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A hydraulic press is a device (see machine press) using a hydraulic cylinder to generate a

compressive force. It uses the hydraulic equivalent of a mechanical lever, and was also known as
a Bramah press after the inventor, Joseph Bramah, of ngland. !e invented and was issued a
patent on this press in "#$%. As Bramah (who is also known for his development of the flush
toilet) installed toilets, he studied the e&isting literature on the motion of fluids and put this
knowledge into the development of the press.'"(
" *rinciple
+ Applications
, In popular culture
- .eferences
/he hydraulic press depends on *ascal0s principle1 the pressure throughout a closed system is
constant. 2ne part of the system is a piston acting as a pump, with a modest mechanical force
acting on a small cross3sectional area4 the other part is a piston with a larger area which
generates a correspondingly large mechanical force. 2nly small3diameter tu5ing (which more
easily resists pressure) is needed if the pump is separated from the press cylinder.
*ascal0s law1 *ressure on a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished and acts with equal force
on equal areas and at $6 degrees to the container wall.
A fluid, such as oil, is displaced when either piston is pushed inward. /he small piston, for a given
distance of movement, displaces a smaller amount of volume than the large piston, which is
proportional to the ratio of areas of the heads of the pistons. /herefore, the small piston must 5e
moved a large distance to get the large piston to move significantly. /he distance the large piston
will move is the distance that the small piston is moved divided 5y the ratio of the areas of the
heads of the pistons. /his is how energy, in the form of work in this case, is conserved and the
7aw of )onservation of nergy is satisfied. 8ork is force applied over a distance, and since the
force is increased on the larger piston, the distance the force is applied over must 5e decreased.
Bramah0s 5asic idea is also e&ploited in hydroforming.
!ydraulic *ress in a machine shop. /his press is commonly used for hydroforming.
!ydraulic presses are commonly used for forging, clinching, moulding, 5lanking, punching, deep
drawing, and metal forming'+( operations.

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