mi cr osof t \ Cl i ent For NFS\ Cur r ent Ver si on\ Def aul t / v AnonymousGi d
/ t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
REG ADD HKLM\ SOFTWARE\ Mi cr osof t \ Cl i ent For NFS\ Cur r ent Ver si on\ Def aul t / v AnonymousUi d
/ t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
REG ADD HKLM\ SOFTWARE\ Mi cr osof t \ Cl i ent For NFS\ Cur r ent Ver si on\ Def aul t / v
MaxDi r CacheSi ze / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
2. Add Services for Network File System to File Services role, and the subsystem for applications
feature based on UNIX. Use the Server Manager GUI or run the following commands from an
administrative Windows PowerShell window:

9 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Windows Server 2012:
6TI mpor t - Modul e Ser ver Manager
Add- Wi ndowsFeat ur e Subsyst em- UNI X- Apps, FS- NFS- Ser vi ce
Windows Server 2008 R2:
6TI mpor t - Modul e Ser ver Manager
Add- Wi ndowsFeat ur e Subsyst em- UNI X- Apps, FS- NFS- Ser vi ces
3. Install the Base Utilities component from Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for applications based on
UNIX. This can be downloaded from Microsoft for Windows Server2008 R2 and Windows Server
2012. Detailed installation instructions are in Appendix B
2.10. Configure Target Cluster for Transition
1. Configure intercluster LIFs on all cluster nodes that are hosting destination aggregates.
Exampl e:
st l - b9cmode- 01: : > net wor k i nt er f ace cr eat e - vser ver st l - b9cmode- 01 - l i f
i nt er cl ust er l i f 1 - r ol e i nt er cl ust er - home- node st l - b9cmode- 01- 01 - home- por t e0a -
addr ess 10. 61. 187. 96 - net mask 255. 255. 255. 0 - st at us- admi n up - f ai l over - pol i cy
next avai l - f i r ewal l - pol i cy i nt er cl ust er
2. Create target storage virtual machine (SVM, formerly called Vserver) and SAN logical interfaces
3. Create portsets on target SVM (if used on source storage and still required).
4. Create igroups on target SVM (if autoremapping is desired, use same igroup names source). The
migrate igroups workflow can be used for this task.
5. Install FlexClone license on clustered Data ONTAP storage.
6. Install SnapMirror license on clustered Data ONTAP storage.
2.11. Configure Source Storage and Staging Storage
1. Install the FlexClone license on the source 7-Mode storage (if using offline and no NFS license is
2. Install the NFS license on the staging 7-Mode storage (required if using online, preferred for offline).
3. Install the SnapMirror license on the source and staging 7-Mode storage.
4. Set the ci f s. nf s_r oot _i gnor e_acl option to on if required on staging storage.
Exampl e: opt i ons ci f s. nf s_r oot _i gnor e_acl on
Note: This is required if any qtrees/volumes hosting LUNs have NTFS or mixed security style and for
online migrations if the option waf l . def aul t _secur i t y_st yl e is not set to uni x.
10 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

3. Overview of Migrations
This section provides instructions for offline and online migrations.
3.1. Offline Migration
During offline migration, the user does not have access to the application, and the host is shut down.
An offline migration workflow involves the following automated steps; see Figure 2.
1. Shut down the host.
2. Create a Snapshot copy of the volume.
3. Create a volume clone.
4. Convert the LUN to a file on the cloned volume.
5. Delete LUNs on the cloned volume.
6. Create SnapMirror relationship between the cloned volume and clustered Data ONTAP target
7. After the SnapMirror transfer, convert the file to a LUN.
8. Map the clustered Data ONTAP LUNs to host and perform remediation.

Figure 2) Offline LUN migration based on SnapMirror.

11 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

3.2. Online Migration
During online migration, the user has access to the application during copy and updates. The application
and host are shut down before cutover. Cutover downtime is minimal, usually the time it takes to
complete the host remediation activities.
An online migration workflow involves the following steps:
1. Create the QSM baseline from the source volume to the staging volume.
2. Perform QSM quiesce and break the relationship.
3. Convert the LUN to a file; this creates an NFS link to the file and takes a copy of the prefix and
4. Delete the LUNs on the staging volume.
5. Perform a SnapMirror baseline to the clustered Data ONTAP target volume. The update workflow
repeats step 1 to step 4 and does a TDP update from the staging volume to the clustered Data
ONTAP target volume.
6. During cutover downtime, shut down the application and the host.
7. Perform a QSM resync from the source volume to the staging volume.
8. Perform a QSM quiesce and break the relationship.
9. Convert the LUN to a file; this creates an NFS link to the file and takes a copy of prefix and
10. Delete the LUNs on the staging volume.
11. Perform a TDP update from the staging volume to the clustered Data ONTAP target volume.
12. Break the SnapMirror relationship from the staging volume to the clustered Data ONTAP target
13. Convert the file to a LUN. Copy the prefix and properties to the LUN.
14. Power on the host and perform remediation activities.

Figure 3) Online LUN migration based on SnapMirror.
12 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

4. LUN Migration WFA Workflows Overview
The tool is delivered as a number of different workflows.
4.1. Online Migration WFA Workflows
The online process has the following phases, each implemented as a separate workflow:
1. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups.
a. Copies igroup information from a 7-Mode controller or vFiler

unit to a clustered Data ONTAP

b. Independent from LUN migration workflow; can also be used for offline workflows.
2. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline.
a. Creates the target and staging volumes and establishes QSM relationships from the source to the
staging volumes and transition data protection (TDP) SnapMirror from the staging volume to the
target after converting LUNs to files.
b. The baseline transfer can be deferred and run at a later time.
c. A secondary target volume can be optionally created. The baseline transfer is from the same
staging volume as the primary target volume.
3. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline multivolume.
a. Runs the baseline workflow for multiple volumes.
b. All target volumes have the same name as their respective source volume.
c. All target volumes from an invocation of the workflow are placed in the same aggregate.
d. By default, baseline transfers are deferred.
4. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group.
Runs one of the following baseline/update/cutover/resync/cleanup workflows against a group of jobs.
5. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job deferred baseline.
Executes the transfer for a deferred baseline job.
6. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job update.
a. Updates an existing QSM to TDP cascade.
b. Can be scheduled to allow periodic updates of the SnapMirror copies if the data change rate is
7. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job update and cutover.
a. Performs an update and then converts the files back to LUNs on the target volume.
b. Optionally represents the LUN to the host.
c. Can be used to perform test cutovers.
8. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job update and cutover: rapid.
a. Rapid version of cutover workflow that reduces WFA command overhead.
b. Should be used in preference to the slow cutover workflow.
9. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job resync.
Resumes the TDP SnapMirror copy after a test or failed cutover.

13 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

10. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job cleanup.
a. Removes SnapMirror relationships and staging volume.
b. Can be used before or after cutover.
11. 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate recreate job.
a. Recreates a LUN migrate job database entry.
b. Use in case a job entry is lost, for example, due to playground schema reset.
12. 7toC LUN migrate periodic update. Periodically run a group update.
4.2. Offline Migration WFA Workflows
The offline process has following workflows:
7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Offline Migrate
1. Migrate a 7-Mode volume containing LUNs to clustered Data ONTAP offline.
2. The source volume is cloned, optionally moved into a different vFiler unit, converted to files, and then
copied using SnapMirror across to the clustered Data ONTAP system and converted back to LUNs.
3. Only LUNs matching $sour ceLUNPat t er n r egex are converted; however, the transfer data
includes all LUNs.
4.3. SnapMirror Pair Offline Migration WFA Workflows
The SnapMirror pair offline migrate process is as follows:
7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN SnapMirror Pai r Offline Migrate
1. Migrate a pair of 7-Mode volumes containing LUNs to clustered Data ONTAP servers.
2. The primary source volume is cloned, optionally moved to a different vFiler unit, converted to files,
and then copied using SnapMirror across to the clustered Data ONTAP storage and converted back
to LUNs.
3. The SnapMirror destination volume will also be cloned and migrated to the same or a different
clustered Data ONTAP storage system and a SnapMirror relationship established there. Cluster and
SVM peer relationships are established if they do not already exist.
4. Only LUNs matching $sourceLUNPattern regex will be converted; however, the transfer data includes
all LUNs.
5. No bulk data transfer will occur across the WAN; each target volume will be baselined from the local
7-Mode volume.

14 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Figure 4) SnapMirror pair offline LUN migration.
15 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

5. Offline Migration Using LUN Migrate Workflow
Offline migrate uses a single workflow for offline migration. The host and application are shut down before
starting offline migration.
Note: To configure the migration jobs and execute them at a later date/time, select Choose date and time
for execution in the execute workflow window. To monitor the progress and log details, select
the Execution tab.
1. Discover host, storage, and fabric information.
2. Perform assessment and planning.
3. Shut down hosts and applications dependent on volumes that are being migrated.
4. Log in to WFA.
5. Execute 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e i gr oups to migrate all igroups from 7-Mode to clustered Data
6. Enter source array, target cluster, and SVM details.

Figure 5) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups: input.
7. Execute 7t oC LUN Of f l i ne Mi gr at e.
8. Enter source array, volume, and target details.
a. Select Offline Source LUNs to offline source LUNs (recommended so that no host writes are lost
when hosts have not been properly shut down).
b. Select Remap LUNs to remap LUNs to the igroup with the same LUN ID.
16 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

c. Select Relax LUN ID if required to map the LUN with unused LUN ID because the LUN ID is not
d. Select Remove All Snapshots to remove 7-Mode Snapshot copies on target volume
e. Select Preserve Serial to preserve the serial number.
Preserves PG80 serial number. PG83 differs from 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP because of
OUI change. For example PG83 serial number (NAA descriptor) for 7-Mode is
60a98000486e644f57346c4f342d334b and for clustered Data ONTAP it is
600a0980486e644f57346c4f342d334b when PG80 serial number is preserved.
f. If required, select Abort on LUN Clone to abort the workflow if LUN clones backed by Snapshot
copies exist in the volume that is being migrated.
NetApp does not recommended the use of this option because in most circumstances LUN
clones are transient and are dropped on the target system by the workflow.
g. If required, select Preserve Geometry to preserve geometry. NetApp does not recommend doing
this; this process should be used only in exceptional circumstances in which the LUN was
previously expanded and the host file system or volume manager cannot handle the LUN growing
slightly from its current size.

Figure 6) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: input.
9. Click Execute to start offline migration.
17 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

10. Monitor the execution from the Execution tab or execute workflow details.

Figure 7) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: execution details.
11. Clink i on each command to view the progress and command log.

Figure 8) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN offline migrate: command log details.
12. Verify that workflow execution is successful.
13. Verify the target volume and LUN properties in clustered Data ONTAP.
14. Perform zoning changes.
a. Unzone host to 7-Mode and zone host to clustered Data ONTAP.
b. Activate new zones.
15. Power on the host and perform remediation activities.
18 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

6. Online Migration Using LUN Migrate Workflow
Online migration is performed using various workflows. To reuse the source, the details of staging and
target information in various workflows are stored in a WFA database table. After the baseline workflow,
use the Run Groups workflow to perform update, cutover, and cleanup activities. Individual update,
cutover, and cleanup workflows can also be used instead of Run Gr oup. The Baseline Multivolume
workflow can be used to prepare multiple baselines using common parameters in a single workflow.

Figure 9) Online migration state diagram.
Note: To migrate multiple volumes in a cutover window, group volumes by entering the same group name
in Baseline workflow. To perform cutover or cleanup for multiple groups, enter comma-separated groups
in the Run Group workflow.
Note: To configure the migration jobs and execute them at a later date/time, select Choose date and time
for execution in the Execute Workflow window. To monitor the progress and log details, select
the Execution tab.
1. Discover host, storage, and fabric information.
2. Perform assessment and planning.
3. Log in to WFA.
4. Execute 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups to migrate all igroups from 7-Mode to
clustered Data ONTAP SVM.

19 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

5. Enter source array, target cluster, and SVM details.

Figure 10) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate igroups: input.
6. To start a baseline transfer of a volume, execute 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e J ob Basel i ne.
a. If Defer Baseline is selected, a baseline transfer of the volume is not be performed in this
workflow. Only a job group is created along with the target volume (if it does not already exist).
b. A baseline transfer must then be done using the 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e J ob Def er r ed
Basel i ne workflow. Multiple deferred baselines can be run concurrently with managed
parallelism by using the Run Group workflow.
c. Enter source array, volume, staging array, target cluster, and SVM details.
d. Choose an aggregate in which the new volume must be created.
e. If required, select Create Secondary Target Volume and enter the relevant details for the
Secondary Target. This will create a second target volume that contains a replica of the data. On
cutover, a data protection (dp) SnapMirror relationship will be established from the first target
volume to the secondary target volume.
f. Enter the group name to be used for further operations. If an existing group name is selected, the
source volume will be added to the list of volumes in the group.
20 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Figure 11) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline: input.

21 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

7. Monitor the progress of the baseline workflow. This window can be closed at any time, and the
workflow will continue and the progress monitored using the Execution Status tab.

Figure 12) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline: execution.
8. After the baseline is complete, open the log detail and check for errors.
9. To simplify preparation of multiple volume transitions, the 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e J ob Basel i ne
Mul t i - Vol ume workflow can be used.
a. The baseline transfer is deferred by default.
b. The volume list will only contain volumes that contain LUNs and do not have existing LUN
Migrate jobs created for them.
c. All target volumes will be created in the same SVM and aggregate. Use multiple invocations of
the workflow to distribute target volumes across multiple aggregates.
d. A secondary target volume can be created, using the source volume name or the source volume
name with a given suffix.
22 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Figure 13) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate job baseline multivolume: input.

23 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

10. Run update workflow several times if required until cutover downtime.
11. Execute 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e Run Gr oup workflow.

Figure 14) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: job list.
12. Choose Update as job to update the workflow.
a. Select the group to update.
b. Make sure that the state is baselined, updated, or resynced before running update.
c. Select Max concurrent jobs. You can run up to 10 parallel transitions (SnapMirror transfers). The
default is 5.

24 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

13. Click Execute and monitor the progress. View the detailed steps by the update workflow from the
Execution tab. The progress window can be closed at any time.

Figure 15) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: update.
14. Repeat the update workflow periodically until the planned cutover downtime is reached (this is
important in order to reduce cutover time if there is a large rate of change on the source LUNs).
15. Execute the 7toC LUN Migrate Periodic Update workflow. Enter the Group name, Interval and
number of Iterations.
25 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Figure 16) 7toC LUN Migrate Periodic Update.
16. During the cutover downtime window, shut down the hosts and applications dependent on volumes
that are being migrated.
17. Execute the 7t oC LUN Mi gr at e Run Gr oup workflow.
18. Choose Rapid-Cutover/Slow-Cutover. Refer to Appendix A for the difference between a rapid and a
slow cutover. NetApp recommends a rapid cutover. A cutover does an update before cutting over.
a. Choose the group name.
b. Check the State List as updated, baselined, or resynced to proceed for cutover.
c. Select Max concurrent jobs. This controls the number of parallel transitions (SnapMirror transfers)
up to 10. Default is 5.
d. Select Offline Source LUNs to offline the LUNs before start of cutover (NetApp recommends this
so that no host writes are lost when hosts have not been properly shut down).
e. Select Preserve Serial to preserve the serial number (optional).
Preserves PG80 serial number. PG83 serial number (NAA descriptor) differs from 7-Mode to
clustered Data ONTAP due to OUI change. For example PG83 serial number for 7-Mode is
60a98000486e644f57346c4f342d334b and for cDOT it will be
600a0980486e644f57346c4f342d334b when PG80 serial number is preserved.
26 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

f. Select Remap LUNs to remap the LUNs to the igroup with same LUN ID (recommended).
g. Select Relax LUN ID if required to map the LUN with unused LUN ID if source LUN ID is not
h. Select Remove All Snapshots to remove all 7-Mode Snapshot copies on the target volume
posttransition (LUNs cannot be restored from 7-Mode Snapshot copies posttransition).
i. If required, select Abort on LUN Clone to abort the workflow if LUN clones backed by Snapshot
copies exist in the volume that is being migrated. If workflows abort on a LUN clone during
execution, run Run Group workflow and select resync before proceeding with the cutover. NetApp
does not recommend using this option because in most circumstances LUN clones are transient.
j. If required, select Preserve Geometry to preserve the geometry. NetApp does not recommend
doing so, and the process should be used only in exceptional circumstances in which the LUN
was previously expanded and the host file system or volume manager cannot handle the LUN
growing slightly from its current size.

Figure 17) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: rapid cutover.
k. Choose Execute to start the workflow now or schedule at a later date and time.
27 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

19. Monitor the detailed cutover workflow execution from the Execution tab. Right-click the entry and
click Details for detailed workflow execution details.

Figure 18) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: execution status.
20. Verify that the cutover workflow executed successfully.
21. Execute the 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Run Group workflow.
22. Choose Cleanup.
a. Choose the group name.
b. Check the state list as cutover.
c. Select Remove All Snapshots to remove all 7-Mode Snapshot copies on the target volume
posttransition (LUNs cannot be restored from 7-Mode Snapshot copies posttransition).

Figure 19) 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN migrate run group: cleanup.

28 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

23. Verify that the Cleanup workflow executed successfully. After cleanup, the group name is removed.
24. Verify the target volume and LUN properties in clustered Data ONTAP.
25. Perform zoning changes. Unzone host to 7-Mode zones and zone host to clustered Data ONTAP
zones. Activate zones.
26. Power on the host and perform remediation activities.
29 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

7. Troubleshooting
This section provides information on data collection and the AutoSupport (ASUP) tool, WFA log files,
WFA execution files, and viewing logs using Log Viewer.
7.1. Reference Manuals
WFA comes equipped with an on-the-fly auto-generated reference manual capability and can be
accessed using Help=>Reference Manual from the top menu bar.
The reference manual opens in a new browser tab and reflects the current content of the server. It
automatically documents every new flow, finder, filter, and function generated by the user, in addition to
all of the WFA certified content.
Note: Use the reference manual for information about writing user input and filter queries because it
reflects the content (and thus the columns) of dictionary entries.

Figure 20) Workflow: reference manual.

30 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

7.2. Triage and Data Collection
Data Collection and AutoSupport
WFA logs into a set of log files that can be found in a folder inside the J Boss installation.
The fastest and easiest way to collect WFA logs is to generate an ASUP file manually and acquire it. An
ASUP file contains all the required log files as well as a complete backup of the database. As mentioned,
ASUP files can be restored like any other backup file and deploy the encompassed log files in the
appropriate position.
ASUP is generated using the ASUP tab at the Administration menu ->WFA Configuration ->ASUP tab.

Figure 21) WFA AutoSupport configuration.

31 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

WFA Log Files
WFA log files are located under the installation folder inside the J BOSS at J boss\ st andal one\ l og.
Exampl e: C: \ Pr ogr amFi l es\ Net App\ WFA\ j boss\ st andal one\ l og
The following is a list of important log file content:
* ser ver . l og The J Boss main log and a primary source of information, with wfa.log
(some information is common to both)
* wf a. l og The WFA application main log and a primary source of information with
* wf a_cl i ent . l og Client-related logs, for various GUI exceptions and issues
* wf a_f i nder s. l og Finder usage results: very useful when trying to determine which filter
returned results and what the finder made of the combined result set
* wf a_l dap. l og Logging of LDAP-related issues, where applicable
* wf a_acqui si t i on. l og Data acquisition issues can be found here

Figure 22) WFA log files.

32 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

WFA Execution Logs
When WFA executes a workflow, a set of logs related to its execution is generated. This set contains
information regarding that specific execution's planning, and it details each command execution log as
well. During the planning, information about the finder process results is saved in wf a_f i nder s. l og
and execution logging is saved in wf a. l og and ser ver . l og. The logs are copied as-is at time of
execution. The wor kf l ow_exec log is a proprietary log, combining all the command execution logging
into a single file, specific to this execution.
Note: The information still appears in the general log files on the server.
To collect WFA execution log information, open the relevant execution in the Execution Monitoring screen
and click Download Logs. An archive with the relevant logs is generated.

Figure 23) Download WFA execution logs.
Viewing Logs Using Log Viewer
Logs can also be viewed from within the web browser. Select Administration menu ->Log Viewer to open
them in the browser. Then, select the file you want to view. Refresh the URL while viewing to refresh the
data from the file.

Figure 24) Log viewer.

33 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

7.3. Resume LUN Migrate Workflows
If a workflow fails, it can be resumed from Execution Status.
Right-click the failed workflow and select Resume.

Figure 25) Resume workflow.
7.4. Common LUN Migrate Errors
Variable stagingVolume could not be registered because expression sourceVolume.language of
attribute language resolved to null during planning for baseline workflow.
This error is generally caused when using the 7-Mode Unified Manager data source and the
credentials for the source controller are not correctly configured.
It can also be caused by access being blocked on the source controller, for example, using options
under httpd.admin.
Check by using Diagnose connectivity in the DFM web GUI or using the command line dfm host diag
Example error in diag output: XML (https port 443) HTTP POST - Service unavailable.
Snapshot operation failed: No space left on device. in offline workflows.
This error might occur if the volume previously had no Snapshot copies and the LUNs almost fill the
volume and are space reserved. The source volume has to be large enough for the LUN overwrite
Either expand the volume, disable the LUN space reserve, modify the volume fractional_reserve, or a
combination of these.
34 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Each individual filter found results, but no results were found during the aggregation of filters. At
command 'Create staging volume', tab 'Volume', variable 'stagingVolume', property 'aggregate'
No space is available on any aggregate on the staging system.
Use a different staging system, or recover space by removing volume guarantee or deleting volumes
or data.
Failed to create hardlink to LUN
Look at command log to see exact error by clicking the i in the failed command.

Check options cifs.nfs_root_ignore_acl on staging controller or vFiler instance and set to on.
Check network connectivity from the WFA server to specified NFS access IP.
Snapmirror relationship //<svm>/<target>is not snapmirrored. Is currently in state broken-off.
A cutover has previously been performed (and either completed or failed).
Use the resync workflow to resync the SnapMirror relationship and resume the failed workflow.
lun create from file failed: Error: Account not configured to connect in this manner (in cutover
The user that WFA is connecting to the clustered Data ONTAP target system does not have console
Grant user console privileges using security login create.
Failed to execute query for user input {$sourceVolumeName|$GroupName}. Table
playground.lunmigratejob doesnt exist (in Multi volume workflow or Run group workflow)
Lun migrate play ground database is not available.
Use baseline workflow first and enter group name to create lun migrate play ground database.

35 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

All commands run slowly.
Systems can be slow starting Windows PowerShell, particularly when they do not have Internet
This might be caused by certificate revocation checking when loading Windows PowerShell modules.
A workaround is to disable certificate revocation checking in Internet Options | Advanced | Security,
uncheck option Check for publishers certificate revocation.

36 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Appendix A. Workflows
A.1. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Igroups
Description: Migrate igroups from source 7-Mode controller to the target SVM.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
sourceArrayName Source Array Query
sourceVfiler Source Vfiler vFiler unit (including vfiler0) from which to copy
Query vfiler0
Pattern Pattern Regular expression which matches igroup
names to migrate. .* matches all igroups
String /vol/*
targetCluster Target
targetVserver Target SVM Target SVM in which to create igroups.
Note: The drop-down includes only SVMs with
iSCSI and/or FCP allowed.
DryRun Dry Run If true, just check if changes are required and
report what would be done.
Boolean false
IgnoreCHAP Ignore CHAP If false, abort if iSCSI security is configured on
an iSCSI initiator on the source and is not yet
configured on the target SVM.

If true, will log a warning if CHAP is missing
from the target.
Boolean false
IgnoreMismatch Ignore
If false, abort if an igroup exists on the target
with a different configuration. Otherwise, a
warning will be logged.
Boolean false
IgnoreMissingPortset Ignore
If false, abort if a portset is missing from the
target controller.
Boolean false

37 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.2. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Offline Migrate
Description: Migrate a 7-Mode volume containing LUNs to a clustered Data ONTAP SVM.

The source volume is cloned, optionally moved into a different vFiler unit, converted into
files, and then copies using SnapMirror across to the clustered Data ONTAP system and
converted back into LUNs.

Only LUNs matching $sourceLUNPattern regex are converted; however, the transfer data
includes all LUNs.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
sourceArrayName Array Query
sourceReplicationIP Replication
This IP is used for replication from the source
system to the target cluster. The IP should be
accessible from the target cluster's intercluster
logical interfaces.
sourceVolumeName Volume The volume will be created if it does not
already exist. It will be created in the
aggregate in the cluster with the most free

If the volume is precreated by the user, it
should have the same language as the source
volume, be at least as big as the source
volume, be type DP and online.
sourceLUNPattern LUN
Regular expression matching LUN paths that
you want to migrate.

Default is . which matches all LUNs.

For example, (test|dev) will match any LUN
whose path includes test or dev.
String .
OfflineSourceLuns Offline
Whether to offline the source LUNs during the
cutover process. This prevents any risk of
losing writes to the source LUNs after starting
the migration process.

Verify that the hosts are offline prior to running
the workflow with this option enabled.
Boolean true
38 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
cloneVfilerName Clone
Name of a vFiler unit in which to move the
clone volume in order to access using NFS to
convert into files. This is optional. If not
specified, or -, the clone volume will be left in
the source volume's vFiler unit.
String -
Access IP
The conversion process on the source system
will use NFS hardlinks by default, but if this
fails, then it fails back to using sub-LUN
FlexClone. NFS access will be to
$NFSAccessIP (which should be an
accessible IP address on the source controller
in the LUNs current vFiler unit or in
$cloneVfilerName if that is specified).
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create
the target volume. Note: The drop-down list
includes only SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI
targetAggregate Aggregate Aggregate in which to create target volume (if
the target volume doesn't already exist).
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume to create on the target
PreserveSerial Preserve
If true, only PG80 serial number is preserved.
PG83 (NAA descriptor) will differ.
Boolean false
RemapLUNs Remap
Whether to remap LUNs on the target system
using their original LUN IDs. This requires the
same igroup names to already exist in the
SVM and the LUN IDs to be unused.

If LUN remap fails (for example, due to igroups
missing or duplicate LUN IDs), there will be a
warning in the log, but the workflow will
complete successfully.
Boolean true
RelaxLUNID Relax LUN
Whether to remap the LUN to an unused LUN
ID if the sources LUN ID is not available in the
target SVM.
Boolean false
RemoveAllSnapshots Remove
Whether to remove all Snapshot copies from
the target volume once migration is complete.
Boolean true
39 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, the workflow will fail if an old-style LUN
clone is found. Otherwise, the LUN clone will
be silently dropped.
Boolean false
PreserveGeometry Preserve
Whether or not to preserve the LUN geometry.
This affects only LUNs that have been resized
since their creation on the source system.

If true, the conversion process will create a
LUN of a similar size to the LUNs original
creation size in order to create the same
geometry and will then resize the LUN up to
the current size. The data copy/clone process
used can be much slower than if geometry
was not preserved (particularly for large

If false, then the LUN will be created by
requesting the current size. If the LUN was
grown on the source system, this might result
in the created LUN being given a different
geometry and growing slightly compared to the
source LUN. Most host environments will
function correctly with the expanded LUN.
Boolean false
NFSProxy NFS Proxy NFSProxy specifies what to use to create the
hardlink. If blank, the standalone NFS client
program NFShardlink.exe is used. This should
be installed in
%ProgramFiles%\NetApp\NFShardlink\ along
with its dll (NFSLibrary.dll). Other values for
NFSProxy can be:
- hardlink:\path\to\NFShardlink.exe Provide
an explicit path to the NFShardlink program (or
a script or other program that will take the
parameters: IPAddress MountPath
SourcePath LinkPath) - SourcePath and
LinkPath contain \ as separators
- command:\path\to\script.bat Provide an
explicit path to a script or other program that
will take the parameters: IPAddress
MountPath SourcePath LinkPath - SourcePath
and LinkPath contain / as separators
- ssh:username:password@hostname
Requires plink to be installed at
%ProgramFiles%\Putty\plink.exe and have
already accepted the target host's key.
40 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.3. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Baseline
Description: Perform a baseline transfer for migration a 7-Mode volume containing LUNs to a
clustered Data ONTAP SVM.

The source LUN qtrees are QSMed to a staging volume, converted into files, and then
copied using SnapMirror across to the clustered Data ONTAP system.

Only LUNs matching $sourceLUNPattern regex are migrated; however, the transfer data
amount includes all LUNs sharing the same qtrees.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
DeferBaseline Defer
Whether to defer the staging volume
creation and baseline transfer.

If true, the transfer can be executed using
the Run Deferred Baseline workflow or
using the Run Group workflow.
Boolean false
sourceArrayName Array Query
sourceVolumeName Volume Query
sourceReplicationIP Replication
IP Address on source system to use for
replication. If UseVfilerQSM is false (the
default), this should be an IP in vfiler0 that
can communicate with the staging
replication IP. Otherwise, this is an IP in the
source volume's vFiler unit.
sourceLUNPattern LUN
Regular expression matching LUN paths
that you want to migrate.

Default is . which matches all LUNs.

For example, (test|dev) will match any LUN
whose path includes test or dev.
String .
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, abort the workflow if a LUN clone is
found on the source volume.
Boolean false
stagingArrayName Array Query
stagingReplicationIP Replication
This IP is used for replication from the
source system to staging and also from the
41 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
staging system to the target cluster. The IP
should be accessible from both the
sourceReplicationIP and from the target
cluster's intercluster logical interfaces.
stagingVfilerName Vfiler vFiler unit to place staging volume into. This
should be set to a vFiler unit that is
accessible by the NFS proxy host (the WFA
server by default).
Query vfiler0
Access IP
This IP address is used for NFS access
(from the WFA server by default, or from the
NFSProxy host if defined). It should be an IP
address in vfiler0 on the staging system, or
within the staging vFiler unit if that is

It defaults (if blank) to the primary address
of the staging vFiler unit/vfiler0.
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create
the target volume. Note that the drop-down
list will only include SVMs that have FCP or
iSCSI enabled.
targetAggregate Aggregate Aggregate in which to create target volume
(if the target volume doesn't already exist).
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume to create or replicate to
on the target system. If the volume already
exists, it must be at least as large as the
source volume and be of type dp.
GroupName Group
J ob group name. String
createSecondaryTarget Create
Whether or not to create a second target
volume that will be a SnapMirror destination
for the first target volume. This can be used
to establish either a data protection volume
or a SnapVault destination volume (by
manually converting the SnapMirror into an
XDP relationship postcutover).
Boolean false
targetClusterName2 Cluster Cluster on which to place the secondary
volume copy.
42 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
targetVserverName2 SVM Storage virtual machine to host secondary
target volume.
targetAggregate2 Aggregate Query
targetVolumeName2 Volume Secondary target volume name. String
UseVfilerQSM Use Vfiler
Whether to do qtree SnapMirror in the vFiler

If false (the default) will do QSM in vfiler0.
Boolean false
NFSProxy NFS Proxy NFSProxy specifies what to use to create
the hardlink. If blank, the standalone NFS
client program NFShardlink.exe is used.
This should be installed in
along with its dll (NFSLibrary.dll). Other
values for NFSProxy can be:
- hardlink:\path\to\NFShardlink.exe - provide
an explicit path to the NFShardlink program
(or a script or other program that will take
the parameters: IPAddress MountPath
SourcePath LinkPath) - SourcePath and
LinkPath contain \ as separators
- command:\path\to\script.bat - provide an
explicit path to a script or other program that
will take the parameters: IPAddress
MountPath SourcePath LinkPath -
SourcePath and LinkPath contain / as
- ssh:username:password@hostname -
Requires plink to be installed at
%ProgramFiles%\Putty\plink.exe and have
already accepted the target host's key.
Returned parameters:
Name Value Description
stagingVolumeName Name of the staging volume created

43 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.4. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Baseline
Multi volume
Description: Initiates baseline transfer jobs for multiple 7-Mode volumes containing LUNs to a
clustered Data ONTAP Vserver.

All volumes will be given the same name on the clustered Data ONTAP destination
as they have on the source.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
DeferBaseline Defer
Whether to defer the staging volume
creation and baseline transfer.

If true, the transfer can be executed using
the Run Deferred Baseline workflow or
using the Run Group workflow.
Boolean false
Credential Credentials for WFA. Can be either
username/password or the name of an
OTHER entry in the WFA credential
String WFA-
MaxJ obs Maximum
J obs
How many jobs can be run concurrently. Number 5
sourceArrayName Array Query
sourceVolumeName Volume Query
sourceReplicationIP Replication
IP address on source system to use for
replication. If UseVfilerQSM is false (the
default), this should be an IP in vfiler0
that can communicate with the staging
replication IP. Otherwise, this is an IP in
the source volume's vFiler unit.
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, abort the workflow if a LUN clone
is found on the source volume.
Boolean false
stagingArrayName Array Query
stagingReplicationIP Replication
This IP is used for replication from the
source system to staging, and also from
the staging system to the target cluster.
44 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
The IP should be accessible from both
the sourceReplicationIP and from the
target cluster's intercluster logical
stagingVfilerName Vfiler Vfiler to place staging volume into. This
should be set to a vFiler unit that is
accessible by the NFS proxy host (the
WFA server by default).
Query vfiler0
Access IP
This IP address is used for NFS access
(from the WFA server by default, or from
the NFSProxy host if defined). It should
be an IP address in vfiler0 on the staging
system, or within the staging vFiler unit if
that is specified.

It defaults (if blank) to the primary
address of the staging vFiler unit/vfiler0.
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to
create the target volume. Note that the
drop-down list will only include SVMs that
have FCP or iSCSI enabled.
targetAggregate Aggregate Aggregate in which to create target
volume (if the target volume doesn't
already exist).
GroupName Group
J ob group name. String
createSecondaryTarget Create
Whether or not to create a second target
volume that will be a SnapMirror
destination for the first target volume.
This can be used to establish either a
data protection volume or a SnapVault
destination volume (by manually
converting the SnapMirror into an XDP
relationship postcutover).
Boolean false
targetClusterName2 Cluster Cluster on which to place the secondary
volume copy.
targetVserverName2 SVM Storage virtual machine to host
secondary target volume.
45 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
targetAggregate2 Aggregate Query
secondaryVolumeSuffix Volume
Text to append to the source volume
name to create secondary target volume
snapmirrorSchedule Schedule Schedule to apply to SnapMirror
relationship after cutover has completed.
NFSProxy NFS Proxy NFSProxy specifies what to use to create
the hardlink. If blank, the standalone NFS
client program NFShardlink.exe is used.
This should be installed in
along with its dll (NFSLibrary.dll). Other
values for NFSProxy can be:
- hardlink:\path\to\NFShardlink.exe -
provide an explicit path to the
NFShardlink program (or a script or other
program that will take the parameters:
IPAddress MountPath SourcePath
LinkPath) - SourcePath and LinkPath
contain \ as separators
- command:\path\to\script.bat - provide an
explicit path to a script or other program
that will take the parameters: IPAddress
MountPath SourcePath LinkPath -
SourcePath and LinkPath contain / as
- ssh:username:password@hostname -
Requires plink to be installed at
%ProgramFiles%\Putty\plink.exe and
have already accepted the target host's
A.5. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Deferred
Description: Perform a deferred baseline transfer for migration a 7-Mode volume containing LUNs to a
clustered Data ONTAP SVM.

In order to use this workflow, the 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate J ob
Baseline must first be run with the Defer Baseline option selected.
46 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

User inputs:
Name Description Values
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create the
target volume. Note that the drop-down list will only
include SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI enabled.
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume to create or replicate to on the
target system. If the volume already exists, it must
be at least as large as the source volume and be of
type dp.
Returned parameters:
Name Value Description
stagingVolumeName Name of the staging volume created
A.6. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Update
Description: Perform an update on an already baselined migration of a 7-Mode volume containing
LUNs to a clustered Data ONTAP SVM.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver containing the
target volume.
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume on the target system. Query

47 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.7. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Update plus
Cutover: Rapid
Description: Perform an update and cutover on an already baselined migration of a 7-Mode volume
containing LUNs to a clustered Data ONTAP SVM.
Wrapped in a single WFA command for faster cutover.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
OfflineSourceLuns Offline
Whether to offline the source LUNs during the
cutover process. This will prevent any risk of
losing writes to the source LUNs after starting
the migration process.

Make sure the hosts are offline prior to running
the workflow with this option enabled.
Boolean true
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver containing the target
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume on the target system. Query
PreserveSerial Preserve
If true, only PG80 serial number is preserved.
PG83 (NAA descriptor) will differ.
Boolean false
RemapLUNs Remap
Whether to remap LUNs on the target system
using their original LUN IDs. This requires the
same igroup names to already exist in the SVM
and the LUN IDs to be unused.

If LUN remap fails (for example, due to igroups
missing or duplicate LUN IDs) there will be a
warning in the log but the workflow will complete
Boolean true
RelaxLUNID Relax LUN
Whether to remap the LUN to an unsed LUN ID
if the source LUN ID is not available in the target
Boolean false
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, the workflow will fail if an old-style LUN
clone is found. Otherwise, the LUN clone will be
silently dropped.
Boolean false
PreserveGeometry Preserve Whether or not to preserve the LUN geometry. Boolean false
48 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
Geometry This only affects LUNs that have been resized
since their creation on the source system.

If true, the conversion process will create a LUN
of a similar size to the LUNs original creation
size in order to create the same geometry and
will then resize the LUN up to the current size.
The data copy/clone process used can be much
slower than if geometry was not preserved
(particularly for large LUNs).

If false, then the LUN will be created by
requesting the current size. If the LUN was
grown on the source system, this might result in
the created LUN being given a different
geometry and growing slightly compared to the
source LUN. Most host environments will
function correctly with the expanded LUN.
logImportantOnly Log
Whether to only log important messages.

This reduces the volume of logging information
to work around a slow logging bug in WFA 2.1.
Use this to speed up the cutover only if using
WFA 2.1. Disable this option for more verbose
logging for debug purposes.
Boolean false
A.8. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Update plus
Description: Perform an update and cutover on an already baselined migration of a 7-Mode volume
containing LUNs to a clustered Data ONTAP SVM.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
OfflineSourceLuns Offline
Whether to offline the source LUNs during the
cutover process. This will prevent any risk of
losing writes to the source LUNs after starting
the migration process.

Make sure the hosts are offline prior to running
the workflow with this option enabled.
Boolean true
49 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver containing the target
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume on the target system. Query
PreserveSerial Preserve
If true, only PG80 serial number is preserved.
PG83 (NAA descriptor) will differ.
Boolean false
RemapLUNs Remap
Whether to remap LUNs on the target system
using their original LUN IDs. This requires the
same igroup names to already exist in the SVM
and the LUN IDs to be unused.

If LUN remap fails (for example, due to igroups
missing or duplicate LUN IDs) there will be a
warning in the log but the workflow will complete
Boolean true
RelaxLUNID Relax LUN
Whether to remap the LUN to an unsed LUN ID
if the source LUN ID is not available in the target
Boolean false
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
LUN Clone
If true, the workflow will fail if an old-style LUN
clone is found. Otherwise, the LUN clone will be
silently dropped.
Boolean false
PreserveGeometry Preserve
Whether or not to preserve the LUN geometry.
This only affects LUNs that have been resized
since their creation on the source system.

If true, the conversion process will create a LUN
of a similar size to the LUNs original creation
size in order to create the same geometry and
will then resize the LUN up to the current size.
The data copy/clone process used can be much
slower than if geometry was not preserved
(particularly for large LUNs).

If false, then the LUN will be created by
requesting the current size. If the LUN was
grown on the source system, this might result in
the created LUN being given a different
geometry and growing slightly compared to the
source LUN. Most host environments will
function correctly with the expanded LUN.
Boolean false
50 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.9. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Cleanup
Description: Cleans up the QSMs, transition SnapMirror, and staging volume associated with a LUN
migration. Can be used whether or not cutover has been performed.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver containing
create the target volume.
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume on the target system. Query
RemoveAllSnapshots Remove All
Whether to remove all 7-Mode Snapshot
copies from the target volume.

This includes SnapMirror Snapshot copies
and any Snapshot copies that were
present on the source system (which
generally cannot be used anyway).
Boolean true
A.10. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Job Resync
Description: Perform a resync on an already baselined migration of a 7-Mode volume containing
LUNs to a clustered Data ONTAP SVM that was previously broken off. Note that this
operation will cause all changes to the destination volume since it was broken off to be
User inputs:
Name Description Values
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create the
target volume. Note that the drop-down list will only
include SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI enabled.
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume to create on the target system. Query
51 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

A.11. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Run Group
Description: Runs a bulk update or cutover operation for a LUN migration group.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
job J ob Which job type workflow to run.
Baseline: Runs a deferred
Rapid-Cutover: Performs cutover
Cleanup: Cleans up SnapMirror
and staging.
Resync: Resume SnapMirror after
cutover (changes on target will be
Slow-Cutover: Performs cutover
using the nonrapid workflow.
Enum Rapid-
GroupName Group
Group to apply. This can also be a
comma-separated list of groups or
a partial regular expression (do
not use ^or $ as these are used

For example: "group1,group2" will
match "group1" and "group2" but
not "group10"; "group[0-9]*" will
match "group" followed by any
number of digits.
StateList State List Which job states the job should be
run against. Select all that apply.
MaxConcurrentJ obs Maximum
J obs
How many jobs can be run
Number 5
Credential Credentials for WFA. Can be
either username/password or the
name of an OTHER entry in the
WFA credential cache.
String WFA-
OfflineSourceLuns Offline
Whether to offline source LUNs
prior to cutover to make sure of no
lost writes.
Boolean true
52 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
PreserveSerial Preserve
If true, only PG80 serial number is
preserved. PG83 (NAA descriptor)
will differ.
Boolean false
RemapLUNs Remap
Whether to remap LUNs on the
target system using their original
LUN IDs. This requires the same
igroup names to already exist in
the SVM and the LUN IDs to be

If LUN remap fails (for example,
due to igroups missing or
duplicate LUN IDs) there will be a
warning in the log but the
workflow will complete
Boolean true
RelaxLUNID Relax LUN
Whether to remap the LUN to an
unsed LUN ID if the source LUN
ID is not available in the target
Boolean false
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, the workflow will fail if an
old-style LUN clone is found.
Otherwise, the LUN clone will be
silently dropped.
Boolean false
RemoveAllSnapshots Remove All
Whether to remove all 7-Mode
Snapshot copies from the target

This includes SnapMirror
Snapshot copies and any
Snapshot copies that were
present on the source system
(which generally cannot be used
Boolean true
PreserveGeometry Preserve
Whether or not to preserve the
LUN geometry. This only affects
LUNs that have been resized
since their creation on the source

If true, the conversion process will
create a LUN of a similar size to
the LUNs original creation size in
Boolean false
53 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
order to create the same
geometry and will then resize the
LUN up to the current size. The
data copy/clone process used can
be much slower than if geometry
was not preserved (particularly for
large LUNs).

If false, then the LUN will be
created by requesting the current
size. If the LUN was grown on the
source system, this might result in
the created LUN being given a
different geometry and growing
slightly compared to the source
LUN. Most host environments will
function correctly with the
expanded LUN.
A.12. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN SnapMirror Pair Offline
Description: Migrate a pair of 7-Mode volumes containing LUNs to clustered Data ONTAP SVMs.

The primary source volume is cloned, optionally moved into a different vFiler unit,
converted into files, and then copied using SnapMirror across to the clustered Data
ONTAP system and converted back into LUNs.

The SnapMirror destination volume will also be cloned and migrated to the same or a
different clustered Data ONTAP system and a SnapMirror relationship established there.
Cluster and SVM peer relationships will be established if they do not already exist.

Only LUNs matching $sourceLUNPattern regex will be converted; however, the transfer
data will include all LUNs.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
sourceArrayName Source
sourceReplicationIP Source
This IP is used for replication from the source
system to the target cluster. The IP should be
54 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
IP accessible from the target cluster's intercluster
logical interfaces.
sourceVolumeName Source
SnapMirror source volume to migrate. Query
sourceLUNPattern Source
Regular expression matching LUN paths that
we want to migrate.

Default is . which matches all LUNs.

For example, (test|dev) will match any LUN
whose path includes test or dev.
String .
OfflineSourceLuns Offline
Whether to offline the source LUNs during the
cutover process. This will prevent any risk of
losing writes to the source LUNs after starting
the migration process.

Make sure the hosts are offline prior to running
the workflow with this option enabled.
Boolean true
cloneVfilerName Clone
Name of a vFiler unit in which to move the
clone volume in order to access using NFS to
convert into files. This is optional. If not
specified, or -, the clone volume will be left in
the source volume's vFiler unit.
String -
Access IP
The conversion process on the source system
will use NFS hardlinks by default, but if this
fails will fall back to using sub-LUN FlexClone.
NFS access will be to $NFSAccessIP (which
should be an accessible IP address on the
source controller in the LUNs current vFiler
unit or in $cloneVfilerName if that is specified).
sourceArrayName2 Source
The source array containing the SnapMirror
destination volume.
sourceReplicationIP2 Source
Replication IP address to access the source
SnapMirror target when doing transition
sourceVolumeName2 Source
7-Mode SnapMirror target volume. Query
55 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
QuiesceSnapmirror Quiesce
Whether to quiesce (stop transfers, including
scheduled transfers) between the source
SnapMirror pair.
Boolean true
targetClusterName Target
targetVserverName Target
Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create
the target volume. Note that the drop-down list
will only include SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI
targetAggregate Target
Aggregate in which to create target volume (if
the target volume doesn't already exist).
targetVolumeName Target
Name of the volume to create on the target
PreserveSerial Preserve
If true, only PG80 serial number is preserved.
PG83 (NAA descriptor) will differ.
Boolean false
RemapLUNs Remap
Whether to remap LUNs on the target system
using their original LUN IDs. This requires the
same igroup names to already exist in the
SVM and the LUN IDs to be unused.

If LUN remap fails (for example, due to
igroups missing or duplicate LUN IDs) there
will be a warning in the log but the workflow
will complete successfully.
Boolean true
RelaxLUNID Relax LUN
Whether to remap the LUN to an unsed LUN
ID if the source LUN ID is not available in the
target SVM.
Boolean false
RemoveAllSnapshots Remove
Whether to remove all Snapshot copies from
the target volume once migration is complete.
Boolean true
AbortOnLunClone Abort on
Lun Clone
If true, the workflow will fail if an old-style LUN
clone is found. Otherwise, the LUN clone will
be silently dropped.
Boolean false
targetClusterName2 Target
targetVserverName2 Target Name of the SVM/Vserver in which to create Query
56 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
SVM the target SnapMirror destination volume.
Note that the drop-down list will only include
SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI enabled.
targetAggregate2 Target
Aggregate in which to create target
SnapMirror destination volume (if the volume
doesn't already exist).
targetVolumeName2 Target
Name of the volume to create on the target
SnapMirror destination system.
targetSchedule Snapmirror
Name of the SnapMirror schedule to apply to
the SnapMirror relationship created between
the cluster volumes.

(Note that the drop-down list will only be
populated if using OCUM 6+: you can
manually enter a schedule name otherwise.)
PreserveGeometry Preserve
Whether or not to preserve the LUN geometry.
This only affects LUNs that have been resized
since their creation on the source system.

If true, the conversion process will create a
LUN of a similar size to the LUNs original
creation size in order to create the same
geometry and will then resize the LUN up to
the current size. The data copy/clone process
used can be much slower than if geometry
was not preserved (particularly for large

If false, then the LUN will be created by
requesting the current size. If the LUN was
grown on the source system, this might result
in the created LUN being given a different
geometry and growing slightly compared to
the source LUN. Most host environments will
function correctly with the expanded LUN.
Boolean false
NFSProxy NFS Proxy NFSProxy specifies what to use to create the
hardlink. If blank, the standalone NFS client
program NFShardlink.exe is used. This should
be installed in
%ProgramFiles%\NetApp\NFShardlink\ along
with its dll (NFSLibrary.dll). Other values for
NFSProxy can be:
- hardlink:\path\to\NFShardlink.exe - provide
an explicit path to the NFShardlink program
57 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
(or a script or other program that will take the
parameters: IPAddress MountPath
SourcePath LinkPath) - SourcePath and
LinkPath contain \ as separators
- command:\path\to\script.bat - provide an
explicit path to a script or other program that
will take the parameters: IPAddress
MountPath SourcePath LinkPath - SourcePath
and LinkPath contain / as separators
- ssh:username:password@hostname -
Requires plink to be installed at
%ProgramFiles%\Putty\plink.exe and have
already accepted the target host's key.
UseVfilerVSM Use Vfiler
Whether to do volume SnapMirror in the vFiler
Boolean false
A.13. Workflow: 7-Mode to Clustered Data ONTAP LUN Migrate Recreate Job
Description: Recreates a LUN migrate job database entry. Use in case a job entry is lost, for example,
due to playground schema reset.
User inputs:
Name Description Values
sourceArrayName Array Query
sourceVolumeName Volume Query
sourceLUNPattern LUN
Regular expression matching LUN paths that we
want to migrate.

Default is . which matches all LUNs.

For example, (test|dev) will match any LUN whose
path includes test or dev.
String .
stagingArrayName Array
stagingVfilerName Vfiler Vfiler unit to place staging volume into. This
should be set to a vFiler unit that is accessible by
Query vfiler0
58 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
the NFS proxy host (the WFA server by default).
This IP address is used for NFS access (from the
WFA server by default, or from the NFSProxy host
if defined). It should be an IP address in vfiler0 on
the staging system, or within the staging vFiler unit
if that is specified.

It defaults to the primary address of the staging
vFiler unit/vfiler0.
stagingVolumeName Volume Query
targetClusterName Cluster Query
targetVserverName SVM Name of the SVM/Vserver containing the target
volume. Note that the drop-down list will only
include SVMs that have FCP or iSCSI enabled.
targetVolumeName Volume Name of the volume on the target system. Query
GroupName Group
State Current state of the job. String
UseVfilerQSM Use
Whether to do qtree SnapMirror in the vFiler

If false (the default) will do QSM in vfiler0.
Boolean false
NFSProxy specifies what to use to create the
hardlink. If blank, the standalone NFS client
program NFShardlink.exe is used. This should be
installed in %ProgramFiles%\NetApp\NFShardlink\
along with its dll (NFSLibrary.dll). Other values for
NFSProxy can be:
- hardlink:\path\to\NFShardlink.exe - provide an
explicit path to the NFShardlink program (or a
script or other program that will take the
parameters: IPAddress MountPath SourcePath
LinkPath) - SourcePath and LinkPath contain \ as
- command:\path\to\script.bat - provide an explicit
path to a script or other program that will take the
parameters: IPAddress MountPath SourcePath
LinkPath - SourcePath and LinkPath contain / as
59 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Name Description Values
- ssh:username:password@hostname - Requires
plink to be installed at
%ProgramFiles%\Putty\plink.exe and have
already accepted the target host's key.
A.14. Workflow - 7toC LUN Migrate Periodic Update
Description: Periodically run a group update.

User Inputs:
Name Description Values
GroupName Group
Name of the job group/s to update. Can be a
regular expression or a comma separated
list of group names. The default ".*" will
match every group.
Query .*
Interval Interval Number of hours to wait between exections
of the update job. Note that if the previous
update job has not completed then this
workflow will wait.
Number 24
Iterations Iterations Number of times to run the update workflow. Number 7
MaxConcurrentJ obs Maximum
J obs
How many jobs can be run concurrently. Number 5

60 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

Appendix B. Microsoft Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for
Applications Based on UNIX Installation
Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for applications based on UNIX can be downloaded from Microsoft. Only
the Base Utilities component is required, although other components can be installed if desired.
1. Download the Utilities (approximately 250MB):
Windows 2008 R2:
Windows 2012:
2. Execute the installer.
3. Select Setup.

4. Click Next.

61 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

5. Click Next.

6. Select I accept the agreement and click Next.

62 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

7. Select Custom Installation and click Next.

8. Remove installation of Base SDK and click Next.

63 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

9. Click Next.

10. Click Finish.

64 7-Mode LUN Transition to Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2

We continually try to improve the quality and usefulness of NetApp documentation. If you have any
corrections, feedbacks, or requests for additional documentation, send an e-mail message to dl-ngs-ps-
Version History
Version Date Document Version History
Version 1.0 March
Initial release
Version 1.1 J uly 2014 Periodic update workflow and other workflow enhancements.

NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or serviceability of any
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information in this document is distributed AS IS, and the use of this information or the implementation of
any recommendations or techniques herein is a customers responsibility and depends on the customers
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2014 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. No portions of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp,
Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. NetApp, the NetApp logo, Go further, faster, ASUP, AutoSupport, Data
ONTAP, FlexClone, OnCommand, SnapMirror, Snapshot, SnapVault, and vFiler are trademarks or registered trademarks of NetApp,
Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft, Windows, Windows
PowerShell, and Windows Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open
Group. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as
such. TR-4061-0613

Refer to the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) on the NetApp Support site to validate that the exact product
and feature versions described in this document are supported for your specific environment. The NetApp
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