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(At the bus stop)

Tamara: Hello, Barbara, ho are !ou to"a!#
Barbara: I$m %&'e, tha'(s) *ou#
Tamara: Oh, I$m %&'e, too) But I$m t&re" o% th&s +ol" eather)
Barbara: ,e, too) At least &t$s su''!)
Tamara: *es, that helps a lot) Here +omes the bus)
(The to ome' -et o' the bus)
Barbara (to the bus "r&.er): Goo" mor'&'-)
Tamara: Goo" mor'&'-)
Bus Dr&.er: Hello, la"&es) N&+e to see !ou o' m! bus th&s mor'&'-)
Barbara: /e 'ee" to tra's%er at the h&-h s+hool)
Bus Dr&.er: O)K) I$m ru''&'- o' t&me to"a!, so e$ll be there to meet !our
'umber 0 bus)
Tamara: Goo") I "o'$t l&(e to be late %or +olle-e)
Barbara: A'" m! boss +ompla&'s &% I$m late %or or()
Bus Dr&.er: I ('o) Nobo"! a'ts to be late)

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