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Device Management Plan

North Pitt High School


Curriculum Goals and Integration Plans:
1. Empower students to be digitally literate.
2. Develop 21st century skills through blended lessons and learning that is project based in order to
prepare students for enrollment, employment, or enlistment.
3. Increase student engagement through differentiated and collaborative instruction including remediation,
acceleration, and/or student choice.
4. Model digital citizenship and produce students who are actively engaged in becoming productive and
ethical members of the world wide web.
5. Foster students to be innovative, creative and constantly evolving.
6. Students will understand and demonstrate responsibility for an electronic device both in its physical
nature and its ability to disseminate both professional and personal information.

Grading Policies/Instruments
This class will be utilizing a number of digital tools such as Google Apps, Twitter, Edmodo, Folett Shelf, Padlet,
YouTube, StudyIsland, etc. Students must maintain usernames and password for all sites as teacher directs.

Most documents will be submitted online and will be accompanied by a timestamp, meaning it will be easy to
track your timeliness. You will be held accountable based on your digital timestamp when submitting
assignments. All late work may result in point deductions.

Policy Issues

The devices are owned and maintained by Pitt County Schools. Each student will be responsible for ONE
numbered device. The number will be assigned by the teacher.

Taking the Device Home:
You will be unable to take the device home for any reason. But, remember, all of your information will be
maintained in the cloud, and you will be able to access from any device with internet access.

Damage, Theft, Loss, General Misuse:
All students are responsible for their assigned device. Proper handling of the devices software, hardware, and
general physical state is required for device usage.

Students are required to follow all PCS regulations and the Acceptable Use Policy (refer to the Student
Handbook) regarding digital usage in order to use the device.

Students may lose ability to use the technology device based on teachers discretion regarding
use/maintenance of the device.

General Expectations/Procedures:
1. Student will retrieve and return the device assigned to them from the charging cart as directed. The
teacher will model this procedure.
2. All students should inspect their computer upon retrieval and report any damage to the teacher
3. When transporting the device, students must hold the device with both hands on the base at all times.
4. Device must be placed flat (on their bottom) on the desktop or educational surface at all times.
5. Policy regarding food/drinks will be adhered to when using the device.
6. Students must be on the correct (assigned) website and have the correct number of tabs open at all
7. All virtual posts and videos must be topic-relevant, respectful, and use appropriate language or actions.
8. Use of non-educational games (as deemed by the teacher) will not be tolerated.
9. Use of headphones is only appropriate when instructed by the teacher.

Inappropriate use of the device or network (i.e. purposeful destruction, negligence, viewing
inappropriate sites, etc.) will result in a classroom consequence and/or a disciplinary referral.

By signing this contract, both the parent and student, have read and understand policies and
procedures for the use of technology devices in the classroom. It is the understanding of the parent
that by signing this contract you are giving permission for your child to be included in various photos
and videos for educational use. A copy of this document will be on the teachers website for your

Parent/Guardian Printed Name: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature/Date: _____________________________________________

Student Printed Name: ____________________________________________________

Student Signature/Date: ____________________________________________________

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