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feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer

Addon Aircraft for Microsoft's Flight Simulator 00!: A "entury of Flight and Flight Simulator #
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1
Table of Contents
WHAT THIS MANUAL IS AND ISN'T.....................................................................................................................................3
READ ME FIRST.......................................................................................................................................................................3
The Simulated Phenom 1!......................................................................................................................................................."
Int#odu$tion Fli%ht.......................................................................................................................................................................&
Main Panel.................................................................................................................................................................................1"
Inte%#ated Stand'( In)t#ument S()tem *ISIS+.....................................................................................................................1"
Audio )u',-anel...................................................................................................................................................................1"
Auto-ilot Su',-anel.............................................................................................................................................................1&
P#ima#( Fli%ht Di)-la(.........................................................................................................................................................
Multi,Fun$tion Di)-la(......................................................................................................................................................../
Li%ht) Panel..........................................................................................................................................................................0
P#e))u#i1ation and Ai# 2onditionin% S()tem) Panel............................................................................................................3
Fuel4 H(d#auli$ S()tem) and FMS 5e(-ad Panel.................................................................................................................3
Ele$t#i$al4 Fi#e E6tin%ui)he# and En%ine Sta#t7Sto- Panel...................................................................................................&
2ente# Pede)tal....................................................................................................................................................................3
Full Autho#it( Di%ital Ele$t#oni$ 2ont#ol.................................................................................................................................31
Re8e#en$e and Pe#8o#man$e S-eed)..........................................................................................................................................3.
St#u$tu#al Ai#)-eed)..................................................................................................................................................................33
No#mal 2he$5li)t).....................................................................................................................................................................3/
EI2AS Me))a%e).......................................................................................................................................................................33
2REDITS4 RES:UR2ES AND 2:P;RI<HTS....................................................................................................................../3
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page
This manual is intended to )ro*ided the a*erage flight simulation enthusiast +ith the
information necessary to fly the Embraer Phenom 100, This includes: basic use of the
simulated FM"- system )re)- ta.i- ta/eoff- flight- descent- a))roach- landing- ta.i and
shutdo+n, This manual is not intended to )ro*ide 'all there is to /no+' about the Phenom,
%eal +orld manuals are thousands of )ages long and re0uire )ilots to attend months of
education 1not including the flight hours )ilots must collect in single and t+in engine )iston2
)ro) )lanes )rior to being a))ro*ed for 3et )o+ered aircraft training4,
There are multi)le &nternet sources for detailed information on flying the Phenom, feelThere
encourages you to use your fa*orite search engine to find details about the aircraft not
co*ered in these )ages, The feelThere su))ort forums are also a*ailable for Phenom )ilots
1real and simulated4 to discuss systems and )rocedures,
Throughout the manual the terms FS- flightsim- and flight simulator are used +hen referring to
Microsoft Flight Simulator, $nly in cases +here Phenom function1s4 is different in Flight
Simulator 00! 'a century of flight' 1FS54 or FS# 1FS104 +ill the s)ecific *ersion of the
simulator be noted,
6ou must ha*e a fully u)dated *ersion of FS that includes all ser*ice )atches released by
Microsoft, At the time of the Phenom's release this is FS5 Ser*ice Patch 1 1FS5,14 and FS#
SP1 1FS#s)14 and SP 1FS#s)4, FS# users may also ha*e installed Acceleration 1FSA4 or
the FS 7old 1FS74 *ersions of the simulator, FSA and FS7 include ser*ice )ac/s one and
The absolute minimum com)uter s)ecifications re0uired to run the Phenom are: Pentium &8
1-! 79:- ;<M= %AM- 1>M= 7ra)hics- FS00! or FS#- ?indo+s 000- #P- 8ista and
?indo+s @, Each com)uter system reacts differently to all soft+are- so the settings re0uired
to gain o)timum )erformance must be selected by the user, %e*ie+ the Configuration
Utilit information outlined belo+ on ad3usting the Phenom's gauges to o)timi:e in2game
The Phenom is com)atible +ith the 7oFlight AP modules- Trac/ &% and S0ua+/bo. A,
%un the self e.tracting installer for the *ersion of flight simulator *ersion on your system to
install the Phenom, =e sure to run the correct installer as the FS5 *ersion +ill not +or/ in
FS#- nor the FS# run in FS5, After starting the installer enter the /eycode )ro*ided for your
)roduct, The installer +ill choose a file )ath matching a default FS setu), &f you ha*e a non2
standard file structure for FS you must direct the installer to the correct root FS folder, &f you
use the 8&STA or +in@ o)erating systems be sure (A" is $FF installation and you run the
installer as the 'administrator', Bo not run the installer in +in#P com)atibility mode,
FeelThere recommends that you do not install FS into the default 'C)rograms' directory if you
use the +in@ o)erating system,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A
The first time selecting the Phenom in FS# you must a))ro*e all gauges and modules for the
aircraft to run correctly,
$ur Phenom +as built using many custom non standard commands and gaugesD so it is
im)erati*e you read this documentation before your flight,
Co!"uter Mouse
The Phenom is designed to +or/ +ith a com)uter mouse set to the follo+ing button and
+heel configuration:
left mouse button
center scroll +heel that can also be used as a center mouse button
right mouse button,
Some highly customi:ed )ointing de*ices re0uire ad3ustment in order to com)ly +ith the
abo*e interface architecture,
Configuration Utilit
The configuration utility can be accessed by +ay of the ?indo+s STA%T menu:
All Programs E FeelThere E Phenom2100 E "onfiguration
(NOTE: the FS9 utility ONLY changes setting for the FS9 Phenom, the FSX utility
ONLY changes settings for FSX Phenom!
This utility allo+s you to ad3ust the
Phenom's )erformance to your
com)uter- customi:e )anel control to
accessory buttons and s+itches- and
load aircraft )assenger and cargo
+eights, For any changes to ta/e
effect you must run the configuration
utility =EF$%E starting FS, &f you
ma/e a change +hile FS is running
you must close and restart the
To access the configuration functions
left2mouse2clic/ the tabs that run
along the to) of the utility +indo+:
Preferences F settings on this
screen for 7F2M"P )eri)heral
su))ort- to) of descent 1T$B4
)ause- 3oystic/ *, auto)ilot
interaction- battery life- nose
+heel turn limiter- and co2)ilot
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !
Load Manager F set )assenger and cargo +eights, The units clic/ change the
measurement system used on the load manager screen- not in FS, $nce you ha*e set
)assenger and cargo loads you must clic/ the $G button for the Phenom's cfg file to be
u)dated, "hanges made here are only seen in2game after restating FS,
Bis)lays F set the Phenom's default atmos)heric )ressure system: 9PA 1hPa4 or &'
1in9g4, 9ere you can also set the default +eight system: )ound or /ilogram,
7ra)hics F set ho+ the main )anel gra)hics are rendered by your com)uter, Each
com)uter is different- and the user must try different settings to ma.imi:e )erformance,
FPS 2 ad3usting the sliders on this )age increasesCdecrease the indicated gauge
refresh rate, Becreasing refresh rates +ill result in higher scenery )erformance +ithin
FS, Each com)uter system is different- so you +ill need to try different settings to
ma.imi:e game )erformance,
Startu) F set the condition of the aircraft +hen loading into FS: cold H dar/- ready to
start- engines running and standard or +idescreen )anel,
Sound F sets the master *olume for the )anel's custom gauges,
Ioystic/ F set the 3oystic/- or yo/e- buttons to control Touch "ontrol Steering 1T"S4-
auto)ilot 0uic/ disconnect and T$C7A,
Geyboard F set /eyboard shortcuts for )anel functions using this screen,
NOTE: any changes ma"e #ill not ta$e effect until the O% &utton is clic$e" 'hanges
ma"e #ill only &een seen #ithin flight simulator after restarting the game
feelT#ere LE Le$el of Si!ulation
Sometimes you 3ust +ant to fly- or you are ne+ to flight simulation- and don't +ish s)end A0
minutes )reflighting an aircraft, Maybe today you don't +ant to s)end much effort to create a
flight)lan and )rogramming a flight management com)uter, feelThere LE aircraft are
designed to be detailed enough to immerse you in the simulation e.)erience and 0uic/ly get
into the air from )o+er2u) to ta/eoff, Many systems are modeled- 3ust not e*ery system, 6ou
+ill find the le*el of detailed is greater than any flight simulator default aircraft, The systems
that are modeled beha*e correctlyD or are only slightly sim)lified, LE aircraft are designed for
fun J +hich is the )oint for )laying Microsoft's Flight Simulator,
Sub%&anel Win'o(s
There are multi)le B sub2)anels that can be *ie+ed in the
Phenom simulation, Some )anels are accessed used the
SIMIC)N *AR 1see )icture4- others through /eyboard
Su&()anel Simicon *con $ey&oar" shortcut
Lights Light =ulb KS9&FTLKL
Pneumatics Sno+fla/e KS9&FTLKAL
FuelCFMSCLanding 7ear 7as Pum) KS9&FTLK!L
ElectricalCEngine StartCSto) Electric Plug KS9&FTLK;L
ThrottlesCFla)s Aircraft KS9&FTLK<L
AT" +indo+ K M L or KS"%$LL L$"GL
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page ;
To close the Simicon =ar clic/ the '#', The Simicon =ar can be reo)ened +ith KS9&FTLK@L
/eyboard shortcut, To mo*e the Simicon =ar to another location on the com)uter monitor
clic/ and hold on the arro+ed cross,
&anel +nobs
The auto)ilot /nobs are ad3usted in the follo+ing +ays:
+ith the )ointer o*er the /nob the mouse +heel can be used to increaseCdecrease the
set *alue
left of /nob center left2mouse2clic/ +ill increase *alue by one
left of /nob center right2mouse2clic/ +ill increase *alue by ten
right of center left clic/ +ill decrease *alue by one
right of center right clic/ +ill decrease *alue by ten
many /nobs +ill react to a center mouse button clic/ by synchroni:ing a setting to the
aircraft's current orientation- toggling dis)lays- or engaging an function,
The /nobs on the main )anel dis)lays be:el are ad3usted in the follo+ing +ays:
+ith the )ointer o*er the /nob the mouse +heel can be used to increaseCdecrease the
set *alue, The )ointer abo*e the center of the /nob increases the *alue- the lo+er half
of the /nob the *alue is decreased,
left of /nob and abo*e center left2mouse2clic/ +ill increase the *alue by ten,
left of /nob and belo+ center left2mouse2clic/ +ill increase the *alue by one,
right of and abo*e center left clic/ +ill decrease the *alue by ten,
right of and belo+ center left clic/ +ill decrease the *alue by one,
a center mouse button clic/ +ill ')ush' the button,
&n addition to the /nob control functions e.)lained abo*e- many of the Phenom's /nobs ha*e
an inner and outer ring, For these /nobs a clic/ on u))er half +ill rotate outer /nob- and clic/
on lo+er half +ill rotate inner /nob,
Many of the /nobs are turned- not 'clic/ed'- +hen in the 8" coc/)it, ?hen unable to clic/ a
/nob use a left2mouse2clic/ and hold the /nobD then 'turn' by mo*ing the mouse is a loo)ing
Safet ,o$ere' buttons an' -nobs
Many of the Phenom buttons and /nobs ha*e a safety co*er and therefore inaccessible, &n
order to access these controls you must right2mouse2clic/ to o)en the co*er, $nce the co*er
has been o)ened you can use the shielded /nob or button,
The Phenom )anel uses the soft/eys located on the the bottom of the dis)lay screens to
access many of the auto)ilot an aircraft systems, ?hen soft/ey use is re0uired this manual
+ill outline the )ath+ay ste)s by the follo+ing notation 2
Ksoft/ey nameL E Ksub2soft/ey nameL E Ksub2sub2soft/ey nameL E etc,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page <
FMS +nob
Many of the )anel *alues are set using the FMS /nob located at the lo+er2right be:el of each
)anel screen, &n general after selecting a function using a soft-e the cursor is acti*ated by
clic/ing the center of FMS -nob. The acti*e item +ill be highlighted cyan 1light blue4 and is
then ad3usted by turning the /nob 1left2mouse2clic/ or center2mouse2+heel scrolling4,
The FMS /nob is made of an inner and out ring, Each ring can be turned, The *alues
ad3usted by turning each ring differ de)ending on +hat screen or function is acti*e,
Na$igation Mo'es
The system sending na*igation information to the auto)ilot is selected by )ressing the "B&
soft/ey on the PFB, The first clic/ +ill acti*ate 1cyan boarder +ill a))ear4 the 'A81 standby
fre0uency, Pressing the "B& soft/ey +ill cycle through the a*ailable na*igation source
7PS F the auto)ilot +ill follo+ the loaded flight simulator flight)lan as sho+n on the
MFB's ma),
L$" F the auto)ilot +ill follo+ the follo+ the locali:er and glideslo)e +hen an &LS
fre0ency the is entered into the 'A8 radio,
8$% F +hen an acti*e fre0uency is set in the 'A8 radio the auto)ilot +ill follo+ the
8$% radial set +ith the "%S /nob,
Cruise S"ee' Control
$nly +hen the aircraft is in altitude hold mode 1ALT dis)layed on the PFB annunciator )anel4
+ith the auto)ilot $' can the "ruse S)eed "ontrol 1"S"4 be used, Pressing the "S" button
on the guidance )anel the auto)ilot +ill control thrust to maintain the cruise s)eed selected
+ith the SPB /nob,
Flig#t &lan Entr
The simulation does not allo+ for fligh)lan entry using the FMS /eyboard, 6ou must create
and edit routes using the Microsoft Flight Simulator route finder- sa*e the )lan- and then load
the )lan into the FM",
The +ay)oint and air)ort database included +ith Flight Simulator is used to identify flight)lan
+ay)oints, For this reason only flight)lans created using the FS Flight)lanner are fully
Dire,t To
6ou can command the FMS to fly direct to a +ay)oint using the Birect To function,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page @
THE SIMULATED &#eno! /00 :
8ery light 3ets 18LI4 are designed to
ha*e a ma.imum aircraft +eight of about
10-000 )ounds 1!-;!; /gs4- and to be
accessible technically and financially to
)ri*ate )ilots, &mmediately one notices
a lac/ of control )anels- s+itches and
/nobs, Embraer designed the Phenom
to be sim)le o)erate, There isn't a AP(
to start or a red beacon s+itch because
the beacon comes on +hen one of the
engines is started, The small Pratt H
?hitney engines are started using
electrical motors, Flight functions are
highly automated allo+ing the aircraft to
be o)erated by a single )ilot,
The coc/)it )anel is dominated by three
identical loo/ing L"B screens, The far
left and right screens )ro*ide the left or
right seated )ilot +ith )rimary flight
dis)lay information, 'a*igation and systems information are dis)layed on the center screen, =elo+
these three screens are 'soft/eys' used to control many of the )lanes systems and na*igation dis)lays,
The cabin seats four +ith a real la*atory, =aggage com)artments are located in the nose and behind
the rear bul/head, $))osite the entry stairs is a small refreshment ser*ice area,
Phenom 100 )erformance numbers:
Ma.imum Ta/e $ff ?eight: 10-!@ lb !-@;0 /g
Ma.imum Landing ?eight: 5-@<< lb !-!A0 /g
Ma.imum Nero Fuel ?eight: >-!!! lb A->A0 /g
=asic $)erating ?eight: @-1A lb A-A; /g
Ma.imum Payload: 1-A1 lb ;5; /g
Ma.imum (sable Fuel: ->0! lb 1-@ /g
?ings)an: !0 ft ! in 1,A m
Length $*erall: ! ft 1 in 1,> m
9eight $*erall: 1! ft A in !,A; m
Ma.imum $)erating S)eed: M 0,@0
Ser*ice "eiling: !1-000 ft
Ta/e $ff Field Length- &SA- SL- MT$?: A-!00 ft 1-@! m
Landing Field Length- SL- ML? -<55 ft 1-;5 m
%ange '=AA &F% reser*es 1A; min4 +ith
100 nm alternateD ! occu)ants O 00 lb each 1-1@> nm A-;1 /m
Engines: t+o Pratt H ?hitney F P? <1@F2E: 1-<5; lb of ma.imum ta/e2off thrust
"abin Layout: ! )assenger seats- )ilot and co2)ilot seating- refreshment center and a rear
la*atory (as simulate"!
First Flight: Iuly <- 00@,
First Beli*ery: Becember 00>,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page >
Intro'u,tion Flig#t
To familiari:e you +ith the Phenom 100 you +ill be ta/ing a introduction flight from Scotsdale
Air)ort 1GSBL4- Ari:ona 1(SA4 to Las 8egas Mc"arran &nternational 1GLAS4- 'e*ada 1(SA4,
This is a real2+orld Phenom 100 flight follo+ing this flight)lan 2
"ruise altitude for this short flight +ill be FLA0 1A-000 ft4, Flight time is e.)ected to be fifty2
fi*e minutes,
I$'991 is the standard instrument de)arture 1S&B4- and GABB61 is the Standard Terminal
Arri*al 1STA%4, "harts for the flight are located in the +FS root fol"er+ C FeelThere C Phenom C
introPflightPcharts, *t is recommen"e" that you )rint the charts use" in this intro"uction to
use as reference "uring the flight T#e air"ort ,#arts in,lu'e' (it# t#is soft(are are out%
of%'ate an' not to be use' for real%(orl' a$iation.
This introduction +ill ta/e about 50 minutes to com)lete, The terminal and run+ay
instructions are based on default FS5 and FS# scenery, Buring this flight do not use FS's
AT" as all 'traffic control' +ill be outlined in the te.t,
The &#eno! /00 Nor!al C#e,-list are used during this introduction, *t is recommen"e"
that you )rint the chec$lists &eginning on )age ,- of this manual to use as reference "uring
the flight
(sing the Phenom Configuration Utilit ma/e the follo+ing settings 2
$n the 'Preferences' tab select "isa&le .oystic$ a/is #hen auto)ilot is on and )lay
$n the '?eight' tab set the Phenom to dis)lay +eights in )ounds,
$n the 'Pressure' tab set the Phenom to dis)lay )ressure as &' 1in9g4,
6ou ha*e a full flight of *olunteers J & mean )assengers today, (nder the 'Load
Manger' ta) set the Phenom )assenger number to !- and the cargo to ;0Q, The
aircraft Nero Fuel ?eight 1NF?4 +ill be >-1!@ lbs, ?rite this number do+n as you +ill
need it for setting the a))ro)riate *2s)eeds for ta/eoff and landing,
$n the 'Ioystic/' tab set the 0uto)ilot "isconnect &utton for your controller by clic/ing
the 'select' button and )ressing the controller button,
$n the 'Startu)' tab select col" an" "ar$ as the aircraft condition +hen loaded into FS,
Sa*e the abo*e settings by )ressing the $G button,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 5
Start FS and create a ne+ flight +ith these settings 2
Select the default "essna as the aircraft,
Set ;0Q fuel loaded in each of the )lane's tan/s,
Select the de)arture location as GSBL, "hoose any medium 7A )ar/ing location,
Set the +eather theme to clear and calm,
Set the time to 1:00 PM local,
Set A& traffic to :ero,
'o+ start the game,
$nce FS has loaded turn $FF the "essna's engine- and confirm the =ATT and A8&$'&"S
masters are $', ?ait 1; or so seconds and use FS's )ull2do+n 'Select Aircraft' menu to
select the feelThere Phenom, 6ou may choose any of the a*ailable li*eries 1)aints4,
$nce the Phenom has loaded, $)en the Ele,tri,al sub%"anel by clic/ing )o#er )lug icon on
simicon )anel or KS9&FTLKRL, Turn $' the aircraft's batteries to )o+er the aircraft, 1uring
)o#er u) the caution alarm can &e silence" &y )ressing the PF1+s far right soft$ey At this
time you can also o)en the cabin door so your )assengers can board the aircraft,
The PFB's and MFB screens +ill acti*ate and the FM" +ill use the 7PS to set the aircraft's
location, (ntil the aircraft's location has been initiali:ed 1ta/es about t+o minutes4 the PFBs
+ill sho+ only limited information and fault indications, ?hile the FM" initiali:es follo+ the
"$"GP&TC"A=&' SAFET6 "9E"G chec/list,
$nce the first chec/list is com)leted you can load the flight)lan into the FM", Flight)lans and
most auto)ilot settings can be )rogrammed )rior to the FM" com)leting )osition initiali:ation,
(sing the FS )ull2do+n menu o)en the FS flight)lanner, Select the flight)lan named 'GSBL2
GLAS', &f )rom)ted D) N)T let FS re)osition the aircraft, The flight)lan is no+ loaded into
the FM", To see the flight)lan on the MFB )ress the FPL be:el button,
The flight)lan +ay)oints are:
GSBL 1de)arture air)ort4 I$'99 NEPE% GA%L$ "9&L6 %AMS6 S&S&E &7M
"$TES N&8S& GABB6 GLAS 1arri*al air)ort4
"urrently the batteries are being used to )o+er the aircraft, Thirty seconds after the )lane's
)ar/ing bra/es are set the ground cre+ +ill ha*e set u) and connect the 7round Po+er (nit
17P(4, $)en the electrical sub2)anel and chec/ that the 7P( indicator button is sho+ing
'a*ailable', Press the button and the 7P( +ill be )o+ering the aircraft,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 10
$n the PFB )ress the TMR1REF soft/ey, This +ill bring u) the T&ME%CSPEEBS +indo+ on
the PFB, (sing the FM" +heel you +ill no+ set the ta/eoff *2s)eeds for a Fla)s 1 ta/off
based on the aircraft's +eight:
81 S 5
8r S 5
8 S 55
8fs S 1
The a&o2e 2(s)ee"s come from the Fla)s 3 s)ee" ta&le on )age ,4 of the manual
Earlier you note" the 5ero Fuel 6eight of the )lane 6hen loa"ing the 'essna 374
you set the fuel )ercentage as 89: Loo$ing on the Phenom+s ;F1 notice that the
fuel #eight is liste" as 3-99 l&s 0""ing the 5F6, <3-7, an" the #eight of the fuel,
3-99, gi2es you an air)lane ta$eoff #eight of 98-7 l&s The 5F6 )lus the fuel is the
#eight use" to select the a))ro)riate ta$eoff 2(s)ee"s
Pla$e the mou)e -ointe# on lo=e# hal8 o8 the FMS 5no' and le8t,mou)e,$li$5 o# )$#oll the $ente# mou)e
=heel to ad>u)t the 9,)-eed). Pla$e the mou)e -ointe# on lo=e# hal8 o8 the FMS 5no' and le8t,mou)e,
$li$5 o# )$#oll the $ente# mou)e =heel to di)-la( *:N+ o# #emo9e *:FF+ the 9,)-eed 8#om the PFD
These *2s)eeds +ill dis)lay on the PFB s)eedta)e and the co2)ilot +ill call the s)eeds during
the ta/eoff roll,
The cruise altitude for this flight +ill be FLA0 1A000 feet4, Set this altitude into the auto)ilot
using the ALT sele,t /nob, The selected altitude +ill dis)lay abo*e the altitude ta)e on the
The local AT&S re)orts that- T+inds calm- )ressure 5,5 mb- +ith aircraft landing and
de)arting from run+ay A,U
6ou +ill be de)arting Scotsdale Air)ort on run+ay A, ()on re*ie+ of the I$'991 S&B
de)arting aircraft turn to ;0 degrees after ta/ing off from run+ay A, Set the auto)ilot
heading to ;0 using the HD2 -nob. The heading set into the auto)ilot is indicated on the
PFB com)ass rose,
Set the altimeter to the local )ressure of 5,5, =e sure you ha*e also set the &S&S )ressure
to 5,5,
'o+ follo+ the =EF$%E E'7&'E STA%T chec/list- including the &MMEB&ATEL6 P%&$% T$
E'7&'E STA%T section, The ste) '7P( as re0uired' confirm that the 7P( indicator button
indicates that )o+er is $', 6ou +ill s/i) o*er the &F '$ 7P( section as in this situation you
ha*e a ground )o+er unit )o+ering the aircraft,
Set the PFB so you ha*e the com)ass rose )ointer indicating the direction to the ne.t 7PS
+ay)oint by )ressing the *R2/ soft/ey until the )ointer is a magenta color,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 11
Set the 'A8 radio to 11;,<, Bis)lay the 'A8 indicator on the PFB com)ass rose by
)ressing the *R23 soft/ey until the )ointer is green, 6ou ha*e do thisso you +ill /no+ +hen
to turn north2+est on the A12degree radial to+ard the I$'99 +ay)oint,
"onfirm that the na*igation source is set to 7PS, This is indicated at the to) of the PFB in
the annunciator +indo+ as 7PS and on the com)ass rose +ith an magenta )ointer,
6ou no+ start the engines, Start the right engine first by turning the STA%T /nob to the start
)osition and release, The engine start se0uence is fully automatic, The Phenom systems are
designed to be automated and reduce )ilot +or/load, 'otice that as the right engine starts
the red beacon is automatically turned on, ?atch the engine status on the system sub2
+indo+ on the MFB, 1uring )o#er u) the caution alarm can &e silence" &y )ressing the
PF1+s far right soft$ey
$nce the right engine is running and is stabili:ed start the left engine,
After the engines are running disconnect the 7P(- set ta/eoff trim to <; 1system sub2)anel
dis)lay goes from amber to green4- and fla)s to )osition F1, 'ote the +eight of the fuel
indicated on the MFB system dis)lay, 6ou +ill need this number to calculate the landing *2
"onduct the AFTE% E'7&'E STA%T chec/list,
6ou are no+ ready to ta.i,
TPhenom 100 ta.i to run+ay A *ia ta.i+ay, "ontact to+er after holding short run+ay A,U
6ou no+ ha*e clearance to ta.i, Turn on on the ta.i lights and release the )ar/ing bra/es,
Ad*ance the throttles to about !;Q '1 to get the aircraft mo*ing, $nce the aircraft is mo*ing
an '1 setting of A;2!0Q is enough to /ee) the aircraft mo*ing at a safe s)eed, 7o no faster
than 0 /nots- and 10 /nots +hen turning,
?hen you arri*e at run+ay conduct the =EF$%E TAGE$FF chec/list u) to &MMEB&ATEL6
P%&$% T$ TAGE$FF, To ha*e the automated system confirm ta/eoff configuration )ress the
T$ "$'F&7 button on the center )edestal,
6ou are no+ ready to ta.i onto the run+ay, TPhenom 100 you are cleared for ta/eoff, After
de)arture turn to heading ;0, 6ou are cleared to climb to your cruise altitude,U
'o+ com)lete the &MMEB&ATEL6 P%&$% T$ TAGE$FF chec/list, Turn on the T"AS system
by )ressing the 4&DR soft/ey- then M)DE soft/ey- and then the TA1RA soft/ey,
$nce you ha*e lined u) on the run+ay hold the bra/es $' and )ress the T$C7$ cheat s)ot
on the glareshield, Ad*ance the throttles so the engines run u) and stabili:e at ;02;;Q '1,
&f all systems are $G release the bra/es and )ush the throttle le*ers F(LL F$%?A%B,
As the )lane accelerates your co2)ilot +ill call out the *2s)eeds,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1
At )ositi*e rate retract the landing gear, Follo+ the flight director to maintain the run+ay
heading and initial climb s)eed of 1@/ts,
At ;00' A7L )ress the auto)ilot 9B7 button, =egin a left hand turn to ;0 degrees,
At 1000' A7L )ress- in order- the AP and the FL" buttons, The auto)ilot +ill no+ control the
)lane's turn to ;0 degrees and control )itch to maintain 1@/ts, 6ou can no+ ta/e your
hands of your yo/e,
At 1;00' A7L set the SPB to 1<0 /ts,
As the )lane a))roaches 1<0 /ts retract the fla)s,
Set the SPB to 1>0 /ts,
"onduct the AFTE% TAGE$FF chec/list,
$bser*e the indications on the PFB's com)ass rose, ?hen the 'A8 indicator sho+s you
are about the cross the A12degree radial from the Phoeni. 8$% turn the 9B7 /nob to A1
degrees, $nce the )lane turns to A1 degrees ma/e any small ad3ustments necessary so
you are flying directly to+ards the I$'99 +ay)oint, To assist in your situational a+areness
you can see the aircraft's location in relation to the flight)lan in the MFB,
$nce you are flying to+ards the I$9'' +ay)oint )ress the auto)ilot 'A8 button, This +ill
arm the FMS to ta/e o*er flight control once the aircraft intersects the flight)lan at I$9'',
The 'armed' status is indicated on the PFB's annunciator +indo+ +ith '7PS' highlighted in a
+hite bo. to the left of the green 9B7 indication,
As the aircraft climbs you can increase the range on the T"AS system from 1 to 0 to !0
nautical miles 1nm4,
As you cross the I$9'' +ay)oint the FMS +ill ta/e o*er na*igation and turn the aircraft
to+ards NEPE%, The FMS +ill se0uence the flight)lan +ay)oints automatically, 6ou can see
the current status of the fligh)lan by )ressing the MFB's be:el FPL button,
As you )ass through 1>000 feet turn off the landingCta.i lights and increase the S&D sele,t
/nob to 00 /ts, As air traffic control is not re)orting any turbulence you can no turn off the
seatbelt signs and allo+ the )assengers to mo*e about the cabin, 'o+ run thought the
"L&M= T%A'S&T&$' ALT&T(BE chec/list,
?atch the indicated airs)eed as the aircraft climbs, ?hen the Mach s)eed indication at the
bottom of the s)eedta)e reads 0,;; )ress 1center2mouse2button2clic/4 the S&D sele,t -nob,
This commands the auto)ilot to hold the indicated Mach s)eed- instead of G&AS,
As the aircraft le*els off at the cruise altitude of A000 note that the *ertical mode indication
goes from ALTS to ALT, ?hen this ha))ens it means the FABE" has recogni:ed that the
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1A
cruise altitude has been reached and the engine thrust is no+ cruise 1"%N4 mode, ?hen this
ha))ens you can engage the Phenom's 'autothrust' system by )ressing the auto)ilot "S"
button, The Phenom's "S" system only +or/s +hen the aircraft is at the cruise altitude
selected using the ALT sele,t /nob, Ad3ust the S&D sele,t /nob to M0,<1,
As the flight continues monitor the aircraft status on the PFB and MFB,
TPhenom 100 e.)ect landing Las 8egas run+ay ; left, ?inds are calm, "urrent )ressure is
5,5, =egin descent for )ublished a))roach at )ilot's discretion,U
Loo/ing at the GABB61 arri*al chart you +ill note that you are to cross +ay)oint GABB6 at
1000 feet at ;0 /nots, To calculate the to) of decent )oint and rate of descent follo+ the
follo+ing instructions 2
Bescent "alculations
To meet a crossing restriction- or descend to the destination air)ort- and you ha*e
canceled out the FM"'s )re2calculation by using the direct2to function- or are off the
flight)ath use the follo+ing e0uations to determine the to) of descent 1T$B4 location
and rate of descent 1%$B4:
To" of Des,ent %
To calculate T$B first remo*e the :eros from the altitude you +ish to reach and
the )lane's current altitude so you ha*e only t+o digit numbers, Subtract the
ne+ altitude from the )lane's current altitude, Multi)ly the result by three and
add 10 )ercent, This gi*es you the distance from the )oint you +ish to be at
your ne+ ele*ation you need to begin your descent,
E/am)le: you are at FL,49 an" #ish to reach 34999+ at #ay)oint
remo*e the :eros so you ha*e A and 1
subtract 1 from A that gi*es you 0
multi)ly 0 times three that gi*es you <0
figure 10 )ercent of <0 1round u)4 gi*ing you si.
and si. to <0 that gi*es you <<
this means you begin your descent to reach 1000' << nm
from GABB6
Rate of Des,ent %
To calculate %$B half the )lane's current airs)eed and add a :ero to gi*e you
the rate of descent,
E/am)le: you are flying at ,89 $ts groun" s)ee" (groun" s)ee" is
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1!
in"icate" in the lo#er left corner of the PF1!
A;0 di*ided by t+o e0uals 1@;
add a :ero means you descent at 21@;0 ftCmin
Bue to auto)ilot limitations round to the ne.t highest 100th,
&n this case the descent rate +ill be 21>00 ftCmin,
(sing T$B and %$B together you +ill arri*e at GABB6 at the re0uired altitude,
To find +hen you are << nm from GABB6 o)en the flight)lan on the MFB, The FMS is
indicating the current distance from the ne.t +ay)oint in the route, The distances bet+een
the future +ay)oints are also listed, Adding u) the distances beginning at GABB6 and
+or/ing bac/+ards you ha*e:
1; nm bet+een GABB6 and N&8S&
10 nm bet+een N&8S& and "$TES
1A nm bet+een "$TES and &7M
and a slo+ly decreasing *alue bet+een &7M and S&S&E,
1; )lus 10 )lus 1A e0uals A>
you /no+ you need to descend << nm from GABB6 so subtract A> 1the total
distance from GABB6 to &7M4 from <<, This e0uals >,
T#is ,al,ulation !eans ou (ill begin our 'es,ent fro! FL530 to /3000' 36 n! fro!
10 nm from your T$B select the ne+ altitude using the ALT sele,t /nob 11000'4,
As you cross the T$B )oint > nm from &7M )ress the auto)ilot 8S button and use the 7S
(#eel to select a descent rate of 21>00 ftCmin,
As you begin the descent the "S" system +ill disconnect, 6ou no+ must control the aircraft's
throttle setting 1thrust4 to maintain the re0uired indicated airs)eed 1G&AS4, &n general you +ill
+ant to descent at M0,<1 until the indicated airs)eed is ;0 /ts, Gee) the aircraft at ;0 /ts
until you are 1; nm from the air)ort- or slo+er s)eed restriction,
Loo/ at the MFB's system dis)lay, 'ote the current *alue for the fuel on board, Subtract this
*alue from the fuel +eight you noted 3ust after your started the engines, 6ou /no+ /no+ ho+
much lighter the aircraft is than +hen you de)arted Scotsdale, Subtract the +eight of fuel
used from the initial aircraft +eight +hen you configured the game for this introduction flight,
This is the +eight *alue you no+ use to calculate the landing *2s)eeds,
Enter the a))roach s)eeds on )age A based on the aircraft's +eight into the PFB,
'o+ conduct the BES"E'T chec/list u) to T%A'S&T&$' LE8EL,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1;
?hen you )ass through 1>000' com)lete the BES"E'T chec/list,
As you a))roach the GABB6 +ay)oint use the HD2 sele,t /nob to set A; degrees,
?hen you reach GABB6 )ress the HD2 button, The auto)ilot +ill turn the )lane to A;
TPhenom 100 fly straight in Las 8egas run+ay ;L at intersection P%&'$,U
(se the NA7 -nob on the PFB be:el to set the 'A81 radio bac/u) fre0uency to 111,@;, this
is the &LS fre0uency for run+ay ;L,
Press the D)U*LE ARR)W button abo*e the NA7 -nob on the PFB be:el to set 111,@; as
the acti*e fre0uency radio fre0ency,
Press the "B& soft/ey button so that 'A81 is )ro*iding na*igation information to the auto)ilot,
6ou +ant to fly to+ards the P%&'$ +ay)oint on the ;L a))roach, (se the 'direct to' function
enter this +ay)oint into FM":
Press the MFB's be:el Dire,t%to button,
Press 1center2mouse2button2clic/4 the MFB's be:el FM" +heel,
(se the FM" al)hanumeric /eyboard- or com)uter /eyboard- to enter P%&'$
into the data field,
"onfirm that the FM" has found the correct P%&'$ +ay)oint 1no more than 0
nm from your current location4,
'Acti*ate' the +ay)oint by )ressing the MFB's be:el Ent button,
$n the MFB ma) you +ill no+ see a line that sho+s the direction to the P%&'$ +ay)oint,
The heading and distance to P%&'$ are also indicated along the to) of the MFB,
(sing the HD2 sele,t /nob turn the aircraft to+ards P%&'$,
6ou need to cross P%&'$ at >000 feet, (se the T$B and %$B rules described abo*e to
calculate +hen to begin your descent to >000 feet,
As you a))roach P%&'$ begin to slo+ the air)lane to 00 /ts, 6ou +ill +ant to cross LA%%E
at 00 /ts, =E;*N1E=: you control the thrust setting to maintain the nee"e" airs)ee"
As you cross P%&'$ set the HD2 sele,t /nob to fly ;; degrees,
Set the ALT sele,t /nob to <;00', (se the 7S button and 7S (#eel to descent at 21000
ftCmin to <;00', >e sure to #atch your airs)ee" so you cross P=*NO at 499 $ts
As you a))roach LA%%E the &LS indications +ill become acti*e, Ad3ust your heading- using
the HD2 sele,t /nob to interce)t the locali:er,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1<
Press the auto)ilot A&R button to acti*ate the locali:er and glideslo)e ca)ture functions,
As you cross LA%%E and ca)ture the glideslo)e- begin to slo+ the aircraft to 1;0 /ts,
$bser*e the fla) e.tension s)eed restrictions of:
Fla)s 1 F 00 G&AS
Fla)s F 1>0 G&AS
Fla)s ACF(LL F 1!; G&AS
TPhenom 100 you are cleared to land run+ay ;L,U
Slo+ the aircraft so you are at 1;00' A7L flying at 1;0 /ts at Fla)s ,
"ontinue to slo+ to 8a)) and e.tend fla)s to setting FA,
At 1000' A7L disconnect the auto)ilot,
%un through the =EF$%E LA'B&'7 chec/list,
"ontinue to slo+ so you cross the run+ay threshold at 8ref,
After landing set thrust to idle and a))ly the bra/es and at the ne.t a*ailable ta.i+ay,
$nce you are clear of the run+ay hold and run though the AFTE% LA'B&'7 chec/list,
TPhenom 100 ta.i to e.ecuti*e terminal *ia ta.i+ays al)ha- delta- bro*o and hilo, ?elcome to
Las 8egas,U
$nce you arri*e at your )ar/ing location run through the S9(TB$?' chec/list,
"ongratulationsV 6ou ha*e com)leted your first flight in the Phenom 100,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1@
Main &anel
The Phenom's main )anel is dominated three large L"B dis)lays 1)ilot and co2)ilot Primary
Flight Bis)lays 1PFB4 and a Multi2function Bis)lay 1MFB4, Around the PFBs and MFB are
many im)ortant system sub2)anels,
Integrate' Stan'b Instru!ent Sste! 8ISIS9
This is a bac/u) for the PFB, The layout mimics that of the PFB-
though sim)lified and in a smaller screen, Around the screen be:el
are: W and F buttons to control brightnessD cage button resets
attitude- barometer setting /nob and STB button altimeter to set
standard )ressure,
Au'io sub%"anel
To) the left of the )ilot's PFB- and the right of the co2)ilot's PFB- is the audio sub2
)anel, These buttons allo+ you to select +hich radio you can hear,
The "$M 1 H radios are controlled using the buttons at the to) of the sub2
To hear the na*igation radio morse codes )ress the BME- 'A81 H and ABF
buttons in the middle of the )anel,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1>
Auto!ati, Flig#t Control Sste! 8Auto"ilot9 sub%"anel
Abo*e the /nobs- buttons and scroll +heel on the auto2)ilot sub2)anel is a small sil*er colored
micro)hone grill, &n the feelThere simulation this is a 'cheat' button to acti*ate the the flight
director and command the FABE" systems T$C7A modes,
From left to right 2
FD: flight director onCoff
CRS/: set the 'A81 radio's course indicator in the PFB's com)ass rose,
NA7: command auto)ilot to follo+ na*igation instructions from aircraft's radios or FM",
HD2: command auto)ilot to follo+ heading set using 9B7 SEL /nob,
HD2 SEL: set the heading bug on the PFB,
A&R: command auto)ilot to follo+ &LS radio for landing,
*AN+: limits the auto)ilot to a ban/ angle limit of 1; degrees,
A&: auto)ilot onCoff,
:D: ya+ dam)er onCoff,
CSC: cruise s)eed control
C&L: sets the acti*e flight director, Standard )rocedure is for the arro+ to be )ointing
left, Pressing the "PL button +ill reset the auto)ilot system,
ALT: command the auto)ilot to hold the aircraft at the current altitude
7N7: command the auto)ilot to follo+ a A2degree descent )rofile,
7S: command the auto)ilot to follo+ing the *ertical s)eed set using the *ertical s)eed
selection +heel,
7erti,al S"ee' Sele,tion W#eel: located bet+een the ALT SEL and SPB SEL /nobs-
is used to set the aircraft's climbCdescent rate after the 8S button is )ressed,
ALT SEL: select the altitude the auto)ilot +ill hold the aircraft after com)leting a climb
or descent,
FLC: auto)ilot +ill climbCdescend at the aircraft's current airs)eed- or s)eed selected
using the SPB SEL /nob,
S&D SEL: select the s)eed the aircraft +ill climbCdescend, "enter2mouse2button clic/
to change s)eed selection bet+een mach and /nots,
FD: flight director onCoff
CRS3: set the 'A8 radio's course indicator in the PFB's com)ass rose,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 15
&ri!ar Flig#t Dis"la 8&FD9
=e:el buttons and /nobs:
NA7: tune the bac/u) fre0uency for the selected 'A8 radio, The double2arro+ button
+ill s+a) the acti*e and bac/u) fre0uencies, "enter2mouse2clic/ 1')ush'4 the button to
s+itch bet+een ad3usting 'A8 radio 1 and ,
C)M: select the bac/u) fre0uency for the "$M radio, The double2arro+ button +ill
s+a) the acti*e and bac/u) fre0uencies, "enter2mouse2clic/ 1')ush'4 the button to
s+itch bet+een ad3usting "$M radio 1 and ,
*AR): a center2mouse2clic/ +ill set the barometer to standard )ressure, Turn the
/nob to set )ressure to local conditions,
RAN2E: set the T"AS dis)lay scale,
D%arro(: o)en and close the 'direct2to' +ay)oint function,
MENU: used to enter the select +ay)oint function +hen using the 'direct2to' function,
F&L: o)en and close the dis)lay of the flight)lan loaded into the FMS,
NOTE: the #ay)oint an" air)ort "ata&ase inclu"e" #ith Flight Simulator is use"
to i"entify flight)lan #ay)oints For this reason only flight)lans create" using
the FS Flight)lanner are fully su))orte"
&R)C: o)en and close the )rocedures menu,
CLR: clear current entry,
ENT: acce)t the current entry,
FMS: Scroll through the a*ailable information dis)lays on the )anel screen, ?hen a
data field is acti*e use the /nob to enterCselect information,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 0
Soft-es: the soft/eys are used to select information sho+n on the dis)lay screen,
Abo*e each soft/ey is indicated +hat function that /ey +ill )erform,
NOTE: many of the Phenom+s F;S?@PS functions can &e re2ie#e" in greater "etail &y
entering the Flight Simulator +Learning 'enter+ an" rea"ing @PS system instructions
PFB Screen:
Along the to) of the PFB are the radio and auto)ilot indications,
The middle section of the PFB are the s)eedta)e- attitude indicator- glideslo)e indication-
altitude ta)e and "AS +indo+,
The bottom of the PFB al+ays dis)lays the com)ass roseC9S&, (sing the soft/eys you can
o)tionally dis)lay the na*igation radio details- and the T"AS radar- ABFCBME and
%EFE%E'"ES +indo+s,
Soft/ey screens:
(sing the soft/eys you can ad3ust +hat information is dis)layed on the PFB and set the
aircraft's systems, (se a left2mouse2clic/ to )ress a soft/ey,
CAS: )ress to scroll through the "re+ Alerting System dis)lay in the PFB 2
'0S u) arro# A if the '0S "is)lay on the PF1 is full scroll u) through the items
'0S "o#n arro# A if the '0S "is)lay on the PF1 is full scroll "o#n through the
items "is)laye"
>0'% A return to the )re2ious screen
;S@ ( "is)lays the messages #in"o# (if there are messages to "is)lay!
TRAFFIC: )ress to dis)lay the Traffic "ollision A*oidance System radar +indo+ on the
NOTE: #hen the #in"o# is sho#n the &eBel =0N@E $no& can &e use" to set
the range of the ra"ar "is)lay
&FD: )ress to enter the Primary Flight Bis)lay dis)lay o)tions,
DFLTS F Sets )anel to default settings: remo*es bearing sources and BME
)o)u)s- remo*es metric altitude dis)lay- s+itches +ind indication to arro+ and
)ressure to inches,
WIND F )ress to enter the +ind indicator dis)lay o)tions:
$PT'1 2 head+ind- tail+ind and cross+ind com)onents
$PT' 2 total +ind direction and s)eed
$PT'A 2 total +ind direction +ith head+ind 194- tail+ind 1T4 and
cross+ind 1#4 s)eed com)onents
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 1
$FF F remo*e the +ind indicator dis)lay from the PFB,
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
DME/ F )ress to ha*e the 'A81 radio information dis)lay on the PFB,
*R2/ F )ress to ha*e bearing and distance information dis)layed on the PFB,
First clic/ sho+s 'A81 radio- second ABF- third 7PS- and fourth clic/ remo*es
HSI F "isa&le"
*R23 F )ress to ha*e bearing and distance information dis)layed on the PFB,
First clic/ sho+s 'A8 radio- second ABF- third 7PS- and fourth clic/ remo*es
DME3 2 )ress to ha*e the 'A8 radio information dis)lay on the PFB,
ALT UNT ; )ress to ad3ust the PFB altitude dis)lays:
METE%S F adds metric altitude indications to the PFB,
&' F sets altimeter to dis)lay the =A%$ setting as inches of
9PA F dis)lay the =A%$ setting as hecto)acals,
STB F sets the altimeter to standard )ressure,
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
FB F )ress to ad3ust the flight director indication on the PFB:
S'7 "(E F a triangle sha)ed )ointer
#2P$&'T F an cross sha)ed )ointer
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 F dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
*AC+ ; return to the )re*ious screen
MS2 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to dis)lay4
CDI ; each )ush of the soft/ey changes the )rimary na*igation source used by the
auto)ilot, The source indication +ill change on the com)ass rose and on the
MA7E'TA indication F )rimary source is the 7PSCFM"
7%EE' indication F source is the 'A8 radios
ADF1DME ; dis)lays the ABFCBME turning +indo+ on the PFB, (sing the FMS /nob
you can ad3ust the ABF fre0uency and set the ABF mode,
4&DR ; )ress to enter the trans)onder control o)tions,
M$BE F )ress to enter the mode control o)tions:
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page
ST=6 F #PB% in standby mode,
$' F #PB% is on,
ALT F #PB% is on and transmits altitude information
TA $'L6 2 only the Traffic Ad*isory function is o)erational
TAC%A 2 traffic and resolution ad*isory systems are on
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
T"AS F )ress to enter the Traffic "ollision A*oidance System dis)lay o)tions:
%EL F traffic altitude is sho+n relati*e to the Phenom
A=S F traffic's actual altitude is sho+
ALT %&'7 2
A=$8E F system focus on aircraft abo*e Phenom's
'$%MAL F system loo/s abo*e and belo+ for
conflicting aircraft
=EL$? F system focus is on aircraft belo+ the
Phenom's altitude,
('%EST 2 all the traffic sho+n regardless of relati*e
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are
messages to dis)lay4
TEST F run a system test of the T"AS system,
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
NOTE: the T=0FF*' soft$ey must &e )resse" in or"er for the ra"ar to
sho# on the PF1
"$BE F +hen )ressed you +ill be able to set the trans)onder code
numbers 025 F set the trans)onder code using these /eys,
&BE'T F transmit trans)onder code +hen re0uested by AT",
=GSP F deletes the last digit entered +hen entering a trans)onder
=A"G F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS7 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to
NOTE: if no acti2ity occurs on this screen for more than 39 secon"s the
soft$eys #ill re2ert &ac$ to the TCAS menu
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A
IDENT 2 transmit trans)onder code +hen re0uested by AT",
*AC+ F return to the )re*ious screen,
MS2 2 dis)lays the messages +indo+ 1if there are messages to dis)lay4
IDENT F transmit trans)onder code +hen re0uested by AT",
TMR1REF F dis)lays the timer and reference s)eeds control +indo+ on the PFB,
Place the mouse )ointer on u))er half of the FMS /nob and left2mouse2clic/ or scroll
the center mouse +heel to select the item to be ad3usted:
TIMER % )ress the E'T button to start- sto) and reset the timer,
7%S&EEDS % )lace the mouse )ointer on lo+er half of the FMS /nob and left2
mouse2clic/ or scroll the center mouse +heel to ad3ust the *2s)eeds, Place the
mouse )ointer on lo+er half of the FMS /nob and left2mouse2clic/ or scroll the
center mouse +heel to dis)lay 1$'4 or remo*e 1$FF4 the *2s)eed from the PFB
MINIMUMS % )lace the mouse )ointer on lo(er #alf of the FMS /nob and left2
mouse2clic/ or scroll the center mouse +heel set the system used to indicate
the minimum landing decision highR, M&'&M(MS must be set to =A%$ or %AB
ALT for the altitude selection field to be acti*e,
Multi%Fun,tion Dis"la 8MFD9
=e:el buttons and /nobs:
NA7: select the bac/u) fre0uency for the 'A8 radio, The double2arro+ button +ill
s+a) the acti*e and bac/u) fre0uencies, "enter2mouse2clic/ 1')ush'4 the button to
s+itch bet+een ad3usting 'A8 radio 1 and ,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !
C)M: select the bac/u) fre0uency for the "$M radio, The double2arro+ button +ill
s+a) the acti*e and bac/u) fre0uencies, "enter2mouse2clic/ 1')ush'4 the button to
s+itch bet+een ad3usting "$M radio 1 and ,
*AR): a center2mouse2clic/ +ill set the barometer to standard )ressure, Turn the
/nob to set )ressure to local conditions,
RAN2E: set the ma) dis)lay scale,
D%arro(: o)en and close the 'direct2to' +ay)oint function,
MENU: used in con3unction +ith the 'direct2to' +ay)oint function,
F&L: o)en and close the flight)lan loaded into the FMS,
&R)C: o)en and close the )rocedures menu,
CLR: clear current entry,
ENT: acce)t the current entry,
FMS: Scroll through the a*ailable information dis)lays on the )anel screen, ?hen a
data field is acti*e use the /nob to enterCselect information,
Soft-es: the soft/eys are used to select information sho+n on the dis)lay screen,
Abo*e each soft/ey is indicated +hat function that /ey +ill )erform,
MFB Screen:
The mechanical system summary is along the left side of the screen, To the right is the
na*igation ma), Along the to) are the radio settings- and status of the current flight 1ground
s)eed- flight trac/ and ETE4,
Soft/ey screens:
S:STEM: )ress to enter the system setting o)tions,
EN2 SET: )ress to enter thrust settings,
'ON A commands the FABE" to allo+Ccommand ma.imum
continuous thrust,
'L> A commands the FABE" to allo+Ccommand ma.imum climb
0T= ON F enables Automatic Thrust %eser*e, &n the e*ent of a
single engine failure AT% commands e.tra thrust on the o)erating
0T= OFF F disables Automatic Thrust %eser*e,
>0'% A return to the )re*ious o)tions or screen,
LFE: )ress to enter landing airfield ele*ation,
F;S LFE A this is the default setting, The cabin )ressuri:ation
schedule +ill be set based on the destination air)ort set in the
flight)lan loaded into the FM",
C?( 899 an" 89 FT A set the ele*ation for the arri*al air)ort, The
altitude +ill be sho+n in the "A=&' section of the system summary
information on the MFB,
0''EPT A acti*ate the setting selected,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page ;
>0'% A +ithout sa*ing the setting selected return to the )re*ious
MA&: )ress to set the ma) dis)lay o)tions:
T)&):set the ma) dis)lay to to)ogra)hic *ie+,
*AC+: return to the )re*ious screen,
The FS# *ersion of the Phenom su))orts the follo+ing additional MAP
T=0FF*' F set the ma) to dis)lay local air traffic,
0*=60Y F set the ma) to dis)lay air+ays,
DCLTR: )ress to )rogressi*ely de2clutter the ma) dis)lay,
DCLTR: re)o)ulates the ma)
DCTLR%/: remo*es 8$%s
DCTLR%3: remo*es air)ort run+ays
DCTLR%5: remo*es all data but the acti*e flight)lan
Lig#ts &anel
This )anel is located abo*e the
coc/)it +indscreen in the 8"- or
o)ened by )ressing the 'lightbulb'
icon 1KS9&FTLKRL4 on the simicon
9ere you control the aircraft's lighting systems,
LD21TA4I: in the center )osition the ta.i lights are $', &n the u))er )osition the TA#&
and LA'B&'7 lights are $',
NA7: the aircraft )osition lights +ill be on +hen the s+itch is in the $' )osition and the
aircraft is being )o+ered by the 7P( or engine generators,
STR)*E: the airframe strobe lights +ill flash +hen the s+itch is in the $' )osition,
C+&T &ANEL: the )anel bac/ing and flood lights +ill illuminate +hen the s+itch is in
the $' )osition,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page <
&ressuri<ation an' Air Con'itioning Sste!s &anel
(se the selector /nob to choose the engine to )ro*ide air )ressure to the aircraft, Standard
setting is =$T9,
Air Con'itioning
Select the s)eed of the coc/)it and cabin fans using the toggles, The tem)erature of the
coc/)it and cabin are set using the /nobs,
Turn on the +indshield heating systems using the toggles, The ABS2A$A selectsR
I,e &rote,tion
Acti*ate the airframe ice )rotection systems using the toggles, The &'SP L&79T s+itch is
used to light the +ings so the )ilot can chec/ for ice accumulation,
Fuel= H'rauli, Sste!s an' FMS -e"a' &anel
(se the toggles to acti*ate the fuel )um)s, Standard )rocedure is to set the s+itch in A(T$
#F% acti*ates the fuel transfer system )um)ing to e0uali:e the fuel in the t+o +ing tan/s,
Stall Wrn
To inhibit the stall +arning system )ress this button after o)ening the safety co*er 1right2
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page @
&A4 Signs
Turn the )assenger seatbelt signs off or on,
Test- reset- arm or turn on the cabin emergency lights,
H:D &UM&
Set the hydraulic system )um) function, Placing the /nob in the A(T$ selection is standard
FMS Al"#anu!eri, +e"a'
=0N@E: set the ma) dis)lay scale,
1(arro#: o)en and close the 'direct2to' +ay)oint function,
ME'(: o)en FMS sub2menus,
FPL: *ie+ the flight)lan loaded into the FMS,
P=O': o)en and close the )rocedures menu,
'L=: clear current entry,
ENT: acce)t the current entry,
F;S: Scroll through the a*ailable information dis)lays on the )anel screen, ?hen a
data field is acti*e use the /nob to enterCselect information,
0l)ha an" num&er $eys: used to enter a na*igation +ay)oint +hen using the direct2to
function, First turn the FMS /nob to acti*ate the datafield- and then )ress the
al)hanumeric /eys to enter the desired +ay)oint,
LD2 2ear
(se the le*er to raise and lo+er the landing gear, To silence the landing gear +arning horn
)res the ?%' &'9&= button,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page >
Ele,tri,al= Fire E>tinguis#er an' Engine Start1Sto" &anel
This sub2)anel is located belo+ the )ilot's side +indo+ in the 8"- or o)ened by )ressing the
'electric )lug' icon 1KS9&FTLKRL4 on the simicon )anel,
2en /13
Set the toggles to )ut on2line the engine 1 and generators, Standard setting is A(T$,
?hen the )ar/ing bra/e has been set for a))ro.imately A0 seconds to one minute the
7round Po+er (nit +ill be a*ailable to )o+er the aircraft, Press this button to connect the
7P( to the aircraft's electrical system,
*us Tie
(se the /nob to set the electrical bus that is )o+ering the aircraft, Standard setting is A(T$,
*att /13
(se the toggles to connect the batteries to the aircraft's electrical system,
Ele, E!er
Po+ers only the aircraft's *ital systems in the e*ent of an electrical failure,
Eng Fire E>tinguis#er
S9(T$FF 1C F in the e*ent of an engine fire- after o)ening the safety co*er- )ress the
button to initiate an emergency shutdo+n of the selected engine,
=$TTLE F in the e*ent of an engine fire set the s+itch to B&S9 to acti*ate the fire
e.tinguisher system,
Eng Start1Sto"
The engine start and sto) functions are fully automatic, To start an engine turn the /nob to
the STA%T )osition and release, Buring flight o)erations the startCsto) /nobs should be in the
%(' )osition, To shut do+n an engine turn the /nob to the ST$P )osition,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page 5
Eng Ignition
Set the engine ignition system using these toggle s+itches, Standard )rocedure is to set the
ignition system to A(T$,
The 6A? and %$LL selectors are use if it is necessary to trim the aircraft's flight control
&it,# *+&
Set the )itch trim using this toggle s+itch,
Center &e'estal
3 Throttle le*ers, 1you cannot )ress TO/GA button
on the thrust le2ers Dse the +cheat+ &utton
locate" on the main )anel a&o2e auto)ilot
, Fla) )osition le*er,
A, T$ "$'F&7 F clic/ this button to chec/ the
aircraft's ta/eoff configuration,
!, Emergency =ra/e le*er,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A0
Each engine is controlled by t+o FABE"S +hich control fuel flo+ to the engines to reach the
re0uired fan s)eeds,
Engine start is initiated by turning the associated engine StartCSto) /nob to the STA%T
)osition, There is no AP( on the Phenom, Engine start is electric and uses the aircraft's
batteries or 7P(,
The FABE" is res)onsible for the automatic engine startu) and com)leting the startu) cycle,
Simulation of the throttle control in2flight by the FABE" and autothrottle "S" system re0uires
that your 3oystic/Cyo/eCthrottle 0uadrant thrust le*er be in the full2for+ard )osition after engine
engine run2u) )rior to ta/eoff,
The Phenom does not ha*e a traditional autothrottle system, ?hen in le*el flight at cruise
altitude the "S" button on the glareshield +ill hold the aircraft at the s)eed set using the SPB
/nob, "S" cannot be used during climb or descent,
Bescent- a))roach and landing thrust is controlled by the )ilot,
Engine shutdo+n is initiated by using the Engine StartCSto) /nob +ith the Thrust Le*er
)ositioned at &BLE 1users +ith throttle control- ma/e sure the throttle is calibrated other+ise
hit F1 to bring the engines to com)lete idle4, $nce at your assigned )ar/ing location the
engines must be cooled +ith the throttles in the idle )osition for t+o minutes before they are
shutdo+n, The engines +ill only shutdo+n +hen the throttles are in the idle )osition,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A1
Ta/eoff Fla)s 1
7ross +eight: 81 8% 8 8F%
10;00 5; 5; 10 1;
5;00 5 5 55 1
>;00 >> >5 5< 115
@;00 >! >< 5 11<
Ta/eoff Fla)s
7ross +eight: 81 8% 8 8F%
10;00 5; 5; 10 1;
5;00 5 5 55 1
>;00 >> >5 5< 115
@;00 >! >< 5 11<
Standard Ta/eoff Profile 2
Abo*e ;00' A7L:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,select lateral mode on auto)ilot
Abo*e 1000' A7L:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Auto)ilot $'
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FL" mode $'
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SPB select 1<0 /ts
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%etract fla)s to :ero at 1!0 /ts
Abo*e 1;00' A7L:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,confirm thrust mode "L=
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,S)eed select 1>0 /ts
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"onduct AFTE% TAGE$FF chec/list
Abo*e 1>000:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,set ='G if in 9B7 mode,
'ormal "limb to transition le*el,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>0 G&AS
'ormal "limb abo*e transition le*el,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00 G&AS C M0,;;
S)eed "limb,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00 G&AS C M0,;;
Standard "ruise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 &AS C M0,<1
Long %ange "ruise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150 &AS C M0,;;
Ma.imum Airs)eed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@; &AS C M0,@0
Standard A))roach Profile 2
&nitial a))roach:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00 G&AS +ith gear and fla)s (P
1; nm out:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>0 G&AS +ith gear and fla)s (P
Prior to glideslo)e ca)ture:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1;0 G&AS +ith gear (P and fla)s set F1
1;00' A7L:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gear B$?'- fla)s F or FA- at 8a))
1000' A7L:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,com)lete =EF$%E LA'B&'7 "9E"GL&ST
Prior to landing:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fla)s full 1o)tional4 at 8ref
Landing Fla)s
?eight 8fs 8ac 8ref LB7 Bist,
@100 5 51 !AA
@;00 5! 5 !AA
@500 5< 5! !5>
>A00 11< 55 5@ ;><
>@00 115 100 5> <@@
5100 11 10 101 @<!
5;00 1! 10! 10! ><0
5500 1< 10< 10< 5;
Landing Fla)s ACF(LL
?eight 8fs 8ac 8ref LB7 Bist,
@100 5 51 ;
;@00 5! 51 ;
@500 5< 51 ;
>A00 11< 55 5 ;
>@00 115 100 5; ;A
5100 11 10 5@ <0<
5;00 1! 10! 55 <5
5500 1< 10< 101 @>!
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A
T&%E 7%$('B SPEEB L&M&T
Ma.imum S)eed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1A5 G&AS
%etraction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>0 G&AS
E.tension,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>0 G&AS
E.tended,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;0 G&AS
MA'E(8E%&'7 SPEEB 18A4
8A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>@ G&AS
Fla) 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00 G&AS
Fla) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1>0 G&AS
Fla) A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1!; G&AS
Fla) F(LL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1!; G&AS
8L$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;0 G&AS
8LE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@; G&AS
8M$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@; G&AS
Ma.imum Ta/eoff and Landing Tail+ind "om)onent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 /t
MA#&M(M %E"$MME'BEB "%$SS?&'B
Ma.imum Ta/eoff and Landing "ross+ind "om)onent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1@ /t
SE%8&"E "E&L&'7S
Ma.imum Altitude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!1-000 ft
Ma.imum Ta/eoff and Landing Altitudes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10-000 ft
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page AA
&#eno! /00 Nor!al C#e,-lists
"$"GP&T C "A=&' SAFET6 "9E"G
Bocuments- Manuals and "harts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$' =$A%B
Electrical Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Fuel Pum)s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A(T$
Fuel #F%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$FF
96B Pum),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Auto
9eating Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
&ce Protection Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Landing 7ear Le*er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B$?'
Pressuri:ation Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Air "onditioning Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
Fire E.tinguisher Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
StartCSto) Gnobs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ST$P
Fla) Le*el,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NE%$
Par/ing =ra/e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
=EF$%E E'7&'E STA%T
Lights,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
Engine &gnition,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A(T$
Thrust Le*ers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&BLE
7P(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
Par/ing =ra/es,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
Fuel Xuantity and =alance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Test Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TEST
&F '$ 7P(
=attery 8oltage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Air "onditioning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$FF
ABSCA$A 9eater,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$' &F &"&'7
%ight Engine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STA%T
Altimeters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET "%$SS"9E"G
TC$ Tem) C AT%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
?eather %adar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STA'B=6E
TC$ S)eeds C Acceleration Altitude,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET C "9E"G
Flight Birector C AF"S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
"$M C 'A8 C Trans)onder,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
Ta.i C Ta/eoff =riefing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"$MPLETE
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A!
&MMEB&ATEL6 P%&$% T$ E'7&'E STA%T
=attery 8oltage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
ABSCA$A 9eater,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$' &F &"&'7
Engine &nstruments,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Electrical Emergency,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G 1as re0uired4
Air "onditioning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A(T$
Flight "ontrolls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,F%EE A'B "$%%E"T
Trims,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G A'B SET
Fla)s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET F$% TAGE$FF
TC$ Tem) C AT%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8E%&F6
&ce Protection,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
Ta/eoff "onfiguration,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Flight &nstruments,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
"AS Messages,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
&ce Protection,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
Landing 7ear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(P
6a+ Bam)er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$'
"L&M= T%A'S&T&$' ALT&T(BE
Altimeters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET A'B "%$SS"9E"G
Signs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AS %EX(&%EB
?indshield 9eating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$'
?indshield 9eating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$'
Pressuri:ation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G LFE
&cing "onditions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8E%&F6
Landing S)eeds,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A;
T%A'S&T&$' LE8EL
Altimeters,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET A'B "%$SS"9E"G
Signs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PEB C =ELTS
Fuel #F%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$FF
A))roach =riefing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"$MPLETE
=EF$%E LA'B&'7
Landing 7ear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B$?' T9%EE 7%EE'
Fla)s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET F$% LA'B&'7
6a+ Bam)er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$FF
Thrust Le*ers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&BLE F$% M&'(TES
Par/ing =ra/e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SET
9eating Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
&ce Protection Panel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9E"G
Air "onditioning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$FF
StartCSto) Gnobs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ST$P
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A<
E&"AS messages inform the )ilot of aircraft system status, The follo+ing messages are
simulated 2
A9%S 12 FA&L
&ndicated Attitude and 9eading %eference System 1A9%S4 has failed,
Auto)ilot function is no longer o)erati*e,
The auto)ilot diagnostics are re)orting a )ossible fault or malfunction,
A(%AL ?%' FA&L
Aural +arning system has failed and no audio +arnings +ill be issued,
=ATT 12 $FF =(S
The indicated battery is offline,
=ATT B&S"9A%7
=attery is discharging under normal o)eration and is not being charged,
=LEEB 12 $FF
&ndicated bleed )ressure regulator and shut2off *al*e closed,
"A= ALT&T(BE 9&
Passenger cabin atmos)heric )ressure is abo*e safe limits,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A@
B2& ?&'7ST= FA&L
?ings and tail deice system has failed,
B2& E 12 FA&L
The indicated engine anti2ice system has failed,
B2& E 12 $'
The indicated engine anti2ice system is o)erating,
B2& ?&'7ST= $'
?ing and tail deice system is on,
B" =(S 12 $FF
&ndicated B" bus is offline,
B$$%=A7 AFT $PE'
"re+ baggage door is o)en,
B$$%=A7 F?B $PE'
For+ard baggage door is o)en,
B$$% EME% $PE'
"abin emergency door is o)en,
B$$% PA# $PE'
Passenger door is o)en,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A>
E 12 $&L L$ P%ES
$il )ressure for indicated engine is lo+,
E 12 FA&L
&ndicated engine has failed,
ELE" EME%7E'"6
Engine electric generators are offline,
EME% =(S $FF
Emergency electrical bus is offline,
EME%7 LT $'
The cabin emergency lights are illuminated,
E'7 F&%E 12
The indicated engine is on fire,
The flight director diagnostics are re)orting a )ossible fault or
The fight director has failed and +ill not function,
F&%E =$TTL L$? 12
The indicated engine fire su))ression bottle is lo+,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page A5
Aircraft is unable to e.tend or retract fla)s,
F(EL 12 L$ LE8EL
&ndicated fuel tan/ le*el is lo+,
F(EL 12 L$ P%ES
&ndicated fuel system )ressuri:ation is lo+,
Fuel le*els bet+een left and right tan/s e.ceed safe o)eration limits,
Fuel cross2feed )um) has failed,
&ndicated fuel )um) has failed,
Fuel 0uantity asymmetry corrected and #FEEB S$8 is o)en,
7E' 12 $FF =(S
&ndicated engine electric generator offline,
7P?S &'$P
The ground )ro.imity +arning system is not functioning,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !0
96B L$ P%ES
9ydraulic system )ressuri:ation is lo+,
'$ T$ "$'F&7
Aircraft ta/eoff configuration chec/ has not been chec/ed,
S9EB =(S $FF
The indicated electrical bus is off,
S?PS 9T%12 FA&L
&ndicated Stall ?arning H Protection System 1S?PS4 heater has failed,
Stall ?arning System acti*ation angles antici)ated due to icing conditions
?S9LB 9T% 12 FA&L
&ndicated +indshield heater has failed,
6a+ dam)ener is no long o)erati*e,
6a+ dam)ener diagnostics are re)orting a )ossible fault or malfunction,
6B $FF
6a+ dam)ener has been disconnected,
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !1
AF"S F automatic flight control system 1auto)ilot4
A7L F abo*e ground 1run+ay4 le*el
AT% F automatic thrust reser*e
=A%$ 2 barometer
"AS F cre+ alerting system
"S" F cruise control s)eed
ELT F emergency lighting
FABE" 2 full authority digital engine 1or electronics4 control
FL" F flight le*el change
7P( F ground )o+er unit
9S& F hori:ontal situation indicator
96B F hydraulic
LB7 2 landing
LFE F landing field ele*ation
MFB F multi2function dis)lay
PFB F )rimary flight dis)lay
%AB ALT F radio altimeter
TC$ 2 ta/eoff
T$C7A F ta/eoff or go2around
82s)eeds F aircraft reference s)eeds
81: ta/eoff decision s)eed
8: te/eoff safety s)eed
8ac: a))roach climb s)eed 1s)eed to climb on
a single engine or climb during a go2
8a): a))roach s)eed
8fs: final segment s)eed 1s)eed for final
segment of flight +ith gear and fla)s
8r: ta/eoff rotation s)eed
8ref: landing reference s)eed
#F% 2 transfer
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !
Producer: 8ictor %ac:
Lead Programmer: Ale. Goshtere/
Flight Bynamics: Ale. Goshtere/
Shane $lguin
B Art: Ale.andr Emelyano*
8yachesla* Fomin
AB Art: Ale.andr Emelyano*
Animation Ale.andr Emelyano*
8yachesla* Fomin
Bmitriy =, Shtefano*
Porting: 8yachesla* Fomin
Bmitriy =, Shtefano*
Manual: ?, Ba*id Scobie
Testers: 'eil Perrin
?, Ba*id Scobie
First $fficer 8oice: ?, Ba*id Scobie
Sound: Turbine Sound Studios
S)ecial than/s: Em)resa =rasileira de AeronYutica- S, A, 1=ra:ilian
Aeronautics "om)any- &nc,D Embraer4
&#eno! SU&&)RT:
feelThere forum 1registration reEuire"!: htt):CCforum,iemit,com
The Embraer "om)any: htt):CC+++,embraer,com
TSS: htt):CC+++,turbinesoundstudios,com
(nited States Federal
A*iation Administration
Air)ort "harts: htt):CCaerona*,faa,go*Cinde.,as)Z.mlSaerona*Ca))licationsCdPt))
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !A
All )hotogra)hs and gra)hics are o+ned by feelThere e.ce)t as noted,
All referenced )roducts- trademar/s and brand names are )roducts- trademar/s or registered
trademar/s of the res)ecti*e o+ners,
FeelThere and associated logos are registered trademar/s,
Bisclaimer: at the time of )ublication all information in this manual and lin/s to e.ternal
resources are correct to the best of the de*elo)ment team's /no+ledge,
The air)ort charts included +ith this soft+are are out2of2date and not to be used for real +orld
a*iation, The air)ort- de)arture and arri*al charts )ro*ided +ith this soft+are are for
entertainment )ur)oses only, The charts +ere )ublished by the (nited State Federal A*iation
Administration 1FAA4 and are in the )ublic domain and not co)yright )rotected, The FAA does
not endorse or recommend a )ri*ate industry )roduct,
The use of this )roduct is restricted to the )ri*ate domain, (sage of this )roduct for any
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contact feelThere- &nc, at salesOfeelthere,com
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Additional res)onsibilities- restrictions and co)yrights are outlined in the End (ser License
Agreement 1E(LA4 )ro*ided +hen the soft+are +as installed,
011 2 ALL %&79TS %ESE%8EB
Fersion 39
feelThere LE: Phenom 100 by Embraer Page !!

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