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7th Grade
World History
Mrs. Van Beber
(970) 57!"9"5
-&$.. W#B.%/#'
(Goo1le' Van Beber
Welcome back to a new school year
and welcome to University Middle
School! I am so excited to have you in
my World History class! In World
History, you will be furthering your
knowledge of how ancient
civiliations have im!acted the world
today along with having a little fun "
#elow you will $nd information
im!ortant to you and your
!arents%guardians regarding my class
ex!ectations, grading etc" &lease
review with your !arents%guardians
and sign and return the !arent
signature%information form" 's
always, if you ever have any
(uestions or concerns, !lease do not
hesitate to contact me"
~Tonya Van Beber
o Seek and evaluate multi!le
historical sources with
di)erent !oints of view to
investigate a historical
(uestion and to formulate
and defend a thesis with
o Students will understand the
conce!ts of historical eras,
individuals, grou!s, ideas
and themes within regions of
the *astern Hemis!here and
their relationshi!s with one
o Use geogra!hic tools to
gather data and make
geogra!hic inferences and
o *xamine !laces and regions
and the connections among
o Understand the allocation of
scarce resources in societies
through analysis of
individual choice, market
interaction, and !ublic !olicy
o 'c(uire the knowledge and
economic reasoning skills to
make sound $nancial
o 'nalye and !ractice rights,
roles, and res!onsibilities of

Grading and Late Work
Students will receive grades for the following:
o In-class Assignments
o Quizzes/Tests
o Homework
o Silent Reading and ournals
!rades will "e #osted online so #lease check them
Students ma% R'() all assignments during the
course of the unit in an effort to im#rove their
master%* +ork for a unit +I,, -)T "e acce#ted
after taking the unit final test or $uiz*
Behavior Expectations
BARK "ehaviors and following all school
hand"ook rules will "e e.#ected from all students at
all times
Students are e.#ected to follow all school rules
Students will arrive on time to class with work
!um is not allowed/it alwa%s seems to end u#
under m% ta"les
)nl% water is allowed in the classroom
-o "ack#acks/#lease kee# them in %our locker or
with %our advisor
0ollow all directions the first time the% are given
(o not leave the classroom without the teachers
#ermission1 including at the end of class
All #arts of the classroom will "e ke#t clean and
students will clean as necessar% "efore leaving the
Students need to understand that choosing to "reak
a rule has conse$uences which ma% include a ver"al
or written warning1 #hone call to #arents1 time out
from an activit%1 taking a zero for an activit%1 or
referral to 2r* 3irk#atrick 4the 2S 5rinci#al6
Wor3 /*rn %n
*ach class is assigned a turn-in basket
where all work is to be turned in
Work is to be turned in at the
beginning of class or work may be
considered late
&lease never leave work on my desk!
'.W'/S turn it into your class0 drawer"
I1 W234 IS 3*526*, !lease mark the
a!!ro!riate boxes on the assignment
7check the 84#567#8 box9
/o Be1in -lass
,ome in and take seat
+et your :ournal or bell work
Shar!en !encil if necessary
3ead the board and get needed su!!lies
#egin writing in :ournal according to !rom!t
or begin working on #ell Work
Ma3e!29 Wor3
.t*dents are res!onsible for getting their
make u! work
Students are given as many class !eriods
missed to com!lete make-u! work 7e"g" if
you were absent ; class !eriods you have ;
class !eriods after your return to com!lete
Student needs to check make-u! work
folder for missing !a!ers and directions and
6:+e Ho*rs and -lass
#efore school from <=>? to <=@? a"m"
'fter school until about A=A> !"m"
If students have (uestions they are
encouraged to ask them in class or
make arrangements to come in at lunch
time or after school
!arents without login" &lease use as
$++essin1 /e;tboo3 6nline
;>>< *dition of Bhe Courney 'cross Bime
'ccess code D ,?EF*GE<55
Students will not be allowed to remove
books from the classroom because they will
have access to our textbook online this
World History 5ay <<<<< Blo+3<<<<<
5ate .i1ned<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
=&#$.# +o,9lete and 5#/$-H /H%. =$G# 67&> and ret*rn it to ,e
as yo*r ?rst assi1n,ent@
We ha(e read and *nderstand the 7
Grade .o+ial .t*dies syllab*s
in its entirety.
.t*dent 7a,e
=arent 7a,e
=arent #,ail (=lease =rint)'
Aeel Bree to lea(e any +o,,entsC +on+erns or D*estions belo0@
-&$.. W#B.%/# .2BM%..%67 $==46V$&
% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(9lease 9rint ?rst and last
na,e)C +onsent to allo0 ,y st*dent to s*b,it their +lassroo,
+ontrib*tions to 000.t(anbeber.+o, on a +o,9letely (ol*ntary
~Teacher Use ONLY~
On Time Late REDOE
basis. % *nderstand that % 0ill re+ei(e a Bor, (ia e,ail 0ith a =5A
+o9y oB the 0or3 to be s*b,itted and that ,y a99ro(al (ia e,ail is
ne+essary +onsent.
% 56 76/ -67.#7/ to allo0 ,y st*dent to (ol*ntarily +ontrib*te
to the +lass 0ebsite.

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