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Reponsebilities of OBIEE/ETL/Informatica architech

Design and develop complex Informatica ETL processes that integrate large data sets from multiple
Monitor, troubleshoot, track and document daytoday production issues.
Load data !arehouse ob"ects including dimensions, hierarchies, fact tables and aggregates into data
!arehouse environment.
#reate the metadata layers including physical, semantic and presentation layers.
Demonstrate indepth understanding of Data $arehousing %D$&' and ETL concepts, ETL loading
strategy, Data archiving, Data reconciliation, ETL Error &andling, Error logging mechanism, standards and
best practices.
Develop and maintain Informatica (o!er#enter solutions )ersion *.+ and *.,.
(erform systems and data analysis to implement and optimi-e Informatica mappings and ETL
!orkflo!s, data flo!s, shell scripts and stored procedure.
$ork !ith the business users. commercial managers and analysts to understand and develop
reporting and /I re0uirements.
1ctively participate in design and analysis sessions to ensure sound team decisionmaking
2upport system and user acceptance testing activities, including issue resolution.
Mentor and train IT staff by sharing best practices and lessons learned from past implementation
)ery 2trong 23L and data analysis skills

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