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Aoqost 19-20, 2014

67 Pow llkely are you Lo voLe ln Lhe AugusL 26
8epubllcan prlmary elecLlons?

LxLremely llkely 92
very llkely 3
SomewhaL llkely 3

now, l am golng Lo read you a llsL of names. lease lndlcaLe wheLher you have a favorable or
unfavorable oplnlon of each.

8*' 9*''*44

lavorable 38
unfavorable 14
noL sure 49

:&,; :,/*2

lavorable 31
unfavorable 31
noL sure 19

<=#$54$'* >&'*5

lavorable 30
unfavorable 44
noL sure 26

?#('@ )$;;5

lavorable 12
unfavorable 29
noL sure 39

A/&44 A1$4=

lavorable 36
unfavorable 23
noL sure 40

"'B#*C D=&1(5

lavorable 20
unfavorable 40
noL sure 40

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for Covernor were held Loday, whlch of Lhe followlng
candldaLes would you voLe for: ken 8enneLL, uoug uucey, ChrlsLlne !ones, lrank 8lggs, ScoLL
SmlLh, or Andrew 1homas?

8enneLL 14
uucey 32
!ones 16
8lggs 2
SmlLh 19
1homas 7
noL sure 10

now, l am golng Lo read you Lwo names. lease lndlcaLe wheLher you have a favorable or
unfavorable oplnlon of each.

D&1 E&#'*

lavorable 33
unfavorable 43
noL sure 22

F(#@ 9#'&G$/=

lavorable 26
unfavorable 18
noL sure 37

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for ALLorney Ceneral were held Loday, whlch of Lhe
followlng candldaLes would you voLe for: 1om Porne or Mark 8rnovlch?

Porne 37
8rnovlch 40
noL sure 24

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for SecreLary of SLaLe were held Loday, whlch of Lhe
followlng candldaLes would you voLe for: Wll Cardon, !usLln lerce, or Mlchele 8eagan?

Cardon 13
lerce 30
8eagan 32
noL sure 23

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for SLaLe 1reasurer were held Loday, whlch of Lhe
followlng candldaLes would you voLe for: !eff ueWlL, Pugh Pallman, or 8andy ullen?

ueWlL 23
Pallman 19
ullen 21
noL sure 37

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for SuperlnLendenL of ubllc lnsLrucLlon were held Loday,
whlch of Lhe followlng candldaLes would you voLe for: !ohn PuppenLhal or ulane uouglas?

PuppenLhal 34
uouglas 39
noL sure 28

67 lf Lhe 8epubllcan prlmary elecLlon for CorporaLe Commlsslon were held Loday, whlch of Lhe
followlng candldaLes would you voLe for: 1om lorese, uoug LlLLle, Lucy Mason, or vernon

LlLLle 29
lorese 12
Mason 17
arker 17
noL sure 26

67 And slnce you can voLe for Lwo candldaLes, who would be your second cholce?

LlLLle 14
lorese 23
Mason 17
arker 14
noL sure 31

67 uo you supporL Lhe goals and ldeals of Lhe 1ea arLy?

?es 33
no 23
noL sure 20


F*B$( F(#@*4
1uCSCn (SlL88A vlS1A) 14
?uMA-LL CLn18C 3
PCLnlx (8LSCC11) 83

0(#42 "HH$.$(4$&'
8epubllcan 87
lndependenL or any oLher parLy 13

lemale 32
Male 48

18 Lo 39 12
40 Lo 34 27
33 Lo 63 23
66 or older 36

WhlLe 86
Plspanlc or LaLlno 6
naLlve Amerlcan 2
CLher 7

very ConservaLlve 44
SomewhaL ConservaLlve 36
ModeraLe 17
Llberal 2
noL sure 1

1be somple slze fot tbe sotvey ls 812 llkely votets ooJ tbe motqlo of ettot ls -/-J.44X. 1be
lotetoctlve volce kespoose (lvk) ootomoteJ telepbooe sotvey wos cooJocteJ Aoqost 19-20,
2014 by notpet lollloq. 1be totol petceotoqes fot tespooses moy oot epool 100X Joe to

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