Thukpa Recipe

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Thukpa- A Tibetan noodle soup, normally served with meat. This version is vegetarian.

Serves 3-4 people as a main course.

cup butter or ghee !clari"ied butter#
$ % tbsp minced ginger
$ % tbsp minced garlic
% medium-si&ed red onion
$ tbsp 'aram masala
$ tsp. (ed chili paste
) medium-si&ed baby red potatoes
$ cup chopped "resh tomato
* % cups water
$+3 package no yolks broad egg noodles
$ cup chopped "resh baby spinach
$-, tbsp soy sauce !or to taste#
, tbsp salt
$ tsp black pepper
$. -oil potatoes to almost so"t
,. .eanwhile, in a large saucepan, "ry onion, ginger, and garlic about $ minute !until transparent#
3. Add all remaining spices !including chili paste# and "ry about $ minute or until the aroma is released
"rom the spices.
4. Add tomatoes and potatoes and "ry about $ minute
*. Add water and bring to a boil
). Add noodles and boil about * minutes, stirring "re/uently.
0. Add spinach and boil another $-, minutes
1. Season with salt, pepper, and soya sauce to taste. Simmer covered "or about % hour.
2. Serve with "latbread or momos !Tibetan dumplings#.

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