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English Program

C. Duimovic A.
1) Which past dvlopmnts ar th most important to !ou" Wh!"
#) Which $utur dvlopmnts do !ou thin% &ill happn in !our li$tim"
') (o& &ill tomorro& citis ) di$$rnt"
4) Can !ou thin% o$ som &a!s li$ on hundrd !ars ago &as di$$rnt $rom li$
*) What &as !our nigh)orhood li% )$or"
6) Think up suitable in!"#ati!n t! $!#plete these senten$es%
In the past, transportation was bigger bus and slower
I use& t! sh!p at grocery stores
1'' (ea"s a)!* people traveled on foot or in horses for the city
These &a(s* the population is growing so fast
T!&a(* people buy at mall
N!+a&a(s* people drive their cars instead
,!!n* #!st pe!ple a"e )!in) t! +!"k at h!#e-
In .' (ea"s* people travel cities by teletransportation
In the utu"e* in the future the food will be in pills
+) (o&,s th nvironmnt no&ada!s" What &as it li% *- !ars ago"
.) Whr did $amilis us to liv"
/) 0t,s tal% a)out housing. What &as it li% .- !ars ago"
1-)What &ill transportation ) li% in #- !ars"
11) What ar !ou doing no&ada!s"
1#)What do !ou hop to ) doing in 1- !ars"
1')At &hat ag do !ou &ant to rtir" What &ill !ou do"
14)As% m &hr popl usd to shop '- !ars ago.
1*)As% m a)out computr us in th $utur.
11)What &ill happn i$ !ou 2uit smo%ing"
1+)What might happn i$ !ou gt a part-tim 3o)"
1.)What ma! happn i$ !ou at lss sugar"
1/)4inish th sntnc &ith a cons2unc5
I$ &omn &or% outsid th hom6
I$ childrn &atch too man! violnt programs on 786
I$ tachrs do not giv tsts6

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