Way of Thinking and Prevented All of This, I Always Think, Until I Realise That If He Had Never Taken This

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Advent Children: Brave New World

Many years ago, before the year 513 where this is story is based, an event took plae that destroyed
!any lives and the planet itself" the planet where #$! originally fro!% # wo&ldn$t be here now if #
wasn$t infeted with the geostig!a that plag&ed everyone when # was a hild% # lost !any friends
and fa!ily !e!bers, espeially hi! ' Clo&d% (e took !e into shelter and ared for !e, as well as
# tr&ly did believe # was the last straw when # fo&nd o&t he lost against *ephiroth, when the
world began to r&!ble% B&t so!ehow # knew he was still alive% # o&ld feel hi! aro&nd !e ' it
was like he was there right behind !e, b&t everyti!e # t&rned aro&nd, there was no one to be seen%
)he tho&ght of being on a new planet, all on !y own with no fa!iliar faes aro&nd !e
sared !e b&t, #$! not s&re how, Clo&d bro&ght the! here ' he bro&ght everyone+ )ifa, Marlene
and Barret, ,&ffie, -inent, Cid, .ed and Cait, that # all a!e to know very well%
)hey told !e stories abo&t Clo&d, how his /o&rney began, where he was fro!% )hey told !e
everything Clo&d had told the! abo&t his ho!e and everyone he !et% )hey told !e abo&t how he
one walked on the sa!e side with *ephiroth and how he ad!ired hi! ' how he wanted to be
e0atly like hi!% If only he knew what would become of him and maybe he might've had a different
way of thinking and prevented all of this, # always think, &ntil # realise that if he had never taken this
path, # wo&ld$ve never !et hi! and # wo&ld not be the individ&al # a! now" # wo&ld not be here%
Many ask !e now what had happened on the old planet before this one% )hose who were
born on this planet are !ade to believe there wasn$t a planet prior to this one% B&t ask !e what had
happened and # wo&ld tell yo& this: # had lost !y parents to an &nwarranted ollision fro! parts of
another b&ilding, # had lost an idol thro&gh trying to save the planet, d&e to !y illness that # had #
have been transitioned into a life on a planet far away and &nnat&ral, ontrolled by one !an% And
that !an is *ephiroth% Co&ld yo& even all hi! a !an1 Considering the nat&re he was !ade and
what he had done to everyone1 )o !y ho!e1 )o Clo&d1
And this is where this story begins% )his story has yet to end, and # will not let *ephiroth
take the liberty in ending it for !e% (e was heard to have asked Clo&d d&ring the battle per!ission
to take everything Clo&d herished the !ost in life away fro! hi!% B&t *ephiroth, yo& failed to do
e0atly that as we are all still here, and we are all here to take everything that yo& herish away
fro! yo& ' this new planet%
)he tr&k bobbed &p and down the r&bble as Barret drove towards the b&nker in whih the
.ebellion took ref&ge in as the ity of New Midgar fell viti! to heavy shelling fro! the now,
*ephiroth owned *etor 2 whih had been reb&ilt when *ephiroth !ade the new planet known as
#lya% 3en4el !erged his fae with his se!i5a&to!ati !ahine g&n as the bobbing !ade hi!
na&seo&s and lethargi% Barret looked bak in annoyane at 3en4el$s inability to keep wath of their
s&rro&ndings and let o&t a sharp slap to the ar! with his large, dry hands, shaking 3en4el and
ereting hi! fro! his sl&!ber%
67et &p, fool+ )his ain$t no ti!e for no nap+8
6(ow long do we have &ntil we$re at the hekpoint18
6Not &ntil another 9: !in&tes, now get yo&r ass &p and get to wathin$+ 3on$t want to be
dyin$ o&t here when #$ve got Marlene waitin$ for !e bak there+8 3en4el r&nhed his fae &p in
annoyane at Barret$s rant% A lo&d r&!ble was heard fro! a distane whih sent the tr&k /&!ping
off the gro&nd several feet%
6What was that+8 Barret boo!ed as he r&nhed at the gears with his hands and threw his
feet to the pedal, aelerating the tr&k at e0eptional speed% A large shadow had for!ed above
the! as an enor!o&s winged beast that looked like it was wielded o&t of galvanised !etal stor!ed
towards the two rebels at enor!o&s speed%
6,o& ontrol the ar whilst # shoot this !other f&ker down+8 3en4el st&!bled to the front
as Barret threw hi!self on the passenger seat ne0t to hi!% 3en4el$s hands began to sweat as he
steered the heavy vehile with Barret targeting the large beast with his g&n5ar!%
6C$!on, fool+ 3rive faster+8 Barret pro!pted as the de!oni birdlike reat&re 4oo!ed into
their vehile% 3en4el felt his sto!ah aid rawl &p into his !o&th in fear as the sreehing of the
beast penetrated in his ears% 3en4el reahed o&t for the walkie talkie that was stashed &nder the
driver$s seat with inreasingly !oist hands and began to !o&th voieless ries of help into the
6)5)ifa+ ,&ffie+ Anyone+ We need bak&p i!!ediately+ We$re approahing the A9:
!otorway, so&th bo&nd b&t we have tro&ble+8 )he walkie talkie raked for a several seonds that
see!ed to go on for !in&tes &ntil a soffing Cid responded with:
6What kinda tro&ble we talkin$ $bo&t18
6)he kind we fo&ght in year 5:: at the Midgar !on&!ent+8
63a!n, not that thing again+ We$re on o&r way o&t now, hold on a lil$ bit longer, sport+8
3en4el threw the walkie talkie bak into the foot area of the vehile as a perpet&al so&nd of
sreehing, shooting and lo&d r&!bling fro! the beast$s poor atte!pts at tarnishing the vehile
r&ng in the bakgro&nd% )hey had another 1: !in&tes to go &ntil they were anywhere near the
entrane of the well hidden b&nker they established%
Not long after 3en4el deployed his all for assistane, a piering shooting o&ld be heard
fro! above whih drilled into the beast with br&tal fore, eno&gh to sla&ghter the beast to the
gro&nd and ens&re Barret$s and 3en4el$s life for a little bit longer% A ladder toppled down towards
the tr&k as Barret and 3en4el sw&ng in !id5air to the airraft that was driven by Cid% 3en4el
la!bered to the top, with his nails digging into

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