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Pepper, the robot which reads emotions.

Pepper is the first robot that is able to interpret

emotions in the world. He is able to teasing, dancing
and among other qualities of entertainment. The
robot can teach himself from the interaction with
people. It has a head and jointed limbs and it moves
with wheels installed on his lower body also has a
battery life of 12 hours. 'Pepper' will be released in
February 2015 for an estimated price of 1,400 euros.
The Japanese telecommunications company Softbank
say that talk to 'Pepper' is 'naturally' and is like a
human interlocutor. Its amazing how the technology
its growing so fast, naturally we are programmed to
envolve as fast as we can, but certainly we should
first understand the world around us before trying to
change it. Maybe future looks scary for someone or
amazing to others, but just the time will tell what is
going to happen.

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