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Welcome to Social Studies!

Miss Easterlys Expectations and

6th and 7th grade
What Will I be learning this Year?
(6th grade)
What Will I be learning this Year?
(7th grade)
Hello and Welcome!
First Days Foldable
1. Expectations/ Classroom Rules
2. Entering/ Exiting the Classroom
3. Planner
4. If you are Absent/Being Tardy
5. Bathroom Pass/ Sharpening Pencils
6. Official Warning
1. Expectations- Classroom Rules
Be appropriate
Listen and follow directions
Respect your classmates and your teachers
Raise your hand to get out of your seat
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
No cell phones out
Thank you!
Entering the Classroom
This class will run smoothly if you enter the
room quietly, and quickly sit down and begin
writing down the weekly planner.

2. Entering the Classroom
Please enter quietly and find your seat
Take out your school planner and write down
Pull out weekly planner and copy the learning
Make sure you have your voting card ready
Have any work that is to be turned in on your
A successful student is quiet and ready when
the bell rings
Listening Skills
Bell starts class
All talking must stop. All students will carefully
listen to instructions and directions for the day
Questions or Comments: Students can ask
questions only when I have opened the discussion
for questions. You will hear me say Are there any
Off task questions and comments slow the class
and gives you less time to complete classwork,
often resulting in more homework for you

3. Weekly Planner
Everyday in the beginning of class, you will
write down the learning goal and history briefs
on a piece of paper, NOT in your school
You will, however, write down the homework
in your school planner
Learning Objectives and History Briefs
Students will write current date each
day. (ex. 8/25/14)

Students will write down the learning
objective from the white board each

Next, students will write out the
History Briefs and the answer to the
multiple choice question
History Briefs Procedures
Two to three questions per day

Use the same sheet of paper all week

Start writing your History Briefs directly under the
Learning Objective

Copy questions exactly as they appear on the screen

Write out the answer on your paper after the answer
has been given next to questions and circle/ highlight
the answer
4. If you are Absent
If you are absent, you can view the weekly
planner on my teacher page
If you dont have internet access, you can copy
the planner from another student
To receive full credit on the weekly planner,
you need to have the full week copied. You
cannot write absent on your paper
In the back of the classroom there is a crate
labeled While you were out
Entering Late/ being Tardy
If you choose to be tardy, please enter the room
Go to your seat quietly
Quickly join the activity and get the papers you
may need
Note: I track all tardies
If you are not writing in your planner by the
time the bell rings you are considered tardy
5. Sharpening your Pencil
Be prepared with the necessary materials daily-
this is one of your responsibilities of being a
If your pencil breaks, you should have extras
availableHOWEVER, if you absolutely need a
pencil, there are a few in the back of the

Pencils continued
Under the sink there is a jar of pencils- you
may borrow one during the class period
Please return the pencil to the jar once I
dismiss the class
5. Bathroom Procedure
Each student will get 8 bathroom passes for each
If you need to use the restroom, please write your
name on the pass and the date, tear it out and
place on my desk
Pick up a pass on the way out
Unused passes can be turned in for extra credit at
the end of the quarter

2. Packing up/ Exiting the Room
We will be working up until the bell
Please wait to pack up until I give you
permission - our class time is short!
Make sure the desks are straight and the floor
is clean
Once I dismiss you, you make exit the room in
an orderly manner
Be Appropriate and Respectful

All behavior in school can be summed up in two words:

appropriate and respectful

Are your actions appropriate and respectful?

If the answer is no, your actions are inappropriate.

Feel free to do anything that doesnt cause a problem for

anyone else.

If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.

If you cant solve it, I will present solutions to the problem.

6. Official Warning
Where are you right now?
answer: In our social studies classroom
If you forget the correct response, just look at
the posters in the front of the classroom for a
If you hear me ask you this question, this
means that I have given you an official warning
Official Warning
If I ask you where you are right now, this is a
way of asking you, in a nice way, to think about
the classroom procedures and expectations and
to follow them
Official Warning
If a student starts to follow the classroom
procedures and expectations right away, there
are no consequences
If, however, a student continues the behavior,
the following will take place
1st time a rule is broken: Warning
2nd time a rule is broken: Time
out/ call home
3rd time a rule is broken: Referral
This is going to be a
great year!

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