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A hand that writes and a hand that scrawls -- what is the big difference between them?
Well, if the designation is considered, truly, there lies a big distinction for always, the
teacher writes, and the student scrawls!
You can write when youve learned a lot, and learning never gets it ultimate
manifestation unless you impart your nowledge to others! "earning does not stop even
then, but by then, you feel you now something! #o you might tae up the pen, and
write, something what so ever!
$n my conception, the teacher resembles a person who is above the average -- average
people, average mentality, average standards! $ believe that all men, who are average,
are born with the same caliber and capabilities% e&cept for a few, who later turn out to
be teachers! 'hey are, to me, better than the rest, with stronger shoulders to tae the
responsibilities of the creed, stronger arms to support the faltering nations!
'hey say that, a child of today is the citi(en of tomorrow! )ut who moulds the lump of
earth into an entity of artistic e&cellence? A teacher does! Who watches the tiny buds
unfurl their petals? A teacher does! A teacher does not refer to a person teaching the
school-going crowds, but a person to whom you can e&pectantly loo up at any time
with the assurance that nowledge will be imparted to you at any turn of the game!
*resently, the number of real teachers is scarce! +ur creed, our nation, , our world
need teachers, not in the literal, but the spiritual implication of the term! 'eachers lie
Aristotle, *lato, #ocrates, who embraced death as a conse-uence of imparting true
nowledge, and thus paved the path of truth by their demise!
'hus teaching seems to be a thanless profession now! 'rue it is, that finance is
intermittently related with teaching now, and its a lucrative profession for the masses
who earn a fortune by it! )ut readers, we are taling about teachers here, not
businessmen!! 'here are a still a handful of people who can educate .ust for teaching,
and not for maing a future of others incapacities!
'eachers, as yesteryears bear testimony to, are always glorified when they are history,
never when they are present! 'eaching was never included in the /+wners *ride
0eighbors 1ealousy2 bracets ---- for teachers are not ma.ority lie the bureaucrats or
administrative officials! 'rue teachers are really scarce today!

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